Activity #9 - BROVO

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Name: Audrey Chelsea A.


Course: BEED 1A

Schedule: MW (11:00-12:00am)

Pre – Assessment

Activity # 9 Lesson Review/Preview (Socratic Method)

Instructions: Read the questions properly. Then, answer the questions briefly but concisely.

1.How will you describe your battle towards fitness in terms of eating the right food and exercise?

Answer: If I were to sum up my battle towards fitness in terms of eating the correct foods and exercising,
I would say it was difficult. Challenging in a way that this routine is not what I am used to. First, I need to
consume the appropriate meals because I don't like healthy foods, and I also need to exercise more
because I only do it when I have free time. However, little by little I am adapting to this new routine and I
am happy to see some improvements.

2. Knowing that you are about to engage in exercise using light and heavy equipment,

what are your preparation and apprehension for the activity?

Answer: The first thing that I do was starting physical activity gently, starting with a short session of an
activity that I feel I can manage. Build my confidence and fitness level with a number of short sessions.
Then, set goals for my physical activity. Setting goals gives me something to work towards and provides
me with a way to measure how well I am doing over a period of time. In this way, I will be able to
determine the exercises that can help me achieve my body goals with the use of light and heavy

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