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C Rushendar nath MBA SEC: D 1225511107

MAKING A TEAM DECISION How would u characterize the root cause of the misunderstanding about the process that the team apparently agreed to follow? What behavior in the team caused the misunderstanding and why did it occur? How could the team avoid such misunderstandings in the future? According Lennys investigation Sean Silencio was not following the steps to which team apparently agreed. But Sean is a young effective software developer. But sean was not experienced in this company he came from new company. First Sean is the root cause for the misunderstanding. As he is new he should follow the rules and work accordingly but he failed to do so. Second, lenny should also let Sean to know the importance of following the steps. A new employee should always monitor or taught completely about his tasks to be performed. As the team consists of different people of different sections it will be hard to control all the people. Such misunderstandings can be avoided by effective communication within the team members and with the project manager, when there are good interpersonal relationships between the members then the reoccurrence of the problem could have been avoided and the alternate approach designed by Sean would have benefited the whole team.

DEALING WITH AN UNMET EXPECTATION AND INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT Why was Sallys expectations not met by Billy? How could they both avoid such misunderstandings in the future? How could Sally effectively deal with her hurt feelings? Who has what responsibilities in resolving the interpersonal conflict? What could the team from this situation learn from this situation and what could the team do to avoid similar misunderstandings and to effectively handle interpersonal conflicts? When working in a team its the responsibility of the members to understand the objectives they should feel responsible towards the objectives they need to accomplish. Sharing of information plays a major role which helps the members to execute their task effectively. Sally and Billy can avoid such

misunderstandings in future by simply maintaining good relationship with each other and by understanding their key roles properly. Sally could not have believed Billys ability and leave the whole problem on him but could have monitored regularly whether he was working on the solution. Sally should try to build interpersonal relationship with her team mates and understand their abilities correctly. The team could held certain meetings which helped them to know each other better and to develop interpersonal relationships among themselves so that they could avoid conflicts and Lenny should also monitor the behaviours of each team member.

IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE TEAM MEETINGS How the daily team meetings could be made more productive what should be done about it? Who has responsibility for making the meeting productive? Lenny is the facilitator who has the responsibility to conduct daily meetings effective and more productive. He is responsible for making the team members understand the purpose of the meetings and assigning proper time slots for the meetings to be conducted. Its the responsibility of the team members to adjust the time for attending the daily meetings if at all in a case that one cant attend the meeting then they can acquire the information that has been discussed in the meeting by concerning their respective team members. It is the responsibility of the project manager to look after that every member participates in the meetings and make the productive, he should make the team members like Mary to understand the importance of these meetings and encourage them to participate actively in the meetings. The team members should participate effectively in the meetings and try to make them productivity and try to learn new things from each other and develop interpersonal relationships which help them to complete the project in time.


Lack of clarity about the objectives can mislead the team which can affect the performance of the team members. When the team has a clear idea of their objectives that can be seen through their working process and progress. For every module during the work process they will be certain milestones created. Having a clear idea about the objectives can lead to accomplishment of task in time which can make the team more effective, high performing team. The team members should develop interpersonal relationships and share the ideas among themselves instead of trying their own approaches to the process. There should be effective communication between the team leader and the team members among themselves such that they could share necessary information and avoid interpersonal conflicts. Meaningful breaks in action could be established at the regular meetings of the team where the team leader could ask about the progress made by each member this would provide time for the team to pause, reflect and recharge and rectify any mistakes.

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