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Republc of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Quezon City

Grade 12 Senior High School

Grading Period: Subject: Section:

2nd Quarter Media Information HE A
Literacy HE B
Date: Synchronous Schedule: Time:
January 03-06, 2024 HE A – T, W, TH & F 6:00 am – 12:10pm
HE B - T, W, & F
HUMSS B - M, T, W & TH
STEM - M, W, & F
ICT B - T, W, & TH

• Describe the different dimensions of audio information and media.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Describe the different dimensions of audio information and media. (MELC)
2. Evaluate the reliability and validity of audio information and media and its/ their sources using
selection criteria.


Topic: Audio Information and Media
Liquigan, Boots C. Media and Information Literacy. Philippine: DIWA Learning
System Inc., 2016
Zarate, Jovita E. Media and Information Literacy. 1st ed. Philippine: Rex Book
Store, Inc. 2016

A. Preparatory Activity
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Attendance
2. Review/Motivation
Teaching Strategy: Real-Life Scenario
Instructional Materials: Audio recordings of news reports or interviews
1. Play an audio recording of a news report or interview that has been edited or
altered to change its meaning.
2. Ask students to analyze the audio, identify any manipulations or biases, and
discuss the implications of unreliable audio information.
3.Encourage critical thinking and reflection on the importance of evaluating audio


Activity 1: Audio Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Materials: Various audio clips (e.g., music, podcasts, commercials)
Significance: Develop students' ability to identify and describe the different dimensions of
audio information and media.

1) Divide students into small groups.
2) Provide each group with different audio clips.
3) In their groups, students analyze the audio clips and identify the dimensions present
(e.g., sound effects, voice-over, background music).
4) Each group presents their findings and discusses the impact of each dimension.

Rubric - Criteria: Identification of audio dimensions - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What dimensions of audio information and media did you identify in your assigned
2) How did these dimensions contribute to the overall message or impact of the audio?

Activity 2: Source Evaluation

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning
Materials: Audio recordings from various sources (e.g., news reports, interviews, podcasts)
Significance: Develop students' ability to evaluate the reliability and validity of audio
information and media sources using selection criteria.

1) Provide students with different audio recordings from various sources.
2) Individually or in pairs, students listen to the audio recordings and evaluate the
reliability and validity of the sources using selection criteria (e.g., credibility, expertise, bias).
3) Students present their evaluations and justify their assessments.

Rubric - Criteria: Source evaluation - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How did you determine the reliability and validity of the audio source you evaluated?
2) What selection criteria did you use, and why?

Activity 3: Audio Production Project

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning
Materials: Audio recording equipment (e.g., microphones, audio editing software)
Significance: Apply knowledge of audio dimensions and source evaluation to create an
original audio production.

1) In small groups, students plan and produce an audio project (e.g., podcast episode,
radio drama, audio documentary).
2) Students incorporate various audio dimensions and ensure the reliability and validity of
their sources.
3) Each group presents their audio production and discusses their creative choices and
evaluation process.

Rubric - Criteria: Creativity, audio dimensions, source evaluation - 5 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How did you incorporate different audio dimensions into your audio production, and
2) How did you ensure the reliability and validity of your audio sources in your project?

C. Valuing
• The objective of this lesson is for students to develop a comprehensive understanding of
the different dimensions of audio information and media. They will also learn how to
evaluate the reliability and validity of audio information and media sources using
selection criteria. By analyzing, evaluating, and creating audio content, students will
deepen their understanding of the role and impact of audio in media.
D. Application & Assessment

APPLICATION: Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

• Task 1 - Students will research and analyze a popular podcast episode, identifying the
different dimensions of audio information and media present. They will then create a
visual representation (such as a concept map or infographic) to showcase their findings.

• Task 2 - Students will choose a news report or interview and evaluate the reliability and
validity of the audio source using selection criteria. They will write a reflection paper
discussing their evaluation process and the implications of relying on audio sources for

ASSESSMENT: Think-Pair-Share
Instructional Materials: Assessment rubric

• Question 1: Describe two dimensions of audio information and media that you identified
in the audio clip you analyzed. How did these dimensions contribute to the overall impact
of the audio? (Discussion-based)

• Question 2: Evaluate the reliability and validity of the audio source you evaluated. Explain
the selection criteria you used and justify your assessment. (Written response)

• Question 3: Reflect on the audio production project you created. How did you
incorporate different audio dimensions, and how did you ensure the reliability and validity
of your sources? (Group discussion).

Choose a news article and an accompanying audio report on the same topic. Evaluate
the reliability and validity of both sources using selection criteria. Compare and contrast the
information presented in the text and audio formats, and discuss any discrepancies or biases..

Prepared by:


Teacher I, Subject Teacher

Checked & verified by: Noted by:


MT I, SHS- Focal Person School Principal

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