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The Rock is not falling towards the centre of the earth because there is a contact
force acting on the rock which keeps it on the ground.
2. Both the forces acting on the rock are balanced, which means they are equal in size
and opposite in direction.
3. There could be more than two forces acting on the rock, for example the wind is
blowing, trying to push the rock, but the rock isn't moving because of the friction
between the rock and the ground.
4. Unbalanced or unequal forces can make moving objects slow down. Parachute
makes a falling object slow down
5. When an object is falling quickly, the parachute causes a force of air resistance larger
than the weight of the object.
6. When the parachute first opens, the forces are unbalanced. This unbalanced force
makes the objects slow down.
7. When the object slows, the air resistance decreases, so the forces become balanced
again and the person falls at a constant speed.
8. Unbalanced forces can also make objects change direction.
9. When the ball contacts the tennis racket, the ball pushes on the tennis racket and to
make the ball go back the hitting force must be larger than the force of the pushing
10. Summary

1. When forces are equal in size and opposite in direction, the forces are balanced.
2. Balanced forces cause no change in movement.
3. When forces are not equal in size and/or act in directions that are not opposite, the
forces are unbalanced.
4. Unbalanced forces cause change in movement: speeding up, slowing down, or
changing direction.

11. Questions

1a. Blanched forces are where the size of all the forces are equal, and they are
opposite in direction.
1bi. If there is just a box on the floor, there will only be Contact force and Gravity
1bii. Now, since Arun pushed the box, but it didn't move, the four forces acting are
motion, friction, contact force and weight
2a. The rope is not moving because there is an equal force from each side which is
equal in size and opposite in direction, which won't case a change.
2b. The rope can move towards Team B if the force from Team B increases or Force
from Team A decreases
3ai. The plane is flying at a constant speed because the Thrust and drag are of the
same size and are opposite in direction, which won't cause any change in movement
or speed.
3bii. The plane is not going any Lower or Higher because the Lift and weight are also
equal in size and opposite in direction, which causes it to remain at a constant height.
3bi. For the plane to go faster, the Thrust should increase.
3bii. For the plane to go higher, the lift should increase.
3ci. For the plain to go lower, the lift should decrease.
3cii. For the plane to go faster, the drag should decrease.
4a. The driving force of the train is arrow D.
4b. The force of friction of the locomotive is arrow B.
4c. The force that keeps the train moving in a circle is Arrow C.

12. The standard international unit or SI unit of speed is meters per second. Meters per
second is represented as m/s.
13. Distance = speed X time
14. Speed = Distance/Time
15. Time = Distance/Speed
16. Since the 1930s, the highest possible speed thought of is 1,000,000,000 kilometres
per hour.
17. 3.2 questions

1a. Speed = Distance/Time

1b. The standard scientific unit of speed is m/s (meters per second)
1c. Distance = Speed x Time
1d. Time = Distance/speed
2a. Average speed is 10 m/s
2b. This value is an average speed because at times the sprinters speed could have
accelerated, or he might have slowed down but, nonetheless, he ran 100 meters in
10 seconds so to find an average of an equal division of meters per second, he ran
10 meters per second and one can get that answer by doing 100/10 because speed
= Distance/time
3a. If the car travelled 210 meters in 6 seconds, it travelled 35 meters or 35 m/s.
3b. If the car travelled 210 meters in 14 seconds, it travelled 15 meters or 15 m/s.
3c. If the car travelled at 35 m/s for 14 seconds, the distance it would cover is 490
3d. If the car travelled 1925 meters at a rate of 35 meters per second, the time taken
would be 55 seconds
4a. If a plane travels 8100 km, and it takes 9 hours, it would travel at an average
speed of 900 km/h
4b. If another pane travels at a speed of 800 km/h for 6 hours, it would travel 6400
4c. If a plane travels at a speed of 950 km/h, it would take 7.5 hours to travel 7125
5. If Anna observes that the worm travelled 3 meters in two hours, the average speed
is 1.5 m/h (1.5 meters per hour).

18. Graphs are more useful than words for describing movement because:
1. It is easier to see trends and patterns
2. You can read any value of distance or time during the journey, from the graph
3. Other values such as speed can also calculate from the graph
4. Information about the whole journey can be seen easily
19. Stationary means not moving at a speed of zero, another term for stationary is “at
20. The moment of a force describes it's the turning effect of a force. The moment of a
force depends on:
1. The size of the force (the bigger the force, the bigger the moment)
2. The distance between the position where the force acts and the pivot (the greater
the distance, the greater the moment)
21. The unit of moment comes from the formula itself. Moment = Force X distance. The
unit of Force is newton and the unit of distance is Metre so, naturally, the unit of
moment will be Newton metre or Nm
22. Moment can be calculated from the equation moment = force X distance. The unit of
moment is Nm or Newton metre. Remember to use an upper case N and a lower
case m.
23. 3.4 questions
1a. The word moment in physics describes a force's measure of its tendency to
cause a body to rotate about a specific point or axis
1b. The formula that links moment, force, and distance is Moment = Force X
1c. The unit of moment is Newton metre (Nm)
2. Arun should push on the direction of Arrow A because it will produce the most
moment. The reason I say Arun should push on arrow A because the more the
distance, the more the moment and the arrow A only matches the correct direction
the pushing force should be and has the most distance out of the given options
taking into account the pushing force because Arun has to tighten the nut, not lose it.
3. If Sofia applies a force of 4 newtons (N) on a lever with a distance of 0.12 metres
from the pivot, the total moment caused is 0.48 Nm (Newton metres)
4. If a moment of 1.8 Nm is needed and there is a distance of only 0.09 m, the force
required to produce 1.8 Nm is 20 N (Newtons)
5. If Zara weighs 450 Newtons and sits at a distance of 1.5 Metres from the pivot of
the seesaw, the Moment she produces is 675 Nm. Now, if Sofia weighs 500
Newtons, and has to sit at such a distance on the other side from the pivot that both
people produce equal Nm, she has to sit at a distance of 1.35 meters because she
has to also produce 675 Nm. So 675/500 is 1.35, so she hast to sit at a distance of
1.35 metres from the pivot. 1.35 metres into 500 Newtons equals to 675 Nm.
24. Pressure = Force/Surface area and the unit of pressure is N/m2 (Newton by metre
25. Sometimes, you can use smaller areas such as cm2 (Centimetre squared) so, the
unit of pressure will become N/cm2 (Newton by Centimetre squared).
26. Factors of Pressure:
1. If you increase the force, the force increases. If you reduce the force, the pressure
2. As the Surface area increases, the pressure decreases. As the Surface area
decreases, the pressure increases.
27. Questions of 3.5:
1a. The equation that links pressure, force and surface area is Pressure = Force/
Surface area
1bi. A nail that goes into wood has a sharp point because enough force is applied for
the nail to Peirce the wood and the ail has a very small surface area, so as the
surface area decreases, the pressure increases.
1bii. Shoes for walking on snow are wide and flat because, the larger the surface
area, the lesser the pressure so if the snow shoes are wide, they won't sink in the
snow, and you can walk steadily.
2a. The unit of pressure when the unit of force is newtons for m2 (Metre squared) will
be N/m2
2b. The unit of pressure, when the unit of force is Newtons and the unit of area is
cm2 (Centimetre squared), will be N/cm2
2c. The unit of pressure, when the unit of force is Newtons and surface area is mm2
(Millimetre squared), will be N/mm2
3. If a box has a weight of 60 N, and the area of the box in contact with ground is 0.5
m2, the pressure will be 120 N/m2 because 60/0.5 = 120.
4. If a car has a weight of 8000 N, and each tire gets an equal weight, and the area of
one tire in contact with the ground is 150 cm2, the question will be 8000/150 which is
13.33… so, the pressure is 13.33 N/cm2 (cm2 = Centimetre squared).
5. If a thumb has an area of 0.5mm2 and is trying to push a nail into a board and the
pressure needed is 40 N/mm2, the force needed is 20 N because 20/0.5 = 40.
28. The pressure in liquid increases with depth because as you go deeper in liquid, there
is more liquid above you. The weight of the liquid (caused by gravity) pushes on the
particles of the liquid. When the particles of the liquid are pushed, the force on the
particles increases. Since the particles in a liquid are moving randomly in all
directions, then the pressure of the liquid is equal in all directions.
29. As you blow air into a balloon, it expands, and at a point once you have blown a
certain amount, it pops. That's because of the pressure. When you're blowing air, the
particles hit the surface, trying to escape the container, which in this case is the
balloon. As you blow more and more air, there are more particles which hit the
surface of the balloon. The pressure increases. After a certain point, the balloon pops
because, there is so much force exerted on the surface of the balloon that it
explodes, setting all the air particles free.
30. The atmosphere extends to a height of about 400 km above sea level. Sea level is
where the atmosphere is at its deepest. So, at sea level, atmospheric pressure is the
31. Diffusion means the overall random movement of particles from an area where they
are in higher in concentration to an area where they are in lower concentration.
32. Concentration is the number of particles in a particular volume.
33. Diffusion explains how you can smell food when it is cooking. When food is heated,
some of the food becomes gas particles and reaches up until your nose when you
are far away. As you go closer to the hot food, the smell becomes stronger because
in the region that is closer to the food, the gas particles that came from the food are
higher but as you slowly start to move away, the smell reduces because in the
regions that are far away from the food, there is a lesser concentration of the gas
particles that came from the food.
34. The speed of diffusion depends on:
1. The difference in concentration of the particles
2. The temperature
35. The bigger the difference in concentrations of particles, the faster the diffusion. The
higher the temperature, the faster the diffusion. The smaller the difference in
concentration of particles, the slower the diffusion. The lower the temperature, the
slower the diffusion.
36. Questions of 3.7:
1a. All the gas particles of the perfume move in all directions.
1b. For Zara to smell the perfume in a shorter time, The perfume on the bottle should
be at a higher temperature, so my answer is A.
2. The term Diffusion means the overall random movement of particles from an area
where they are in higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
3a. The particles in both containers are in a liquid state.
3b. The Blue particles in container A and B are equal.
3c. In container A, there are lesser red particles compared to container B.
4a. The Orange colour spreads into the water by going and mixing between the water
particles and originally, in the water, there was no concentration of orange juice, so
the orange juice moved quickly. It diffused fast into the water.
4b. Sofia is incorrect. The concentration in both regions is equal so, no more diffusion
can happen.
5. D, C, A, B.
37. In the year 1666 Newton (Isaac Newton), showed that white light could be split into
different colours. He displayed this with the help of a triangular prism.
38. The range of colours that can be seen in white light is called a spectrum.
39. In the spectrum, the colours are not separate, but they merge from one to another.
40. The seven colours, in order from the largest wave length to the smallest wave length,
1. Red
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Blue
6. Indigo
7. Violet
41. If you want to easily memorize the colours in descending wave length size order, you
can think of the seven colours as a name, which is: ROY G BIV. If you want to
memorize it from the smallest wave length to the biggest wave length, you think of
the name as VIB G YOR.
42. The wave lengths of the colours are:
Red = 700 nanometres
Orange = 600 nanometres
Yellow = 580 nanometres
Green = 550 nanometres
Blue = 450 nanometres
Indigo = 425 – 450 nanometres
Violet = 380 nanometres
43. Nanometres can also be written in a short form as “nm”. For example, you can say
“700 nm” which is the same as 700 nanometres.
44. 1 centimetre = 10 million (10,000,000) nanometres. And if you want to convert the
other way, 1 nanometre = 0.0000001 cm.
45. Don't get confused between Newton metre and nanometre. Always remember:
Newton metre sign is Nm or N.m. Nanometre sign will always be nm.
46. Dispersion means splitting light into different colours. Dispersion happens because
light is refracted. Each of the 7 different colours that make up light are refracted
through a slightly different angle.
47. When a ray of light is refracted through a triangular prism, you can see that violet is
refracted through the largest angle and red is refracted through the smallest angle.
48. A rainbow is formed when drops of water in the air cause light to refract, as water is a
medium in which light travels slower than when in air. The light is also reflected from
inside the drops of water.
49. Questions of 6.3
1. Dispersion is the name given to white light being split into different colours.
2. The name of this piece of equipment is “Triangular glass prism”.
3a. The letter “A” shows the position of the red light on the screen.
3b. The letter “A” is refracted through the smallest angle.
3c. The word “Spectrum” describes the range of colours seen on the screen.
4. Drops of water are required for a rainbow to be seen because they are a medium
that lets light travel slower than its normal speed and, the water drops will refract the
white light with each of the seven colours getting refracted through slightly different
angles. This will disperse the colours and let them be seen separately. The water
droplets will also reflect the light from inside themselves.
5. If people can see indigo and violet as the same colour, they will be able to see only
6 colours in the rainbow.
50. There are 3 colours from which all the other colours of light can be made. These
three colours are called the Primary colours. The primary colours cannot be made
by mixing any other colours of light. The primary colours of light are:
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
51. These three colours have a short form which is called RGB, which stands for: Red,
Green, blue.
52. The effect of adding colours are:
1. Red + Green = Yellow
2. Red + Blue = Magenta
3. Blue + Green = Cyan
4. Red + Green + Blue = White
53. The colours you see on a mobile phone, computer, or television are all produced
from combinations of the three colours of light.
54. Most screens can display 256 different colours. 256 is also the maximum number of
colours most people can see.
55. Filters are used to remove something from a mixture. You can also use coloured
filters to remove colours from light. If a transparent piece of coloured glass or plastic
is placed in front of white light, only the light of that colour will be transmitted (get
through). All the other colours will be absorbed. For example, if you place a piece of
red coloured glass in front of white light, only the red light will get transmitted. A good
real life example of light filters is traffic lights. This is called subtraction of light
because only 1 out of the 7 colours are being transmitted. The rest are
56. It is possible to subtract colours of light until the end result is zero. For example if you
first put a green filter, only the green light will pass through and after the green filter, if
you add a red filter, the green light won't pass through and the end result after the
last filter which is the red filter in this case, will be zero.
57. Luminous means that that object emits its own light. Non – luminous means that that
object does not/doesn't emit its own light.
58. When you look at a non – luminous object, you see the light that is reflected from the
object. For example, if you take a blue pipe and place it in sunlight, you will see that
the blue pipe is reflecting only the blue light rays. The blue pipe absorbs the other six
59. A white object reflects all the colours in white light equally. A black object absorbs all
the colours in white light and doesn't reflect any.
60. IMPORTANT EXAMPLE: Let's take two cubes as an example, One cube is red, and
the other cube is blue. If both the cubes are in white light, both will appear in their
own colour. In this case, if the red cube is in white light, it will appear red because it
will absorb all the other 6 colours and reflect only the red light rays. The same applies
for blue. The blue cube will absorb all the other 6 colours and reflect only the blue
light rays. If both the cubes are in blue light, the blue cube will appear blue because it
can reflect its own colour but, the red cube will appear black because, there is only
blue light so, it will not be able to reflect and will absorb the blue light. If both cubes
are in red light, the red cube will be able to reflect the light and the blue cube will
appear black because it cannot reflect red light so, it will absorb the red light.
61. Questions of 6.4
1. The three primary colours of light are Red, Green, and Blue.
2a. The colour produced when red light and blue light are added together is magenta.
2b. The colour produced when red light and green light are added is yellow.
2c. The colour produced when Red, Green, and Blue lights are added is white.
3a. If a yellow filter is used on a lamp that is producing white light, the resulting colour
that you will see will be yellow light.
3b. If an orange filter is used on a lamp that is producing white light, the resulting
colour that you will see will be orange light.
4a. If a green ball appears green, the two colours of light that could be shining on the
ball are White and Green.
4b. If a blue ball appears black, the two colours that could be shining on the ball from
the options given are Green and Red.
5. If a T-shirt looks red, the three options that could explain this are option A (The
T-shirt is red and is seen in white light), option B (The T-shirt is red and is seen in red
light) and option D (The T-shirt is white and is seen in red light).
62. The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way galaxy.
63. The word “galaxy” comes from a Greek word for milky.
64. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. This is why our own galaxy looks like a band across
the sky.
65. Because we live in a spiral galaxy, we can only see one “arm” of the spiral, which is
that band across the sky.
66. Most of the stars we see at night are from our own Milky Way galaxy.
67. There are an estimated 250,000,000 stars in the Milky Way (including the sun).
68. The word Universe is used to describe all space and everything in it.
69. There are other galaxies and they are classified according to shape. The three
different shapes of galaxies:
1. Spiral galaxies: Galaxies that are shaped like spirals contain new and old stars.
Spiral galaxies are identified by their curved arms, which form a spiral around their
centre. Some of the biggest and best known galaxies are spirals, including our own
Milky Way, and its neighbour which is also a spiral galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy.
2. Elliptical galaxies: Elliptical galaxies are made up of ancient red stars. Some
elliptical galaxies are flat like pancakes and others are round.

3. Irregular galaxies: Some galaxies have no particular shape. They may look like an
odd shaped ball. These are called irregular galaxies.
70. The closest known galaxy to the Milky Way is called the Canis Major dwarf galaxy. It
(Canis Dwarf Major galaxy) is elliptical and a distance of 240,000 million km away
from us.
71. Galaxies are made from stellar dust, gas, stars and solar systems held together by
gravity. Stellar dust is the dust found in space.
72. The earth is travelling through a cloud of stellar gas that is estimated to contain one
dust particle in every one million m3 (metre cubed) of space.
73. The gravity holding a galaxy together is very strong because galaxies have very large
mass. Even if you could travel at the speed of light (300,000 km/s), it would take you
more than 100,000 years to cross from one side of the Milky Way to the other.
74. Scientists estimate the mass of the Milky Way to be 1, 500, 000, 000, 000 times the
mass of the sun.
75. Scientists estimate the number of galaxies in the universe to be a big total of
100, 000, 000, 000 galaxies.
76. Questions of 6.5:
1. The three different shapes of galaxies are Spiral, Elliptical, and Irregular.
2. From this list, Stellar gas, Stars and Planets are found in Galaxies.
3. Gravity holds the parts of a galaxy together.
4. Most of the stars we see in the night sky are not from our galaxy because we live
in a spiral galaxy with different “arms” so the band of stars that you see across the
sky is just part of another arm of the same galaxy we live in.
5. Scientists can only estimate the number of stars in the Milky Way because there
could be more or fewer galaxies in the part of space that the scientists counted
compared with the rest of the universe.

UNIT 6.6 (Rocks in space)

77. Asteroids are objects made from rock that orbit the sun.
78. Most asteroids are not regular shapes. Scientists describe the shape of most
asteroids as being similar to the shape of potatoes. There are millions of asteroids,
some have even been studied and been named.
79. Most of the asteroids in the solar system orbit the sun between the orbits of Mars and
Jupiter. This part of the solar system is called the asteroid belt.
80. The largest asteroid is called Ceres, and it was discovered in the year 1801. When
Ceres was discovered, scientists thought of it as a new planet, but since it was
looking too smaller than a planet, the term asteroid was introduced.
81. Ceres looks like a small, round planet. It has a diameter of 975 km and is covered
with craters.
82. Ceres also has a core, a mantle, and a crust like some planets.
83. Samples of the Ito waka asteroid helped scientists understand better how the solar
system formed.
84. Itokawa seems to be made of lumps of rock. These lumps of rock appear to have
come from other small planets or moons, which may have been destroyed due to
85. The force of gravity holding the lumps of rock together is weak because the asteroid
is a relatively small object. When an object suck as Itokawa passes a large object
such as a planet, tidal forces can change the shape of the asteroid.
86. Some asteroids are made from a single piece of rock. Scientists know this because
these asteroids are small and spin quickly. The force of gravity in these asteroids
would be too weak to hold separate pieces of rock together.
87. There are two reasons why steroids impact with the earth:
1. The earth exerts a strong force of gravity on passing objects such as asteroids.
2. Many asteroids have orbits that pass relatively close to earth.
88. Scientists believe that one large asteroid impacts the earth on average every
130,000 years.
89. Questions of 6.6:
1. The term “asteroid” means an object made of rock that orbits the sun.
2. Such asteroids are classed as small objects because they have small diameter
relative to other asteroids and have a small gravitational pull.
3. These craters were formed by planets near Ceres’ orbit which, due to their strong
gravitational pull, caused change in Ceres’ shape.
4. The rocks would have come from other small planets or moons which have been
broken due to impacts.
A magnet is an object that will attract magnetic materials. Magnetic materials include
the following metals mentioned below:
1. Iron
2. Steel
3. Nickel
4. Cobalt
90. Magnets have two poles: North and South. North is denoted by the symbol “N” and
South is denoted by the symbol “S”.
91. Experiment: If you take a paper-clip and put it next to one of the poles of a magnet,
the paper clip will get attracted and stick to one of the poles. But, if you slowly move
the paper-clip away, it will stop being attracted and won't stick to the magnet.

Explanation: The paper-clip will only be attracted to the magnet when it is in the
magnetic field of that magnet. A magnetic field is the area around a magnet where
the effects of the magnet can be detected.
92. A magnetic field is there for all magnets, but the areas where they are strongest are
at the poles of the magnet.
93. You can detect a magnetic field in two ways:
1. One can see whether a magnetic object gets attracted towards the magnet
because of attraction.
2. One can use a compass
94. One can draw magnetic field lines around a magnet to represent the magnetic field.
The rules tare that magnetic lines will always:
1. Join opposite poles.
2. Have arrows that point from North to South (there will not be any lines going from
South to North).
3. The lines should not touch each other.
4. The lines should not cross each other.
95. A compass contains a magnetic needle which is free to move at any time when it
detects a magnetic field. The direction in which the needle points is where the
magnetic field is.
96. If one magnet is stronger than another, the magnetic field of the stronger magnet will
be different in two ways, which are:
1. All the field lines will be closer together.
2. The field lines will extend further away from the magnet
97. One can tell my looking at magnetic lines, in what direction the compass will point.
When it is in a magnetic field, a compass will point in the direction of the lines.
98. Forces between two magnets:
1. Two north poles repel
2. Two south poles repel
3. A north and South Pole attract
99. When two magnets have their opposite poles together, the field lines between the
two magnets that connect are all pointing in the same direction. This means that
there will be a force of attraction between the magnets.
100. When two magnets have their like poles together (north and north or south and
south), the magnetic field lines will all be pointing in opposite directions. This means
the magnets will repel and try to move away from each other.
101. Questions of 9.1:
1. The term “magnetic field” means the area surrounding a magnet where effects of
the magnet can be detected.
2. What can be concluded about the two magnets strengths is that magnet A is a
stronger magnet.
102. The story of Magnes: Around 4000 years ago, a Greek shepherd named Magnes
was looking after his sheep when iron nails from his shoes got stuck to one particular
type of rock. The rock was called lodestone and contained a substance that was later
named magnetite, which is a naturally occurring magnet. Naturally occurring means it
is not mad made (made by humans).
103. Currently, the geographic north and magnetic are 10 degrees away from each
other. Currently, the earths core’s magnet is in such a way that inside the earth, the
south pole of the magnet is at the top and the north pole of the magnet is at the
bottom, and we all know that opposite poles are attracted so if we have a compass
the needle in it will be attracted to the north Pole so, it will point to the geographic
south of the earth which is the magnetic south for us. If we look in the opposite way,
we will be looking at the geographic north of the earth which is the magnetic south for
the needle, so it won't point there, but that is the magnetic north for us.
104. The term magnetic north, when used in context of the earth and navigation,
means the magnetic pole that is close to the geographic North Pole. In the same
way, magnetic south is the pole that is closest to the geographical south of the earth.
105. The earth spins on an anti—clockwise axis.
106. Scientists also know that the earths magnetic field has reversed in the past. The
last change was around 5,000 years ago, when North really was North.
107. People once believed that the earth was made entirely of magnetic rocks, but the
real truth is that the high temperatures inside earth would cause rocks to lose any
magnetism that they used to possess.
108. It is now known that the core of earth is the origin of earths magnetic field, but
scientists are yet to find an exact reason as to why this is. Scientists believe that the
heat generated in the core, which is mostly made from iron, causes it to continually
create a magnetic field. The core also contains some nickel, which is another
magnetic metal.
109. The movement in the liquid outer core would explain why the magnetic poles
move slowly, and have occasionally reversed. Magnetic north moves at a speed of
about 60 km per year.
110. Airport runways are numbered according to their direction from magnetic north
(23 is short for 230, which means 230 degrees away from magnetic north). The
numbers sometimes have to be changed due to the movement of magnetic north.
111. Questions of 9.2:
1. A compass is used for the navigating the earths magnetic field.
2. The north pole of the bar magnet will point towards the geographic north because
the earths magnetic field is in such a way that there is a giant magnet in the earth
where the north pole of that magnet is at the geographic south of the earth and the
south pole of the giant magnet is at the geographic north of the earth.
3. The 12-hour journey is just half a day, so there will be so less to almost no
movement of the magnetic north, so it can still be used for navigation.
4a. The earths core causes the magnetic field.
4b. Iron is the magnetic metal that makes up most of this part.
112. A material is described as magnetic if it is attracted to a magnet. Steel is another
common magnetic material. It contains a large proportion of iron.
113. Magnetic materials can be magnetized. Magnetized means can be made into a
114. The magnets you used are permanent magnets, because they have a magnetic
field that is always there. You cannot switch off and switch on the magnetic field
115. One way to magnetize a magnetic material is by using electricity. When this
method is used, the magnet is called an electromagnet.
116. An electromagnet is made by wrapping a wire around a magnetic material, for
example, an iron nail. The wire that is wrapped around is called a coil. The material in
the middle of the coil is called a core. When the current passes through the coil, the
magnetic material becomes magnetized. When the current is turned off, the object
loses its magnetism.
117. An electromagnet has two poles, just like a bar magnet. One can find out which
pole is which in two simple ways:
1. Use a magnetic compass. A magnetic compass will always point along magnetic
field lines, so will point towards the south pole.
2. Use a bar magnet with known poles. Opposite poles attract and like poles repel so,
by bringing the bar magnet close to the electromagnet, you can detect which pole is
118. One can reverse the poles of an electromagnet in one of the two ways mentioned
1. Wrap the coil around in the opposite direction.
2. Reverse the connections on the cell or power supply.
119. Common non-magnetic metals include:
1. Copper
2. Zinc
3. Aluminium
120. A good example of an electromagnet:
In a toaster, when the handle is pushed down, an electromagnet holds down a metal
basket with bread in it. A timer turns the electromagnet off and the metal basket pops
up with toast
121. Questions of 9.3:
1. Iron and steel can be magnetized.
2. Magnetic means that it can attract metals and has a magnetic field, but
magnetized means that it has been made into a magnet.
3. An electromagnet losses most of its magnetism when the current is turned off, but
permanent magnets always have a magnetic field.
4a. Three examples of applications of electromagnets:
1. An electric bell
2. A toaster
3. MRI machine
4b. A permanent magnet would not be suitable for a toaster because the timer won't
work, and the bread will keep getting heated, but an electromagnet losses its
magnetism when the current is turned off, which is what allows the basket that holds
the bread to pop to us.
122. The three things that are needed to make an electromagnet:
1. A coil of wire
2. A magnetic core inside the coil
3. An electric current flowing in the coil
123. These three things give the factors that will affect the strength of an
124. A factor is another word for a variable that will affect something.
125. Factors:
1. The number of turns in the coil. The more turns in the coil, the stronger the
2. The material of the core. Iron and some types of steel in the core make the
strongest electromagnets.
3. The current in the coil. The greater the current, the stronger the electromagnet.
126. A soft iron core does better for a core in an electromagnet than a steel core.
127. Soft iron does not mean soft in the same way as modelling clay is soft, it is the
term used for iron that is easily magnetized and also easily de-magnetized. De
magnetized means it has lost its magnetism.
128. In 2019, Scientists broke the world record for the strongest electromagnet. They
managed to make an electromagnet, 4500 times stronger than a school bar magnet.
It uses more electricity than three million electric lamps.
129. The strength of an electromagnet can be measured by the force that the
electromagnet exerts on a magnetic material.
130. The easiest way to measure the strength of an electromagnet is by seeing how
many magnetic objects the electromagnet can lift and hold.
131. Questions of 9.4:
1. An electromagnet that sorts scrap metal needs to be stronger than a toaster’s
electromagnet because it needs to have strength to lift all magnetic materials,
whereas a toaster electromagnet just has to hold a light metal basket with bread.
2. The three factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet are:
1. The material used to make the core.
2. The number of turns for the coil around the core
3. The current that the coil is supplying
3. The circuit diagram C will make the strongest electromagnet. It has Nickel, which
is also a metal found in earths core.
4. CERN uses so much electricity because there will be many big magnets that will
be magnetized, and also they might try to improve the strength of the electromagnet
so for that, they might use more electrical current.
132. The three types of magnets are:
1. Horse shoe/U - shaped magnet
2. Bar magnet
3. Circular magnet
133. The earths magnetic field causes the natural appearance of lights visible in the
night sky close to the north and south poles. These are caused by particles coming
from the sun arriving into the stronger parts of earths magnetic field.
134. Some animals use the earths magnetic field to navigate over long distances. (For
example: birds).

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