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This Agreement is made and executed by and between Juno Joevan Placido Reyes referred to as
the “Wife” and Anthony Louie Co Reyes referred to as the “Husband”.

The parties to this Agreement are lawfully married. But because of marital differences and
difficulties, the parties hereby agree to separate amicably since 2014. The parties have a son
named Kenyon Jhey Placido Reyes born on March 22, 2010.

The parties agreed to the following conditions of their separation:


1. Both parties shall live separate lives physically and without any restrictions as to
how, where and who they indulge or involve themselves
2. Provide unconditional financial and moral support for Kenyon Jhey Placido Reyes.
3. Both shall not be prevented from having a relationship with another person and
shall not interfere or meddle with such.


1. Wife shall have full custody of Kenyon

2. Husband shall have visitorial rights mutually agreed upon by both parties.

Financial Support

1. Both parties shall provide financial and monetary support to Kenyon

2. The Husband shall provide for Kenyon’s educational needs, financial as well as other
material requirements regarding his education and daily allowance for food and
transportation expenses in the going to and from his school
3. The Wife shall provide shelter and daily subsistence while under her custody

Assets and Investments

1. Any asset or investment that shall be acquired or received by anyone of us, both
parties shall have no right nor claim any share on such asset or investment from the
time we have lived separately.
2. Savings of both parties shall remain separate and personal to each other. Both
parties have no right over such savings.
Legal Matters

1. No legal action of any kind shall be filled against each other except for annulment or
legal separation of assets.

Signed this ___ day of ________, 2023

Wife: Husband:

_______________________________ ______________________________

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