Business Manner - Id

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【LQ 検定】 テキスト (Text)

- ビジネスマナー① -
- Business manner① -

は じ め に Introduction


What you need to work is not just a skill to complete a task or a qualification that you have but never used in a real job. It

is thought that the most important thing is to being capable of getting fulfilling work. (i.e. employability).



And, of course, this ability can only be formed as a "work quality (an important source of work ethic)" for each individual

when there is a 「workplace where people actively try to acquire and practice the awareness of being a worker」.





This textbook summarizes the basics of work attitudes, manners, and work connections (processes) that are necessary

in the workplace. The purpose is not only to read this textbook and get good points, but it is very important/necessary to

be able to put it into action. And keep it on. In other words, it is important to continue practicing in your daily work as

training to improve your own strength.


We hope that those who read this textbook will surely be able to practice concrete actions and become more likely to be

assigned to work.

※ LQ(labor’s quality)検定とは、働く者として必要な能力を、具体的に行動として実践できるかどうか、数量・数値にて結果検証し、さらに継続的に


※ The LQ (Labor's Quality) Examination is a management program that verifies the results of quantitative and numerical

assessments to determine whether employees are able to put into practice the necessary skills for them to be successful as workers,

and to put them into practice on an ongoing basis.

Career Asset Management, Inc.
LQP Division

Ⅰ.マナーはなぜ必要か? Why do we need manners?

We belong to a company ・organization and work in a relationship with others. In order to
proceed with work in the workplace, it is essential that each person observes the manners of a
professional in the business society and cooperates with those around him. In addition, if you
have such manners, you will be evaluated as 「reliable human resources」 and 「believable
human resources」 within the organization and you will be able to become truly needed human
お はか
In the first place, business etiquette is said to be necessary to communicate smoothly, to let the
other person understand you, and to convey your thoughts to the other person. However, it can
be said that the underlying thing is 「a feeling of compassion for the other person」. Business
etiquette is to estimate the feelings of the other person and express such feelings as 「what the
other person wants you to do」 and 「how to act to make the other person happy」. Therefore, a
person who has good business etiquette is judged to be a person who can act with the feelings of
the other person, and at work, it is judged that they will be able to act in the same way as the
other person's request and achieve results.

You may hear people saying 「you may lose your originality and personality」 by behaving in
line with business etiquette, but that is not correct. Individuality becomes valuable only because
it adheres to the basics. For example, consider when you see a doctor. No matter how unique it is,
do you feel like leaving your life to a doctor who is wearing dirty lab coat, does not say hello, and


has poor language? People would like to entrust more work to someone who can do the obvious as
matter of course. Conversely, it is hard to imagine that a person who can not do the obvious can
do the higher.

Ⅱ.身だしなみ Appearance

1. 人は見た目で判断する People judge by appearance

We cannot judge by appearance alone, but as mentioned above, it is also true that 「it is easy to
judge by appearance」. No matter how much work you can do, if you are judged to be 「untidy」 or
「unpleasant」 by appearance, you will give the impression that you cannot work, and it will be a
loss for you. It is said that a person's first impression is determined in 6 seconds after meeting,
and most of them are determined by appearance.

<第一印象を決める要因 Factors that determine the first impression>

見た目 外見(身だしなみ・表情)、態度 55%
Appearance Outlook (dressing ・ facial expression)、attitude
話し方 言葉遣い、声のトーン・大きさ・スピード 38%
Manner of speaking Wording、voice tone ・ loudness ・ speed
その他 話す内容、話の組み立て 7%
Other Content of talking、way of assembling the conversation

2. 身だしなみとおしゃれ Grooming and Fashion

To think about the proper appearance for the workplace, let's first consider the difference
between 『Grooming』 and 『Fashion』. 「Fashion」 is 「self-centered」 that meets the criteria
that you think are good. On the other hand, 「appearance」 is to arrange 「the other person's
center」 so that the other person thinks it is good. Therefore, when it comes to grooming, you
need to think about how good they feel (whether they are uncomfortable) when they look at you.


<身だしなみとおしゃれの違い The difference between Grooming and Fashion>

身だしなみ おしゃれ
Grooming Fashion
・判断基準は他者 ・判断基準は自分
Judgment criteria are other people Own judgment criteria
・「求められる自分像」に近づけて見せる手段 ・自分らしさを演出、表現する手段
Means to bring closer to the Means to produce and express own
「desired self-image」 personality
It does not matter what criteria you think is
Need to give a good impression to everyone

3. 身だしなみのポイント Grooming points

So, what exactly do you need to be aware of to get the right grooming for your workplace? The
points are firstly 「cleanliness」 and secondly 「functional」. Especially in terms of functionality,
in the workplace, if you do not follow the rules of clothing, you cannot be said that you are

<服装 Clothing> □生地に穴・ほつれがないか、ボタンなどは取れていない

If there is any hole or fray in the fabric or is the button removed
Check the shoulder width, sleeve length, trouser length, etc. to see
if the size fits your body or is it too long
If you are wearing your pants down to your waist

<靴 Shoes> □かかとを踏んでいないか、靴紐は結んでおり、脱げないようにしているか
If you are not stepping on the heels, the shoelaces tied so that they
will not come off
If it is not out of shape and is not torn


<髪型 Hairstyle> □髪色は明るすぎないか(金髪や奇抜な色などは NG)

If the hair color is too light? (Blonde and strange colors are Not
If there is a feeling of cleanliness without the bed hair dandruff.
□前髪は長すぎないか(目にかかる長さは NG。留めるなどしていればよい)
If the bangs is too long (The length to hide the eyes is NG. It is
okay if it is fastened.)
If it is put together to give a clean impression (if it is long).

<爪 Nail> □爪は伸びすぎていないか(指先からはみ出さない程度)、汚れていないか
If the nails are stretched too much (not sticking out of your
fingertips) or dirty
(Women) If the nails are artificial or art? (Nail should be light

<アクセサリー Accessories> □小ぶりのものでビジネスにふさわしいものを着用しているか

If you are wearing a small one that is suitable for your business
or not

<その他 Other> □(男性)ひげはきれいに剃ってあるか(無精ひげは NG)

(Male) If the beard is shaved cleanly (Stubble is NG)
(Women) If the makeup gives a clean and healthy impression
without being too heavy
If the scent of perfume is too strong
In addition, if you are dressed according to company rules


【LQ 検定】 テスト (Test)

- ビジネスマナー① -
- Business manner① -

Ⅰ.マナーはなぜ必要か? Why do we need manners?

問 1 マナーはなぜ必要か?
Q1 Why do we need manners?
Write ○ for the correct answer and × for the incorrect answer to the following questions.
① マナーができているからといって「安心できる」「信頼できる」と評価されるとは限らない。
Just because you have good manners does not mean that you are evaluated as 「reliable」
or 「believable」.
② マナーは、コミュニケーションをスムーズに取るためのもの、ということではない。
Manners are not meant to facilitate communication.
③ 相手に自分の思いを伝えるために必要なものである。
It is necessary to convey your thoughts to the other party.
④ マナーを守ることで個性や自分らしさが失われることはない。
By observing manners, you will not lose your individuality or personality.
⑤ 当たり前のことができなくても、それ以上のことは任せてもらえるものだ。
Even if you cannot do the obvious things, you can be entrusted more works.

continue to next page


Ⅱ.身だしなみ Appearance

問 2 人は見た目で判断する
Q2 People judge by appearance
次の文を読み、①~③の( )に当てはまる言葉を下の語群から選び、記号を記入しなさい。
Read the following sentence, select the words that apply to ( ) from ① to ③ from the
group of words below, and enter the symbols.
・ 第一印象を決める大きな要因の一つである( ① )とは、外見で判断できる身だしなみや表情、
( ② )などである。また、話し方も印象を決める要素である。
One of the major factors that determine the first impression, ( ① ) is the dressing and
facial expression that can be judged by outlook, ( ② ), and so on. The way of speaking
is also a factor that determines the impression.
・ 見かけがだらしないと、仕事が( ③ )人と判断されることがある。
If you look sloppy, you may be judged to be a person who ( ③ ).

A.身長 height B.態度 attitude C.できる can work

D.話す内容 content of talking E.できない cannot work
F.見た目 appearance

問3 身だしなみとおしゃれ
Q 3 Grooming and Fashion
Write ○ for the correct answer and × for the incorrect answer to the following questions.
① 職場で心がけるのは身だしなみよりも、自分らしさを演出し表現する「おしゃれ」である。
At work, what I keep in mind is 「 fashion 」 that creates and expresses my own
personality rather than grooming.
② 「身だしなみ」には、相手に不快感を与えないための配慮が必要である。
「Grooming」 requires consideration so as not to cause discomfort to the other party.
③ 「おしゃれ」は自分が楽しむためのものなので、仕事を楽しむためにも、気分よく仕事ができるように
Since 「fashion」 is for your own enjoyment, it is required to wear favorite clothes and
hairstyle at work so that you can enjoy your work and work comfortably.
④ 身だしなみの判断基準は「自分」であり、おしゃれの判断基準は「他者」である。
The criterion for grooming is 「self」, and the criterion for fashion is 「others」.

continue to next page


問4 身だしなみのポイント

Q4 Grooming points

Write ○ for the correct answer and × for the incorrect answer to the following questions.

① 「身だしなみ」のポイントは、「清潔感があること」と「機能的であること」である。
The points of 「grooming」 are 「cleanliness」 and 「functional」.
② 職場では、服装のルールを守っていなければ、「身だしなみ」を整えているとは言えない。
At work, if you do not follow the rules of clothing, you cannot say that you are groomed.
③ 制服のズボンは、大き目のサイズを選び、裾を引きずる位の長さにしておくのがおしゃれで良い。
For uniform trousers, it is good to choose a large size and keep it long enough to drag the
④ 夏は暑いので、靴のかかとを踏んでサンダルのように履くなどして、少しでも涼しくなる工夫をするの
It is hot in summer, so it is a good idea to step on the heels of your shoes and wear them
like sandals to keep cool.
⑤ 制服は、汚れだけでなく、定期的にボタンが取れかかっていないか、ほつれが無いかなどのチェック
It is better to check the uniform not only for dirt, but also for regular buttoning and
⑥ 靴紐を縛るのは時間がかかるので、紐をとってしまった方が、着替えに時間がかからなくてよい。
It takes time to tie the shoelaces, so, if you take off the laces, it does not take much time
to change.
⑦ 髪色は明るすぎる色や奇抜な色は望ましくない。
Hair color is not desirable if it is too bright or strange.
⑧ ネイルアートをしているかどうかは身だしなみに関係ない。
Whether you are doing nail art or not is not related to your appearance.
⑨ アクセサリーをする場合は小ぶりのものでビジネスにふさわしいものであることが必要である。
When you wear accessories, they need to be small and suitable for your business.
⑩ 男性は無精ひげではなく、きれいに剃っておくことが望ましい。
Men should be shaved clean, not stubble.
⑪ 女性の化粧は、清潔で健康的に見えるものが良い。
Women's makeup should look clean and healthy.
⑫ 香水は悪い印象を与えるものではないので、特に気をつける必要はない。
Perfumes do not give a bad impression, so you do not need to be careful.
⑬ 「身だしなみのポイント」にない項目でも、会社のルールや仕事内容に沿って身だしなみを整える必
Even for items that are not included in 「Points of grooming」, it is necessary to prepare
grooming according to company rules and work content.

Career Asset Management, Inc.
LQP Division


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