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Invitatie - Scrisoare 10.10.


Dear Michael,

Hi! How are you?I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party on Pluto,
next weekend, at 10 o’clock.

I decided to hold a party in space so that everyone from this Universe

could come! Most of my other friends from Earth are coming, even ones
from other Galaxies and Universes!
There will be everything you could imagine to drink or eat, but most
important, a gigantic cake with interstellar ingredients which is made with
the best recipe ever.
Don’t be scared that you won’t make it, or you are gonna get lost. There
is a spaceship at 8 o’clock, two hours before the party. It will take you
only to Neptune. From there you need to take a spacebus to Pluto. You
should be there in no time.

And don’t be nervous about your drive back to Earth, we already found
a solucion. On Pluto I have a vacansion house, where you can sleep a
night, to have enough energy to go back home. Anyway , I hope you can
make it.. It would be lovely to see you there.


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