Gned O4-Readings in Philippine History-Reviewer

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Instructor: Sir. Jay-Ar DeLeon San -study of history

Carlos -the study of the way history has been and
is written - the history of historical writing’’
History HISTORY- Interpretation of the past
- Branch of knowledge that studies HISTORIOGRAPHY- Study of history
the events that occurred in the
lives of people, countries, and the Historiography of the Philippines - refers
world in the past. to the studies, sources, critical methods,
- Came from greek word “historia” and interpretations used by scholars
means deep inquiry and Includes: historical events, archival
investigation. research, and writing on the history of the
- Herodotus -greek writer who coined Philippine archipelago; Luzon, Visayas, and
and first used the term ‘historia’; Mindanao
‘’Father of History”
- Interpretations of the past Distinction of Primary and Secondary
Historians- people trained in history
-they write books and articles to help other Primary sources- first hand, contemporary
people understand the past accounts of events created by individuals
during the period of time
‘’History cannot repeat itself because history
is not a living, thinking being. History is an Ex:
intellectual discipline practiced by historians Correspondence, diaries, memoirs,
who try to make sense of the past. ‘’ personal histories, manuscripts,
newspapers, speeches, cartoons,
Importance of History photographs, videos, and artifacts.
1. History helps us develop a better
understanding of the world. ● Autobiographies
2. History helps us understand ● Empirical scholarly works such as
ourselves. research articles, clinical reports,
3. History helps us learn to understand case studies, and dissertations
other people. ● Creative works ( poetry, music,
4. History teaches a working video, and photography
understanding of change. ● Original documents
5. History gives us the tools we need to ● ‘PRESIDENTE DE LA REPÚBLICA
be decent citizens. AL SECRETARIO DE GUERRA,
6. History makes us better DAGUPAN
decision-makers. Secondary sources- are closely related to
7. History helps us develop a new level primary sources and often interpret them
of appreciation for just about -work that interprets or analyzes a historical
everything. event or phenomenon.
2. It provides evidence that can be
Ex: Journal articles that comment on or linked back to an original source or
analyze research, Textbooks, Dictionaries author -someone who was alive at
and encyclopedias, books that interpret, and the time of the event
analyze, Political commentary, Biographies,
Dissertations, Newspaper editorial/ Opinion Disadvantages
pieces. 1. Older historical sources can be
fragiles, and have to be kept in
Tertiary source- one that neither provides museums or special collections
original information nor interprets it. 2. It is difficult to identify if the historical
-tent to collect or summarize other sources, source is telling the truth or not. It
guiding people towards this information. could be true or untrue, it could be
leaving out key pieces of information
Ex. dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, to create a biased account
fact books, and handbooks
Historical Criticism
Importance of Sources -branch of criticism that investigates the
Primary sources are the foundation of origins of ancient texts in order to
original history. They allow you to: understand ‘’the world behind the text”
1. Make new discoveries; Ex. Apolinario Mabini on the Failure of the
2. Expose students to multiple filipino revolution
perspectives on great issues of the Emilio aguinaldo’s version of philippine
past and present. revolution

Secondary sources provide a variety of External Criticism

expert perspectives and insights. -refers to the authenticity of the document
-the method of external criticism is also
Historical Sources known as heuristics- derived from the
-is an original source that contains greek word heuriskien - (to find or discover)
important historical information, it can
either be an object or testimony concerning Heuristics- is a technique to detect, trace
the past and locate historical evidence

Reasons to Use Historical Sources How to test the authenticity?

-can be useful to back up certain claims 1. Determine the date of the document
to see whether they are
Advantages and Disadvantages of Historical anachronistic( a chronological
Sources misplacing of persons, events, or
Advantages customs in regard to each other)
1. Historical sources cannot be 2. Determine the author(eg.,
changed, altered, or paraphrased bv handwriting, signature, seal)
anyone else easily; “straight from the 3. Anachronistic style and references
horse’s mouth” eg., punctuations, time( too late,
early, or too remote)
Internal Criticism
-the technique of testing the reliability of
the information found in a document. LESSON 2
-use to detect and determine whether the 1.Ma-Yi or Ma-i (Land of Gold)
document contains errors or lies -Named by Claudius Ptolemy,
-internal criticism is concerned with the -a Greek mapmaker, in his ancient map.
interpretation of the sources and is also Ma-i was the Chinese local name of
known as interpretative criticism present-day Mindoro.

Hermeneutics- the science of interpretation •Liusung was the name given by the
-theory of interpretation Chinese to the present-day island of Luzon.
-art of discovering meaning
Derived from the greek ver hermeneuein; It originated from the Tagalog word lusong,
noun hermeneia meaning to ‘’interpret’’ or a wooden mortar that is used to pound rice
• Spanish produced maps of the
Philippines during the early 17th century-
called the island Luçonia which was later
re-spelled as Luzonia, then Luzon.

2.Las islas de San Lázaro (Saint Lazarus’

Gadamer’s Theory of Interpretation -Named by Fernand Magellan,a Portuguese
explorer, in 1521
Questions to ask to assure the value and
worth of conclusions about a document: -The Magellan expedition, also known as
1. The character of the document the Magellan-Elcano expedition, resulted
2. The literal and real meaning of the in the first recorded circumnavigation of the
text Earth in 1522.
3. The knowledge of the author
4. Competence and reliability of the - one of the most important events in history
author for its scientific, socio-economic, political,
5. Author’s personal connection with philosophical and theological
the event, which he explains consequences.
6. Author’s source of information in
producing the document WHAT REALLY HAPPENED HERE?
7. The influences prevalent at the time
of writing • Rajah Humabon, Rajah of Cebu,
8. The elements of personal bias - first indigenous converted to
9. The elements of deliberate and Catholicism after he, his wives, and his
intentional errors subjects were baptized by the expedition's
10. Corroborating evidence priest.
-14 April 1521, Humabon was christened EARLY SHELTERS
Carlos in honor of King Charles I of Spain, 1.Caves
while his chief consort, Hara Humamay was ●Early Filipinos lived in caves because it
given the name Juana, after Charles' was safer.
mother, Joanna of Castile They sometimes moved to the plains and
coastal areas for farming and fishing.
3.Las islas Felipinas (Philippine
Islands/Islands belonging to Philip) 2.Bahay Kubo (Nipa Hut)
-The Philippines was named in honor of ●Houses were made of light materials like
King Philip II of Spain. wood, bamboo and nipa palm. A ladder was
-Spanish explorer Ruy López de placed to prevent strangers from intruding
Villalobos, during his expedition in 1542, when the owner was not around. Strong
named the islands of Leyte and Samar post at the lower part of the house was
Felipinas after the Prince of Asturias, then, enclosed. A jar of heart was placed in a
Philip II of Spain. gallery called “batalan”.

4.Las islas Filipinas, or simply 3.Tree Houses

’’Filipinas”. ●Tree houses were also made of light
materials like wood, bamboo and nipa palm.
5.Philippine Islands To keep safe from enemies and wild
This was the anglicized form of the original animals. Ladders were hoisted in at night.
Spanish name, used under direct American
rule and the succeeding Commonwealth THE PEOPLE
Read: The Miseducation of the Filipino 1.Tabon Man
•Hominid remains dating back to around
THE LIFE DURING THE PRE-HISPANIC 28,550 B.C. old have were found in Tabon
PERIOD Cave on the island of Palawan.
- It is possible there were people much
Importance of Topography earlier than this. People have lived in
Communities before lived near bodies of Australia for 60,000 years.
water. Houses were lined along the coasts
of seas, bays, rivers and lakes. •According to Lonely Planet: “Thanks to
Why? 'Tabon Man', who left a bit of his (or her,
1.Food from the water resources according to some) skull in a cave in
2.Easy access to food Palawan at least 47, 000 years ago, a sliver
3.Means of transportation of light shines into the deep, dark prehistory
4.Not easily attacked by an enemy of the Philippines. The oldest known human
relic of the islands, this bone fragment
suggests that the Tabon Caves helped early
Homo sapiens survive the last ice age.

2.Negritos (Aeta) in the Philippines

-The Philippines were probably first LIVELIHOOD
occupied by people who arrived in small
migrations from mainland Southeast Asia. 1.Agriculture – there are two (2) methods:
The first of these were believed to be A. Kaingin Method
Negritos. The only survivors of the original Prepare the area for farming by cutting and
hunter gathers that inhabited Southeast burning dead plants/grasses
Asia are Semang Negritos of peninsular B. Wet Method
Malaysia and the Negritos of the mountains Rice was planted in areas where dikes
of Luzon and some islands of the were built to collect water.
3.Boat-Making – they made boats out of
Negritos — or the Aeta as they are woods.
sometimes called in the Philippines— are
very small people with a dark skin and curly Birey – boat made for 50 to 100 people
brown hair. The Aeta are thought to have Biroco – boat made for more than 100
arrived in the Philippines between 13,000
and 10,000 years ago from the Asian 4.Trading – the standard of exchange was
continent, most likely from what is now the GOLD
Malay Peninsula or Borneo (and perhaps
1.Chinese – gongs, entrepreneurship,
3.Arrival of Malay People in the arrangement of marriage
●It is believed that around 3000 B.C. Malay 2.Arabs – Islam, calendar, law, literature,
people—or people that evolved into the art
Malay tribes that dominate Malaysia,
Indonesia and the Philippines—arrived in 3.Japanese – making weapons, metallurgy,
the Philippines. jewelry-making
-About 2300 years ago Malay people from
the Asian mainland or Indonesia arrived in 4.India – names for gods and goddesses,
the Philippines and brought a more bahala na attitude, sarong, putong
advanced culture; iron melting and
production of iron tools, pottery ATTIRE
techniques and the system of sawah's Male clothing
(rice fields). Additional migrations took
place over the next millennia. -The upper part was a jacket with short
sleeves called “kangan” while the lower
Many believe the first Malays were part was a strip of cloth wrapped around the
seafaring, tool-wielding Indonesians who waist and in between the legs called
introduced formal farming and building “bahag”. Males used a piece of cloth or a
techniques. Over time, social and political headgear called “putong”.
organization developed and evolved in the
widely scattered islands. -“Putong” symbolized the number of
persons the wearer had killed.
Female Clothing •It was headed by a ruler called Datu or
-Composed of “camisa”, a light jacket with Rajah.
sleeves. “Patadyong” by the Visayans,
was a loose skirt and a piece if red or white POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF A DATU
cloth called “tapis”, was usually wrapped •Implementing laws
about the waist. • Maintaining peace and order
• Giving protection to his subjects
SOCIAL CLASS • He also made the law, with the assistance
Datus or Leaders – highest position in the of group of elders who gave advice (Lupon
community ng Tagapayo)
Maharlika or the Free People – did not pay •He acted also as a judge during trial
taxes. Travelled with the Datu. Supervised
Timawa – known as the working •Judicial process was influenced by religion.
class/rowers of the boat The manner of determining guilt of the
Slaves – they were classified into two; accused showed the religiosity of the
* Aliping namamahay – were not full natives.
pledge slave. They had their own
respective families and their own houses. • They waited for the intervention of the
They were required to serve their masters deities or the other judicial process which
only during planting and harvesting period.
they called, trial by ordeal and trial by war.
* Aliping sagigilid – were the real slaves,
they were homeless, forbidden to form their ALLIANCES
own families, required to stay in their • Like community of nations, alliances
masters dwelling and they could be used as among barangay were formed. The purpose
a payment for debt. of forming alliances was for trade, peace
and mutual protection.
•Tambalan – healers or doctors • An alliances was sealed through blood
compact (sanduguan), to ensure conformity,
•Atubang ng Datu – adviser of the datu sincerity and commitment of the chieftains.

•Daragangan – outstanding soldier/ he is •Blood compact was an ancient ritual in

made to wear a “pinayusan” – a decorative the Philippines intended to seal a friendship
scarf made of abaca or treaty, or to validate an agreement. The
contracting parties would cut their wrists
•Paratabgaw – barangay teacher and pour their blood into a cup filled with
liquid, such as wine, and drink the mixture.
•The government was called “barangay”. It COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE
is derived from balangay, the name for the The man was required to give a dowry.
sailboats that originally brought settlers of •
Malay stock to the Philippines from Borneo. 1. “Bigay-kaya” – was the type of dowry
consisted of a piece of land or gold.
The groom’s parent gave a gift called 5.Celebrating a girl’s first menstruation,
“panghimuyat”. pre-colonial style.
-In the pre-colonial era, this transition was
seen as a crucial period in womanhood, so
2. “Himaraw” – was another payment for
much so that all girls were required to go
raising the future bride during her infancy
through an intricate rite of passage. During
period, to be paid by the groom’s parent
the ritual, the girl who was having her first
period was secluded, covered, and
6.Whatever happened to our ancient
writing system?
1.They compressed their babies’ skulls
for aesthetic reasons.
- First things first: You’re not supposed to
● Early human civilizations like the Mayans
call our ancient script “alibata” because it’s
(see photos) and the Visayans intentionally
a misnomer.
reshaped their babies’ skulls to conform to
-The word (from ‘Alif-bata,’ the first letters
their standard of beauty.
of the Arabic script) was actually invented
by Paul Versoza who thought our earliest
2.Gold was literally everywhere.
writing system was of Arabic origins.
There was plenty of gold in the islands
during the pre-colonial times that it used to
The thing is, the baybayin (which is the
be part of our ancestors’ everyday attire.
correct term) is believed to be one of the
indigenous alphabets in Asia that originated
Piloncitos, a type of coin used by the
from the Sanskrit of ancient India.
pre-colonial peoples of the archipelago

3.Women enjoyed equal status with men. 7.Courtship was a long, arduous, and
-Back then, there were no doctors or expensive process.
priests whom our ancestors could turn to -Paninilbihan or the custom requiring the
when things went awry. The only hope they guy to work for the girl’s family before
had was a spirit medium or shaman who marriage was already prevalent during the
could directly communicate with the spirits pre-colonial times. From chopping wood to
or gods. They were known in the Visayas fetching water, the soon-to-be-groom would
as babaylan, while the Tagalogs called do everything to win his girl’s hand.
them catalonan (katulunan).
8.Before Roman Catholicism and Islam
4.It was considered a disgrace for a were introduced, natives worshipped
woman to have many children. many gods and goddesses.
-There’s no such thing as “family
planning” in the pre-colonial Philippines. -The nature of religion in the pre-colonial
Everything they did was based on existing Philippines is often unclear. Religions
customs and beliefs, one of which was that present include animism, indigenous
having many children was not desirable and religious beliefs and mythologies such as
even a disgrace.
Anito and influences from Hinduism and

1.Bathala - supreme god in the heavens.

He is the leader of the gods.
2.Aman Sinaya – Goddess of the Sea
3.Idianale – Goddess of Labor and Good
4.Dumangan – God of Good Harvest
5.Anitun Tabu – Goddess of the Wind and
6.Mapulon – God of Seasons
7.Lakapati – Hermaphrodite Goddess of
Fertility and Agriculture
8.Dumakulem – Guardian of the Mountains
9.Dian Masalanta – Goddess of Lovers,
Childbirth, and Peace
10.Apolaki – God of the Sun, Patron of
11.Libulan – God of the Moon, Patron God
of Homosexuality
12.Sitan – God of the Lower World
13.Aring Sinukuan – Sun God of War and
14.Apung Malyari – Goddess of the Moon,
Ruler of the Eight Rivers

•They also believed in the immortality of

souls and life after death.
• There were sacred animals, which they
venerate like white monkey (manaul) and
• There were also sacred place and sacred
trees, which nobody was allowed to cut
down. Early natives were “eco-centric”.

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