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DURATION 3 hours MARKS 150

 ALL Questions (Q1 – 13) must be answered.

 A reference document comprising accompanies this question paper – you are
required to read and study the scenario in this document CAREFULLY.
 This examination tests your ability to apply advanced software engineering
principles suitably given the scenario – your answers must therefore refer to
specifics of the scenario (i.e. do not just namedrop the project name in your
 Take careful note of the mark allocation for each question – motivations and
full working out of calculations is mandatory for marks to be awarded.

Question 1: Project Management [10]

1.1 Complete your own description in the team table in the appendix by describing: (2)
• Your area of expertise in terms of software development; and
• Your level of experience.
1.2 Based on your meeting with the WeWerks client, WeMote is primarily made up (8)
of the following subsystems:
• An AI component that is responsible for making sense of what constitutes
as work outputs for a company and its staff members, and producing a
model that can be used to monitor productivity amongst employees who
are working from home.
• A web application that companies are able to register and manage
employees from.
• A mobile app that is used to help employees with striking a balance
between life and work.

With the above divisions, describe how you would organise the members of
your development team to ensure that the project is a successful one (keep in
mind your motivations).

Question 2: Creating a Viable Software Plan [15]

In initial estimates, you and the team reach the conclusion that the different components of
the system will lead to a project of around 44 200 lines of code (LOC).

2.1 Historically, your particular team produces about 550 LOC/pm. Calculate the (3)
estimated effort (show your full working out).
2.2 Calculate whether you be able to complete the project in the allocated time (3)
(show your full working out).


Question 2: Creating a Viable Software Plan (continued)

2.3 Assume that it is not possible for you to complete your project within the year – (9)
would you rather ask for more time or ask for more people to add to the team?
Motivate your answer by considering the advantages and disadvantages of
both options.

Question 3: Quality Concepts [10]

3.1 Quality is said to come at a cost. As part of your budget planning, discuss (10)
quality-related activities that you should budget for as a proactive means to
ensuring that you do not go over the budget when the need to address such
quality issues arise.

Hint: these should include costs relating to prevention, appraisal, and actual

Question 4: Reviews [10]

4.1 Assume that your proposal to set money aside to cover the costs of for the (10)
appraisal and prevention of quality issues was rejected.

With reference to defect amplication, technical reviews, and deployment time,

motivate for why your proposal is non-negotiable.

Question 5: Software Quality Assurance [10]

5.1 With reference to the Pareto Principle, explain how collecting statistics of your (10)
previous projects will assist you with making informed choices that improve
your identification and management of errors and defects better.

Question 6: Metrics [10]

6.1 Two ways in which software can be measured is via the number of lines of (10)
code and the number of function points.

With reference to the types of attributes that make effective software metrics,
discuss both and motivate of which you think is more suitable for WeMote.

Question 7: Software Configuration Management [10]

7.1 Gretchen and Hans currently do not understand the idea of committing their (10)
code to Git. Define a set of guidelines when it comes to working with software
configuration items and how they should be baselined in the SynergisTech
projects database to ensure good software configuration management.


Question 8: Component-Level Testing [10]

5 7

6 8

10 11

8.1 The above flowchart has four independent paths. List all independent paths. (8)
8.2 Briefly explain why exhaustive testing, while ideal, is not realistically attainable. (2)

Question 9: Integration-Level Testing [10]

9.1 Consider how your team would put together the part of WeMote that allows (10)
companies to register an employee to the system for monitoring. How would
your bottom-up approach to integration have been carried out?

Question 10: Specialised Testing [10]

WeMote is meant to be deployed a wide variety of platforms that range from using the web,
and app versions of it via a variety of mobile devices (including touchscreen kiosks at work).

10.1 In the form of a weighted device platform matrix, demonstrate how you will (10)
learn how to prioritise the testing of the many “variations” of WeMote.


Question 11: POPIA [15]

11.1 As an international US-based company, WeWerks already conducts much (5)

business across the globe, including the European Union. The deployment
of WeMote there will however require some substantial changes in order to
remain legally compliant.

Explain why this is the case.

11.2 In South Africa, compliance with POPIA is the responsibility of the Information (10)
Regulator. Identify and discuss two POPIA principles that the Information
Regulator would focus on when it comes to reviewing WeMote should it be
subject to a data breach.

Question 12: Risk Management [15]

With a cybersecurity risk in mind, conduct a risk management exercise.

12.1 Identify and briefly discuss the cybersecurity risk (note: do not run the risk of (2)
being too generic).
12.2 Refine the identified risk to provide context to the problem. Your context (5)
should provide the necessary motivation for assigning the risk propability and
risk impact as assigned in the next question.
12.3 Using high, medium, and low as quantifiers, assign a risk probability and a (2)
perceived risk impact.
12.4 Describe how you would manage the risk. Remember there are four different (6)
ways in which you can choose to respond.

Question 13: A Strategy for Software Support [15]

13.1 Due to some lax practices when it comes to developing WeMote, you decide (10)
that there is a need to restructure the source code and the data so that it is
more maintainable in the future. Discuss the strategy that you and the team
would employ and what this would entail.
13.2 Discuss how the use of AI can be deployed to assist you with speeding up the (5)
development of design documentation that the team “forgot” to put together
in the first place.


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