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Department of Economics

ECON-107: Computer Operation & Application

1st Year 1st Semester of B.Sc (Honors) (47th Batch)

Lecture: 02
Introduction to Computer & Computer System
Prepared by:
K M Akkas Ali,

Assistant Professor
Institute of Information Technology (IIT)
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342
Books Recommended

1. Introduction to Computers
- Peter Norton
2. Computer and Information Processing
- William M. Fouri
3. Computers Today
– Suresh K Basandra
4. Fundamentals of Computers
- V. Rajaraman, Prentice-Hall of India
5. Progamming in ANSI C
- E Balagurusamy

Lecture-02: Introduction to Computer & Computer System

Topics to be Discussed

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

2.1 Computer and its Working Principles
2.1.1 Definition
2.1.2 Working Principle of a Computer
2.1.3 For What Purpose We Should Use a Computer
2.1.4 Application of Computers on Various Fields

2.2 Basic Elements of a Computer

2.2.1 Functional Block Diagram of a Typical Computer
2.2.2 Functions Performed by Each Unit of a Computer

2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software

2.3.1 What is a Computer System
2.3.2 Definition, Types and Examples of Hardware
2.3.3 Definition, Types and Examples of Software
2.3.4 Key Difference between Hardware and Software
2.3.5 Organizational Chart of a Computer System
2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.1 Definition of Computer

The word ‘Computer’ comes from the Greek word

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

“compute” which means to calculate. In fact, the
original objective for inventing the computer was to
create a fast calculating machine.
 However, more than 80% of the work done by computers today is of
non-mathematical or non-numerical nature. Hence, to define a
computer merely as a calculating device is to ignore over 80% of its
A computer is a multitasking electronic device that is
capable of performing a lot of tasks within a single
 It can solve problems by accepting data and instructions, processing
the data according to the given instructions and presenting the
results of operation through a suitable output media.

2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.2 Working Principle of a Computer

There are many types of computers used today. The

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

basic principles of how a computer operates are
generally the same whatever its purpose is.

Any typical computer works in three basic steps:

1. Computer accepts data and instructions from the input device (or
from the software stored in its memory).
2. It processes the data according to the given instructions.
3. Finally it stores the results of the operations in its memory or
displays the results in a suitable output media such as monitor,
printer etc.

2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.3 For What Purpose We Should Use a Computer

Computers are used to solve problems very easily and

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

quickly without having any error on the results. It is not
expected to use computer in every task.
We should use computers based on the following
 If the task to be solved is tremendous
 If it is very complex
 If you need the repetition of the task
 If same data is to be used in the task
 If more accuracy is needed

2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.4 Application of Computers on Various Fields

It is difficult to imagine a day that is not in some way

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

affected by computers. It is changing people’s lives in
the area as diverse as medicine, education, publishing,
business, the home, and transportation.
Let us consider the applications of computer on some

Business Field:
 Computers have altered completely the structure of business. Large
volume of accounting and record keeping data can be manipulated,
organized, stored, retrieved, and used for specific purposes.
 Bills and statements are processed and sent to customers in much less
time and with much less effort than would be required for the same
processes done manually.
 Financial projections are made with greater ease.
 Planning and decision-making become more efficient and accurate.
2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.4 Application of Computers on Various Fields…

Manufacturing Field:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 In manufacturing industries, computer directs production, guide
machine tools, control quality, design parts and monitor inventories.

Office Environment:
 In modern offices, word processing saves time for people at all levels of
the organization and helps ensure accurate letters, reports and memos.
 Automated filing uses far less storage space than endless stacks of
paper and enables workers to retrieve documents rapidly when they
are needed.

Financial Institutions:
 Modern banking and insurance would be impossible without the
computer. All transactions and customer information are managed
using computer thereby saving a lot of time, space and money.
 More than 500 billion dollars a day is shifted electronically in the USA
Slide-8 and 1000 billion dollars globally..
2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.4 Application of Computers on Various Fields…

Medical Field:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 Medical record keeping is vastly improved using computer.
 Information related to patient’s records, births, deaths, Blue Cross,
Medicare, insurance malpractice, nurses’ hours worked, and dosages
given all are carefully tracked by computer.
 Some computers are being programmed to assist doctors with
diagnoses by analyzing symptoms and the variables, pertaining to a
specific patient.
 Medical research is aided by computers that analyze data and create

Medical Research Field:

 Computers analyze scientific data, test variables, and monitor
experiments in almost every scientific field.

Engineering Discipline:
 Computers assist engineers in designing and testing products of many
kinds. Computer simulations help avoid costly design errors.
2.1 Computer and its Working Principles

2.1.4 Application of Computers on Various Fields…

Governmental Activities:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 It would be difficult for the federal government to function without
 Economic and demographic statistics can be more easily collected,
analyzed and reported.
 National defense systems are guided and managed by computer

Communication Field:
 Global communication has been facilitated by the electronic
transmission of data that connects individuals, regardless of geographic
location, almost instantaneously.

2.2 Basic Elements of a Computer

Basically a computer system consists of 3 types of

components. These are-

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 Input Device
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 Output Device

CPU comprises of 3 parts:

[a] Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
[b] Control Unit
[c] Memory

The above three components of the CPU along with the

input and output devices form the five important
components of any computer system.

2.2 Basic Elements of a Computer

2.2.1 Functional Block Diagram of a Typical Computer

There are several types of computer systems, but each

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

can be broken down into the same functional units.
 Each unit performs specific functions
 Figure shows the functional block diagram of a digital computer.
 The solid lines with arrows represent the flow of information and the
dashed lines with arrows represent the flow of timing and control

Slide-12 Figure-1: Functional block diagram of a typical computer

2.2 Basic Elements of a Computer
2.2.2 Functions Performed by Each Unit of a Computer

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

Common Functions of an Input Device:
 An input device accepts data and instructions in human understandable
format form the outside world.
 It converts these data and instructions into a computer acceptable
 It supplies the converted instructions and data to the memory unit of
the computer or register unit of CPU for further processing.

Example of Some Input Devices:

Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Trackpad, Joystick, Microphone, Web Camera,
Punch Card, Scanner, Optical Mark Reader (OMR), Barcode Reader etc.

2.2 Basic Elements of a Computer
2.2.2 Functions Performed by Each Unit of a Computer…

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

Common Functions of an Output Device:
 An output device accepts the results produced by the computer (which
are in coded form, and hence, can not be easily understood by human)
 It converts these coded results to human acceptable form.
 Finally it supplies the converted results to the user.

Example of Some Output Devices:

Monitor, Printer, Plotter, Speaker, Multimedia Projector etc.

2.2 Basic Elements of a Computer
2.2.2 Functions Performed by Each Unit of a Computer…

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

Common Functions of the CPU:
 The CPU accepts data and instructions from the input device (or from
the software stored in its memory).
 It processes the data according to the given instructions.
 Finally it stores the results of the operations in its memory or displays it
in a suitable output media such as monitor, printer etc.
 The CPU also controls the flow of data and information throughout the

2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software
2.3.1 What is a Computer System
A system is an interrelated collection of elements that

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

are organized for a common purpose.
A computer system is a combination of hardware and
software elements that jointly perform desired
 A computer system should have the ability to receive user input,
process data and create information for future storage and/or output
with the processed data.

2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software
2.3.2 Definition, Types and Examples of Hardware
Basically a computer system consists hardware and

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

Definition of Hardware:
All physical components of a computer system are
called its hardware.
 Hardware can be touched, seen and felt.

Types of Hardware:
All hardware falls into following three categories:
 Input Device
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 Output Device
Examples of Hardware:
 Keyboard, Mouse, CD, Hard disk, Motherboard, RAM, ROM, Monitor
2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software
2.3.3 Definition, Types and Examples of Software
Definition of Software:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

The term software refers to the organized sets of
instructions that tell the hardware what to do.
 The finite set of instructions that the computer follows to solve a
particular problem is called a computer program. Collectively, the group
of programs that a computer needs to function is known as software.
 All software utilizes at least one hardware device to operate. For
example, a video game, which is software, uses the computer processor
(CPU), memory (RAM), hard drive, and video card to run.

Types of Software:
Software can be classified into two broad categories:
 System software
 Application software
Examples of Software:
 Operating System (e.g., Windows, DOS, Unix, Linux, Mac OS etc.)
 Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PhotoShop, Mozilla Firefox etc.
2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software
2.3.4 Key Difference between Hardware and Software
‘Human Body + Soul’ is a good example to differentiate

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

between hardware and software.
 Physical parts of the computer are called hardware. A set of
instructions given to the computer is called software.
 Hardware can be touched, seen and felt. Software may or may not be
visible, but can not be touched or felt.
 Hardware has weight while software is weightless. The weight is only of
the disc or media where software is saved.
 Hardware requires a physical space, for example, on the table while
software requires no physical space. Its space is only on the hard disk or
other storage media.
 Installing new software is called updating while installing new
hardware or replacing old one is called upgrading.

2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software

2.3.4 Key Difference between Hardware and Software…

 Hardware cannot be transferred from one place to another

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

electronically through network. Software can be transferred from one
place to another electronically through network.
 Virus always attacks on software but not on hardware.
 Software is easier to change than hardware. The cost of change is much
higher for hardware than for software.
 Examples of hardware includes: CD-ROM, RAM, monitor, printer, GPU,
scanners, modems, etc. Examples of software are: Operating System
(e.g., Windows, DOS, Unix, Linux, Mac OS etc.), Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Adobe PhotoShop, Mozilla Firefox, Media Player etc.

2.3 Computer System: Hardware Vs. Software
2.3.5 Organizational Chart of a Computer System
Computer System

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

Hardware Software

Input Device CPU Output Device Application Soft System Soft

Word Processing OS Windows, Mac OS etc.
Direct Entry ID Hard-copy OD
ALU MS Word, Word Perfect etc.
Keyboard Printer, Plotter etc. CUI
Spreadsheet Analysis
DOS, Unix etc.
Pointing ID Control Unit Soft-copy OD MS Excel, Lotus-1-2-3
Monitor, Speaker etc. Utility Soft
Mouse, Trackball etc.
Database Soft Anti-virus, Registry
Memory Unit RAM MS Access, Oracle etc. Cleaner, Disk Backup etc.
Imaging ID
Scanner, OMR etc. Graphics Soft
ROM MS Paint, PhotoShop etc.
Audio ID Secondary
Microphone Presentation Design
Hard Disk
MS PowerPoint
Video ID
CD Multimedia Soft
Windows Media Player etc.

Pen Drive Figure-2: Organizational Chart of a

Computer System
Slide-21 Tape memory
Discussion Points

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

1. Computer & its Working Principles
2. Block Diagram of a Typical Computer
3. Basic Components of a Computer
4. Hardware Vs. Software

Have a question?

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

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