"Landing Distances

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Landing Distances

Categories: Overrun on Landing Runway Excursion Glossary

From SKYbrary Wiki

Article Information

Category: General
Content source: SKYbrary
1 Definitions
2 Calculation of LDR Content control: EUROCONTROL
3 Factors Affecting Actual Landing Distance
4 Related ICAO Provisions
5 Related Articles
6 Further Reading

The terms Landing Distance Required (LDR) and Landing Distance Available (LDA) routinely defined
in aircraft landing performance documentation are not defined for fixed wing aeroplanes in ICAO

ICAO SARPs define the term 'Landing Distance' as "the horizontal distance traversed by the aeroplane
by the aeroplane from a point on the approach path at a selected height above the landing surface to the
point on the landing surface at which the aeroplane comes to a complete stop" (ICAO Annex 8 Part IIIA
Paragraph and Part IIIB Sub-part B Paragraph B2.7 e)). This is usually taken as the basis for the
determination of Landing Distance Required (LDR) which is calculated by taking into account the effect
of various influencing factors, including prevailing surface conditions and the extent to which aircraft
devices which are available to assist deceleration are deployed,

A definition of the Landing Distance Available (LDA) is provided in IR-OPS Annex I - Definitions
(http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/2105.pdf), EU-OPS 1.480
(http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/818.pdf#search=1.480) (a)(5) as "the length of the runway
which is declared available by the appropriate Authority and is suitable for the ground run of an
aeroplane landing".

Calculation of LDR
Put simply, the LDR must be less than the LDA.

IR-OPS CAT.POL.A (and EU-OPS 1 Sub-part G) specifies safety factors that must be applied in
determination of the LDR (see further reading).

The LDR depends on a number of factors, principally:

The aircraft landing mass;

The surface wind and temperature;

The runway elevation and slope;

The runway surface conditions (dry, wet or contaminated); and,

The condition of aircraft braking systems.

Aircraft performance (LDR and landing speed) is calculated by the pilots using printed tables or a
computer. This calculation takes account of the above factors, including the safety factor. It is assumed
for these calculations that the aircraft will be at a specified height (normally 50 ft) crossing the runway
threshold at the correct speed, and that aircraft handling will be in accordance with procedures detailed
in the AFM and company SOPs.

Safety factors vary according to the aircraft type (turbo-jet or turbo-prop), the runway conditions (dry,
wet or contaminated) and in pre-departure planning, whether the airfield is the destination or an

Special provisions apply to steep approaches and to short landing operations.

Factors Affecting Actual Landing Distance


Landing an aircraft is a difficult process requiring considerable manual dexterity. The pilot must achieve
the following goals:

On passing the runway threshold:

50 ft above runway threshold;
Aircraft configured for landing (landing gear, flaps and slats, etc.);
Correct and steady forward speed;
Correct and steady descent rate;
Appropriate power setting;
Wings level.

On touch-down:
Brakes applied;
Power reduced;
Additional devices deployed (thrust reversers, lift dump, ground spoilers etc.);
Directional control maintained.

Unserviceability of any of the devices which affect the aircraft braking (brakes, anti-skid, reverse thrust,
lift-dump, etc.) can have a serious effect on landing performance. (Note: landing performance
calculations normally assume that reverse thrust is not available)

Major unserviceability (e.g. engine malfunction) complicates handling considerably; however, any
unserviceability, even if not serious on its own, may add to control difficulties.

The complexity of the task (even with Autoland) is such that even in ideal conditions, a perfect landing
is virtually impossible, while any deviation from the ideal adds to the actual landing distance.

Runway Conditions.

The maximum landing mass and the landing speed depend on the runway braking conditions. If these
have been inaccurately reported or if the runway is wet or contaminated when its condition was reported
as being dry, the landing distance achieved will be increased.

The presence of standing water, snow, slush or ice on the runway has a particularly serious effect on
landing performance and if it cannot be cleared, it must be reported as accurately as possible. Special
techniques must be used by pilots when landing on contaminated runways.

Weather Conditions.

The maximum landing mass and landing speed is calculated based on the reported wind and
temperature. Significant changes to the reported conditions will affect the landing distance achieved.

Strong cross-winds, turbulence and wind shear make handling difficult and are likely to result in an
increased landing distance.

Effect of Factors on Landing Distance

Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) Approach-and-landing Accident Reduction (ALAR) Briefing Note 8.3
— Landing Distances (http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/867.pdf) contains the following
diagram which shows the approximate effects of various factors on landing distance:
Figure 2 - Landing Distance Factors

Related ICAO Provisions

Paragraph Provision Text
ICAO Provisions
Calculation of declared distances. Source: Annex 14, Volume I - Aerodrome Design and Operations
(Figure A-1)

Related Articles
Tailwind Operations
Landing Flare

Further Reading
ICAO Annex 8: Airworthiness Part III Chapter 2


For CAT A aircraft see: IR-OPS CAT.POL.A.230 & 235

For CAT B aircraft see: IR-OPS CAT.POL.A.330 & 335
For CAT C aircraft see: IR-OPS CAT.POL.A.435
See also Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to the parts of IR-OPS
CAT.POL.A listed above (http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/2138.pdf)
EU-OPS 1: Sub-part G, especially EU-OPS 1.510
(http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/818.pdf#search=1.510), EU-OPS 1.515
(http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/818.pdf#search=1.515) and EU-OPS 1.520
(http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/818.pdf#search=1.520) and associated AMCs and
appendices relate to Performance Class A operations. Sub-parts H and I contain provisions
relating to Performance Group B and C aircraft respectively.

Flight Safety Foundation

ALAR Briefing Note 8.3 — Landing Distances

The Flight Safety Foundation ALAR Toolkit provides useful training information and guides to best
practice. Copies of the FSF ALAR Toolkit may be ordered from the Flight Safety Foundation ALAR
website (http://www.flightsafety.org/current-safety-initiatives/approach-and-landing-accident-reduction-

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Categories: Overrun on Landing Runway Excursion Glossary

This page was last modified on 2 November 2014, at 21:21.

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