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Week 6 critical reflection

Taking part in parent teacher meeting

This week on school placement the second-year group had their parent teacher meetings. I
had a discussion with my co operating teachers about how great of an opportunity this
event is for me as next year I will be conducting parent teacher meetings of my own. This
was my first ever kind of experience of this kind and I found it very beneficial. The teacher I
sat in with showed me how he presents all his students results in a spread sheet so he can
easily see results and students’ progress and discuss this with the parents. He also had
handouts for the parents going through the CBA and what is needed to be done examples
and different key points. In the teaching councils guide for students on school placement,
they suggest students should engage in as many different professional experiences as
possible (Teaching council 2021).
The experience was very beneficial for me as it is a key part of teaching in every school. I
now have an idea of how to set myself up and what needs to be discussed at parent teacher
meetings. I engaged with the experience and seen all different types of parents some who
asks a lot of questions and others who just listen. There was always a line waiting to get
speaking to the wood technology teacher, so it was a very busy night and a lot of talking.
One parent informed us of an issue at home that is affecting their student and took me and
the co operating teacher back it was very difficult to hear, and we reassured the parent we
will be looking out for the student and are here for anything they need.
I learnt that every parent is different and will have different questions about their child, they
also just want their child to achieve the best in your class as do we as teachers. Parent
teacher meetings are a long busy evening, and it is crucial to be prepared for them and
present yourself very professionally. This experience allowed me to really see and
understand that no one knows what is going on at home and how vulnerable students can
be. It is necessary to be kind and understanding to every student.
I find it extremely important to take every opportunity I can. The more experience and more
involved in the school I am, I feel more confident and more like a professional teacher. The
ATU school placement handbook encourages you to have a real teaching experience with
the various different roles in secondary school such as parent teacher meetings to really
develop professionally (ATU School Placement Handbook 2023)

Code of professional conduct (updated 2nd edition 2016). (2021). Retrieved from

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