Prompts For Story in The Past

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Timeless Romance: It was the summer of 1965, and the dance hall was alive

with the enchanting melodies of the era. As the record spun, and couples swayed
to the rhythm of love, Emma caught sight of a mysterious stranger across the
crowded room. With a twinkle in his eye and a timeless charm, he approached,
setting the stage for a romance that would transcend the decades.
Two seconds lasts the sight between both, when he decided to walk through the
crowd and try to reach her for proposing her a dance while they get to know
each other. She acepted and there begun the story of their lifes.
What neither of both was expecting was the disagreement of Emma’s
parents about the engagement between hernand Henry. However, they ran
away to got married secretly and lived happily in a small mountain house
with their two children.

Giovanni, Claudia González y Paloma.

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