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A brief introduction to

The TYCHOS – Our Geoaxial Binary System by Simon Shack

The TYCHOS is a revised model of our solar system. Its basic orbital configuration is based on the semi-Tychonian model as
defined by Longomontanus in his Astronomia Danica (1622), a monumental work regarded as Tycho Brahe´s ´testament´.
Although the semi-Tychonian and the TYCHOS models are geometrically similar, they significantly differ in that the latter
assigns an orbit to Earth – whereas the former considers Earth as a motionless (albeit diurnally-rotating) celestial body.

The TYCHOS submits that the Sun and Mars (whose orbits, in the semi-Tychonian model, intersect) are in fact a binary
system, much like the vast majority of our surrounding star systems. It is noted for pertinent comparison that the Sirius
binary system is composed of two bodies (Sirius A and Sirius B) whose observed, highly unequal diameters are,
proportionally-speaking, virtually identical to those of the Sun and Mars. In the TYCHOS, Earth is located at / or near the
barycenter of our Sun-Mars binary duo; it rotates around its axis once daily and revolves at about 1 mph around its circular
”PVP” orbit once every 25344 solar years. ”PVP” stands for Polaris-Vega-Polaris, the two most notable ´Northern stars´
under which Earth transits in the course of its 25344-year journey, commonly-known as the ”precession of the equinoxes”.

In the TYCHOS, the Sun and Mars are both escorted by a pair of moons (Mercury & Venus and Phobos & Deimos) which are
all tidally locked to their respective hosts – much as our own Moon is tidally locked to Earth. Another common trait of these
five moons is their exceptionally slow rotational speeds (around their axes). Our own Moon´s synodic period is shown to be
the greatest common divisor of all of our system´s celestial bodies´ orbital periods: for instance, our Moon, Mercury, Venus
and Mars exhibit a 1: 4: 20: 25 orbital resonance. In turn, the mean value (12.5) of this quartet (i.e. 1+4+20+25=50/4=12.5)
reflects the orbital resonance between our Moon and the Sun (1: 12.5). This remarkable pattern extends to our outer
planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which are respectively synced with our Moon´s orbital synodic period
at a 1: 150: 375: 1050: 2062.5: 3100 ratio. It should be noted that these exact, multiple orbital resonances only become
mathematically apparent when taking into account Earth´s 1-mph motion as posited by the TYCHOS model.

A series of longstanding (yet to this day still unsettled) riddles of astronomy are shown to be effectively resolved by the
core principles of the TYCHOS model. Age-old yet extant questions such as the ”failed Michelson-Morley experiments”,
James Bradley´s ”aberration of light”, the ”anomalous precession of Mercury´s perihelion”, the curious 8-shaped analemma
(and our need for the ”Equation of Time”), why only Mercury and Venus have no moons, why both Mars and the Sun
exhibit 79-year cycles, why Earth´s rotation appears to decelerate and its equinoctial precession to accelerate, why our
main asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter (and why it even exists) all find sensible and forthright answers
when assessed within the holistic TYCHOS paradigm. Most significantly perhaps, the currently inexplicable so-called
negative stellar parallax (exhibited by a good 25% of our stars) as well as the baffling amount of stars registering zero
parallax (nearly 50%!) can be shown to be natural corollaries of the TYCHOS´ geometry. In other words, the mysterious
existence of three types of stellar parallaxes (positive, negative and zero) is to be fully expected in the TYCHOS model.

Conversely, it is demonstrated that the Copernican / Keplerian model of our solar system cannot possibly represent the
physical reality of our cosmos – as it violates some of the most elementary laws of perspective ruling the optical / spatial
domain of our human perceptions. Various examples are provided illustrating the inherent absurdity of the current, widely-
accepted heliocentric geometry, such as the observed absence of parallax between two relatively proximate bodies (e.g.
Earth & Mars – or Earth & our Moon) and the distant stars – as they both supposedly (as of Copernican theory) move
laterally by several million kilometers. On the other hand, such apparent aberrations of relative longitudinal perspectives –
as well as other incongruities related to seasonal planetary latitudes (i.e celestial declinations) – are shown to be wholly
coherent with the geometric configuration, celestial mechanics and orbital velocities propounded by the TYCHOS model. In
the light of this, the TYCHOS emerges as more than just another alternative interpretation of the vast body of documented
astronomical observations of our neighboring cosmos: it is today the only existing model of our solar system consistent with
empirical experience and the most consolidated realities of our physical world.

Simon Shack – February 2018

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