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President V.

President Secretary Treasure

Daisy X2 X2 X2 /
Karen X2 X2 / X2
James / X2 X3 X2
Rudy X1 / X2 X1

1. Rudy is neither a president nor the treasurer. (1)

2. Daisy is not the secretary and she is one of the youngest. (2)
3. Rudy is not the youngest so she’s not the secretary. (2)
4. James is not the secretary. (3)
5. Karen remained uncrossed in the column of secretary, so she’s the secretary.
6. Rudy remained uncrossed in the 4th row, so she’s the vice president.

(oldest) ß (youngest)
President V. Pres. Treasurer Secretary
? Rudy ? Karen

7. Now, if we align the positions from youngest to oldest, we'll have:

8. So Karen is not the treasurer, not the vice president, and not the president. (2)
9. Daisy is the treasurer since the last two positions (treasurer and secretary) are now believed to be the youngest
plus she is one of the youngest.
10. The remaining unoccupied position/unchecked box is the position for the president (the oldest of them) and the
person with no assigned position is James. Therefore, James is the president of the group.

1. The sum of three consecutive positive integers is 87. Find the numbers.

Step 1: The problem is asking for the three consecutive numbers.

Step 2: We write an equation using n for the first number. Then we add 1 to the n for the second number and
add 2 to the n for the third number. n+(n+1)+(n+2)=87

Step 3: Solve. n+(n+1)+(n+2)=87 3n+3=87 3n=87-3 1/3(3n=84)1/3 n=28 Now, we substitute the value of to the

Step 4: Solve and review the solution. n+(n+1)+(n+2)=87 28+(28+1)+(28+2)=87 28+29+30=87 87=87
Therefore, the three consecutive numbers are 28, 29, and 30.

2. The area of a rectangle is 45 cm2 . If the length is 9cm, then what is its width?

Step 1: The problem is asking for the value of width of the rectangle.

Step 2: We write an equation using w as the width, l as the length, and A as the area. A=lw

Step 3: Solve. A=lw 45 cm^2=(9 cm)(w) (1/9 cm)[45 cm^2=(9 cm)(w)](1/9 cm) 5 cm=w

Step 4: Review the solution. A=lw 45 cm^2=(9 cm)(5 cm) 45 cm^2=45 cm^2

3. The price of a pair of shoes has increased by 15%. The original price of the shoes was Php 150. What is the new
price? Step 1: The problem is asking for the new price of the shoes after the original price has increased by

Step 2: We write an equation using p as the new price of the shoes, o as the original price, and r as the
percentage rate. p=(o)+[(o)(r)] p=(Php150)+[(Php150)(15%)]

Step 3: Solve. p=(Php150)+[(Php150)(15%)] p=Php172.50

Step 4: Review the solution. Php172.50=(Php150)+[(Php150)(15%)] Php172.50=Php172.50

How would you justify that mathematics is a language?

Mathematics is a language but it is not totally the same with the language we use when communicating. Some
of its similarities with our language are the usage of vocabulary, like numbers, operations, variables, equations,
functions, and many more that are used in Mathematics. Another is the usage of correct grammar in order to
make the statements understandable. And their difference to our language is it follows certain requirements to
be understood and accepted mathematically. Another is the way Mathematics is talked has been always the
same even if it's talked not in English language but in different languages like Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese.

Mathematics is a language because it uses vocabulary and correct grammar, it follows certain requirements in
order to be understood, and the way it is talked about is always the same even if it's not in English language.

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