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Activity 3

1. Introduction: Thesis statement

The introduction of the essay is located in paragraph 1.

Thesis statement: Grades are not the best indicator of a student's quality; a good student pursues
scholarship, actively participates in class, and maintains a positive, professional relationship with
instructors and peers.

2. Main point 1

Topic sentence: Good students are actively engaged in scholarship.

Supporting detail 1: They enjoy reading and learning about their subject matter.

Supporting detail 2: They complete their homework and assignments.

Supporting detail 3: They may continue to perform research and learn more on the subject.

Supporting detail 4: They challenge themselves to learn and try new things.

Supporting detail 5: The pursuit of scholarship and education rather than concern over grades is the
hallmark of a good student.

3. Main point 2

Topic sentence: Good students have excellent class participation and behavior.

Supporting detail 1: They arrive punctually and respect their professors.

Supporting detail 2: They pay attention and take notes during class.

Supporting detail 3: They engage in quality class discussions and respect their classmates' views.

Supporting detail 4: They balance speaking and listening in class.

Supporting detail 5: Good students know how to perform and excel among their peers in the

4. Main point 3

Topic sentence: Good students maintain a positive and professional relationship with their

Supporting detail 1: They respect their instructor's authority and privacy.

Supporting detail 2: They attend office hours to discuss course material.

Supporting detail 3: They make appointments when necessary.

Supporting detail 4: Attending office hours helps good students stand out and be memorable.
Supporting detail 5: Maintaining positive, professional relationships with professors is important for
future letters of recommendation.

5. Conclusion

The conclusion of the essay wraps up the main points and emphasizes that grades alone do not
define a good student.

Activity 4

1. The text provides information about the industrial waste pollution problems in Malaysia, the
various sources of industrial waste, the effects of pollutants on the environment, and the measures
taken for the management of industrial waste.

2. According to the text, the effects of pollutants are mostly noticed in small inland seas and lakes
because these water bodies have no effective outlet, unlike the oceans which have a natural dilution
system for incoming pollutants.

3. The potential release of toxic material into the environment can be caused by the co-disposal of
toxic industrial waste together with municipality in landfill disposal sites, which can lead to the
release of toxic material into the environment through leaching.

4. The management of industrial waste has become a growing concern in Malaysia due to the rapid
industrial development in the country, which has led to significant industrial waste pollution
problems that need immediate attention. The improper segregation or disposal of industrial waste
can lead to dangerous results, and the control of hazardous wastes is governed by the
Environmental Quality Act 1974.

5. According to the text, hazardous waste is defined as any waste falling within the categories of
waste listed in the First Schedule of the Environment Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005.
It is a waste with physical, chemical, or toxicological hazards that renders it dangerous or capable of
posing harmful effects on human health and the environment.

Act 5

1. Topic sentence: Online universities offer greater academic flexibility and are a great option for
students who wish to pursue a degree while still working full time, as they provide many of the same
degree programs as traditional colleges or universities and allow students to speed up or slow down
their progress to complete their degree at their own pace.
2. Topic sentence: London and Washington DC, as major capital cities of English-speaking countries
in the Western world, share a very expensive cost of living, both in terms of housing and shopping,
and both have a significantly large population of poor and homeless.

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