Damping Ratio

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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol. 33, No. 1, 182-191, Mar.

Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering




Available experimental data on dynamic shear moduli and damping ratios of various soils
including non-plastic sands to highly plastic clays are collected. Those are reanalyzed and
brought into simple unified formulas. The unified formulas express the dynamic shear moduli
and the damping ratios in terms of maximum dynamic shear modulus, cyclic shear strain
amplitude, mean effective confining pressure and soil's plasticity index. Although the availability
of experimental data on clay is still limited at this time, the formulas fit those data reasonably
well and could be conveniently utilized in dynamic analyses such as seismic ground response and
soil-structure interaction problems.

Key words: clay, cyclic load, damping ratio, plasticity, sand, shear modulus, shear strain (IGC:

available experimentaldata and an attempt is

INTRODUCTION made to establish unified formulas for
Adequate information on dynamic soil prop- dynamic shear moduli and damping ratios to
erties, especially dynamic shear modulus and cover wide variety of soils ranging from sands
damping ratio, is essential for accurate com- to highly plastic clays such as Mexico City
putations of ground response and soil-struc- clay. Recently, a similar attempt was made by
ture interaction problems. Many experimental Vucetic and Dobry (1991). Their method,
investigations mostly for sandy soils have been however, failed to include one of the signifi-
carried out and formulated for general use cant parameters, namely, the effective mean
(Seed and Idriss, 1970; Hardin and Drnevich, normal stress as discussed by Ishibashi ( 1992).
1972; Seed et al., 1986 and others).
Since those developments on dynamic soil
properties, considerable data for sandy soils UNIFIED FORMULAS
have been accumulated and some data for General Equations for Sandy Soils
highly plastic clays are available at present Many researchers (Hardin and Drnevich,
time. In this paper the authors reanalyze those 1972; Iwasaki et al., 1978; Tatsuoka et al.,

il Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529,
ii) Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, formerly Visiting Scholar at Old
Dominion University from Wuyi University, Guangdong, People's Republic of China.
Manuscript was received for review on January 22, 1992.
Written discussion on this paper should be submitted before October 1, 1993 to the Japanese Sociery of Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sugayama Bldg. 4 F, Kanda Awaji-cho 2-23, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101,
Japan. Upon Request the closing date may be extended one month.


This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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1978; Kokusho, 1980; Ishibashi, 1981 ) found Eq. (5) can be rewritten in:
that the equivalent shear modulus, G is G
generally expressed in the form: log-=logK(y)+{m(y)-mo} log ao (6)
G=K (y)f(e)aw<r) (1)
Khouri (1984) analyzed available experimental
Where K (y) is a decreasing function of the data (Drnevich and Richart, 1970; Seed and
cyclic shear strain amplitude y, and is unity at Idriss, 1970; Silver and Seed, 1971; Hashiba,
very small y (~ 10- 6 ), f(e) is a function of 1971; Hardin and Drnevich, 1972;
void ratio e, ao is the mean effective confining Kuribayashi et al., 1974 and 1975; Hara and
pressure, and power m(y) is an increasing func- Kiyota, 1976; Sherif and Ishibashi, 1976;
tion of y. Gmax, the maximum dynamic shear Sherif et al., 1977; Iwasaki and Tatsuoka,
modulus is the maximum value of G and is usu- 1977; Iwasaki et al., 1978; Tatsuoka et al.,
ally obtained at y= 10- 6 or less. Therefore, 1979; Uchida et al., 1980; Kim and Novak,
Gmax is: 1981; Kokusho, 1981; Chung et al., 1984).
Data were plotted on log G I Gmax and log ao at
various levels of y. m(y)-mo values were then
Where determined from the slope and K (y) values
from intersections at ao= 1.0 kN I m2 axis for
Ko=K(y~10- 6 )=1.0 (3)
individual plots of various y. Figs. 1 and 2
mo=m(y~ 10- 6
) (4) show K (y) and m(y)- mo values as a function
From Eqs. (1) and (2), Eq. (5) is obtained: of y, respectively. It shall be noted that K (y)
versus y curve is a similar one to the Seed and
G Idriss's (1970) Gl Gmax versus y diagram but
-=K(y)a[f<r)-mo (5)
Gmax those are not necessarily comparable since the

1.20 Drnevtch and Richart (1970)

Silver and Seed (19'71) ~
Kurlba;vQhl et aL (1974)
Hashlba (19'71)
Seed and lclrlss (1970)
Kurlba;vashl et aL (19'75)
Kurlba;vashl et aL (19'74)
Kokusho (1981)
0 KokUiho (1980) t)
Iwasaki et aL (19'78) 0
HIU'dln an~ Drnevteh (1972) 'Q
0.80 Sherll and IS~bashl (1976) A
0 0 Chung, Yokel and Dmevlc:h (1984) 0
Tatsuoka et aL (19'79)
• X
i Iwasaki and Tatsuoka (19'7'7)
Equation (7)

• i
X ~


0.20 +

10 -B 10-5 10-4 10-3 10 - 2
Cyclic Shear Strain Amplitude, y
Fig. 1. K (y) versus y for sands (Khouri, 1984)

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0.70 Seed and ldrlss (1970) 0

Hashlba (1971) v
Drnevleh and Richart (1970) ')(
Silver and Seed (1971) +
0.60 Kurlbayashl et aL (1974)
Kokusho (1981) •
~ Kokusho (1980) t>
Iwasaki et aL (1978) 0
I 0.50 0
~ Hardin and Drnevleh (1972)
Sherif an Ishibashi (1976) "
......_, 0.40
Kurlbayashl et aL (197S)
Kurlbayashl et aL (1974)

" 0

+ " ~ hl A

:2 Chung, Yokel and Drnevleh (1984)

Tatsuoka et aL (1979)

Iwasaki and Tatsuoka (197'7)
Equation (8) -• +




0. 00 ~9l:=;:::::;=lh-_,!:h-'--+-,--,-..;..,.,n-rr--r---.--r-r-r"'"'T'M---..---r--r--r-~-r-r-rl
10 -B 10--5 10-4 10-3 10 - 2
Cyclic Shear Strain Amplitude, Y
Fig. 2. m(y)-m0 versus y for sands (Khouri, 1984)

curve in Fig. 1 was developed specifically for y~to- 1 •

8 0 =1.0 kN I m 2 while the Seed and Idriss's Hardin and Drnevich (1972) and Tatsuoka
curve was for O'o = 20 to 400 kN I m2 without et al. (1978) proposed that the damping ratio .
considering the variation of m(y) withy. Both D is expressed as a function of G I Gmax:
curves in Figs. I and 2 stay within rather nar-
D= G ) (9)
row ranges and the following equations were ( /- Gmax •
proposed to best fit data points:
Experimental data forD values from the same
(o.o~ r }]
102 92

k(y)=o.s [ 1 +tanh {tn (7) sources of the shear moduli calculation are
plotted in Fig. 3 by using the form of Eq. (9).
Plots are more scattered than previous plots
m(y)-mo=0.272 [ !- for K(y) and m(y)-mo. However, consider-

tanh {tn c-~ )"}

l {8)
ing the fact that measurements of damping
ratio are more sensitive and difficult than the
shear modulus measurements and large damp-
where y is expressed in raw strain (ml m). Ac- ing ratios would not attain until final stages of
cordingly, O'o in Eq. (5) is expressed in kNim 2 • dynamic computations, the scatter of the data
Hyperbolic function was chosen so that the points is considered to be reasonably small.
curves change slowly at low y values and ap- The damping ratio, accordingly, was fitted by:
proach again slowly to limited values at high y
ranges. K (y) is 1.0 at low y( :s; 10- 6 ), 0.5 (mid- n,..,=0.333 {0.586 (o~J
value) at y=0.000102 and nearly 0.0 at
y~ 10- 2 • Similarly, m(y)- mo is 0.0 at y :s; 10- 6 ,
0.272 (mid-value) at y=0.000556 and 0.544 at -1.547 (o~J + 1} (10)

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Silver and Seed (1971) 9
Dmevlch and Richart (1970) <::/
t Kurlbayaahl et aL (1974) A
i SANDS )(

Sheri! et aL (1977)
Tatsuoka et aL (1979)
Uchida et aL (1980)

0.30 il
il Hara and Klyota (1976)
Hashlba (1971) ••
.. , il


Q Kurlbayaahl et aL (1978)
Kokusho (1980)

0 ~+ R • Q il Iwasaki et aL (1978)
~ •• '& cfQf +
Seed and ldrlss (1970)
~ 0.20
• •

0 <3<

Hardin and Dmevlch (1972)
Equation (10)
e~ ~

·-c0.. J+

E e
g '/..
0 0.10 a

0 'f.

0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

Fig. 3. Damping ratios versus G I Gmax for sands (Khouri, 1984)

D=0.333 is the maximum damping ratio at right-hand direction when lp increases, (2) for
very high shear strain levels (y;;::: 10- 2 ), where highly plastic clays, the effect of uo on G value
G I Gmax ratio is nearly equal to zero. becomes negligible, that is, m (y) -- m 0 function
Dsand,max = 33.3% is a representative value from approaches to zero for high lp values
previous researchers (Hardin and Drnevich, regardless of y, and (3) the damping ratio D
1972; Sherif et al., 1977; Tatsuoka et al., 1978) decreases with increasing lp value. Based on
for sands. those observations, k(y), m(y)- mo and D
In Summary, Eqs. (5), (7), (8) for G values equations are modified to include lp:
and Eq. (10) for D values are proposed as G
average equations to cover most types of --=K(y, lp)u'(?<Y.Ip)-mo (11)
sands. Gmax
D=Dsand · A(/p) (12)
Modified Formulas for Plastic Soils (Silts and
Clays) where A (lp) is a modification function for
In contrast with sandy soils, the availability damping ratio applied to Eq. (10) of sands.
of comprehensive data on dynamic properties All modifications are made so that Eqs. (11)
of silts and clays is limited. Researchers and (12) reduce to Eqs. (5) and (10), respec-
(Kokusho et al., 1982; Dobry and Vucetic, tively, at lp = 0 to satisfy the continuity of
1987) reported that the modulus and the damp- material properties from sands to clays.
ing ratios are significantly affected by soil's m (y, lp)- mo function was first determined
plasticity index (/p). General observations for from limited laboratory data by the same pro-
non-sandy soils are that: (1) K (y) versus y cedure used in m(y)-m0 determination for
curve, such as Fig. 1 moves upper and to the sandy soils. Fig. 4 shows plots of m(y= 10-3,

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0.50 . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

0 0.40

II 0.20
Fang et aL (%98%)
;,>- -l Kim and Novak (%981)

Kokusho et al. (1982)
'-"' Leon and Rulf:o (1975)
0.10 (i) Shamoto (1984)

0 50 100 150 200

Plasticity Index, lp
Fig. 4. m(y=O.l%, IP)-m 0 versus IP relationships

/p)- mo versus lp. Data at y= 10- 3 was used for 3

m(y= 10-\ /p)-mo=0.335e- 0 ·01451 l (13)
the analysis since that level of shear strain
amplitude affects strongly m (y, lp)- mo func- where the constant 0.335 is m(y, lp)- mo value
tion. From Fig. 4, following formula was at y= 10- 3 and /p=O from Eq. (8). By combin-
generated: ing Eqs. (8) and (13), Eq. (14) is obtained:

( 0 ' ~ )"'}] e-
0 556 0 01451
m(y, lp)-mo=0.272 [!-tanh {In · l' (14)

m(y, /p)-mo function is identical to Eq. (8) when lp=O (for sandy soils), decreases with increas-
ing lp, and approaches to zero at high lp (practically lp ~ 70) regardless of y.
K (y= 10-\ lp) values were then calculated from Eq. (11) by using experimental data of
G/Gmax and ao and m(y, lp)-mo function in Eq. (14) with known lp values. Fig. 5 shows those
plots. A single function to fit data was not possible so that K (y, lp) was first assumed to be ex-
pressed as:

K(y, lp)=0.5 [ 1 +tanh { In (

0.000102 + n(lp)) .4
0 92
} l (15)

where only modification from Eq. (7) is an inclusion of n(lp) function. Comparing Eq. (15) and
data in Fig. 5, following functions were found to satisfy the data reasonably well:
0.0 for lp=O (sandy soils)
3.37 X 6
10- /~.4° 4
for 0</p~ 15 (low plastic soils)
n(lp)= (16)
7.0 X 10- 7/ ~· 976 for 15 <lp~70 (medium plastic soils)
2.7 X 10- 5/};· 115 for lp>_70 (high plastic soils)

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A solid curve in Fig. 5 is the one based on Eq. lp are plotted in Figs. 6(a), (b), and (c).
(16). Although the scatter of the data is large, the
Experimental data for damping ratio of following observations can be made: (1) the
non-sandy soils with three different ranges of curve for sands (lp=O) defines approximately

1.00 . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

Mexico clay
(Leon et aL (1974), Romo and Jalaie (1986))
(ah:er Dobry and Vucedc (1987))

**0 Anderson et aL (1983)
Fane et aL (1981)
Kim and Novak (1981)
• Leon and Rur,o (1975)
(!J Macky and Saada (1984)
• Oh·oka et aL (1979)
X Shamoto (1984)
From Equation (16)

50 100 150 200

Plasticity Index, lp
Fig. 5. K(y=0.1%, JP) versus IP reJationships

0.40 - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,

(8) I,.= 1 -IS

- - Fane et aL (1981)
------ Kim and Novak (1981)
- - - - Anderson et aL (1983)
0 0 ..30 1,. =o for sands
0::: 0.20
c ---
0 0.10

0 .0 0 -h--r-r-T""T""'........,...,...,..T""T""'........,.."T""T""rT""'T'"T-r"T""T""rT""'T'"T-r"T""T""r-T""T'"T'"T"""T""T""r-T"'T'"T'"T"".,...,.-I""T'"T.......-l
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Fig. 6(a). Damping ratios versus G / Gmax for soils with IP = 1-15

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0.40 ,-------------------------------------------~
cb> •p = 16-10
- - Kokusho et aL (1982)
Kim and Novak (1981)
Anderson et a1. (1983)
- - - Macky and Saada (1984)
0 0.30

0::: 0.20
0 0.10

0. 0 0 -1-r-rr"T"r",.,...,iT"T-rT"T'"IrT"'T""T"T'T"r',.,...,"'"TT-rT"T'"IrT"'T-rT"T'"IrT"l-rT-rT"T'"Ir-rr-l
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Fig. 6(b). Damping ratios versus G/Gmax for soils with JP=16-70

0.40 ~------------------------------------------.
CC> Ip > 71
------ Melldco clay (Leon et aL (1974), Romo and Jaime (1986))
(aliter Dobry and Vucetic (1987))
- - - - Kokusho et a1. (1982))

0 0.30

0::: 0.20
0 0.10

0 •0 0 ....f-r.,-,-,.,...,--rr.,-,-,.,...,--rr.,-,-,.,...,--rr'T"r'III""T"TTT'"'rT"'T-rrT""T'"'1rT"T-rr'T""11-rT-ri
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Fig. 6(c). Damping ratios versus G I Gmax for soils with IP > 71

the upper limit of all the data, (2) the max- G / Gmax curve are similar to the one for sands.
imum damping ratios at G/ Gmax=O.O for Based on those observations, Eq. (17) was pro-
plastic soils reduce to about a half of Dmax posed for the damping ratio for wide variety
(0.333) of sands, and (3) shapes of D versus of soils:

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t!R 0.40

C 0 1 ~ o 0 ~ SO
[!] f) SO< '0 0 ~200
-1-' 0.30
a ~ 1l • 200 < 0 0 ~400

:;::; 0.20
c Mexico clay
·-0.. 0.10
(Leon et aL (1974), Romo and Jaime (1986))
(aiter Dobry and VuceUc (1987))
E Oo = 200 kN/111~
0 cc 0

0 50 100 150 200
Plasticity Index, lp
Fig. 7. Analytical and experimental damping ratios versus IP with various iio

D=Dsand · A(Jp) modifications were made to include non-sandy

soils. The final unified formulas are presented
1 + e -o.oi45IJ.-3
=Dsand · - - -- - in Eqs. (11), (14), (15), (16), and (17). Only
2 unknown in the equations is Gmax, which is the
0.333(1 +e-o.oi4sJJ,-3) { ( G )z maximum shear modulus at very low strain
0.586 -
2 0 max levels. The value can be measured more ac-
curately by laboratory resonant column ex-
-1.547 (.!!___)
+ 1} (17) periments or readily converted from the
measurement of shear wave velocities in the
where D=Dsand at /p=O,the maximum damp- field. The in-situ moduli, Gmax are also conve-
ing ratio for large lp values (practically lp > 70) niently related to undrained shear strength or
is 0.167, and the same exponential function standard penetration values (Hara et al., 1974)
for A(lp) was used as the one in the modifica- which are often measured in the practice. In
tion of m(y, lp)- m 0 in Eqs. (13) and (14). Fig. addition, many previous researchers (Hardin
7 compares analytical and experimental D and Drnevich, 1972; Sherif and Ishibashi,
values at y= 10- 3 • The scatter of the data is 1976; Iwasaki et al., 1978) have published Gmax
large but those still stay within a reasonable values for sandy soils. Those Gmax values could
range. be utilized in computations with a rather high
degree of confidence when actual measure-
ments are not available.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Recent research by Seed et al. (1986) also
Equivalent shear moduli and damping concluded that their previous curves (Seed and
ratios for sandy soils were collected first and Idriss, 1970) for sands are applicable to even
simple formulas were proposed. Further gravelly soils so that these proposed equations

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in this paper could be extended to include sand," Soils and Foundations, JSSMFE, Vol. 17,
gravelly soils. The proposed formulas were No. 3, pp. 19-35.
also based on normally consolidated clays. 13) Iwasaki, T., Tatsuoka, F. and Takagi, Y. (1978):
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ratio (Kokusho et al., 1982), the formulas 14) Khouri, N. Q. (1984): "Dynamic properties of soils,"
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consolidated clays. Syracuse University.
15) Kim, T. C. and Novak, M. (1981): "Dynamic proper-
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Geotechnical Journal, 18, pp. 371-389.
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