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By: Abdul Hakim S. Mauti

Date: November 29, 2023 or December 2, 2023

Subject: PSYCH 2 – A: Understanding the Self

The following statements below are the 10 things or lines, that can be related to myself
with a comprehensive explanation;


➢ To begin with, one of the things that makes my life enjoyable is that I accomplish
the best results. Of course, it's nice to reflect on and recall the positive things
you've done for others, including yourself.
➢ The first item on my list or experience that I have done something good for myself
and other people is my graduation from the elementary and high school levels
of my education. When I was in elementary school, I was not included in the
academic awardees and especially in the non-academic acknowledgments
because I was sometimes absent from school and could not participate in non-
academic events and competitions because I had a chronic illness, and I must not
be tired at any time because it might cause a dangerous situation. But I'm thankful
to myself, and I was able to persevere in studying, and I finished, and I still
achieved my dream in Grade 6 graduation, to be among the top 3 students, and I
was even more amazed and happy with myself because I got the salutatorian spot.
➢ In high school, I worked even harder to study, and the encouragement and support
of my friends, teachers, and family members became my inspiration and motivation
to complete my senior high school, ranking third in the overall strand of Grade 12.
In addition, I took part in non-academic prizes and acknowledgements.
➢ If I'm lucky enough to overcome one of my greatest fears, I'd like it to be my fear
of heights. It all began when I was a child, when I could always fantasize. I
frequently have dreams in which I am in a towering building or someplace tall, and
I can't help but be inquisitive, so I glance down, and then someone pushes me
from behind. I assumed that was the end of my life, but when I awoke, I found it
had all been a dream. Since then, I've developed a fear of heights. I don't like to
look down while I'm in towering buildings or anywhere else because I always think
of what I dreamed about.
➢ What I keep thinking is that I was pushed by someone I couldn't see. Or it makes
me worry if I'm suddenly cut off from where I'm standing (the agony of falling in
love with someone who doesn't love you, just kidding). The true agony comes
when you fall from the sky. Roller coasters, Ferris wheels, Vikings, and other
high places make me nervous. As well as tall structures, such as rooftops.
So, if I am fortunate enough to overcome one of my greatest fears, it is my fear of
heights. so that I can avoid worrying about probable unpleasant things that will
happen to me.
➢ Talent to Draw or Talent to make Arts. I know that I have the ability to
demonstrate and have talent, such as painting and making artworks. Since
entering high school, I've noticed an increase in art chores in other classes,
particularly Physical Education and T.L.E. Not to boast, but I was amazed with the
results of my art outputs, and I believed that if I improved my drawing, I may
become a talent. And maybe drawing will be my job love in the future. Right now, I
enjoy arts and will work hard to improve till I realize my dream of becoming an artist
in the future.
➢ Talent to Sing. I am aware that I have the ability to demonstrate and possess
talent, such as singing talent. One of my lifelong ambitions is to have a good
singing voice. I'm envious of my other male friends' singing abilities, which they
display in a low-key manner. That their voice, how they get their genre, and their
ability to merge diverse genres would astound me. So, I decided to try my hand at
singing. And it has now become a habit of mine. I sing a lot, especially when I'm
alone. I also often Videoke with my friends. Even if it's not that good, at least I'll
continue to improve my singing, until I get the right blend of voice.
➢ Achievement Motivation. I get motivated by the motor that propels your pursuit
of goals, pushing me beyond my limits to achieve milestones. It's the unstoppable
energy that fuels my ambition, inspiring a desire to excel and exceed expectations.
It motivates me ahead in academics, career, and personal passions, accepting
challenges as stepping stones toward achievement. This motivation is defined by
my persistent commitment and tenacity in the face of adversity, which has shaped
a determined mindset that thrives on accomplishments. It's the heartbeat of my
journey, encouraging me to strive for greatness and laying the basis for a legacy
founded on endurance and the unwavering pursuit of perfection.
➢ Family Motivation. My Family Motivation is the pillar of my ideals and deeds, an
unbreakable tie bound into the fabric of my being. It's the guiding light that guides
my decisions, and it's founded on love, support, and shared experiences. This unit
is a remarkable source of strength, offering consistent encouragement and a sense
of belonging. It inspires my ambitions, instilling a sense of responsibility and
determination to build a better future for those I care about. This drive promotes
compassion, understanding, and sacrifice, influencing my character and deeds
and leaving a legacy of unity, resilience, and the enduring power of close family
➢ I almost never talk about my deep secrets and problems in my life. I am one
of those people that is silent and does not express how I feel or what troubles I am
experiencing. I keep everything hidden. But I understood that hiding your
difficulties is not only terrible for you and your body, but especially bad for your
mental health, since if I keep my problem hidden, my viewpoint and thinking will
begin to shift away from the truth of the world. Our amazing teacher stated in the
Understanding the Self course that you must socialize with other people, whether
you like it or not, and that you must find people with whom you can connect and
share your difficulties. They are eager to assist and listen to you, and you may not
even expect them to offer advice. In simple terms, "No man is an island."
➢ Advice of my guardian and parents. One of the most significant pieces of advice
I received from my guardian and parents was “to continue and never give up on
my aspirations”. I usually weep when my parents tell me, "Don't be like us, son,"
or "We have a lot of faith in you that you will fulfill your dream of becoming a lawyer
and CPA in the future." Even though they don't say it's vital to look at my
background when I succeed in life, I have the impression that they want to show
me how much they adore me. Even if they don't express it, I have to go back and
repay the generosity that my parents and guardians showed me.
➢ Love and Trust. My entire existence revolves around the priceless essence of
love and trust in others. My love and the love of others are the complex power that
connects souls, creates bonds that go beyond words. It includes compassion,
sensitivity, and deep understanding, developing our strong relations that span time
and space. Relationships are built on trust, an important bridge between hearts.
The focus on reliability, trustworthiness, and mutual respect strengthens
relationships by providing a safe environment for openness and growth. Love and
trust come together, creating a weaving of meaningful human relationships and
providing life with warmth, support, and a sense of shared belonging. Embracing
these characteristics inspires my interactions, helping to shape a world where
hearts sing in harmony and souls find safety in the embrace of real relationships.
➢ Remembrance or special things that gave to me (Ring from my mother and
things my friends). The treasured things are more than just objects; they are
riches of memory. Each piece contains a story or a sentiment, creating a quilt of
our history. Photos capture brief moments that inspire memories. Gifts become
love signs, representing relationships. They inspire laughter, tears, and deep
bonds. We protect intangible feelings and experiences by keeping these building
material memories. The things we cherish are more than just belongings, they are
bottles of remembering, containing the heart of our journey and reminding us of
who we are and where we came from.
➢ Simple Life. In my dream life, I get up inspired each morning, surrounding by calm
nature in a comfortable, safe home. I begin my day with mindfulness exercises and
a nutritious meal before diving into a job that supports what I love and allows
creative to succeed. I treasure times that are full of laughter, love, and mutual
respect when I engage in real relationships with differed persons.
➢ While combining my professional (Certified Public Accountant and Lawyer
life) and personal lives (future family and friends). And when the time I finally
achieve my ideal perfect life, I am hoping that l learned and I enjoying creating arts,
playing musical instruments, and traveling to new places to learn about various
backgrounds. In order to make a positive impact on society as a whole. I advocate
sustainability, equality, justice, and education, because since I was a child I want
the peace, freedom and equality treat to all people. I relax with family and friends
as the sunsets and enjoying home-cooked dinners. My ideal life is a beautiful blend
of purpose, joy, and fulfillment, and I am grateful for every moment.
➢ My friend and I are like or similar because we have similar beliefs, hobbies,
and a common understanding. We share basic beliefs and strive for sincerity
and compassion in everything we do. Our shared interests in activities such as
music and basketball generate bonds that strengthen throughout shared
experiences. We appreciate each other's differences and encourage personal
development, generating a sense of unity and trust. Our similarities build the basis
for a powerful and everlasting friendship, delivering an easy sense of connection
and togetherness across life's changes through laughing, talks, and shared
➢ I myself will look forward to achieve my dreams and goals in life. I will not
stop aiming until I finally achieved it. Setting my goals for my life gives each
step meaning. As I look toward the future, my ideals become achievable objectives.
Each aim serves as a road plan for my path. Ambition motivates determination, a
continuous spark pulling me onward in the face of adversity. I will create my way
with relentless focus, moving through obstacles and grabbing chances. Failures
can be turned into stepping stones to success through perseverance. The
achievement of these goals encourages development and shapes my identity. I
move confidently toward the desired destination, inspired by a never-ending
dedication to turn fantasies become reality. In pursuing these objectives, I embrace
life's endless possibilities and the road ahead.


SUBMITTED TO: ALMA G. MARANDA PhD – Understanding the Self Teacher

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