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Brief Introduction to

Digital Marketing
• Digital & Marketing World

• Advertising

• Advertising Media

• Digital Marketing

• Traditional vs Digital Marketing

• Types of Digital Marketing

• Display Advertising
Course Agenda • Affiliate Marketing

• Social Media Marketing

• Mobile Marketing

• Content Marketing

• Graphic design

• Search engine optimization and Search Engine Marketing

• Jargon
Digital & Marketing World
Digital notation
Let's understand the two words Digital and Marketing.
Any thing that can be represented as 0 and 1 (bits) is called digital. All the devices that we use each day
for all our transactions ultimately convert the instructions we provide into 0 and 1. These are referred
to as digital devices
What are the changes bought in by these devices?
These devices have become our primary mode of interaction and have evolved into everyday life. Ex:
we read news from laptop or mobile, we search using Google, we buy online using web or mobile apps
instead of visiting stores, interaction with friends using social media or SMS, etc. So, if you have used
any of these, then you are a digital consumer


It is the science and art of understanding the needs and desires of the target market, creating
and delivering products/services with an intent to make profit and increase its customer base.
Marketing determines the success of any business especially when the choice and competition Brand Identify Design & Create Deliver to
awareness unfulfilled needs products/services target market
and desires
is high. Marketing plays a very crucial role in connecting the organizations and its
prospects/customers and improving brand awareness through Advertising Philosophy of Marketing
Digital & Marketing World Cont..

Digital marketing channels

With the unprecedent growth of the internet, digital device adoption and app ecosystem for
these devices, Digital has become the mainstream of interaction for all the consumers. As
customers moved to digital channels, so did the marketing often refer it as digital marketing.

Digital Marketing is defined as leveraging digital channels like email, content marketing,
search platforms, social media, and more to reach the consumers at the right time with the
right content on the right channel to promote the products and services

What is Advertising? Types of advertising?

Advertising is an art of delivering proper message about an organizations Advertising can be classified from the perspective of the consumer
products and services and improve brand awareness to customers and and the Marketer (organization)
prospects. Its main purpose is to convince the customers that an From the perspective of consumer, below are the advertising
organizations products are best. With the advent of digital channels, strategies. Few of the below approaches are used in Digital
advertising has adapted to the latest technology changes and increased its marketing while others are for Traditional advertising
area of impact and influence.

Type of Advertising Mode/Channel in which prospects receive the content

Print advertising Uses physically printed media like newspapers and brochures

Broadcast advertising Advertisements on Internet, radio and Television. These reach wider audience.

Outdoor advertising Use banners, billboards to promote about organizations products and services. These are of generic nature and not targeted to a customer

Covert advertising Where ads are embedded into another media like ads within a movie which is normally

Surrogate advertising Used to promote banned products like Alcohol and Cigarettes in the disguise of another product

Public service advertising Inform and educate public about an issue and bring in awareness and awareness. It is free of cost. Traffic and save water ads are an example

Celebrity advertising Use famous persons or celebrities to promote a product or service. The personas fame acts as the influencer

Guerilla advertising Strategy that focuses on low cost unconventional approaches for advertising

From the perspective of marketer or Organization, advertising is classified based on the media it uses - Paid, Owned and Earned.
Paid, Owned and Earned Media in Advertising
From the perspective of marketer, advertising can be categorized based on the type of media used. By media we refer to the advertisement
Paid Search (PPC) vs Organic Search (SEO)
What is Paid media Advertising?
Advertising where in payment is made to put an advertisement in newspapers, internet, social media,
Television, Radio, outdoors. This mechanism is used when we target prospects. Let us understand it
further with an example of Google search. Traditionally when anything is searched on Google, all the
websites that have the search text are picked up and displayed as search results based on the meta data
and relevance of content (referred as SEO), which is referred to as Organic search and was free. Later
on, to improve awareness and visibility of their brands, marketers wanted their products to come on
the top of search results. To make this happen, the markers put a bid (PPC – Pay per Click - payment to
google if anyone clicks on the link) on specific keywords that best describe their product and the search
results are displayed in order of the bid value. These ads are prefixed with “Ad” in the search results

What is Owned media advertising? What is Earned media advertising?

In this channel, the promotion of products are controlled by one Earned media advertising is when the customers themselves promote the
entity in the organization, typically the marketing department. And product based on their experience. The promotion is typically by word of
promotion happens via organization’s website, Retail outlets, mouth, Blogs, Feedback on the website or Facebook, Reviews and Ratings.
product brochures, mobile apps, Facebook page. This is targeted This promotion is earned by the organization by maintaining the quality,
towards the customers relevance and experience provided by their products
Digital Marketing
What is Digital Marketing?
In the digital era, how and when you reach the customer impacts the decision taken by them. With devices being part of everyday life and the mainstream
of any transaction, the relevance and impact of advertising that can be created using digital channels is tremendous. The number of customers that can be
reached out to has exponentially increased. While with Digital marketing two-way communication with the customer has opened up, it also bought in
more pressure onto the organizations to constantly improve and deliver better products at cheaper rates.
Key objective is to promote brands on digital channels by placing Ads on YouTube videos, Bulk SMS Ads, Social Media Ads, website Ads etc.

Types of Digital Marketing?

It is very challenging to say which type of digital marketing approach will be effective for an Industry and target audience segment. Hence a digital
marketer needs to design a strategy to start with and keep on improvising based on the efficacy of the channel. This cyclic process continues till a balance
is reached between customer conversions/clicks/impressions and Marketing spend

Type of Advertising Mode/Channel in which prospects receive the content

Display Advertising Any online advertising that conveys message using content, images, videos. Digital banners, Digital kiosks are few of the examples

Search Marketing (SEM) Search Marketing is the strategy to gain traffic to your websites by purchasing ads on search engine results. Google AdWords, Yahoo Search
Affiliate Marketing A performance based marketing strategy, where in the organization rewards the affiliate for every new customer introduced

Social Media Marketing (SMM) Utilizes social media platforms and websites for advertising . LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp are few examples

Mobile Advertising Advertising via Smart phones , mobile phones or hand held devices. SMS, MMS, Email, Mobile applications are the chosen channels

Content Marketing Focused on content creation, publishing and distribution to a target set of audience online. Blogs, case studies, Infographics, videos are few
Analytics Marketing It is the art of evaluating the effectiveness of Display advertising, Social media marketing and Mobile marketing based on the number of
impressions, clicks and conversions generated by these
Marketing: Traditional vs Digital
While the basic concept of marketing is same for Traditional as well as Digital, the salient differences between both are given below

Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

Involves reaching out to consumers using static bill boards, Radio, Involves marketing to consumers through digital channels like email,
Television, Print media for advertising websites, mobile devices, and social media platforms.
Is not designed for a specific target group of customers and rather Strategy to reach the customer at the right time on right channel and
broadcasted to a large group with right content with an intent to attract and acquire or retain
Have minimum or no interaction with consumers leading to no Opens opportunities for Personalization and higher customer
immediate response and predominantly 1-way communication conversion ratio
Relatively expensive and lack of feedback capturing mechanism from Potential to reach exponential number of prospects at a low cost
the customer
Print advertising, Surrogate marketing, Broadcast advertising, Guerilla Display advertising, Mobile marketing, Content marketing, SEO, Social
advertising are few known approaches Media marketing are few known approaches
Calls, Media Search
Instore (Facebook, engines
Sales twitter, (Google)
agents etc.)

Traditional channels replaced by Digital channels Websites,
Radio Print application

News Product
Television SMS,
papers campaigns
Digital Marketing - Display Advertising

Digital Advertising is a form of online advertising and leverages Banner Ads, Rich media like
infographics, video, images etc. These ads can appear anywhere on websites or social media
Rich media
Display Banner Ads
Along with the introduction of digital channels, display advertising evolved from “direct partnership” Advertising
between advertiser and marketer to “Programmatic advertising” like PPC

Evolution of Display Advertising

Video Ads

Over a period, display advertising has adopted the changes in technology landscape and evolved
from a manual platform to an automated platform. The stages in the evolution are shown below

Direct Partnership AD Networks AD Exchange
- Direct connect between - Virtual marketplace for - Automated bidding
Advertisers & website - First step in digital - Ad inventory bought in real
trading Ad space available
owners evolution time
on a website
- An aggregator of publisher - Highest bidder gets the ad
- Technology driven real time
- Ads are placed for a inventory space to publish
pricing mechanism referred
payment by websites - Mediator between - Personalized ads displayed
as Real time bidding (RTB)
publishers & advertisers for a specific customer
- Programmatic advertising
- Examples: Yellow pages, - Ads placed for a payment
magic bricks - Examples: Google Ads - Examples: Google Ad
- Examples: Google Ad
(AdWords), Amazon Manger
Exchange, OpenX
Digital Marketing – Display Advertising contd…

While Display advertising is applicable to both print and digital channels, in the next slides we understand more on the role of display advertising in
Digital Marketing.

Types of Digital Advertising

We have two types of Digital advertising, Contextual and Behavioral
Shoe Ad shown on a sports blog page

Contextual advertising: It is a practice of putting ads on web pages based on the

Nike, the
current content that is displayed. Contextual ads are placed based on the keywords or best

terms searched by the customer. The process of placing the ad happens as an Shoes play an
automated process. important role
in football in
Example: Google AdSense. If you are running a sports blog, AdSense may serve providing

contextual ads that might encourage readers to buy Nike shoes

Behavioral advertising: It is a process in which online advertisers target advertisements Resort suggestions based on your interests
to customers based on the information captured from their browsing behavior. Specific
tags like google tags, Adobe tags are put in websites to capture information on the
browsing pattern.

Resort suggestions based on the browsing history of a user

Irrespective of the type of advertisement, the content and design of the ads plays a pivotal role is capturing users' interest on the advertisements.
Graphic design is the area of Digital marketing that deals with creating ads are placed as web banner ads.
Digital Marketing – Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing: It is a process of earning commission by promoting non-owned products/services from a
manufacturer/provider, like putting an ad (publishing the ad) for a product on one’s blog or website or any
other approach. This is a performance-based technique where the publisher earns reward from
manufacturer/business when a customer buys the product or navigates the manufacturers website by
clicking on the published link. Amazon associates' program, ETSY are couple of examples of Affiliate
Affiliate Marketing
The stakeholders involved are the Merchant, Publisher, Network (medium) and Customer.
Ad on publisher website

Based on the type of reward earned, affiliate marketing is termed as

1. Pay Per Click (PPC): Pay per Click is a sponsored online advertising mechanism that is
used most
broadly in websites and search engines advertisements. The publisher is paid for every
click on the product/service link on the publisher's website.

2. Pay per performance (PPP): Pay per Click is a sponsored online advertising
mechanism that is used
most broadly in websites and search engines advertisements. The publisher is paid for
every click on the product/service link on the publisher's website.
Purchases product
The type of reward mechanism established depends on the type of business and the Manufacturers Website
objectives to be realized and both the approaches fall into Paid advertising
Digital Marketing – Social Media Marketing
What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

SMM Is a process by which Manufacturer/Provider gains traffic to their website by placing Ads on social media like
YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Ads, etc.

Once again, the graphic design plays a prominent role in increasing brand awareness, attract customers interest and
attention and makes them traverse to manufacturers website or purchase the product/service

Customers leave their feedback in terms of likes of impressions which is now available on their network for other
customers to view. As this message is now endorsed by customer community and not by the manufacturer, there is
more trust which leads to higher conversions. This marketing has now become earned media from paid media

SMM has two approaches
1. Passive approach: This strategy involves creation of Blogs and articles to create awareness and bring traffic to their
websites. The content is posted at regular intervals to keep up the interest

2. Active approach: In this approach, a direct marketing platform is used as a social media communication channel to
bring traffic and attention to the manufacturer. This channel is active 24*7
Digital Marketing – Mobile Marketing
What is Mobile Marketing?
Mobile marketing is the effective channel to improve brand awareness, promote product/service, increase sales and improve loyalty.

Mobile marketing can be done using
1) SMS on Feature phones and Smart phones
2) Push notifications on Smart phones
3) Mobile apps for both iOS and Android eco system.

Types of Mobile Marketing

• SMS advertising/Texting: Short Message Service (SMS) Marketers send relevant marketing messages as text
• Multimedia services (MMS): It is a rich media, images, video and audio are sent as marketing message
• Mobile app marketing: In this approach, Ads are be hosted within in the applications
• Bluetooth/wireless: customer within the proximity of a store gets messages about offers in that store/area.
Location based marketing: Based on the geo-location of the multimedia content is delivered onto device
• QR codes ads: QR codes can contain more details on the product or send user to the specified address to get
information as well as launch the website
• Voice marketing: Customers are called from a computer and pre-recorded message is played
• Mobile banner ads: Similar to web banner ad
Digital Marketing – Content Marketing & Analytics
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is defined as the focused creation, publication and distribution of
valuable digital content to key target customer segments with the specific purpose to
deliver consistent message about the brand, to acquire clearly defined audience.
Content marketing can be done using
1. Newsletter
2. Blogs
3. Websites
4. Social Media
5. Microsites

Pillars of Content Marketing Why is Analytics important in Marketing?

The content created should be of high quality so that it gets picked up by Analytics is a measure of the clicks, likes, impressions and
search engines as part of organic search. To achieve this below need to conversions to measure efficacy of the digital ads, content and the
adhered while content is being created channel.
• Content should be original and not copied from similar business Analytics conveys meaning of the data using data visualization
initiatives tools. It is valuable in areas where there is rich information is
• There should be relevance of the published content to the audience and available
the brand
• The content should be engaging and should be able to attract customers
Graphic design

What is Graphic Design?

It is a science and art of planning and presenting ideas about a product/service to customers in a creative, effective and attractive manner. This is an
integral part of marketing. It enhances how a message is communicated to audience by using words, images and other graphic elements

Elements of Graphic design

Below elements are used to effectively utilize the available space to present an idea. Each of the element communicates and makes an impression on
1. Line: Are used to demarcate content and direct customer focus to specific part of website. Per the latest minimalistic design, lines are used at
minimum or completely removed. Lines can be thick, thin, dotted etc
2. Shape: Shapes are used to bring focus to specific content or make it stand out. The typical shapes used
are the circle, rectangle and triangle are few of the commonly used graphic design elements
3. Color: One of the most important element. These offer more powerful visual impact at the first glance. Colors are used to convey emotions. Like
White is peace, Green is natural, pink is tender, etc . They set the tone of the website
4. Texture: Convey the feel of an object. Styles like paper, stone, concrete etc. These create visual impact of the website.
It can make a website look busy
5. Value: Value is how light or dark an area looks on a website. It gives depth, emphasis or contrast to the object.
All the other elements need value and contrast to be visible on the website
6. Space: How space is used on a website to make it easier for a user to view the content. White space or negative space
shows the areas that are not represented with a background color
Digital Marketing - Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What is search engine optimization?
It is a process of gaining traffic and visibility from search engines to websites by both paid and unpaid channels. It is also a process of getting
traffic from organic search results. A website can be ranked higher in the organic search results if all the best practices as defined by SEO are

Types of SEO
The two types of SEO are complimentary to each other and best practices from both need to be implemented to get better benefits
1. On-page SEO: Refers to how well the content of the website is presented to search engines, how the page is structured using the DOM
structure and how the meta data of the keywords are defined. Title tag for links, Sitemap, Site performance, Canonical URLs, Meta-tags,
Keywords are few of the examples of on-page SEO
2. Off-Page: It is the online reputation of the website as determined by other websites. It’s a long term process. RSS feeds, healthy Social
Media impressions, Blog comments, Reviews, Social bookmarking are few of the examples of the off-page SEO

Benefits of SEO
• Increases website traffic
• Provides quantifiable ROI
• Cost effective marketing strategy
• Most effective marketing strategy as it places your website on the top of search results and create higher brand awareness.
Digital Marketing - Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

What is search engine marketing?

It is a process of gaining traffic and visibility from search engines to websites by both paid and unpaid channels. It is providing relevant
information to the customers when they are ready to buy a product/service.
Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Altavista etc. are few of the search engines that are used by customers to find information online

How do Search engines work?

Search engines follow three basic steps to be able to search the websites for a given words. These are
1. Crawling: Refers to process of scanning a page and getting all the available information including Titles, images, keywords and linked
2. Indexing: Process of placing all the data collected in crawling stage into a big database with data centers. Each information will have a
unique identifier to fetch at a later stage.
3. Ranking and Retrieval: whenever a keyword is keyed in, search engine finds the most relevant contents from the indexed database for
the keywords or search words. The ranking algorithm checks for the relevancy of pages to the search query and displays the results in
the order of relevance. This is called as organic search and fall into the category of unpaid advertising
Agencies in Digital Marketing

Agencies are boutique companies that typically take-up repetitive work and provide the results.

Search engine marketing

Video Advertising
Agencies are boutique companies that typically take-up repetitive work
Display Advertising
and provide the results

Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Projects are implemented by technologists who

implement an automated marketing strategy for
the Marketers using Adobe suite of products or
any other Marketing cloud solution
Digitization is a process of converting analog into digital format. A representation into 0 and 1 bits. With the recent technology interventions,
storage space has becoming cheaper, and the longevity of the data is higher in a digital media. Digitization is the foundational change that
happened in digital era.
Ex: converting VCDs into CDs, scan a paper and store it as PDF,

It is the use of digital technologies to improve the current business model and provide new approach to achieve the same functionality that
is more cost effective, generates revenue and completes the activity faster. Digitalization provides scope for automation in the process.
Ex: replacing the paper-forms into online forms in banks for opening an account.

Digital Transformation
It is business transformation backed by digitalization technologies. Digital transformation enhances the experiences and opens up
opportunities for marketers to provide personalized services to customers. The breakdown of the data silos and leverage the same for cross-
sell and up-sell of products/services with an objective of improving the basket value and improve customer loyalty
Ex: Integrated call center with the customer and ecommerce systems, helps the call center agent to gain more insight into customer while
proposing any alternatives

As seen in the previous slides, advertising is a process of creating advertisements using the best practices from graphic design and
promoting the products/services over various channels. This type of work is typically done by boutique agencies that send blast of
emails/sms as part of a marketing campaign

Digital Marketing
It is science of reaching a customer at the right time with the right content on the right channel. The marketing strategy keeps varying
depending on the customers response from channels vs the cost spent on advertising the channel
Jargon Cont.…
A metric used to quantify the number of digital views of a piece of content usually an advertisement. This is used to measure the efficacy of the
display/social media marketing approaches

Pay Per Click (PPC)

A type of marketing that involves advertisers paying a commission to the publisher each time one of their ads are clicked by customer

Click through conversion (CTC)

A conversion that happens when a user clicks on an Ad and then converts (makes a purchase, registers) as a result of click on the ad

Customer Acquisition
Customer acquisition by a Manufacturer is defined as the process of getting prospects (potential customers) to buy their products. A strong
customer acquisition strategy attracts leads, nurture leads till they are ready to buy the product and convert them into customers. The cost spent
for all these activities is referred to as Customer Acquisition cost

Digital Marketing
It is science of reaching a customer at the right time with the right content on the right channel. The marketing strategy keeps varying depending
on the customers response from channels vs the cost spent on advertising the channel
Thank you

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