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A. Bonifacio Street, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (074) 442-3043; 442-2793; 442-2193; 4448246 to 48
FAX (074) 442-2842

Improving the Commuter Experience:

Integration of Jeepney Interchange and Tram Station

A Research Study Presented to the

School of Engineering and Architecture
Saint Louis University, Baguio City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Architecture


Chan, William Dwight D.

Exiomo, Ma. Graszyela Erika M.
Herrera, Carlos Levi R.
Ines, John Rey Alleian R.
Nadado, Vincent D.
Panlican, Hannah Mae R.
Quirimit, Abraham N.
Ramos, Roel Julius J.
Trinidad, Patrice Nicole L.
Tubera, Heinrick Von M.

Ar. Jonalyn Garcia


Baguio City, the Summer Capital of the Philippines, is known for its pine-scented air,
mountain views, and cool climate. City Government of Baguio (2023), describes Baguio City
as a landlocked, densely populated city on Luzon in the Cordillera Ranges. The land cover
includes 9.81% watershed and protected forest, 1.41% parks and recreation areas, and
11.04% open spaces. Nevertheless, the remaining portion is designated for habitation areas. It
is the primary access point to neighboring communities within the Cordillera Region. As the
region's only highly urbanized city, it has become the regional administrative center, a major
commercial and financial center, a tourism hub, a respected educational center, and the seat of
the nation's most lucrative Economic Zones.

The City Planning Office of Baguio City aspires to transform Baguio City into a
Smart City, necessitating the modernization of the existing jeepneys. According to Baguio
City Smart Transportation and Mobility Master Plan (2021), it aims to fulfill the city's
transportation vision, as stated in several studies. Baguio City proposal entails converting the
Governor Pack Bus terminal into a Governor Pack Jeepney interchange and Tram station. The
study establishes a comprehensive framework that outlines the strategies and approaches the
city will employ to solve its present and future transportation requirements effectively. This
framework follows two of the city's 15 essential agenda items: revitalization of the
environment and implementing proactive traffic management measures.

Furthermore, to attain a livable and healthy urban environment, it is imperative to

solve the issue of traffic congestion. This can be accomplished by employing various
measures such as promoting active mobility, reducing and redistributing travel demand,
enhancing the efficiency of the public transport system, maximizing the capacity and
efficiency of road networks and parking resources, and the integration of mobility services to
form a comprehensive solution.

The Concept of Smart Mobility serves an integral part in achieving the goals of
economic competitiveness, social harmony, and sustainable growth. Therefore, the
implementation of an effective transportation system is crucial for the overall success of any
prospective smart city. The notion of "smart mobility" refers to transportation systems and
services that leverage modern information and communications technology to enhance the
convenience of passengers throughout their journeys. In light of these characteristics and the
United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, it is comprehensively delineated:
"The integrated user-oriented transport systems and services that can make traveling safer,
smarter, and greener using innovative technologies." The idea of "mobility" can be
distinguished from "transport" as it pertains to the infinite and effortless movement of
individuals and things. At the same time, the latter refers explicitly to utilizing a vehicle for
transportation purposes. New approach to transport systems was introduced as a result of the
fourth industrial revolution and emergence of intelligent technologies which improves

transportation experiences in urban areas. (Economic and Social Commission of the Asia
Pacific, 2022)

According to De Guzman (2017), A series of deliberations with Baguio City

stakeholders indicate that the expanding population generates traffic congestion due to tourist
arrival, and their capacity to own private cars is the most significant transit concern. Lack of
parking management strategy to reduce private vehicles and ensure public utility vehicle
loading and unloading zones; lack of centralized public transport terminal; inadequacy of
infrastructure for non-motorized transport and public transportation; public utility vehicle
emission standards compliance; and lack of implementation reduce vehicle volume.
Furthermore, the City of Baguio has commenced implementing the "modernization program"
initiated by the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), primarily by
introducing vehicles that prioritize safety and environmental sustainability. Under this
scheme, they also enforce an age restriction of 15 years for jeepneys, intending to gradually
eliminate those beyond this age limit. (Rabino, 2021)

To further consolidate the program, the City Planning Office of Baguio City officially
recommended allocating a specific lot area of 2040.85 sq.m on the Governor pack. The
proposed lot is located along a prominent roadway in Baguio City, and it holds significant
historical value due to its association with the former Benguet Auto Line Station. This
allocation aims to convert the designated area into a multifunctional transportation hub,
encompassing a Jeepney interchange and Tram station. This initiative aligns with the
provisions outlined in the Republic Act No. 11311, titled "An Act to Enhance Land
Transportation Terminals, Stations, Stops, Rest Areas, and Roll-On/Roll-Off Terminals,
Allocating Financial Resources for Such Purposes, and Other Related Matters." In addition,
Public Transport Terminals are public institutions and government facilities that significantly
impact water and energy consumption. Despite the potential for substantial savings through
energy and water-efficient technologies, various barriers to implementation are more
pronounced in these settings compared to the residential sector. These barriers hinder the
development of an influential retrofitting industry. Using energy-saving measures in buildings
carries environmental implications and yields economic advantages. Reduced energy usage
leads to decreased utility expenses for individuals and, at a broader economic scale,
diminishes the dependence on imported fossil fuels, enhancing energy security. (Pakadis et
al., 2023)

This research seeks to render an architectural solution for designing a tram station
correlated with the jeepney interchange located on Governor Pack, Baguio City. The
following questions are formulated to answer the main problem: 1.) Profiling the respondents
in terms of age, occupation, and group (PWD/Senior Citizens/Students); 2). How do
public/private transportation and proper station/terminal affect traffic congestion in terms of
urbanization, transportation availability, and road capacity; 3). What are the design
considerations for an energy-efficient building/terminal; 4). What is the level of efficiency of

smart mobility in helping the city achieve a systematic network and proper traffic
management systems?

Moreover, this study aims to optimize vehicle mobility and build well-designed
stations and terminals to reduce traffic congestion. The study also seeks to design an energy-
efficient terminal in which measures in buildings carry environmental implications and yield
economic advantages. Smart mobility solutions create a well-organized transportation
network and efficient traffic management systems. In addition, promoting mass transit will
yield advantages for several stakeholders, including the government, commuters, tourists, and
public utility vehicle (PUV) owners. The project is intended to decrease air pollution and
achieve environmental sustainability goals substantially. Improved public transit accessibility
is projected to improve quality of life and social and economic possibilities.

The scope and delimitation of the study are limited to the Central Business District
(CBD) of Baguio City, also referred to as the "Inner Ring." The study will exclusively
concentrate on the jeepneys that pass through the Gov. Pack area, mainly the routes of
Trancoville and Aurora Hill. Additionally, the researchers will conduct a data gathering
procedure to evaluate the Tram station's capacity, analyze traffic patterns and routes, and
ascertain the quantity of jeepney stops.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The study’s conceptual framework is depicted in Figure 1, which follows the Input-
Process-Output model. The input specifies the circumstances under which the researcher will
ascertain the required information. On the contrary, the process refers to the instruments or
approaches used to gather the data necessary for the study. In conclusion, the output results

from an investigation of an interchange, including an Energy-efficient tram station and

jeepney interchange.

Hypothesis: Integrating the jeepney interchange and tram station will have a significant
positive impact on the commuter experience, accessibility, travel time, and the overall
efficiency and sustainability of the transportation system.


Research Design

The research will utilize a mixed-methods approach that integrates qualitative and
quantitative data collection and analysis methodologies. The quantitative aspect of the study
will involve the utilization of data obtained through the researchers' observations and the
collection of necessary data. Subsequently, a qualitative methodology will be employed,
involving the administration of surveys comprising straightforward questions and statements
easily comprehensible to prospective study participants. This study's research methodology
involves interviews and acquiring data from specific government entities, namely the City
Planning and Development Office (CPDO) and the Department of Tourism and Land
Transportation Office (LTO). The collected data will be analyzed using a qualitative

The process will involve carefully selecting eligible participants within specific
categories and utilizing qualitative research methods to gain a more profound comprehension
and expand upon the study's findings. In addition, the researchers will be engaging in
observational methods to ascertain traffic movement patterns inside the designated regions.

Sampling Design

The researchers will make use of purposive sampling, under non-probability

sampling, to select modernized jeepneys as the primary focus of their investigation into
commuter perceptions. This choice is based on the Baguio City Smart Transportation and
Mobility Master Plan (2021), which designates modernized jeepneys as the primary mode of
transportation in the Central Business District.

In addition, this study will employ a stratified random sampling within the framework
of probability sampling to administer the survey questionnaire. The researchers will select a
subset of individuals from a specific age range to serve as a representative sample of
commuters. The researchers will utilize this methodology by selecting a sample of high
school students aged 12 to 16 years old, individuals in the early adulthood stage ranging from
17 to 45 years old, individuals in the middle adulthood stage ranging from 45 to 60 years old,
those in the late adulthood stage aged 60 to 69 years old, and 70 years old above to cater all
the age groups.

Data Collection

1. Observation
The researcher will be conducting an experiential observation, which involves assessing the
commuters' experiences and considering specific factors such as the total travel time of trips/
loops, the number of stops made by the modernized jeepney, the time taken at each stop, and
the number of stops made at designated loading/unloading zones. The researchers will be
conducting the experiential observation from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., encompassing both weekdays
and weekends. The study will be focused exclusively on the observation of modernized
jeepneys. A combined total of 63 trips will be conducted on both the Aurora Hill and
Trancoville routes.

2. Structured interview and Questionnaire

The researchers will administer survey questionnaires to a representative sample of the
population in order to assess the perspectives of commuters with regard to satisfaction and
efficiency. The questionnaires will be disseminated through face-to-face interactions with
commuters and operators of modernized jeepneys. Additionally, both participants were
obtained through stratified sampling.

3. Literature Analysis
The researchers will begin by compiling a variety of relevant prior studies. And then, extract
the parts of the relevant literature that will be of assistance to the researchers in constructing
the basis of the study.

Data Analysis

1. CAD plotting
The researchers intend to perform experiential observation on the Modernized
Jeepney routes in Aurora Hill and Trancoville. The objective is to determine the
specific locations designated for loading and unloading and ascertain the predominant
boarding and alighting points for commuters along these routes. The researchers will
generate visual representations of the data using AutoCAD software.

2. Content analysis of RRL

The researchers will be utilizing the content of their related literature in terms of
traffic congestion, smart mobility, and energy efficiency. The researchers will be
extracting their gathered related literature, which will serve as the foundation of the

3. Data Evaluation
The researchers will use survey questionnaires to be answered by commuters and
modernized jeepney operators; these questionnaires will be used to gather information
about their thoughts, ideas, and preferences.


Assessment, P. J. (2014). Improving energy efficiency in The transport sector through Smart
development. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia .
City Government of Baguio, the Philippines. (2023). Retrieved from
City Planning of Baguio City. (2021). Baguio City Smart Transportation and Mobility Master
Plan. Baguio City: City Planning Office of Baguio City.
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. (2022, January 18). Increasing the
use of smart mobility approaches to improve traffic conditions in urban areas of South-
East Asia : policy guidelines. Retrieved from ESCAP:
Nikolaos Papadakis, a. D. (2023). A Review of Energy Efficiency Interventions in Public
Buildings. Building Energy Efficiency, 1-7.
Rabino, C. (2021). Philippine Jeepney: A Technology Assessment. Research gate, 1-5.

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