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Department of Electronics and Communication

Question bank 3
Subject: Multimedia Communication
Sub Code: 18EC743 Semester/Section: VII A & B

1. With a neat diagram explain video compression principle?

2. What are the types frames? Explain each.
3. With the aid of diagram, H.261 explain the role and operation of the
quantization control block, explain the use of the FIFO buffer and associated
high and low threshold levels.
4. A digitized video is to be compressed using the MPEG-1 standard assuming a
frame sequence of: IBBPBBPBBPBBI….and average compression ratio of
10:1I frame 20:1P frame 50:1B frame, derive the average bit rate that is
generated by the encoder for both the NTSC & PAL digitization formats.
5. Explain with neat diagram of MPEG-4 coding principles
6. What is LAN? Explain LAN topologies and LAN media access methods.
7. Explain the devices commonly used in LAN
8. Explain address resolution protocol. Briefly describe ARP functionality.
9. Explain IPV4 addressing and IP datagram format
10.Explain in detail, with diagram, the token ring wiring configuration, frame
formats, frame transmission and reception with priority operation.
11. Explain in detail, with diagrams LAN protocols and protocol frame work.
12. Explain the frame format and operational parameters of Ethernet/IEEE 802.3
13.Explain the physical and MAC sublayer of LAN Protocoal.
14.Write a short note on ARP and RARP
15.With a neat diagram, explain the principle of resource reservation protocol
16.With example, explain fragmentation and reassembly on the internet
17.Describe the operation of ARP and RARP
18.Explain CSMA/CD and principle operation of token ring.
19. What is the meaning of IP address class? With the help of diagram, explain
the different types of IP address format.
20. Explain how RARP is used to enable a diskless host to determine IP address
from its local server.

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