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7/15/23, 1:12 PM mail.

com - Re : Job Offer as CXO and Partnership Opportunity at Ikýrios

Re : Job Offer as CXO and Partnership Opportunity at Ikýrios

Date: Jul 14, 2023 11:02:40 PM

Dear [Allen],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally accept the job offer extended to me for the CXO position and the
exciting partnership opportunity at Ikýrios. I am honored and thrilled to be joining the team and contributing to the
company's growth and success.

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for the trust and confidence you have placed in me by selecting me
for this pivotal role. I am genuinely impressed by Ikýrios's vision, values, and the transformative work you have
accomplished in the industry. It is with great enthusiasm that I accept the offer to become a part of your organization.

After careful consideration and reflection, I am convinced that joining Ikýrios is the right move for my career. Your
innovative approach to ikriyos aligns perfectly with my own professional aspirations and expertise. The opportunity to work
alongside a talented team of individuals, dedicated to driving meaningful change and pushing the boundaries of what is
possible, is truly inspiring.

I am particularly excited about the CXO role, as it allows me to leverage my experience to contribute to Ikýrios's strategic
initiatives and lead the team in achieving our shared goals. I am confident that my experience in CXO role will enable me to
make a significant impact on the company's growth and bottom line.

Moreover, the partnership opportunity presented by Ikýrios further enhances my excitement about joining the organization.
I am eager to collaborate with external stakeholders, industry leaders, and other organizations to foster strategic alliances
that will strengthen Ikýrios's position in the market and drive mutual success.

I would like to express my gratitude to the entire hiring team for their professionalism and support throughout the
recruitment process. The positive interactions and insightful conversations I have had with the team have only reinforced my
belief that Ikýrios is the ideal organization for me to realize my full potential.

Please consider this email as my formal acceptance of the job offer and partnership opportunity. I am looking forward to
commencing my employment on 17 July 2023, as discussed during our previous conversations. Prior to my start date,
please let me know if there are any additional steps or paperwork that need to be completed.

Once again, thank you for offering me this remarkable opportunity. I am excited to embark on this journey with Ikýrios and
contribute to the company's continued success.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require any further information or if there are any next steps I need to follow. I am
available at your convenience.

Thank you again for this incredible opportunity. I am honored to be a part of the Ikýrios family.

Your sincerely,
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