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Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

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Recent developments in biosensors to combat agricultural challenges and
their future prospects
Monika Kundua,b,c, P. Krishnana, R.K. Kotnalab, Gajjala Sumanab,c,∗
Division of Agricultural Physics, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 110012, India
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi, 110012, India
AcSIR- CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi, 110012, India


Keywords: Background: Agriculture sector plays a strategic role in the self-sustaining economic development of a country by
Agriculture providing basic ingredients to mankind and raw material for industrialisation. Agriculture is much diversified
Food quality field, but continuing with technological growth at brisk pace. There is need of technical interventions in the
Biosensor basic principles of food processing, quality assurance, disaster risk identification, diagnosis, and prevention to
Sustainable development
achieve goal ofregional andglobal food security. Thus to improve consumer livelihood and optimal utilization of
resources, rapid, real-time, portable, and cost effective technologies are desired in agriculture. Recent ad-
vancements in biosensing technologies and material sciences have played crucial role in understanding agri-
cultural process dynamics through molecular recognising materials, antigen-antibody interaction and sub-
sequent transduction mechanism.
Scope and approach: In this article, current trends in the development of biosensors, impact of nanotechnology
and miniaturization of biosensors on addressing the new developments of agriculture strategies at different
levels have been extensively reviewed. The article intensively brings out the implications of biosensors in various
agricultural sectors and future need of improvement in the design and development techniques leading to
sustainable development.
Key findings and conclusion: Technological advancements in the area of nanobiosenors, bioelectronics, material
science, miniaturization techniques, electrode design, fabrication technology, nanolithography and microfluidics
have significantly influenced agriculture sector too. There is need to direct our research towards enhancing the
shelf life of a biosensor for increasing the acceptability among the end-users. Improvement in basic character-
istics of biosensors will lead to widespread application in major challenging areas in agriculture.

1. Introduction to be a challenging pollution source. A major part of population in

developing countries, is suffering from pesticide poisoning annually and
Agriculture is a source of income and employment for major section manytimes, it becomes an explosive fatal situation causing even deaths.
of population. Global estimates indicate, the people engaged in agri- During early stages of plant development various nitrogen-containing
culture are about 2.5 billion (Food & Agriculture, 2013). After green pesticides such as atrazin and propazin etc. are commonly used pesti-
revolution, development of various agricultural techniques, involving cides in the field by farmers across the world for nutrient management
chemical pesticides and herbicides led further enhanced crop yields, and as a preventive measure against diseases (Chauhan, Narang, & Jain,
through effectively controlling the weeds and pests infestation. Al- 2016). The other aspect of this practice has different consequence, as
though, the dependence on chemicals in green revolution agriculture the drift of sprayers adds to the air pollution and due to inhalation of
has contributed to the incredible gains in the production of cereals spray dust badly affects the health of the worker. The residues and the
globally, the widespread use of fertilizers and pesticides has caused spray droplets drifted also pollute the water resources.
severe health and environmental problems too. Harmful residues of Inspite of the deadly persisting effects of such chemicals, their de-
pesticides have entered in the food chain and water cycle. Agricultural tection at the appropriate levels in the food still remains a challenge.
chemicals such as fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide are imprecisely Although the existing chromatographic techniques such as high-per-
applied in the field leading to serious runoff problems and emerge out formance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC),

Corresponding author. CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi, 110012, India.
E-mail address: (G. Sumana).

Available online 22 March 2019

Received 17 November 2017; Received in revised form 19 March 2019; Accepted 19 March 2019

0924-2244/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

flow immunoanalysis, capillary electrophoresis and spectroscopic optical, piezoelectric or magnetic.

techniques such as UV–Vis (Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy), FTIR In post-harvest operations, various fungicides are applied in the
(Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) and NMR (Nuclear magnetic form of liquid sprays, or powder on horticultural crops (Silins,
resonance spectroscopy) are advantageous due to being highly sensi- Korhonen, & Stenius, 2014), cereals (Steinborn, Alder, Spitzke, Dork, &
tive, reliable and efficient for pesticide residue analysis, but these are Anastassiades, 2017), oil seed crops, floriculture produce and even on
time consuming, laborious, expensive, complex, and bulky requiring fodder crops (Kotinagu & Krishnaiah, 2015) such as cotton and grass.
skilled technicians to operate (Fang & Ramasamy, 2015). However, since these chemicals act through inhibition of acetylcholine
Among the emerging novel trends and streams in agriculture bio- esterase (AChE), they also represent a risk to human health by causing
sensors are now gaining popularity in all sectors from farm to fork. deadly cognitive and intellectual disorders and leads to death in most of
Biosensor is a self contained integrated tool for sensing and character- the cases (T. B. Ali, Schleret, Reilly, Chen, & Abagyan, 2015). While
ization of materials. The advancements in biosensors have passed looking at the residual effects of these pesticides, chlordecone is re-
through different stages. The biocatalyst and transducers were initially sponsible for abnormal sperm production and less mobility, carcino-
separated in earlier generations, and then the two components were genic lindane causes infertility in females and DDT is responsible for
integrated in such an intimate fashion that removing one affected the male infertility through malfunctioning of male hormones secreting
functionality of the other. Now in the modern biosensors, there is no organs (Nedellec, Rabl, & Dab, 2016). Apart from pesticides and other
need of any mediator. In these type of biosensors, the enzyme is directly such agrochemicals, illegal use of excessive chemical ripening agents
reduced on the electrode surface (Zeinhom et al., 2018). In general, the and preservatives are also threatening food quality.
development of a biosensor device involves a set of steps including, Besides, the permitted limits of ripening chemicals such as ethylene
synthesis of sensing of material, selection of bioreceptor material, (Janssen et al., 2014), some of the banned chemicals such as calcium
complex medium containing target analyte, signal processing unit, carbide (Mahmud, Shibly, Hossain, Islam, & Islam, 2015; Ramachandra,
analysis, software development and final sensing unit as shown in Gumpu, Nesakumar, Krishnan, & Rayappan, 2016) and ethylene glycol
Fig. 1. The technological interventions in agriculture have explored (Goonatilake, 2008) are intensively used by the retailers and whole-
new dimensions for achieving food sustainability all over the world. salers for earning benefits by large margins at low costs. Processing of
The user friendly technologies are easily adopted by the farming sector. surplus fresh horticultural as well as animal food accompanied with
In this concern, biosensors have opened a new gateway for whole addition of preservatives and food additives not only ensures off the
agricultural community (farmers, researchers and end users) to get into season availability but also avoid the post-harvest loss. In recent stu-
smart and precision agriculture. The agricultural biosensors can be dies, AChE based impedimetric biosensor has been developed to mea-
classified based on type of bio-recognition system used. Commonly used sure carbaryl and dichlorvos pesticides in tap water and lettuce samples
bio-recognition systems involve antibody-antigen, enzyme-coenzyme- (Malvano, Albanese, Pilloton, Di Matteo, & Crescitelli, 2017). Novel
substrate, and nucleic acids-complementary sequences. Additionally, nanocomposites consisting of recently discovered nanometrials has
microorganisms, plant cells, animal cells and tissue can also be used as been a keen area of study for the researchers. Targeting the accurate
bio-recognition element. Biosensors categorization based on signal and reliable detection of pesticides in fruit, vegetable, and water sam-
transduction mechanism involves groups such as electrochemical, ples, researchers have used a nanocomposite of 3D Graphene and Au as

Fig. 1. Schematic of biosensor development for agricultural applications.

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

matrix material for sensing carbaryl pesticide (Rahmani, Bagheri, (HPLC) and ELISA (Subraya, Diggs, & Porterfield, 2013). In plant stress
Behbahani, Hajian, & Afkhami, 2018). With such developed sensors detection, the rapid and on the site technology is still the most desirable
based on novel nanostructures and nanocomposite low detection limits one as compared to conventional methods. All the existing methods and
with good recoveries has been obtained in real samples. Additionally techniques to assess and analyse in-field problems in agriculture are
enzyme immobilization in biosensor development for pesticides leads to time consuming, laborious and are confined to laboratory level only.
improvement in sensitive as compared to free enzyme configurations With the passage of time biosensors have now intervened and
(Shamgsumova, Shurpik, Evtugyn, Stoikov, & Evtugyn, 2018). Agri- geared the agricultural development. Biosensors have most significantly
cultural biosensors are now dealing with the in-situ analysis of crop contributed to achieve the ever existing goal of precision in agriculture.
pollutants, pathogens and ultimately contributing to decision control Recently enzyme based phosphate biosensors have been developed
system in precision agriculture. Animal physiological studies are now using fluorescence transduction mechanism and developing fluorescent
conducted via use of wearable biosensors in modern dairies. For de- nanoparticles for specific and rapid detection of phosphate (Kahveci,
veloping highly sensitive agricultural biosensors, specifically those Martinez-Tome, Mallavia, & Mateo, 2016). Deficiency of nutrients and
working in liquid-solutions, stability is also an important aspect. The micronutrients such as nitrogen, calcium, zinc, phosphorous etc. as
commonly available chemicals used for some specific processes and been found to be correlated with the lodging phenomenon observed in
products in various fields are now-a-days illegally used to cheat the crops and in plants that are necessary to be detected so that the forecast
consumers and earn an easy and profitable livelihood. One such che- related to diseases can be real time and on regular basis (Barney,
mical, formaldehyde, that is generally used to preserve dead human and Eberhart, Ohlert, Knutson, & Plunkett, 2015). The plant hormones also
animal bodies, is illegally used for increasing shelf life and freshness of called as phytohormones play an important role in control and reg-
fruits and vegetables. The malpractice of using preservatives such as ulation of physiological processes of development. With the changes in
formaldehyde for creating false illusion to consumers is reported at the concentration levels of plant growth regulators, the content of
many places all over the world in food such as seafood (Goon, Bipasha, various plant phytochemicals also change accordingly. Recently, it has
Islam, & Hossain, 2014), fruits & vegetables (Wahed, Razzaq, been found that with the changes in plant growth regulators, the pro-
Dharmapuri, & Corrales, 2016), processed and packaged food duction of health promoting anticancer phytochemicals such as, total β-
(Evershed & Temple, 2016). Rapid detection of these chemicals is the carotene content, total flavonoid content (TFC), total anthocyanin
need of the time, due to their toxicity, persistence and stability. In order content (TAC), and total phenolic content (TPC) (Lupetti, Vieira, &
to combat the problem of food adulterations and contaminations, the Fatibello-Filho, 2004) can be substantially enhanced and further uti-
international food standards commission (Codex Alimentarius Com- lised for pharmaceuticals. There are various physiological processes
mission) has created an online database containing maximum residue taking place in the plants for producing chemicals in response to abiotic
limits for pesticides and acceptable maximum residue limits in different stresses (abnormal temperature, ultraviolet, drought, floods etc.),
foods (FAO/WHO, 2017). changes in levels of phytohormones (abscisic acid, gibberellins, cyto-
In this review, we are exploring role and applications of biosensors kinins, auxin, ethylene, salicylic acid etc.), seed dormancy and germi-
in agriculture and food industry. The present and future problems, nation stages. In addition, phytohormones are easily decomposed by
existing methods and techniques for analysis and biosensor interven- external triggers such as heat, light, and oxygen. Thus, the exact level of
tions in broad areas of agriculture such as pre-harvest to post-harvest phytohormones in plants needs to be assessed for providing balanced
agriculture including animal husbandry and aquaculture have been inputs in agriculture for ultimately improving quality of produce. Apart
discussed. The upcoming technological innovations and integrations from plant hormones, there are some signalling molecules such as jas-
have been explored for improvements in specificity and sensitivity of monic acid in plants that probably have growth-regulating activities. In
biosensors in future. recent times, biosensing technique such as immunoassay, electro-
chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV), time-
2. Biosensors for pre-harvest agriculture resolved spectroscopy, square wave voltammetry etc are being im-
mensely used for exploratory studies in crops as well as in foods. For
Agriculture is a complex process including various practices, tech- addressing problems related to imbalance of phytohormones and re-
niques, methods and technologies from farm to fork. In agriculture lated consequences, biosensors have played a pivotal role. For abscisic
among the various crop stages, pre-harvest and post-harvest are the acid detection, a label-free electrochemical impedance immunosensor
broadly classified stages. During pre-harvest stage, the crop is affected has been developed using an anti-ABA antibody that is adsorbed on to a
by aflatoxin contamination, deficiency of nutrients, phytohormone porous nanogold film (Y.-W. Li, Xia, Wang, Jiang, & Xiao, 2008). With
imbalance, diseases, extreme weather conditions (drought and floods), the same biosensing technique different matrices have been tried to
irrigation scheduling and lodging. The spread of microbial infestation obtain desired output. The results indicated that the abscisic acid in
may take an epidemic form if not detected and controlled at right time. plants can be detected successfully using an antobody based biosensor.
Presently laboratory-based techniques including polymerase chain re- Researchers have used various nanomaterials and nanocomposites
action (PCR), immunofluorescence (IF), enzyme-linked immunosorbent to enhance the sensitivity, shelf life and get the precision in the bio-
assay (ELISA), flow cytometry (FCM) and gas chromatography-mass sensing results. Nanomaterials have been synthesized from gold, iron,
spectrometry (GC-MS) are being used for the detection of plant dis- copper, nickel etc to further synthesize nanocomposite with some base
eases. The expensive and bulky instrumental techniques such as ther- material. In one such work, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
mography, fluorescence and hyperspectral imaging are also in use for has been used to characterise the successful grown porous nanogold
characterisation and detection of plant health status. Moreover defi- film and consequently modification of the glassy carbon electrode for
ciency of nutrients in crops may result in deterioration of final produce gibberellins acid (GA) detection in plants. This cost effective im-
quality and hence affect the production level too. Many important munosensor sensor has been designed by coupling immunoassay with
nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and magnesium are found to be the square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) technique for
declining over the time in cereals resulting in to deficiency diseases in sensitivity, accuracy to determine the GA content in the hybrid rice
people (Guo, Nazim, Liang, & Yang, 2016). Since, crops are very sen- grain samples. (J. Li et al., 2005). Biosensors can also use polymers as
sitive to the weather conditions, in both extreme hot and cold condi- the material for the matrix. Following this approach, a low cost and
tions the regular physiochemical processes of plants are disturbed and simple amperometric biosensor has been developed on polypyrrole
conditions of stress arises. Stress condition in plants is presently being (PPy) coated on a disk graphite and used for the determination of sal-
detected through changes in levels of chemical indicator using tradi- icylic acid in real samples of plasma and milk (Zavar, Heydari, &
tional techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography Rounaghi, 2013). The biosensor is generally designed to be specific to a

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

biomaterial. But the response of a specific biomolecule may get inter- acceptability, sensing maturity of agricultural produce is very im-
ference from the responses arising from the other present elements and portant for good post-harvest quality and enhanced shelf life. The
compounds. In order to improve the selectivity of a biosensor, a real sorting of mature, immature and over mature produce is done before
time highly selective microbiosensor has been developed for determi- sending for storage. The over mature fruits/vegetables will overripe and
nation of low nanomolar cytokinins concentrations in tomato xylem sap have to be discarded, while immature fruits/vegetables will lead to
exudates. The biosensor based on Cytokinin Dehydrogenase with nano- inferior eating quality for consumers. Thus only proper mature fruits/
molar sensitivity has fast response time of less than 10 s, exhibited vegetables should be harvested at proper time. This further enforces the
excellent pH stability and durability (Tian, Greplova, Frebort, Dale, & need for development of field portable and cost effective sensors/sen-
Napier, 2014). In addition to detecting plant hormones, a ratiometric sing devices to determine the maturity of horticultural produce. Since
biosensor has been developed for rapid, robust and highly sensitive advancement of maturity or ripeness is linked with changes in phy-
analysis and quantitative time-resolved monitoring of intracellular siochemical properties such as total soluble solids (TSS), pH and titrable
auxin changes by injecting natural and synthetic auxins externally. It is acidity (TA) of horticultural crops, the real time measurement of these
found that dynamic range of the sensor is within the physiological parameters will guide the harvesting of crops at proper mature stage
auxin concentrations (Wend et al., 2013). The plant stresses are often only. Biosensors have been used for measurement of intrinsic quality
handled by expensive and unconventional methods, such as use of new attributes of horticultural crops such as ascorbic acid (Vermeir et al.,
seed varieties, use of fertilizers, and application of pesticides. It is re- 2007), total phenolic compounds (Lupetti et al., 2004) and L-arginine
commended that precautions are better than cure or remedies in case of (Verma, Singh, & Kaur, 2015). As the crop attains maturity, it is har-
plant stresses otherwise at the calamity stage it will cause huge crop vested and stored for further processing. Role of biosensors is very
loss and poor quality of the produce. But the early detection of the significant in all the post-harvest processes.
alarming stress conditions of plants is still challenging. In this direction,
some biosensors have been developed to detect indicators or signalling 3. Biosensors for post-harvest agriculture
compounds of stress conditions of plants. It has been found that all
types of stress can be linked with production of some signalling mole- Post-harvest agriculture is a complex aggregate of operations con-
cules such as levels of sugar in plants. Recently, to analyse the jasmo- sisting of harvesting, sorting, storage, processing and packaging. The
nate signalling in plants, a fluorescence based biosensor has been de- demand for reliable and inexpensive methods for the assessment of
veloped that exclusively provides data about hormone distribution in fresh produce quality is expanding. In agriculture the food quality is
conditions of plant abiotic and biotic stresses (Larrieu et al., 2015). evaluated based on internal and external quality both. Internal quality
The advanced diseases detection is needed for maximizing pro- itself is determined by various factors such as, nutrients, TSS, pH,
ductivity and achieving agricultural sustainability through minimising acidity, enzymes etc., while external quality is determined by various
the disease induced damages during crops growth and development. sensory attributes such as, colour, smell, texture etc. The internal
Biosensors can be developed for detection of various diseases causing quality attributes though are the most important parameters are still
microbes. With the help of biosensors, real time microbial viability in judged by consumers based on sensory examinations only and huge lots
raw and processed food can be assessed non-destructively. In this di- are tested using biochemical analysis at laboratory levels. . Biosensors
rection various techniques of biosensing have been applied to obtain offer a viable opportunity to fulfil this niche. Biosensors are now de-
more precise and accurate measurements, also comparable to conven- veloped for catering very sensitive issues related to raw and processed
tional techniques. In this direction, an ATP bioluminescence biosensor food. The biosensors have additional advantage of being on-site testing
has been developed to determine the bacterial viability in milk and tool for analysis in agriculture. Authenticating food beverages, con-
other animal food (Eed, Abdel-Kader, El Tahan, Dai, & Amin, 2016). ventionally being done by gas chromatography, has been now in-
Microbial viability is important to be detected in food to determine the tervened by development of an optical ethanol biosensor (Kuswandi,
shelf life and further processing. Similarly for detection of tobacco Irmawati, Hidayat, & Ahmad, 2014). Another challenge in post-harvest
mosaic virus and cherry leaf roll virus, a biosensor based on virus-an- agriculture is the perishability of farm produce that demands serious
tibody binding has been developed, providing results comparable to the attention as it is the prime cause of the recurring post-harvest food
existing standard method such as ELISA and are acceptable as rapid and losses. Most of the food items available have limited shelf life due to
efficient tool of measurement (Gramberg, Kintzios, Schmidt, Mewis, & presence of moisture, and suitable conditions for microbial growth.
Ulrichs, 2012). In reported studies, efforts have been done to enhance Thus various food additives are added to food for maintaining its ap-
the limit of detection and sensitivity of a biosensor using novel type of pearance, flavour and nutrition value for prevention of microbial de-
matrices made up of nanomaterials, especially of quantum dots, carbon gradation and thus enhancing shelf life. Additives are required not only
nanotubes and graphene and to enhance the specificity different bio- in food preparation but also in packaging and transporting. Pre-
recognition elements such as DNA, antibody, enzymes etc. can be used servatives or food additives that are used to enhance the shelf life of
depending upon the area of application (Fang & Ramasamy, 2015). food, add taste, flavour and mouth appealing looks are generally di-
Water or moisture status in crop field is important determining factor rected to be used with maximum permissible prescribed limits
for various physiochemical processes in growth and development of (Alimentarius, 2015). During food processing, if the quantity of such
plants. Water is important not only for photosynthesis, but also for flow chemicals exceeds the limit, these can be hazardous for health.
of nutrients and many microelements necessary for healthy crop. An Food additives and flavour enhancers such as glutamate is very
optical fluorescence biosensor for plant water stress detection has been oftenly used in processed food and beverage industry. Use of such
reported (Chong, Liew, Li, & Asundi, 2007). In the reported study, with chemicals within the prescribed limits is essential for good health.
the changes in moisture content in the plant the resulting current biosensors have been developed for detecting excessive usage of glu-
changes accordingly. Thus the plant water stress condition can be easily tamate (Soldatkina et al., 2017), artificial preservatives (Noor Aini,
forecasted. An amperometric biosensor has been developed for quan- Siddiquee, & Ampon, 2016), other food additives and artificially ri-
tification of indole 3-acetic acid as a chemical indicator of water stress pening agents in food (Ramachandra et al., 2016) which is con-
in corn plants (Subraya et al., 2013). The electrochemical response as ventionally being done by HPLC and gas chromatography techniques.
measured was found to be well correlated with the changes in water Many of the food additives that are now-a-day's being used include
content of the corn plants. Presently, in various reported studies it has artificial colours or dyes in sweets especially during festival seasons or
been observed that the operational stability of this biosensor is limiting functions, flavour enhancers, emulsifiers, bulking agents, acids, sweet-
its technological implications in various sectors. As harvesting of proper eners and thickeners (Khodjaeva, Bojnanska, Vietoris, & Sytar, 2013).
mature fruits and vegetables ensure good quality and consumer So there is need to check the concentrations of preservatives and

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

additives in the food. In adjunct with the advantages of the upcoming water is found to be rapid and more sensitive technique than the con-
novel techniques and methods of food processing, the deliberate im- ventional ones also allowing convenience in field studies (Ettenauer,
precise addition of such chemicals have resulted in frequently occurring Zuser, Kellner, Posnicek, & Brandl, 2015). In recent times, the geneti-
food related poisoning. The analysis of food is essential for determi- cally modified foods have also flooded the market with a claim for
nation of chemicals banned to use because of ill effects to human better production and quality. The Challenges put greater responsibility
health. A food is judged as of acceptable quality if internal and external on food producers and handlers to ensure food safety. The researchers
ingredients are tested suitably. Different variety of food has different have provided ample solutions to the consumers and farmers to handle
attributes for assessment. In fruits, size, shape, aroma, flavour, texture, problems of food safety, but abiding the limitations of existing techni-
juice content, brightness etc. are some of the sensory attributes for as- ques, biosensors have played significant role in differentiating and
sessment of quality. Determining the internal quality parameters such screening traditional varieties from the genetically modified one.Gen-
as nutritional composition, soluble solids, pH, sugar content and acidity etically modified foods can be distinguished from others based on
involves complex chemical procedures. studying the biochemical parameters using various techniques.
With the introduction of biosensors for determination of these Among various reported studies in this regard, a label free colori-
quality parameters, sorting and grading of horticultural produce has metric biosensor has been recently developed for identification of ge-
become easier. It has now become possible to label the ingredients of netically modified food with fast and sensitive technique (Jung et al.,
fruits and vegetables as mark of quality. In this concern, various recent 2015). Food safety and quality is one of the most pertinent issues today
research studies have been conducted for the detection of quality in- in the world and is seeking attention and increasing concern for con-
dicators such as flavonoid content in citrus fruits (Ensafi, Karbalaei, sumers. Portable sensing devices such as biosensors are best suited for
Heydari-Bafrooei, & Rezaei, 2016), glucose content in juices and nectar preliminary testing of raw and processed food to exclude the toxic
(Dudchenko et al., 2016), histamine content in fish (Ye et al., 2016) and compounds to ensure high quality product. Biosensors are likely to
xanthine detection in meat (Dervisevic, Dervisevic, Cevik, & Senel, modernize the agro-food industry as the best technology to monitor key
2017). One of the important attributes of food quality is freshness. In parameters along the processing and supply chain in order to ensure
most of the cases, freshness of agricultural produce decides consumer food quality and safety.
acceptability and its price in the market. Now consumers are ready to
pay more prices for fresh and quality ensured food to maintain sound 4. Biosensors for artificially ripened fruits and vegetables
health. All living organisms immediately start deteriorating just after
death due to rigor mortis. Most of the agricultural produce also follows Fruits and vegetables are wholesome food and highly nutritious.
the same trend of being perishable. Thus the derived food of plant or They constitute important ingredient in routine human diet. But they
animal origin both should be preserved as per the international stan- are highly perishable owing to low shelf life. Climacteric fruits such as
dards guidelines of codex alimentarius commission to ensure longer bananas, mangoes, tomatoes and avocados are picked at proper mature
shelf life. Moreover, consuming spoiled food may lead to food poisoning stage just before ripening has initiated, since ripened fruits do not ship
and even death. Thus biosensors are required to determine quality of well, while non-climacteric fruits once harvested do not ripen further.
such food rapidly, in situ, in real time and with higher precision. Pro- Thus they have to be cautiously harvested to ensure good quality. This
gress has been undergoing in development of biosensors for sensing enables the fruit to be harvested, cooled, stored and transported longer
various quality attributes of food such as freshness, aroma, nutrition, distances to where it will be marketed and consumed. Many times, in
texture, colour etc as reported for fish (Dalkiran, Erden, & Kilig, 2017), order to fulfil the market demand, and earn profit, the fruits and ve-
meat (Boka, Adanyi, Virag, Sebela, & Kiss, 2012), fruits (Haginoya, getables are picked at an earlier stage of maturity. But eating quality of
Suzuki, Tamiya, & Karube, 2016), vegetables (Romanov, Galelyuka, such produce is unacceptable due to uneven ripening and bad taste.
Glushkov, Starodub, & Son'ko, 2011), packaged and processed food Most often, the outer appearance of such produce is reflected to be
(Kaur, Kumar, & Verma, 2014). An array of biosensors have been de- completely ripened with some artificial chemicals, hence doing fraud to
veloped for simultaneous determination of multiple carbohydrates with the consumers. Consumers usually judge the quality of fruits and ve-
high selectivity, stability, and signal reproducibility (Soldatkin et al., getables by sensory attributes only. In general, the naturally ripened
2013). In recent times, the animal foods are also posing threat in terms fruits are often uneven in colour, while the artificially ripened gets
of residues in veterinary drugs and microbial contamination. The ve- uniform external colour. The horticulturists often advise to pick fruits,
terinary drugs and vaccines used to protect animals against diseases are during its peak season and when it gets ripened naturally, since
generating residues in products derived from them. Meat, fish, eggs etc choosing a ripe fruit during off season may perhaps be artificially ri-
are posing health hazards to the consumer (Beyene, 2016). Another pened as it is not genetically ripened. Recently, farmers have started
sensitive concern for health is food toxicity. All over the world, there harvesting fruits and vegetables prematurely and later ripening with
are various reported cases of toxicity such as cyanide in cassava, peanut the use of artificial ripening agents so as to fetch good prices in the
allergens, aflatoxin and dioxin (World Health, 2015). Acute food toxi- season ahead. This malpractice leads to poisonous chemicals and their
cities and contaminations many a times prove to be severe and fatal for residues to be deposited in fruits and vegetables. These ripening agents
human health with associated after effects, long-lasting disability and along with their chemical residual impurities are perilous for health
death In all cases of water or food contaminations, the unhygienic (Ahmad & Siddiqui, 2015).
conditions of animal rearing, malnourishment and diseased animals, To determine the health effects of these chemicals various studies
improper sewage and air can be some of the possible reasons for mi- have been conducted on mechanisms, effects on fruit quality and nu-
croorganisms to easy prey animals and hence the evident carriers of trition value. Artificial ripening agents such as calcium carbide produce
these lethal microorganisms are uncooked foods of animal origin, fruits acetylene in presence of water which further diffuses through the skin
and vegetables infected with faeces, raw shellfish consisting of marine of fruits and act like ethylene in natural ripening process as,
bio toxins, frozen foods and also poultry food products. PCR based and
CaC2 + 2H2 O → C2 H2 + Ca (OH )2
plate count methods are the present reliable ways to determine con-
taminations and resulting toxicity in food. But applications of DNA Moreover the industrial grade CaC2 has impurities of arsenic and
based biosensors have replaced the existing methods by making the phosphorous hydrides that are harmful for the workers applying CaC2
detection more simple, rapid and precise. In recent study, the quality of onto fruits (Islam, Mursalat, & Khan, 2016). While widely used ethylene
Bacillus Cereus contaminated infant food has been detected using a DNA and methyl jasmonate are reported as non-toxic for human consump-
based biosensor (Izadi, Sheikh-Zeinoddin, Ensafi, & Soleimanian-Zad, tion; however, they are relatively expensive. Thus in spite of being
2016). A biosensor developed for the detection of E. Coli in drinking toxic, low-cost chemicals such as calcium carbide (Ur-Rahman,

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

Chowdhury, & Alam, 2008), ethylene glycol (Goonatilake, 2008), and 5. Biosensors for intelligent food packaging
ethephon (Hakim et al., 2012) are reported to be commonly used to
artificially trigger the ripening process by the retailers and wholesalers. One of the most challenging aspects of food sustainability is the
Chemicals like calcium carbide, ethephon and oxytocin are reportedly management of food excess. The bumper productions of food every year
being used in fruit and vegetable markets or farms for artificial ripening in world need to be managed suitably so as to be judiciously consumed,
of immaturely harvested fruits and many times increasing the size of in- stored or processed in to value added products to minimise food was-
field fruits and vegetables respectively. Calcium carbide is a carcino- tages. About 30% of the annual world food produced is wasted. Out of
genic agent and in most of the countries it is banned to be used for other this, wastage in different agricultural produce is as, 30% for cereals,
such practices except industrial application. Ethephon is a plant growth 40–50% for root crops, fruits and vegetables, 20% for oil seeds, meat,
regulator and so it is not recommended as a ripening trigger for many dairy and 35% for fish (Fao, 2013). Moreover the developed and de-
fruits. The decomposition of ethephon in presence of water produces veloping countries have different share of wastage. The rich and de-
ethylene as (Cunha et al., 2017), veloped countries waste more food as compared to developing coun-
tries. In developing countries major losses occur at post-harvest and
Cl − CH2 − CH2 − PO3 H2 + OH− → H3 PO4 + Cl− + CH2 = CH2
processing stage (40%) while in developed countries more than 40% of
Likewise oxytocin, used as a drug in veterinary sector and is not losses occur at retail and consumer levels. The raw food storage and
recommended for use in fruits and vegetables. It has been found to be processed food packaging technologies have a major role to play and
frequently used for extraordinary growth of in-field horticultural crops will contribute significantly in reducing the losses to a greater extent.
(Chandravathi, Mahadevan, Kumari, & Ahamed, 2016). In spite of ex- Conventionally, the farmer has a practice of storing the farm produce in
istence of all these regulations, these banned chemicals are illegally the field itself before sending it for sale or log term storage if needs to
being used. Consumption of fruits ripened with calcium carbide possess maintain the stock. While in developed countries amenities and facil-
a health risk as when consumed these fruits may cause some in- ities of storage structures is more than in developing countries, in both
flammatory effect, trigger some allergic reactions and have an adverse the economies, the microenvironment of storage structures needs a
effect on the kidneys. It can cause alterations in some haematological regular and continuous monitoring for controlling the determining
parameters like total WBC, lymphocytes and granulocytes. The liver factors of shelf life of produce or produce (Kuswandi, Wicaksono,
and kidney may be impaired as well (Asif, 2012; Fattah & Ali, 2010; Abdullah, Heng, & Ahmad, 2011; Sassolas, Prieto-Simon, & Marty,
Mursalat, Rony, Rahman, Islam, & Khan, 2013). Due to alkaline nature 2012).
of calcium carbide, it irritates the mucosal tissue in the abdominal re- Biosensors have played important role in environment controlled
gion. There are acute health effects due to exposure to calcium carbide. storage and intelligent food packaging. The packaging optimization
It causes burning in eyes, skin, skin ulcers; irritation in mouth, nose and strategies should be adopted to prevent contamination, loss of scent and
throat, lungs, pulmonary oedema, Calcium carbide contains traces of moisture and hence finally reduce food waste. Smart packaging with
Arsenic and Phosphorus. Exposure to arsenic or phosphorous causes controlled gaseous microenvironment inside has been now advanced
vomiting, acute diarrhoea, weakness, numbness in legs and hands, low with intelligent packaging. In intelligent packaging the food is pack-
blood pressure. Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is another chemical com- aged not only to enhance shelf life but also to track the changes in
monly used in many industrial applications for anti-freezing and internal constituents with time and place. Intelligent tags and stickers
cooling. Ethylene glycol is being used as ripening agent for fruits in are placed inside the package to reflect the degradation of packed
colder climatic conditions, as it is easily soluble in water. If swallowed, material with the passage of time, if any. Smart packaging with in-
it is poisonous and may cause kidney failure. Its consumption may lead telligent tags and stickers when integrated with direct biosensing will
to excessive salivation, muscle twitching, inhibition of RBC and choli- be able to directly communicate with the consumer via electronic de-
nesterase inhibition (Seo et al., 2012). Thus detection of excessively vices that provide visual user friendly indicative information (Saini,
used artificially ripening agents is researchable issue all over the world Sillard, Belgacem, & Bras, 2016). These intelligent tags work by sensing
due to the fact that the trace residues are sometimes volatiles and de- through a polymer film or polymer matrix integrated with nanobio-
grade easily making the detection a complex process. sensor and radio frequency identification (RFID) components. The en-
Existing techniques such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry vironment inside the food packet consisting of gases such as oxygen,
(GC-MS) and HPLC provides the standardmeasurement of these che- carbon dioxide, ethylene etc will be detected by suitable molecular
micals or their residues. These techniques are laborious, time con- recognising materials (enzyme, antibody, cell and microorganisms) in
suming, expensive and require skilled manpower to perform the testing. polymer film and further transduction reflects the chemical changes as
The ever existing need of rapid, specific and highly sensitive methods measurable output. For regular track of packaged food data, RFID tags
for this challenging issue have focussed our research efforts towards can be integrated with the food packets. Each of the RFID unit consists
search for real-time, non-destructive, in-field biosensors. In a recent of a transponder (tag); including antenna for receiving and transmitting
study, a biosensor has been developed for detection of calcium carbide signals and a microchip for storage of data, and a reader for further
ripening in mangoes through inhibition of AChE by the mixture of CaO2 communicating the data. Some intelligent tags available in the market
and C2H2 has been investigated observing the amperometric current for temperature and other quality indicators of food are: Timestrip®,
response of Pt/CeO2/AChE bioelectrode (Ramachandra et al., 2016). It Colour-Therm, Thermax, CheckPoint, Fresh-check, Onvu™, SensorQ®,
is well established that the naturally ripened fruits differ from the ar- RipeSense, CS8304, Fresh Tag, Easy2log®, Temptrip and O2 Sense™
tificially ripened fruits in the nutrients, total soluble solids (TSS), ti- (Fuertes et al., 2016; Pavelkova, 2013) as in Fig. 2(a). Biosensors for
trable acidity (TA) and sensory attributes of quality. Glucose biosensors food packaging can function in particular physico-chemical conditions
can be used to determine glucose content in fruits and hence can be in the packaged microenvironment. Their widespread application in
correlated with their ripeness status (Dudchenko et al., 2016; Haginoya this sector is limited by some factors. Such devices need to work in wide
et al., 2016). In case of artificial ripening agents, the impurity residues temperature ranges, humidity, exposure to light, and gaseous con-
or the by-products left on the surface or in peel of fruits can also be centrations. Fast responses and high throughput are required for real-
detected as indicator of state of ripening. Biosensors can be used for the time and online identification of improperly sealed packets and further
detection of by-product gases released during decompositions of che- remove them from the supply chain. Many types of biosensors in-
mical compounds during various horticultural processes. More research tegrated for intelligent packaging have been realised but not commer-
and development should be directed towards devising solutions for cialised due to limitations of high sensitivity and reversibility. Apart
maintaining quality with enhanced shelf life of perishable crops with from intelligent food packaging, intelligent food logistics as a large
suitable interventions of various biosensors. scale version of the concept is generally desired for long distance

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic representation of temperature indicator biosensor and (b) Ripeness biosensor tag for fruits and vegetables (c) biosensor film for freshness of
meat and fresh cut fruits based on gas sensing.

transportation. Presently, there are some simple cold chain solutions Nevertheless Ni is also involved in inhibition of compounds, germina-
providing real-time monitoring of the temperature during transporta- tion and chlorophyll synthesis (Bhalerao, Sharma, & Poojari, 2015).
tion of agricultural produce. Various gas concentrations inside the Recent studies have reported negative effects of nickel on photosynth-
storage chambers such as ethylene, as an indicator of unwanted ri- esis and respiration. The signalling symptoms of Ni toxicity are re-
pening, and volatile components to indicate mould infections are also flected as induced decline in the water content of plants. Another pol-
required to be monitored and controlled by intelligent food logistics lutant in this category is chromium. Its major source is industry
during long distance transportation as shown in Fig. 2(b). processes such as dyeing, alloying, tanning etc. Chromium in excess
concentration affects overall growth and development of plants. It af-
6. Biosensors for heavy metal deposits in soil and water fects germination, stem growth, root growth, leaf growth and yield.
Moreover it does affects the physiological processes such as photo-
Contamination of soil is an important concern throughout the synthesis, mineral nutrition, genotoxicity, enzymes and other important
world. The metal traces get piled up in plants from the soil through compounds (H. Oliveira, 2012). Apart from these there are heavy me-
roots. Soil health is generally indicated by various physical, chemical tals such as copper, cadmium, lead etc causing toxicity in the en-
and biological properties. These properties are linked to important vironment.
functions in plant. Moreover the soil health ultimately is linked to Most of the time, the soil and water pollutants inhibit photo-
human health, as poor soils yield fewer crops with poor quality pro- synthetic process and hence lead to increase in fluorescence emission.
duce. Ensuring good soil health is not only needed for nutritional en- Also, the presence of heavy metals increases oxidative stress in plants,
riched food but also a means of improving air and water quality which further triggers synthesis of pigments like chlorophyll and β-
through reduction of soil erosion and deforestation. The metal elements carotene. Recently this field is intervened by biosensors in areas of
in trace amounts are essential plant nutrients for accomplishing the day detecting the presence of soil ingredients, and water pollutants. Among
to day physiochemical processes. The source of these elements is water, the various efforts in this direction, a low cost, sensible and easy to
soil and air. Pollution of these resources is, causing increased quantity operate enzyme based conductometric, colorimetric and potentiometric
of heavy metal and elements, the accumulation of them in plant biosensor for copper, cadmium and lead have been reported (Tekaya
through absorption by roots is a serious problem as the plants are ul- et al., 2014). As soils are interface between agriculture and environ-
timately an integral part of human food chain. The imbalance propor- ment, soil fertility and water bodies such as rivers and lakes are con-
tions of macronutrients, micronutrients and other essential elements in tinuously being polluted by effluents from industries and factories. In-
plants hinders the biological processes and retards or accelerates some gestion of food grown on such soil and water will lead to serious
of the vital compounds such as enzymes, vitamins, hormones etc. cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, hormonal imbalances, in-
In recent years the industrialisation and mechanisation has caused fertility, allergies and malfunction of vital organs. The continuous,
an increase in the harmful emissions and effluents in air and water rapid, precise and sensitive detection of pollutants and pathogens is
leading to soil pollution ultimately as heavy metals deposits therein. essential for good soil health and water. Highly accurate sensors are
Heavy metals such as mercury (Bontidean et al., 2004), arsenic required for in-situ and real time monitoring of these natural occurring
(Shrivastava, Ghosh, Dash, & Bose, 2015), lead (Davis et al., 2016), resources in fields. Another pollutant found in drinking water and soil is
chromium (H. Oliveira, 2012), Zinc, cadmium and copper arsenic.
(Wyszkowska, Borowik, Kucharski, & Kucharski, 2013) are commonly The permissible arsenic concentration in drinking water is 10 μg/L,
found in contaminated soils. The elevated levels of these heavy metals as is recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) (Chakraborti,
and elements are proving lethal for soil health and hence for human. 2016). For precisely measuring such a low concentrations very so-
One of these pollutants, Nickel, generally get deposited at the surface of phisticated and expensive instruments are needed. Research studies are
soil due to deposition by industrial and agricultural activities. Nickel now a day's dedicated for on the spot, rapid and real-time detection of
may present a major problem in areas near towns, in industrial areas, or arsenic using cost effective technologies such as biosensors. Enormous
even in land irrigated with sewage sludge. Increased levels of nickel advantages of biosensors such as sensitivity, specificity, simplicity, low
inhibit cell division at root meristem and retards plant growth. cost, fast response time, easy to use, portability and being real-time

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

makes it lucrative technology for adoption as compared to traditional result of various metabolic activities that are harmful for human health
ones. Recently, an amperometric acetylcholinesterase biosensor has (Ni et al., 2017). In all these sectors of animal husbandry, biosensors
been developed for malathion and chlorpyrifos toxicity in water with have very important role to play for tackling the related problems by
good storage stability and low detection limit as compared to GC-MS suggesting the rapid and accurate solution. To quantify these gases in
and HPLC (Chauhan et al., 2016). animal shelters, various biosensors have been developed for specific
Drinking water microbial contaminations also have been success- detection of emitted gases (T. Xu et al., 2016). There is need to measure
fully quantified with various biosensors. One such biosensor based on the real time dynamic changes in animal body with respect to changes
electrochemical method to determine E. Coli in drinking water is re- in physiological state and metabolism. While the conventional methods
ported as highly sensitive and good reproducibility in different samples and techniques lacks in specificity and are time consuming, biosensors
as compared to PCR based method (Ettenauer et al., 2015). A real-time can be now used to characterise the animal feed and their products in
colorimetric and potentiometric biosensor has been developed for terms of nutritional composition and anti-nutritional contents. Along
qualitative and qualitative analysis of toxicity of heavy metals in soil, with this bioactive compound, chemical and microbial contaminants
milk, fruits and vegetables, and ground water (Kaur et al., 2014). Bio- can also be determined for development of commercialised feed pro-
sensor is reported with high specificity, low manufacturing cost, fast duction and processing plants.
response time and ease of use as compared to other methods such as In dairy animals the production levels and milking capacity is in-
HPLC, optical emission spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectro-pho- fluenced by many factors. Timely detection of causative agents and
tometry (AAS). Although lots of research studies have been carried in their quantification is the need of hour. For the detection of proges-
this field but the commercialised biosensor technology is still awaited. terone hormone levels in dairy animals, an electroimmunosensor is
Thus more devoted efforts are needed for bringing out the direct ap- found to be more sensitive and rapid than ELISA technique (Zhang, Du,
plication of developed biosensor for use in real-time, in-field conditions Liu, Xia, & Sun, 2013). Any milk adulterations can easily be assessed
by end users. Present and ever sustaining technological research prio- with the help of biosensors as is recently reported being done in goat
rities and challenges in major problem domains of agriculture sector milk using monolithically integrated optoelectronic biosensor. Bio-
through interventions of biosensors have been furnished in Table 1. It is sensors can suitably differentiate various adulterations such as water,
evident that long detection time, interference from the potential com- cow milk, buffalo milk and also the chemicals (Angelopoulou et al.,
pounds, non-specificity, lack of real-time measurements, short storage 2015). Moreover, the highly infectious diseases in cattle are very ha-
stability, and lack of field portability and on the spot measurements are zardous for their own health and also for the economy of a country as it
some of the listed limitation which are to be overcome in future bio- will lead to decline of the productivity in livestock industry and also the
sensor researches. Thus the dream of fully automated quality assess- product consumption. There are numerous indicators of such diseases.
ment systems is a little far away from realization without tackling the General well being of animals has been measured by heartbeat, breath
existing technological challenges. rate and mobility using biosensors (Park & Ha, 2015). Other body
movements such as jaw movements can also be used as indicator for
7. Biosensors for animal husbandry biosensing feeding behaviour, grazing efficiency and breath analysis.
Even the volatile organic compounds released from skin, breath, faeces,
Since last few decades the small and individualised farms have been urine and body fluids due to biochemical reactions and pathogenic
now revolutionised and modernised to become more automated and activities can be used as biomarkers for development of biosensors.
industrialised. Animal husbandry in agriculture includes animals and Biosensor has been developed for early detection of foot and mouth
animal products such as meat, fibre, milk and eggs that contribute diseases by exploiting antibody-antigen interaction, for rapid and on
significantly to the food bowl in a country. All over the world, a large site analysis (Bhatta et al., 2012). Mastitis is another commonly oc-
number of farmers depend on animals for earning their livelihood. curring disease in milking cattle that severely affects the yield and
Presently the diversified livestock farming from small stakeholders to quality of dairy animals that further reduces the economic benefits of
large farming systems directed towards increased productions and an- farmers. Biosensing based point of care technology has been used for
imal food favours the concept of livestock farming with care and sus- detection of bacteria responsible for mastitis in milking cows (Duarte
tainable food productions. In earlier times, an individual takes care of et al., 2016). The biosensor once developed for these diseases can be
few of the cattle by devoting whole day and observing each and every further upgraded to detect other pathogenic diseases. Another lethal
animal with personal attention only without any technological aid. The disease in dairy cattle is subclinical ketosis that occurs due to high
traditional practices of rearing and caring livestock are laborious, re- serum ketone body concentrations without observed clinical signs.
quire more manpower and experienced personnel for preliminary Among the existing methods to detect this disease are blood β-hydro-
testing of general well being. In steadily, now modernised farms engage xybutyrate test, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and
few people to take care of large number of animals though use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Biosensors have been
technological interventions in the concerned field. Right now, there is found to be suitable sensing devices for dairy cattle disease diagnosis
lack of cost effective portable diagnostic tests or devices for early de- from samples of blood serum or milk. A micro fluidic biosensor has
tection of diseases in farming animals. This necessitates the need to been developed for subclinical ketosis diagnosis in farming animals
develop a system for real time monitoring the animal health and through detection of blood β-hydroxybutyrate (Weng, Zhao,
farming system. Since consumer's demand for food is fulfilled by Neethirajan, & Duffield, 2015). This has explored a new pathway to-
farming, there is immediate need to look at food nourishment issue wards early detection of lethal generally occurring diseases in animals.
also. With increased annual income per capita, people have started Table 2 lists some of the fatal diseases in plants and livestocks, their
consuming more meat and dairy products every year. This way cattle- biomarkers and biosensing technique used for early diagnosis, detection
rearing has become a lucrative job now-a-days due to hiked market and staging of the problem.
demand and shortage supply. But it has been reported by Food and Now-a-days the modern dairies are well equipped and automated
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that agriculture is re- with suitable technologies to perform all the routine activities such as
sponsible for 18% of the total release of greenhouse gases world-wide cattle health monitoring, milking, processing and final packaging of
(Fao, 2013). The major factor contributing to these emissions come products. Biosensors are now integrated with RFID tags for online and
from cattle-breeding. instant study of health of animals and keep the record for further
In the poultry farms and dairies the various environmental polluting analysis (Neethirajan, 2017). Such technological interventions not only
gases such as ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ensure good quality but also the fast and smart delivery of dairy pro-
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are released as a ducts. The control and monitoring systems are integrated systems with

M. Kundu, et al.
Table 1
Comparison of conventional techniques and biosensor technology in combating some of the major problems in agriculture sector.
S. No. Broad Problem Area Affected Agricultural Conventional Techniques/Existing Type of Biosensor Intervention Advantage over Conventional Limitations References
Sector Methods Techniques

Pre-Harvest Agriculture
1. Determination of heavy Soil, fruits and HPLC, optical emission spectroscopy, Colorimetric and Qualitative and quantitative More ion selective electrodes are Kaur et al. (2014)
metal contamination vegetables, ground Atomic Absorption potentiometric biosensor analysis of toxicity, real time required to detect a specific
water, Spectro-photometry biosensor with specificity, low contaminant and designing ion
manufacturing cost, higher limits of selective electrode is tedious
detection, fast response time, ease of
use and portability
2. Plant water stress detection Cereals, floriculture Biochemical and chemical methods Optical fluorescence Rapid, time saving and non- As detection time is ∼2 h, it is not Chong et al. (2007)
and horticultural crops, destructive sensing suitable for on the spot real time
Petunia hybrida measurements
3. Determine Crop lodging Cereals crops Image analysis, Texture analysis, Immuno Fluorescence method Label-free, rapid, sensitive and Useful only for first-level screening as Raul et al. (2016)
tendency based on nitrogen Anatomical and chemical inexpensive, portable test strip lodging depends on several factors
content characteristics based methods
4. Determine dynamics of Cereals crops HPLC and GC/MS Fluorescence biosensor Rapid response, specificity and good Decrease in fluorescence due to Larrieu et al. (2015)
plant hormone signalling reproducibility interference by other hormones
(Jasmonic acid) due to present
biotic and abiotic stress
5. Determine carbon dioxide Coriander and Red leaf Standard titration method, Partial Optical fiber based biosensor Low cost, portable and easily Comparison with conventional Dhale, Dhongade,
concentration amaranth pressure method operatable methods is not reported Aiyer, and Kodam
6. To determine free and Arabidopsis plant HPLC and GC/MS Amperometric biosensor based Simple, rapid, inexpensive and Cost and time can be further reduced Zavar et al. (2013)
conjugated salicylic acid on Polypyrrole-Banana tissue quantifies higher salicylic acid than by adopting formats of tissue
composite GC/MS based method grinding, Salicylic acid extraction and

7. Determine nitrogen content Cereal crops Kjeldahl method, Dumas and Nitrogen Biosensor strain As compared to conventional The nitrogen sensor has broad screen Barney et al. (2015)
in plants digestion methods methods, it is time saving, and fast potential with limited specificity
8. Evaluation of microbial Raw and processed Plate count methods, spectroscopy, ATP bioluminescence biosensor Non-destructive, real-time assay, ATP assay can only be an adjunct Eed et al. (2016)
viability food Bacterial spore based technique rapid and efficient approach in nonspecific detection and
quantification of bacteria in food
products including milk and animal
9. Quantification of Indole 3- Detect plant water HPLC and ELISA Amperometric biosensor Simple, cheap and reliable Major interference (∼20–25%)from Subraya et al. (2013)
Acetic Acid in Plant stress condition in corn technique that doesn't require ascorbate is observed and operational
Stress Responses plants sample purification and antibody stability is limited to 15 samples only
Post-Harvest Agriculture
10. Determine artificial Fish and seafood GC-MS, HPLC, E-nose, Electrochemical formaldehyde Simple, rapid, highly accurate than Due to very short shelf life of 7 h (70 Noor Aini et al.

Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

preservatives (formalin) I-tongue, NIR spectroscopy biosensor existing techniques samples), it doesn't have (2016)
technological implications
11 Determine excess of flavor Food and pharmaceuticals Potentiometric titration Amperometric Glutamate Good response reproducibility and The system was studied with Soldatkina et al.
enhancers (Glutamate) methods, soectrophotometric biosensor operational stability synthetic samples and not validated (2017)
methods, HPLC with real samples. Also the testing for
potential interferences was not done
12. Determine glucose content Juices and nectar HPLC Conductometric Glucose Good storage stability, good signal Due to short duration storage stability Dudchenko et al.
in juices oxidased based biosensor reproducibility and sensitivity of 18 days, it lacks technological (2016)
13. Excessive use of artificially Mango, Banana, Apple Papaya Gas chromatography-Mass Electrochemical, Pt/CeO2/ Highly selective, reproducible, Less sensitive as compared to gas (Janssen et al., 2014)
ripening agents and Chikoo etc. spectrometry (GC-MS), HPLC AChE bioelectrode sensitive and rapid chromatography and infrared (Ramachandra et al.,
technique 2016)
14. Authenticating food Fermented beverages Gas chromatography Optical ethanol biosensor Good reproducibility and storage Interference by presence of catalase Kuswandi et al.
products stability and agreement with reduces biosensor response by ∼35% (2014)
standard methods
(continued on next page)
M. Kundu, et al.
Table 1 (continued)

S. No. Broad Problem Area Affected Agricultural Conventional Techniques/Existing Type of Biosensor Intervention Advantage over Conventional Limitations References
Sector Methods Techniques

15. Quality assessment of Frozen Saury fish and other Quality index, microbiological Electrochemical biosensor for Simple operational process, time Long time stability and response time Ye et al. (2016)
frozen food seafood and sensory methods histamine determination saving, specific and highly sensitive, studies have not been reported
low detection limit of 3 nM
16. Determine Agricultural Water GC-MS and HPLC Amperometric Good storage stability and low Biosensor lacks specificity and it is Chauhan et al.
chemicals residues in water acetylcholinesterase biosensor detection limit found to be more sensitive to (2016)
for malathion and chlorpyrofos malathion than chlorpyrofos
17. Contaminations in infant Detection of Bacillus Cereus in PCR based methods and plate DNA based biosensor Rapid, low cost and high sensitivity Biosensor lacks specificity and Ettenauer et al.
food infant food count methods portability for in -field applications (2015)
18. Drinking water Drinking water E. Coli PCR based methods and plate Electrochemical method Highly sensitive and good Lacks real time continuous Ettenauer et al.
contaminants detection count methods reproducibility monitoring of contaminants due to (2015)
long detection time (8 h)
19. Chemical residues in fruits Detection of GC-MS and HPLC Colorimetric biosensing method Good reproducibility and high Colour developing speed is slow as Sun et al. (2017)
and vegetables organophosphates and using acetylcholinesterase sensitivity compared to speed of inhibition of
carbamate residues in fruits (AChE) AChE activity by pesticides
and vegetables
20. Detection of Genetically Agricultural crops such as PCR based tests, protein based Colorimetric Biosensor Label-free bacterial detection, rapid It needs processing for protein Jung et al. (2015)
Modified food cereals, vegetables and fruits methods and DNA extraction analysis,∼4 times faster than extraction.
methods conventional methods, simple,
sensitive and onsite testing
21. Increased levels of Crops and seafood Chromatography, Electrochemical, optical Practically convenient to use, highly Different biosensor for different toxin Srivastava et al.
mycotoxins and marine Fluorescence, Ultra violet sensitive is required (2014)
biotoxins due to climate absorption, spectrometry
22. Quality assessment of Apple juice and other HPLC, Spread plate method Colorimetric biosensor Non-invasive and fast technique The change in the colour depends Dos Santod Pires
packaged juices intelligently packaged food and sensory methods both on the type of the micro- 2011

organism and the quantity of the

same. Therefore, both the type and
quantity cannot be sensed
23. Quality assessment of meat Animal meat Sensory methods, quality Electrochemical biosensor for Good linear range, low detection Biosensor is specific to only one of the Dervisevic et al.
index methods, enzymatic xanthine detection for meat limit, not prone to significant factor of quality of meat. For market (2017)
methods, freshness interference from other biochemical acceptability, devices based on
compounds overall quality index should be
24. Determine flavonoid Citrus fruits and juices HPLC Amperometric DNA biosensor Precise, fast response time and good As it is based on DNA hybridisation Ensafi et al. (2016)
content sensitivity principle, it has limitation of

Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

25. Determine excessive use of Processed food stuffs Thin layer chromatography Nanowire based biosensor using Highly sensitive This patent claims the Detection of Hong, Lee, and Lee
food additives various materials such as sodium mono glutamate. (2011)
silicon, zinc oxide and The comparison characteristics of the
vanadium oxide sensor performance with respect to
size of nanowires, material property
and the quantity of enzyme is not
Animal Husbandry
26. Determine subclinical Farming animals Blood BHBA(β-hydroxybutyric Microfluidic sensor for β- Rapid, on farm detection, cost Stability study was not done and thus Weng et al. (2015)
ketosis diagnosis acid)test, NMR spectroscopy Hydroxybutyrate effective as compared to not suitable for real time continuous
and FTIR spectroscopy conventional methods monitoring
27. Detect occurrence of Cattles Scheffe's method, testing Electrochemical biosensor Detects metabolic diseases of cattles The shelf life studies of the sensor are Neethirajan (2017)
metabolic diseases in blood or milk samples not reported in this patent
28. Determine foot and mouth Cloven-hooved animals PCR based methods and ELISA Optical biosensor In field detection and rapid testing On field testing has not been Bhatta et al. (2012)
diseases test at lower costs demonstrated
(continued on next page)
M. Kundu, et al.
Table 1 (continued)

S. No. Broad Problem Area Affected Agricultural Conventional Techniques/Existing Type of Biosensor Intervention Advantage over Conventional Limitations References
Sector Methods Techniques

29. Detection of progesterone Bovine milk ELISA test Electro- immunosensor Simple, rapid, fast and sensitive Shelf life ∼4–5 days and operational Zhang et al. (2013)
in dairy animals stability∼15 min
30. Assessment of milk Goat milk ELISA test Monolithically integrated Label free, fast, highly sensitive, and Shelf life ∼2–3 days Angelopoulou et al.
adulteration optoelectronic biosensor small in size (2015)
31. Determine mastitis diseases Milking animals Somatic cell count methods Magnetic biosensor Rapid, non-destructive and highly Microbiological misidentification Duarte et al. (2016)
(California Mastitis Test, sensitive technique ratio of 32.6% as compared to PCR
Wisconsin Mastitis Test), PCR analysis was obtained
32. Determine fish freshness Quality of fish products Quality index methods and Electrochemical biosensor Short response time, high sensitivity The biosensor can be modified to a Dalkiran, Erden, and
sensory methods and good reproducibility system giving freshness index Kilic (2017)
33. Determine histamine Fish meat ELISA, LC-MS and HPLC Amperometric biosensor Reliable, low detection limit, The biosensing system lacks Apetrei and Apetrei
content sensitive measurement of percentage of (2016)
spoilage in terms of histamine after
post-mortem of fish
34. Determine water quality in Fish productivity Biological Oxygen Demand Cell culture based biosensor Quick and specific analysis allows The testing on Tan and Schirmer
aquarium or fish ponds (BOD)test, Winkler method reproducible and accurate results (2017)
and physical methods
35. Determine stress in fish Glucose concentration in Live HPLC, spectrophotometry Electrochemical biosensor Rapid, convenient and accurate Not a reliable indicator of stress as Wu et al. (2015)
Fish there are many other stress indicators
36. Determine formalin Fish meat HPLC, Digital image analysis Electrochemical formaldehyde Highly specific and quick requiring No in field device application Noor Aini et al.
adulteration and Spectroscopy biosensor no skilled experts (2016)
37. To determine effect of Marine fishes GC-MS, HPLC, digestion Cell biosnesor Accuracy comparable with standard Might give false positive results for Geng, Zhang, and
environmental pollutants method and Dry ashing conventional methods but with fast some reagents Guo (2012)
on fish response time at low cost

38. Determine cadmium and Fish meat Atomic absorption Transgenic Zebrafish biosensor In field testing, quick results and As the biosensor is based on DNA Pawar et al. (2016)
zinc toxicity spectrophtometry (AAS), highly sensitive hybridisation principle, the sensor
Digestion methods can not quantitatively detect the
heavy metals with high specificity
39. Detection of steroid Fish ELISA test Electrochemical Rapid, real time, label free, and Stability studies not reported and Haiyun et al. (2015)
hormone concentrations in immunobiosensor convenient presently it takes ∼15 min for one
fish sample

Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

Table 2
List of biomarkers used for early diagnosis, detection and staging of some of the deadly disease in agriculture.
Agricultural Problem/Disease Biomarker Biosensing Technique References

Soybean rust Fungal spores Electrochemical immunosensor Mendes et al. (2009)

Bacterial wilt in tomato Bacterial DNA Accoustic biosensor(quartz crystal Papadakis, Skandalis, Dimopoulou,
microbalance) Glynos, and Gizeli (2015)
Karnal Bunt (Tilletia Indica) (a quarantined disease Teliosporic antigen Surface plasmone resonance (SPR) biosensor Singh, Gupta, Gupta, Singh, and
of wheat) Kumar (2013)
Biotic and Abiotic stress detection in plants Sap electrolyte concentration, Optical, electrochemical and fluorescence (Coppede et al., 2017; Larrieu et al.,
jasmonic acid (JA) concentrations biosensors 2015)
Pathogens in food and water (Salmonella Bacterial cells Electronic biosensor Ali et al. (2018)
typhimurium, and the Escherichia coli strains
JM109 and DH5-α
Mastitis diseases in dairy animals (Staphylococcus Milk, serum, plasma of infected Amperometric, potentiometric, piezoelectric (Duarte et al., 2016; Juronen, 2018;
aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus uberis) animal quartz crystal microbalance, magnetic Simplicio et al., 2017)
Determine subclinical ketosis diagnosis Milk, serum, plasma of infected Microfluidic sensor for β-Hydroxybutyrate Weng et al. (2015)
Detect occurrence of metabolic diseases in animals Serum samples Electrochemical biosensor Neethirajan (2017)
Determine foot and mouth diseases (FMD) Antigen, 3D gene of FMD virus Optical biosensor, nano PCR based biosensor (Bhatta et al., 2012; Hamdy et al.,
Determine stress in fish Glucose concentration, L-lactic Electrochemical biosensor, immunosensor (Hibi, Hatanaka, Takase, Ren, & Endo,
acid levels, cortisol levels 2012; Wu et al., 2015; Wu et al.,

coupled sensors each of them playing their individual roles. The bio- and water exchange frequency, that influence the production and
sensor has advantages of rapid and on farm detection as compared to health of fish, can also be suitable determined by transduction based
other existing methods, shelf life studies for stability of biosensor needs biosensors. Since the seafood is perishable and susceptible to microbial
to be explored. growth, it should be stored and transported only in defined conditions
of temperature and humidity. But in most of the cases due to lack of
cold chain supply and to earn easy profits, retailers and wholesalers try
8. Biosensors for aquaculture to cheat consumers through insertion of false quality indicators in
seafood. There are several studies conducted to reveal the extension
Fish and seafood are the important part of healthy diet and good and severity of malpractice prevailing in this agriculture sector. Many
source of protein worldwide. Fish consists of fat, amino acids and water cases of seafood poisoning and deaths are reported every year due to
which make it susceptible to spoilage due to microorganisms after post post-mortem spoilage (Hicks, 2016). There are many banned artificial
mortem. Fish and seafood are very perishable and can only be stored preservatives (such as formaldehyde) and ripening agents (such as
fresh in ice for 8–14 days, depending on the species (Hicks, 2016). But calcium carbide) that are illegally being used in excess quantities by
the production levels of aquaculture have increased over the time, thus vendors to cut off the cost of cold storages at the risk of lethal effects to
making it crucial to develop efficient storage and processing methods consumers’ health. The presence of these chemicals can only be ex-
and technologies to enhance the shelf life of fish and seafood to reduce amined in laboratories only by a team of expert technical persons.
the post-harvest losses. Biosensors are now widely used for various Rather, it should be tested in real-time and on the spot for the health
problems of fisheries sector. Aquaculture includes rearing aquatic ani- concern of consumer. Here comes the role of biosensor to resolve these
mals such as fish and cultivation of aquatic plants. In production and issues rapidly.
rearing of aquatic animals, real time monitoring and control of pro- Since a biosensor works on the principle of use of biomolecules for
cesses is traditionally done by fishermen. Such practices are very time transformation of a small change in mass, light, heat, pH etc to an
consuming, laborious and require skilled people. Only a specific com- electrical signal, it is quite suitable to be used for living and non-living
munity of people engaged in such activities since decades can manage tissues in seafood. In a recent work, an electrochemical biosensor has
the job. In coming future, any type of job could be handled by any been developed to determine formalin content in fish and develop a
unskilled person also just with only few guidelines. The contribution suitable device to be commercialised in market for the consumers. The
goes to novel and smart technologies that make work easier and faster. biosensor detection of formalin is found to be comparable with HPLC,
In earlier discussions, on pollution of water bodies by heavy metals, the digital image analysis and spectroscopy, the already existing methods
role of biosensors has been found as crucial one. These effluents from (Noor Aini et al., 2016). There are various other attributes also of
various establishments are released into the nearby water bodies due to seafood quality. Biosensors have been developed to determine freshness
which there are heavy metals such as zinc, lead and cadmium in water. based on measuring the changes in some specific indicator attribute of
From water these toxic metals and other pollutants enter into the body quality. Histamine is one of such indicator that arises in fresh fish with
of aquatic flora and fauna. This way these toxicants enter into the food the onset of spoilage just after post mortem due to improper storage
chain and hence human body. Before feeding upon aquatic food there is conditions and handling. A graphene based amperometric biosensor has
need to check its quality. The process of quality check occurs at dif- been developed that has good stability, precision and showed high
ferent levels. But the ultimate check point is where a consumer buys it. correlation with the standard methods (Apetrei & Apetrei, 2016).
Thus the technology of quality assessment should be rapid, objective, Xanthine, another indicator of fish and meat spoilage has been de-
accurate and sensitive to ultimately provide contentment to the con- termined quantitatively using electrochemical bio sensing technique
sumer or the end user. using bio nanocomposites and found to be reliable parameter for
Biosensors already developed for such applications can be used for freshness determination (Dervisevic et al., 2017). Now-a-days even the
aquaculture also. In recent studies, a transgenic zebra fish biosensor has gender and species of an animal can also be determined using biosensor
been developed as a first level screening tool for water toxicity (Pawar, technique. In a most recent study a highly sensitive DNA biosensor
Gireesh-Babu, Sivasubbu, & Chaudhari, 2016). Besides the detection of based on electrochemical transduction technique has been developed to
toxic substances, the fish density, water quality, gaseous concentrations

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

determine the gender of fish making feasible the automation in aqua- been evidently spread over the vast arena of agriculture. Undoubtedly,
culture for gender based screening. The developed biosensor has im- biosensors have revolutionised the precision agriculture along with the
mense utility for controlling and monitoring the various gender specific other precision technologies. Since, the characteristics of biosensors
life processes in research (Esmaeili et al., 2017). Since consumption of such as specificity, sensitivity, shelf life, and response time needs to be
spoiled seafood can lead to various allergies, diseases and many a times further improved, most of the research studies are now dedicated in this
even death. direction.
Fish allergy even in trace quantity is found to be one of the most With the upcoming of nanoscience and its related fields, various
common food allergies in world. The population that is sensitive to fish novel nanomaterials can now be synthesized very easily. These nano-
allergy is increasing drastically over the time with the mass consump- materials and their composites can serve as channel to form the suitable
tion of fish all over the world. A major fish allergen parvalbumin has matrix and develop a biosensor for specific applications with improved
been detected by a mast-cell-based fluorescence biosensor with good features. Since, nanotechnology is study of materials, process and
reproducibility and fast response. Biosensor so developed specifically phenomenon at nanometre scale and further exploration of matter for
quantifies parvalbumin and predicts fish allergy in the human popula- new applications in technical and societal challenges, conversion of
tion (Jiang et al., 2014). For fish farmers rearing fishes in ponds and macro material to nanoparticles causes generation of new character-
other water bodies it is necessary to continuously monitor and control istics of materials and as a result of which the material behaves dif-
the health of fishes to obtain good productivity. To reduce fish mor- ferently. This difference in particular characteristic is suitably detected
tality and enhance productivity, the physiological conditions such as using nanobiosensors with enhanced sensitivity, accuracy, specificity
stress level of the cultured fish must be monitored. Stress condition of a and life as compared to conventional biosensors. In the coming decades
fish might induce changes in fish causing release of some biochemical the convergence among nanotechnology, agriculture engineering, and
indicators such as glucose concentrations. Although stress arising in plant science will lead the path towards food security, sustainability,
fishes can be perceived from behavioural interactions, such as attacking precision agriculture, automation, robotic farming and cost effective
behaviour and visual irritation, but the accurate and precise qualitative technologies. This innovation in technology has important con-
and quantitative measurement of the causative agent is possible with sequences in agriculture. Various novel nanotechnological tools and
the help of a suitable biosensor only. Studies conducted using glucose techniques such as nanocapsulated insecticides spray for plants
oxidase to determine increased glucose concentrations in fish blood due (Khoobdel, Ahsaei, & Farzaneh, 2017), nanoparticles of nutrients and
to stress imposed upon revealed that biosensing technology is rapid and supplements for root growth promotion and activation of gene ex-
sensitive well suited for on-site applications even in harsh climatic pression (Syu, Hung, Chen, & Chuang, 2014), nanofilms of edible
conditions (Wu et al., 2015). Thus the aquaculture sector which is al- coatings for packaging raw and processed food (Ribeiro, 2014), nano-
ready flourishing after the blue revolution will move to new heights fibres for developing durable antimicrobial active food packaging (Saini
after incorporating the implications of latest technologies such as mi- et al., 2016), will in future play significant role in revolutions in food
croelectronics, nanoscience and biosensors. and agriculture industry. Developments in material and chemical sci-
Additionally there are some physical factors such as climate, soil ence have further led to innovations in biosensor applications due to
and topography that significantly influence agriculture productivity. enhanced sensitivity and shelf life. To meet the diagnostic and analysis
With increasing trend of genetic engineering, transgenic crops are now requirements of agriculture sector using biosensors, numerous varieties
in use in agriculture. Inspite of socio-economic benefits of genetically of nanomaterials having unique shapes, structures, and dimensions can
modified (GM) crops, they pose environmental and food safety threats. be engineered now. There are generally four different types of nano-
Thus labelling of GM derived foods is necessary requirement for trade materials that are produced for different applications. These are carbon
regulations. The focus of biosensors development has been directed based (carbon nanotubes (CNTs), fullerenes, graphenes, nanodiamonds,
towards this arising inhomogeneity in agriculture. A team of re- carbon dots etc.), metal based nanomaterials (quantum dots, nanogold,
searchers have developed an optical biosensor using fabricated thin film nanosilver and metal oxides), dendrimers (polymer based nanomater-
chip for the identification of seven GM canola lines (L. Bai et al., 2012)). ials) and nanocomposites (combining nanoparticles of one type with
Now-a-days biosensors have advanced to a level that might help to other nanoparticles) (Bhatia, 2016). Among these carbon based nano-
select climate resilient plant species and animal breeds via quick as- materials, metal oxides and nanocomposites are frequently used in
sessment of influences of environmental factors and animal genotypes applications such as biomedicine, drug delivery, tissue engineering
at different life stages (Neethirajan, Tuteja, Huang, & Kelton, 2017). biosensing, etc.
With day to day changes occurring in climate and global warming has Biosensors based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs), quantum dots (QDs),
already alarmed the advancement of pathogenic activities and resultant graphenes, gold (Au), silver (Ag), silica, nanocomposites and modified
unlisted challenging conditions for survival of animals. Time has come nanostructures with large surface to volume ratio has been synthesized
to select robust and best fitted breeds of animals that will easily adapt in order to improve electrochemical parameters. Due to good electrical
to the forthcoming climate changes. Biosensor can help us to select conductivity and ample functional groups present on surface area
climate resilient animal breeds that will survive even under various carbon nanotubes have been used to develop biosensors for detection of
stresses induced thereafter. foodborne pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus aureus) in fresh beef
(Abdalhai et al., 2014). Diagnosis of plant diseases and food borne
9. The impact of nanotechnology on development of agricultural diseases are very important fields, enriched and contributed by nano-
biosensors technology. Nanoparticles with ultra small particles can better interact
with microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses and hence provides a
Conventionally agriculture is directed to produce the food by cul- potential solution to related pathogenic agriculture problems (Ruttkay-
tivation of various crops and management of livestock. The constantly Nedecky, Krystofova, Nejdl, & Adam, 2017). Thus need to further re-
increasing population is posing global challenges to achieving the goal duce the size of nanoaparticles have been realised. Such size controlled
of food for all. All the milestone stages from farm to fork need to be nanoparticles are now frequently used in various fields.
looked upon for filling the existing gaps in agriculture. In future due to With further reduction in size, the properties of nanoparticles get
tremendously increasing population the demand for crop yield will changed. Nanoparticle size reduction up to ∼10 nm produces fluor-
increase more. As the natural agricultural inputs such as land, water escent quantum dots with novel properties arising due to quantum
and soil are finite; the need for precision technological inputs with confinement effect, surface defects and edge roughness. Recently, a
minimal use of agricultural chemicals will be on rise for sustainable biosensor based on quantum dots and gold nanoparticles with fluores-
agricultural production. In above discussions the role of biosensors has cence resonance energy transfer mechanism have been developed and

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

applied effectively for fast detection of lysozyme (LYZ) (Fu et al., 2017). active surface area.
Nanoparticles of different materials possess different characteristic In order to develop nanobiosensing devices, various nanobiosensing
properties. In biosensing studies, to synthesize any specific nanoma- elements such as nanosurfaces, nanomaterials etc are needed.
terial with desired properties for target application, concept of nano- Depending on the exclusive properties of nanomaterials an equipment
composite has been introduced. A nanocomposite incorporates a na- of increased sensitivity can be developed, that further is highly sensitive
nomaterial in to another standard nanomaterial matrix. In agriculture for the environmental changes. To detect presence of bacteria or any
the samples are in a very rough and open environment under the in- chemical substance, biosensor can be developed for more such
fluence of various natural interferents. In this regard nanocomposite screening applications based on nanosurfaces or nanoparticles with
based matrix provides better transduction with improved current re- fluorescent properties and further excite an electrical or chemical signal
sponse in biosensors. Nanocomposites involving a suitable combination in response to the trace amounts to be detected (Kahveci et al., 2016).
of nanoparticles have successfully enhanced the storage stability and Nanoscale devices with distinctive properties are good enough to make
sensitivity of agricultural biosensors. In addition, nanocomposites with agricultural systems “smart”. Such devices can diagnose plant health
desired properties generally provide high mechanical strength, re- issues before these actually get visible to the farmer. For better assim-
sistance to corrosion, high electrical and thermal conduction and long ilation of the nutrients in our body, nanomaterials can be introduced in
shelf life. food itself. Nanocapsules are now being developed for effective delivery
A highly reproducible and stable biosensor based on chitosan-TiO2- of various agricultural chemicals such as herbicides in order to enhance
graphene nanocomposite has been developed recently for detection of their specific efficiency and effectiveness by slow and controlled release
organophosphate pesticides in cabbage. The porosity of the nano- in the environment and get triggered by the presence of the target
composite provides additional stability to the biosensor via efficient (Khoobdel et al., 2017).
enzyme immobilization (Cui et al., 2018). Due to nanocomposite for- The encapsulated nanoparticles for spray of pesticides; by controlled
mation, there is sudden improvement in various properties including release of pesticide in an insect's stomach as part of precision farming,
mechanical strength, optical properties, thermal and electrical proper- minimizes the contamination of plants themselves. The most remark-
ties. Since the discovery of single layered nanomaterials, multilayered able application of nanobiosensors will be to assess the nutrient and
(2D and 3D) nanostructures are now gaining more attention due to their water needs of the plants even before the visible symptoms appear for
novel physical and chemical properties. These materials generally have the farmers. Nanobiosensors can now be seen as the “smart eye” for
large surface areas, good chemical stability, high mechanical strength keeping watch over the soil conditions and continuously ongoing
and electrical conductivity. Among all carbon based nanomaterials physiological processes during plant growth and development.
graphene and its derivatives have tremendous potential to be used as Nanobiosensors can be integrated into packaging material film to
material for biosensor in future. Among the recent researches on gra- monitor and evaluate the quality of food. Such biosensors have the
phene based biosensors, a nanocomposite of graphene oxide and gold property of producing colour change when find the suitable element of
nanocomposites (GO/AuNCs) has led to ultrasensitive detection of reaction. Based on the colour produced the shelf life and spoilage of
aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in peanut samples (Z. Li, Xue, Ma, Cheng, & Miao, food can be easily predicted. The small size and compactness of nano-
2018). The improvement in sensitivity of the biosensor is due to better material based biosensors is an added advantage for their applications
quenching ability of nanocomposite. Moreover low detection limit with in chemical and biological analysis (Steinborn et al., 2017). In a bio-
wide linear range leads to better reliability and wider applicability of sensor based device the concept that a large dosage of preservative or
such biosensors. agricultural chemical in the sample will produce a strong or intense
Among the recent researches in nanomaterial science, morphologi- signal as compared to very low concentrations makes the foundation
cally modified nanostructures of nanomaterials such as nanosheets, laying principle for development of such gadgets and instruments in
nanoflakes, nanoflowers etc. are synthesized and used for fabrication of future.
biosensors as they provide better chemical stability, biocompatibility The focus should be laid upon development of technologies fitting
and high surface area to volume ratio. In a research study for si- well with the precision farming has with a goal to increase crop yields
multaneous detection of mercury (Hg2+) and silver (Ag+) ions in though minimising use of agriculture chemical inputs. Nanosensor
drinking water, serum and cell lysate, tungsten disulfide-nanosheets network can be scattered in the crop field so that the wide scale vast
(WS2) based biosensing platform has been developed. The study has data on crop growth and soil conditions can be collected and commu-
implications in environmental monitoring and diagnosis (Zuo et al., nicated automatically in real time to a remote unit for further analysis.
2016). Thus a suitable combination of nanomaterials with electro- The whole field under the monitoring of such nanostructure sensors will
chemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electro- work like a smart field system. The farmer can keep a watch on the real
chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is gaining popularity for pa- time data on fluctuations in environmental conditions and the de-
thogen detection in biomedical sector as well as in agriculture. In an pending soil and microclimatic conditions affecting the crop. With the
effort to ensure food safety, Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 has been advancement in present day electronics, integrated circuits have be-
detected using synthesized attractive 3D architecture of silver (Ag) come quite common in every arena of life. Nanobiosensors have been
nanoparticles as nanoflowers as the interface material for electro- now fabricated with an integrated version consisting of a power source,
chemical biosensing (Huang et al., 2016). Bovine serum albumin (BSA) sensing unit, detector and display unit on a single piece of material or
has been used as stabilizing agent for proper conjugation of Ag nano- chip (Kuswandi et al., 2011; Sassolas et al., 2012). In recent years role
flowers. of smart phone in agricultural applications is not hidden to anybody.
Frequently reoccurring diseases are considered as one of the major Irrigation systems, decision support systems, precision farm manage-
factors limiting the crop productivity. Out of these, that are caused by ment and many more routine practices are now assisted with smart
virus found to be the most devastating and difficult to control, as it portable phone having high quality camera, good storage memory, and
require a control of the diseases by the vectors. Once it starts showing fast analysis software. In the same line, researchers have coupled smart
its’ symptoms, even pesticide application would not be of much use. phone with biosensor to provide a multifunctional sensing platform to
Thus early prediction of the occurrence is the only prevention to era- users for rapid detection of Salmonella Enteritidis in milk, cheese and
dicate diseases at the root. Even if the pathogens have just attacked, the water. The developed platform allows infield study via optical detection
presence of the same should be detected before the visual symptoms using Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) enzyme as signal amplification
appear. While there are vast applications of biosensors in this area at molecule (Zeinhom et al., 2018). Many such important analytes and
each stage, the nanobiosensor diagnosis will further increase the speed biosensors developed for the quantitative evaluation in this regard have
of detection and as well as the efficiency too due to enhancement of been listed in Table 3. Besides this, the application of smart phone

M. Kundu, et al.
Table 3
List of important analytes in agri-food sector with intervention of specific biosensors.
Analyte Sample Conventional Method Type of Biosensor Sensitivity/Limit of Detection/Shelf Electrode/Matrix Reproducibility References
Life/Response Time

Heavy metals Mercury, Cadmium Water HPLC, optical emission Transgenic Zebrafish Limit of detection (LOD): 0.1 ppm for Transgenic Zebrafish (Danio rerio) – Pawar et al.
and Copper spectroscopy, Atomic biosensor mercury and 0.5 ppm for cadmium (2016)
Absorption and copper
Spectro-photometry, Atomic
spectrophtometry (AAS),
Digestion methods
Cadmium Milk Atomic absorption Whole cell biosensor LOD: 1.0 μg/L Carbon paste electrode Relative standard Verma, Kaur,
spectrophtometry (AAS) and Storage stability: 65 days deviation and Kumar
inductively coupled plasma (RSD) < 2% (2011)
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Arsenic Water Atomic fluorescence Electrochemical Sensitivity: 4.91 μA ppb−1 Fe3O4-RTIL composite modified Recovery: Gao, Yu, Xiong,
spectrometry, atomic biosensor LOD: 8 × 10−4 ppb electrode 95.7%–103.6% Liu, and Huang
absorption spectroscopy, (2013)
and inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry
Lead Milk Atomic absorption Colorimetric and LOD: 38.6 μm Nylon membrane RSD: 111–119% Kaur et al.
spectrophotometery (AAS), potentiometric Storage stability: more than two (2014)
inductively coupled plasma biosensor months
mass spectrometry (ICP-
MS), and differential pulse
cathodic stripping
voltametry (DPCSV)
Lead and Mercury Water Atomic absorption Amperometric Sensitivity: 89.2 × 10−3 μA μM−1 (for Pt/CeO2/urease electrode – Gumpu,

spectroscopy (AAS), ion biosensor Pb2+ ions) and Krishnan, and

chromatography, 94.1 × 10−3 μA μM−1(for Hg2+ ions) Rayappan
chemiluminescence and LOD: 0.019 ± 0.001 μM and (2017)
inductively coupled plasma 0.018 ± 0.003 for Pb2+ and Hg2+
mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) ions respecively
Storage stability: 20 days
Response time < 1 s
Drug residue Diclofenac Bovine Milk Liquid or gas Optical biosensor LOD: 0.112 μg L−1 RIfS transducers(m D263-glass 96–112% Rau, Hilbig, and
(Antibiotics) chromatography combined substrate with a layer of 10 nm Gauglitz (2014)
with mass spectrometry, Ta2O5 and 330 nm SiO2 on top)
capillary electrophoresis,
Sulfadimidine Water and HIgh-performance liquid Immunosensor LOD: 0.06 μg/L BK7 glass has been used as planar 80%–107% Liu, Zhou, Xu,
dairy peoducts chromatography (HPLC), Storage stability: 300 test cycles waveguide chip Song, and Shi

Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

gas chromatography and (2014)
liquid chromatography-mass
Kanamycin Animal Enzyme-Linked Amperometric LOD: 5.74 pg/mL Graphene sheet(GS)-nafion(Nf)/ 99.4–106% Wei et al. (2012)
derived foods Immunosorbent Assay immunosensor thionine(TH)/Pt nanoparticles RSD: 1.85–4.03%
(ELISA), Liquid modified electrode
Spectrometry (LC-MS)
Penicilin G milk HPLC, gas chromatography Electrochemical LOD: 0.079 μmoL/L Modified carbon paste with β- 101 ± 8% do Prado,
and liquid chromatography- biosensor LOQ: 0.026 μmoL/L lactamase RSD < 5% Foguel,
mass spectrometry Goncalves, and
Maria del Pilar
Pesticide residues Organophosphate Vegetables Gas chromatography (GC) Conductometric Sensitivity: 28.04 μS/ppm Screen-printed carbon electrode – Mulyasuryani
pesticides and High Performance Biosensor LOD: 0.18 ppm and Dofir (2014)
Response time: 45 s
(continued on next page)
M. Kundu, et al.
Table 3 (continued)

Analyte Sample Conventional Method Type of Biosensor Sensitivity/Limit of Detection/Shelf Electrode/Matrix Reproducibility References
Life/Response Time

Liquid Chromatography
Paraoxon and Fruits (apple) Gas chromatography, high Electrochemical LOD: 4.30 × 10−12 mol L−1 for ESM/QDs/ChOx/AChE Recovery: Xue et al. (2016)
Parathion performance liquid biosensor paraoxon and 2.47 × 10−12 mol L−1 98.4%–114.4%
chromatography (HPLC), for parathion RSD < 2%
gas chromatography-mass Shelf life: Two months
spectrometry (GC-MS), and
liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry (LC-MS)
Paraoxon and Fruits HPLC,GC-MS,LC-MS Photoelectrochemical LOD: 6.055 × 10−14 M for paraoxon Nanocomposite of CdSe@ZnS Recovery: Li, Zheng, Liu,
Dichlorvos biosensor and 2.5 × 10−12 M for dichlorvos. quantum dots (QDs) and graphene 93.6 ± 12.1% to Zhao, and Liu
Storage stability: six months 103.3 ± 12.8% (2015)
RSD < 15%
Carbamate fruit and HPLC,GC-MS,LC-MS Electrochemical LOD: 1.4 and 0.95 μmol/L, GC/MWCNT/PANI/AChE Reproducibility: Cesarino,
vegetables biosensor respectively for carbaryl and 2.6% and Moraes, Lanza,
(cabbage, methomyl repeatability: 3.2% and Machado
broccoli and Storage stability: two months (2012)
apple samples)
Pirimicarb tomato and HPLC,GC-MS,LC-MS Electrochemical LOD: 1.8 × 10−7 mol L−1 Multi-walled carbon nanotubes Recoveries ranging Oliveira et al.
lettuce biosensor paste electrode from 91.0 ± 0.1% (2013)
samples to 101.0 ± 0.3%
RSD < 5%
Pathogens Bacteria fresh beef Polymerase chain reaction Electrochemical DNA LOD: 1.23 ng/mL GCE modified with (multiwalled Standard Abdalhai et al.
(Staphylococcus (PCR) and enzyme linked Genomic Biosensor carbon deviations < 2% (2014)
aureus) immune-sorbent assay nanotubes−chitosan−bismuth)

Bacteria (P. Arabidopsis PCR and ELISA Electrochemical Sensitivity of electrochemical assay: Screen printed carbon electrode RSD: 10.7% Lau et al. (2017)
Syringae) plants (A. biosensor 214 pM Specificity test
Thaliana) obtain no signal with
Botrytis cinerea and
Fusarium oxysporum
f.sp. conglutinans
Methyl salicylate (a Soybean plants HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS, ELISA Amperometric Sensitivity (by cyclic Alcohol oxidase and horseradish RSD: 91%–122%. Fang,
key marker of plant biosensor voltammetry):112.37 μA cm−2 m M−1 peroxidase enzymes on to carbon Umasankar, and
fungal disease) and by constant potential nanotube electrode Ramasamy
amperometry is (2016)
282.82 μA cm−2 m M−1

Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

LOD (cyclic voltammetrye): 22.95 μM
and from constant potential
amperometry is
0.98 μM
Storage stabiltiy: seven days
Grapevine virus A- Grapevine ELISA and real time Optical biosensor Sensitivity: 1 pg/mL to 10 ng/mL ZnO-based electrodes – Tereshchenko
type (GVA) proteins polymerase chain reaction et al. (2017)
(GVA-antigens) (RT-PCR)
Salmonella Milk, cheese PCR and ELISA Optical immunosensor LOD: 1.0 CFU mL−1 (water and milk) Conjugation of Magnetic bead and Recovery: 95.4 to Zeinhom et al.
and water and 1.0 CFU/g (cheese) HRP−Ab2−inorganic nanoflower 98.2 (in milk), 94.3 (2018)
to 99.5 (in cheese)
and 95.8 to 101.2 (in
M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

Fig. 3. Some commercially available biosensors for agricultural applications.

assisted biosensing is especially useful in electrochemistry, optical and in to visual indication through biosensing technology of processing
communication systems and ultimately in agriculture to develop por- signals (Chiou & Lin, 2011; Chong et al., 2007). Very few biosensors
table, low cost real time sensing devices. When integrated with in- have been developed for dairy animals, fish and seafood. Fish and
tegrated chips, test strips, and electrochemical systems, the design of seafood are the vastly consumed foods. Thus quality check of meat and
biosensor becomes simple and costs get reduced. Although present poultry products is a major concern today. As these food items are
challenges in smart phone technology include reducing optical com- perishable foods and get spoiled if not stored properly and suffers a
ponents, improving computation speed to eventually improve image poor transportation. “Bio Fish 700″and “Bio Fish 300” fish sensor from
features and developing microfabricated biosensors. BioLan, Bizkia Technology Park, is a device developed for evaluating
There are some commercialised food sensors targeted to determine the quality of fish and seafood. This biosensor determines the con-
specific chemical such as pesticides, acids, antibiotics, preservatives etc centrations of key indicators of spoilage of seafood such as sulphite and
as shown in Fig. 3. The highly sensitive sensors use a small bit of food to histamine. The limitation of these available sensors is that a single
analyse and produce the results rapidly and accurately. One such food biosensor is required to assess a single component or ingredient of food.
biosensor is Penguin food sensor developed by Biosensor Laboratories, This will enhance the cost, as many a times it is required that an in-
Korea. It is a one unit system that is equipped for performing quality tegrated system provides results for number of components or para-
attributes testing. It has a cartridge strip on which a small drop of food meters being assessed. Otherwise a person will carry a number of de-
is squeezed as an input. Then the cartridge is inserted inside the main vices for study of different parameters in a single sample.
unit called Penguin and the results are produced on the liquid crystal These available commercial biosensor devices have been targeted
display (LCD) display as processed by the configured software. The for specific application and the scope of developing such small sized
device is useful for preliminary adulteration testing in baby foods, portable and handy biosensor devices can be made feasible only with
restaurants, school canteens, industries and food processing units. the assimilation of nanomaterial science and nanotechnology in de-
These portable instruments are biomarkers of fruits, vegetables, packed velopment of agricultural biosensors. The advantages, application area
and processed food and other food items. and scope of improvement in some of the commercially available bio-
Apart from usage of biosensors for evaluation of food quality, food sensors are presented in Table 4. The advantage using such handy,
safety and ultimately health status can be well predicted in advance. portable and smart systems is increased life, ruggedness and reduced
One such biosensor “Path SMART” has been developed to detect and cost of analysis. Thus emphasis should be laid upon researches directed
quantify the food and air borne pathogens. Without any well trained towards improvements in sensitivity and shelf life of fabricated bio-
skilled technical staff and laboratory pathogens such as E. coli, sensors. More such advanced biosensors will come in near future as day
Salmonella & Listeria can be quantified at an early stage than any other to day research is bringing out novel materials, methods and techni-
method. Such technology can be further upgraded to include agri- ques.
culture field applications for detection of plant pathogens. Biosensors
are now-a-days being developed for detecting the plant stress indicators
also. For that various indicative signals such as increase in sucrose 10. Challenges and future prospects
content (Soldatkin et al., 2013), change in concentration of nutrients
(Chiou & Lin, 2011; Raul, Irineo, Gerardo, & Miguel, 2016) and hor- In the future, advancements in biosensor technology will involve
mones (Larrieu et al., 2015) etc. can be used to further transform these embedded systems, large range of analytes, microfluidics, more em-
phasis on whole cell and tissue biosensors, telecommunication

M. Kundu, et al.
Table 4
Some commercially available biosensors for specific agricultural applications.
Device Underlying Technology Company and Country of Target Application Advantages Limitations Remarks

GRYPHSENS Electrochemical nanobiosensor Guelph's Bionano Lab., Monitoring of bovine metabolic Minimal sample requirement, The developed biosensor system is The device is most useful as part of routine
Canada disease (via non-esterified fatty acid real time assessment and easy useful and affordable for large scale screening in the dairies
(NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate to use dairies and operations
Penguin Lab-On-Chip based BioSensor Laboratories, Antibiotics, pesticides, acidity, Easy to operate, point of care Suitable for meat and dairy food The device will have more commercialised
electrochemical biosensor Seoul, Korea salinity and glucose concentrations in testing, disposable cartridge only value for the consumers when include the
food horticultural produce (fruits & vegetables) and
cereal food (flour, bread etc.)
PathSmart Printed flexible plastic Sensor-Kinesis Corp.Los Quantifies the food and air pathogens Portable, detection of Detects only E. Coli, Salmonella & It has scope to be upgraded for inclusion of
microchip based biosensor Angeles, US pathogens at lower levels than Listeria monocytogenes. many more lethal pathogens causing losses to

ELISA &PCR techiques, fast agriculture produce

BioFish 300 Screen printed electrodes and BioLan, Bizkia Technology Determine seafood and fish freshness Highly specific, sensitive and Separate systems for histamine and A Portable unit incorporating quantification of
amperometric transduction Park, Spain by sensing histamine and sulphite fast as compared to other sulphite quantification in fish and both the indicators of freshness will reduce the
based enzymatic biosensor levels existing biochemical methods seafood. cost and space occupied by the instrument.
ACREO Integrated electrochemical RISE Acreo, sweden Sensing gluose, other sensor analytes Analysis with high-speed The system is complex and lacks Shelf life and maintenance is crucial factors
transduction and printed and mechanisms, including processes, to a low cost, ruggedness affecting long term usability of the system
electronics based biosensor enzymatic or affinity with versatile and adaptable to
microfluidics specific user needs
Senzytec Enzymatic biosensor Tectronik S.r.l. in Analyse ethanol,malic Acid, Fast, on-site inexpensive, user- The biosensor system require The device require a little bench space. It can
collaboration with D-lactic Acid, friendly and require no trained sample preparation and data be upgraded to hand held unit for easier
Universities of Padua and L-lactic Acid glucose, fructose in agro- personnel for operation management is done with the help application in field
Venice (Italy) food of a PC

Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

Spreeta Surface plasmon resonance Texas Instruments Inc., USA Diagnostics, food/beverage quality Using Spreeta kit, easy to set It is just a laboratory based The developed system is ideally useful as
biosensor and safety in agriculture up and operate, broad evaluation module and needs research and teaching tool in university and
applicability further developments for field- laboratories
portable instruments
M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

capability, and wearable facility. The time is not too far away when the content, fat, the nutrients and other ingredients of food being served to
farmers and end-users will be able to use real time on-the-spot tests in them with a pocket biosensor device. At commercial production or
fields, home, industries and markets for quality and safety assessments processing sites, for multi analyte detection different specific biosensors
even on their smart phones and other portable smart devices. Although can be attached as robotic arms in a single system itself for continuous
sensors are available in the market for few specific applications, but this and online monitoring of the processes. This will be readily acceptable
is meagre to resolve huge pile of existing and ever rising problems in instrument in food processing industries involved in large scale pro-
agriculture. There is still a lot of scope for improvement in limit of duction and packaging of processed food after ensuring due quality
detection, sensitivity, specificity, electrode design, matrix fabrication standards. In field, the biosensor-robot will be quite apt for testing
and costs and feasibility to be used in field. applications such as, intact fruit maturity, soil health condition, micro
Although, nanomaterials have been found to be the most suitable environment, climacteric parameters, crop health, pathogens, biotic
matrices for biosensor fabrication as compared to conventional ma- and abiotic stresses.
trices, these are generally found to be suffering from many problems The blowing wind of robotic automation in each and every field of
due to which their commercialisation is still a great challenge. Since science and technology have influenced agriculture sector also. These
biosensors can be used as off line, on-line or in vivo device in agri- robots designed and developed specifically for the purpose of agri-
culture. As sample matrix is a complex medium and has many chemi- cultural applications are called as agrobots. There are numerous ap-
cals, biosensors are subject to interference from these chemicals. plications in agriculture, environment structures, control and mon-
Interference is especially problematic in agricultural samples due to itoring where robots have routed the labour intensive tasks to smart and
electrochemical perturbations produced by molecule metabolites, pro- efficient task with technology and knowledge intensification. Since
teins, macromolecules and cells in animal as well as plant derived steering towards the one ultimate goal of sustainable development,
samples (Noor Aini et al., 2016). Various naturally occurring complex ensuring healthy and hygienic food for all, from farm to fork, biosensors
biochemical reactions in these samples can modify the chemical com- and robotics with suitable integration will lead to development of
position of samples further influencing the biosensor performance via consumer friendly, long lasting and cost effective gadgets and devices.
affecting the activities of biomolecules. In order to reduce effects due to Robotic arms are now being used along with the farm machineries and
interferents, sample pretreatment is one of the approaches that are instruments in harvesting, loading and unloading, sorting and grading,
usually followed. Processes such as extraction, pre-concentration, fil- picking and dropping, canning, inline quality evaluation and many
tration and derivatization are helpful in improving the reliability and more such labour intensive agricultural and food processing sector.
sensitivity of the biosensors. But most of the applications in agriculture Robots are designed to be multitasking systems to accomplish a task
demand usage of biosensors directly in field. In agricultural samples within a stipulated time period with efficiency and perfection as com-
there are chemicals that may cause biofouling and passivation (Xiang pared manual job. The main components of an agrobots are radio fre-
et al., 2018). Biofouling is a major problem in implantable biosensors quency (RF) transmitter, RF receiver, microcontroller, power supply,
although selecting an optimized operating voltage can reduce it. Shelf motion controllers and motor drivers. Biosensor units consisting of
life and operational stability both are crucial in biosensor development analyte, matrix, transducer, and display results can be integrated with
and depends mainly upon biomolecule stability. In most of the cases, agrobots at mechanical and software levels both.
denaturation and deactivation of protein molecules cause reduced shelf The large scale food processing industries, export units, wholesalers
life of biosensor. Immobilization, deposition technique and cross and commercial sites will be the appropriate places to install such
linking mechanisms all contribute to operational stability of biosensors. systems for easy and rapid quality assessment and task management.
Thus there is urgent need to design strategies for improving analytical Other revolution in biosensors can be achieved through implementation
performance of biosensors in agricultural samples to transform them of microfluidic technology with added advantages of throughput pro-
into viable products. These challenges need to be addressed in concern cessing, reduced sample and reagent volume, enhanced sensitivity of
to design and application of biosensors. Different enzyme stabilizers, detection and common platform for both sampling and detection. The
novel nanostructures, nanocomposites and immobilization techniques microfluidic based biosensors are now progressing with versatile pro-
have contributed towards improving sensitivity, selectivity, response mising future applications for portability, disposability and real time
time and stability. The factors such as type of the buffer, pH, avail- detection of analytes in the field. The advancements in fabricating
ability of ions and relative concentrations of stabilisers and biomolecule microchannels and various miniaturizations techniques are adding
play essential role in determining stability of biosensor. Immobilization stepping stones to the pathway but there is still a long way to go for
techniques such as covalent bonding via suitable crosslinkers have been point-of-care diagnostics testing. Micro and nanofluidic biosensors
successful in significantly improving the shelf life of biosensors. Other realisations as a robust potential real time tool will be the solution to
techniques involving polymeric films such as nafion are very common long waiting list of problems in agriculture. The technological devel-
in agricultural biosensors (Wei et al., 2012). The biomolecule im- opment of biosensors need collaboration of multidisciplinary subject
mobilization is very important factor affecting life and robustness of expertise from different academia and industry. Thus this can only be
biosensor. Generally, biomolecules in dry state are found to be more realised through cumulative sincere efforts dedicated towards bringing
stable as compared to those in soluble solutions form, and show better a “biosensor revolution” in agriculture sector.
stability after immobilization. Biomolecule stabilization can be effec-
tively achieved by using a combination of different methods. 11. Conclusion
All the undergoing research and development in biosensors is in-
terdisciplinary and the advances in mechanical and electronic en- This review underlines the significant developments in the adapta-
gineering will be an added advantage for broadening the scope of ap- tion of biosensors in various fields of agriculture. It provides an insight
plication of biosensors in agriculture. Robotics is one of the wonderful into the existing problem areas in agriculture, role of biosensors and
engineering invention and important component of precision and au- their potential implications, their limitations and scope for further
tomation systems in agriculture. Biosensors and robotics both are newly improvements. The biosensors have a huge market due to wider per-
emerging areas in science and technology. Biosensors are now widely spectives for crops, raw and processed food, environment monitoring
acceptable for quantitative and qualitative analysis. In future devices and quality control system. The advancements in micro-fabrication
will be available that non-destructively sense the intrinsic quality at- technology, material science and nanoengineering have an enormous
tributes of agricultural produce and instantly provide user friendly re- and profitable impact in the agricultural biosensor market. In current
sults for further decisions. It is only feasible with the biosensors that the scenario, the biosensors for the simultaneous detection of various toxins
people sitting in a hotel or restaurant will quickly know about calorie in the processed food to standardize quantitative measurements in

M. Kundu, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 88 (2019) 157–178

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