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Department of Economics

ECON-107: Computer Operation & Application

1st Year 1st Semester of B.Sc (Honors) (47th Batch)

Lecture: 05
Input Fundamentals
Prepared by:
K M Akkas Ali,

Assistant Professor
Institute of Information Technology (IIT)
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342
Lecture-05: Input Fundamentals

Topics to be Discussed
5.1 Common Functions and Categories of Input Device

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

5.1.1 Definition
5.1.2 Common Functions of an Input Device
5.1.3 Categories of Input Device

5.2 Keyboard and its Usage

5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout
5.2.2 Modifier and Non-printable Keys
5.2.3 How does the Computer Accepts Input from a Keyboard

5.3 Mouse and its Application

5.3.1 Types of Mouse
5.3.2 Benefits of Mouse over Keyboard
5.3.3 Techniques Involved with a Mouse

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Slide-2 5.5 Speech Recognition Vs. Speech Synthesis

5.1 Common Functions and Categories of Input Device

5.1.1 Definition of an Input Device

An input device is a peripheral device which is

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

used to enter data and instructions into a
computer for processing.
 It provides a means to interact users with the computer.
 The most commonly used input devices on a computer are
the keyboard and mouse. However, there are dozens of
other devices that can also be used to input data into the
Example of Some Input Devices:
Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Trackpad, Joystick, Microphone, Web
Camera, Punch Card, Scanner, Optical Mark Reader (OMR),
Barcode Reader etc.

5.1 Common Functions and Categories of Input Device

5.1.2 Functions of an Input Device

Following functions are performed by an input

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 An input device accepts data and instructions in human
understandable format form the outside world.
 It converts these data and instructions into a computer
acceptable form.
 It supplies the converted instructions and data to the
memory unit of the computer or register unit of the CPU
for further processing.

5.1 Common Functions and Categories of Input Device
5.1.3 Categories of Input Devices
There are a variety of input devices which are

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

used by computers. Some of them are general
purpose and others are for special purpose.
 General purpose input devices may be used by any
computer. This includes keyboard.
 Special purpose input devices includes scanners, OMR
(optical mark reader), barcode reader etc.
Various categories of input devices are:
Category Example(s)
Direct-Entry Keyboard
Pointing Mouse, Trackball, Trackpad, Joystick, Light Pen etc.
Scanning (or Imaging) OMR (Optical Mark Reader), OCR (Optical Character
Recognition), Bar Code Reader etc.
Audio Microphone
Video Webcamera
5.2 Keyboard and its Usage

5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout

Keyboard is the primary input device for entering

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

letters, numbers and special characters. It is also used
for issuing commands.
 Keyboard comes in a variety of size, shapes and weight, but
most keyboards, called standard keyboards, have a certain
number of features in common.

The standard keyboard layout used today is the IBM

Enhanced Keyboard. It has 101 or more keys arranged
in five groups:
1. Alphanumeric Keypad/ Standard Type-writer Keys
2. Numeric Keypad
3. Function Keys
4. Cursor Movement Keys
5. Special Purpose Keys
5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout…
Alphanumeric Keypad/ Standard Type-writer Keys:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

In general these keys are used to type in text and other data.
 These keys are so arranged that they look like a type-writer.
 Sometimes this arrangement is called the QWERTY layout
because the first six keys on the top row of letters are Q, W, E,
R, T, and Y.
 This keypad contains some keys such as Shift, Ctrl (control),
and Alt (alter) which are called modifier keys. They are called
so because, they modify the input of other keys.

Modifier keys are

used in conjunction
with the other keys.

Slide-7 Figure-1: A Alphanumeric Keypad

5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout…
Numeric Keypad:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

These keys are used to enter numbers for mathematical
 It is usually located on the right side of the keyboard and it
looks like an adding machine with its ten digits and
mathematical operators (+, -, *, and /).
 This keypad features a Num Lock key,
which forces this keypad to input
 When Num Lock is deactivated, the keys
of this keypad perform cursor
movement control and other functions
such as MouseKey etc.

Slide-8 Figure-2: Numeric Keypad

5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout…
Function Keys:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

The function keys labeled F1, F2, F3, ….. and so on are
usually arranged in a row along the top of the keyboard.
 They are used to issue commands without keyboarding long
strings of characters or navigating menus or dialog boxes.
 The purpose of each function key depends on the program
you are using. For example, in most programs, F1 is the help
key. When you press it, a screen displays information about
the program you are using.

Figure-3: Function Keys

5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout…

Cursor Movement Keys:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

These keys are used to move cursor around the screen.
 They include Arrow Key (Up, Down, Right, and Left arrow-key),
End, Home, Page Up and Page Down keys.
 Cursor movement keys are also used for playing games.

Figure-4: Arrow Keys

Figure-4: Cursor Movement Keys

5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.1 Standard Keyboard Layout…

Special Purpose Keys:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

Some keys on the keyboard have specific functions which
you may not be familiar with. They are special purpose keys.
 These keys include Esc, Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause, Start
or Windows key, Shortcut or pointer key, etc.
 Special keys are found on keyboards often referred to as a
multimedia keyboard.

5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.2 Modifier and Non-printable Keys
Modifier Keys:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 In addition to letters, numbers and punctuation marks, the
alphanumeric keypad also includes some keys such as Shift,
Ctrl (control), and Alt (alter) which can modify the input of
other keys. They are called modifier keys.
 They are called so because, they are used in conjunction with
the other keys. For example, you press a letter or number
while holding down one of the modifier keys.

Non-printable Keys:
 Non-printable keys do not represent a written symbol or part
of the text.
 They are used for backspacing, going to next line, tabulation,
moving cursor up or down, insert and delete characters etc.
 The most common non-printable keys are Backspace, arrow-
Slide-12 keys, Tab-key, Modifier Keys, Enter etc.
5.2 Keyboard and its Usage
5.2.3 How does the Computer Accepts Input from the Keyboard

Steps are listed below:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

1. When a key is pressed on a keyboard, the keyboard controller
places the ASCII Code of the key to the keyboard buffer.
(keyboard buffer is a part of keyboard controller’s memory that holds data temporarily until it can be processed)

1. The keyboard controller then sends an interrupt request

(IRQ) to the system software indicating that something has
happened at the keyboard.
2. The system software responds to the interrupt request by
reading the ASCII Code from the keyboard buffer. It then
passes the scan code to the CPU.

5.3 Mouse and its Application
5.3.1 Types of Mouse
The mouse is a pointing input device that lets you control the
position of the pointer anywhere on the screen quickly and

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

easily without using the keyboard.
Two widely used mouse are-
1) Mechanical Mouse/ Ball Mouse
This type of mouse contains a small rubber ball that rolls inside the
case when you move the mouse around on a flat surface to
position the mouse pointer on the screen.
1) Optical Mouse
This mouse is non-mechanical that emits a beam of light
from its underside. It uses the light’s reflection to
determine the distance, position, and speed of its travel.
 Both of these mouse may be wireless or wired.
 Most mice have two buttons- Left and Right button. They may
have a small wheel button attached between the buttons
which can used to scroll through long documents.
 The uses of the buttons are determined by the operating
Slide-14 system, application program, and mouse-control software.
5.3 Mouse and its Application

5.3.2 Benefits of Mouse over Keyboard

The mouse offers a number of benefits over a keyboard:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 First, the mouse lets you position the cursor anywhere on
the screen quickly without using the cursor-movement
 Second, instead of forcing you to type or issue commands
from the keyboard, commands can be easily issued using a
 Third, instead of remembering obscure commands, user
can easily choose commands and options from easy-to-use
menus and dialog boxes.
 Fourth, a mouse allows you to create graphic elements on
the screen. With this capability, the mouse helped
establish the computer as a versatile tool for graphic
 With a mouse, you can navigate to things more easily than
that of a keyboard.
5.3 Mouse and its Application

5.3.3 Techniques Involved with a Mouse

Using mouse involves a total of five techniques:

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

1. Pointing
2. Clicking
3. Double-clicking
4. Dragging
5. Right-clicking
 To point to something with the mouse means to place (or
move) the mouse pointer to the item on the screen.
 By pointing, an item is usually indicated.

 To click something with the mouse means to place (or
move) the mouse pointer to the item on the screen and to
press and then release the left button of mouse once.
Slide-16  By clicking, an item is selected or a command is issued.
5.3 Mouse and its Application

5.3.3 Techniques Involved with a Mouse…


Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 To double-click an item with the mouse means to place (or
move) the mouse pointer to the item on the screen and to
press and release the left mouse button twice in rapid
 By double-clicking, we can open an item or select text,

 To drag an item with the mouse means to place (or move)
the mouse pointer to the item on the screen and to press
and hold down the left mouse button as you move the
mouse. As you move the pointer, the item is dragged along
with it. Then you can drop the item in a new position on
the screen. This technique is called drag-and-drop.
 By dragging, an item may be moved from one location to
another or text may be selected.
5.3 Mouse and its Application

5.3.3 Techniques Involved with a Mouse…


Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 To right-clicking something with the mouse means to place
(or move) the mouse pointer to the item on the screen and
to press and release the right mouse button once.
 In Windows Operating System environment, right-clicking
is extensively used to open shortcut menus.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Some popular specialized input devices are-

 Trackball

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

 Trackpad
 Joystick
 Barcode Reader
 Scanner

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of Trackball:
 It is a pointing input device that functions like an upside-

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

down mouse.
 It consists of a stationary casing containing a movable ball
that is operated by rolling the ball with the index finger or
thumb to move the pointer around the screen.
 Because the whole device needs not to be moved, a
trackball requires less space on the desktop than a moue;
so, when space is limited, a trackball can be a better choice
e.g., in laptop.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of Trackpad:
 The trackpad (also called touchpad) is a stationary pointing

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

device that many people find less tiring (less space and less
movement) to use than a mouse or trackball.
 The user operates a trackpad to point to a item on the
screen by moving a finger across a small, touch-sensitive
 It is used with laptop and notebook computers.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of Joystick:
 It is an input device, which is used to control the

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

movement of on-screen components. It is typically used in
video games.
 Many portable computers now feature a small joystick
positioned near the middle of the keyboard, typically
between the G and H keys. It is controlled with either

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of Barcode Reader:

 It is an input device that converts a pattern of printed bars

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

that appear on product package into a number that a
computer can read. The bar codes identify the product.
 Bar code readers are commonly used in retail stores at
super markets and department stores.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of Scanner :
 Scanner is an input device that is used to convert any

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

printed image into electronic form by shining light onto the
image and sensing the intensity of light’s reflection at every
point. This electronic data can then be stored, organized,
and manipulated in computer.
 Scanners have various sizes and shapes, from handled
scanners to flatbed scanners. Handheld scanners are more
portable than flatbed scanners, but they typically require
multiple passes to scan a single page because they are not
as wide as letter-size paper. Flatbed scanners offer higher-
quality reproduction than do handheld scanners. They can
scan a page in a single pass.
 A scanner with OCR (optical character recognition)
software can translate a page of printed text into a string of
character codes in computer’s memory, which can then be
5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of OMR (Optical Mark Reader):

 It is an input device which is capable of recognizing a

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

prescribed type of mark made by pencil or pen.
 OMR comes in variety of sizes and shapes that depends on
the size of the forms to be read.
 It is widely used for evaluating the objective type answer-
papers in which a candidate is advised to put a mark with
soft pencil at a specified spot.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application of OCR (Optical Character Recognition):

 This input device is capable of reading different shapes of

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

mark and complete set of alphanumeric characters.
 If you have scanned a text document and you want to
translate the image into text, OCR software can do this for
 Modern OCR can recognize handwritten characters.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)

 Using MICR method, human readable characters are

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

printed on documents (such as checks) using a special
magnetic ink. A magnetic ink character reader can
recognize such characters.
 For instance, in a check, the check number and branch code
are pre-printed at the bottom using a magnetic ink. The
amount written in the check is later entered by a clerk
using a machine which prints the amount with magnetic
ink. The check itself can now be read using a special input
unit which can recognize magnetic ink characters.
 This method eliminates the need to manually enter data
from checks. Besides saving time, it ensures accuracy of
data entry.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application Microphone
 This input device is used with multimedia applications to

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

digitally record audio data, such as the human voice.
 Sound card (an I/O device) translates the analog audio
signal from the microphone into a digitized form that the
computer can store and process.
 Microphones make the PC useful for audio and
videoconferencing over the Internet.

5.4 Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications

Application Web Camera

 It is an inexpensive video camera that connects directly to

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

a PC and captures video images that can be broadcast over
the Internet or through a network connection.
 Webcam is also called PC video camera. It can sit on top of
a monitor or can be placed on a stand, so the user can
capture video images of himself or herself while working at
the computer.
 Webcam is especially handy for videoconferencing where
multiple users see and talk to one another in real time over
a network or Internet connection.

5.5 Speech Recognition Vs. Speech Synthesis

Speech Recognition:
The technology of translating voice into text is known

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

as voice or speech recognition.
 With this capability, you can speak to the computer instead of
 This system is often called STT (speech-to-text).

Speech Synthesis:
The technology of converting text into spoken
sentences is called speech synthesis.
 Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech.
For this purpose, a device called speech synthesizer is used.
 Speech synthesis is useful for reading out text to blind persons. It
also allows people who cannot speak to communicate
effectively. Speech synthesizer is also used for translating an
entered text in one language into spoken words in a selected
 This system is often called TTS (text-to-speech).
Discussion Points

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

1. Functions and Categories of Input Device
2. Usage of Keyboard and Mouse
3. Specialized Input Devices and Their Applications
4. Speech Recognition Vs. Speech Synthesis

Have a question?

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Associate Professor, IIT, JU

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