Side Lying RidhaArrifia 311119020

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Name : Ridha Arrifia

NPM : 311119020

Writing ‘Instruction’

1. How to change position to side lying

Answer : If you feel contractions when you’re going to labor, you can handle it by changing position
to side lying. This position is useful in both the early stages and the more active stages of
labor, especially when a mother needs to resume a position of rest. Get the position side
lying using pillow between the knees to help open up the pelvis and give you comfort and
remember that relaxation techniques are also very importan. Another way you can use
peanut pillow, side lying is also great tools to nurse or your family use gentle massage on
the back and hips using the palm hand, you can also take a spot on the lower back and put
counter pressure during the contraction. You can use oil or body lotion for the massage.

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