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Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale

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As a child I was (or had):
Easily distracted 3
Anxious worrying 4
Nervous fidgety 4
Inattentive daydreaming 4
Hot- or short-tempered 4
Temper outbursts tantrums 3
Trouble not finishing things 3
Stubborn strong-willed 3
Sad or blue depressed 2
Disobedient with parents 2
Low opinion of myself 3
Irritable 3
Moody ups and downs 3
Angry 3
Impulsive, acting without thinking 1
Tendency to be immature 1
Guilty feelings regretful 4
Losing control of myself 3
Tendency to be or act irrational 2
Unpopular, not very friendly 2
Trouble seeing someone else`s view 2
Trouble with authorities 3
Overall a poor student 2
Trouble with math or numbers 4
Not achieving up to potential 4
Where: 0 = Not at all or slightly; 1 = Mildly; 2 = Moderately; 3 = Quite a bit; 4 = Very much

Wender Utah Rating Scale Subscore 72
Interpretation: A cut off of 46 out of the maximum 100 score is being used in the diagnosis of ADHD with relevant
specificity and sensitivity degrees. Therefore scores above 46 should be referred for further specialized diagnosis and
discrimination between ADHD and other mental health disorders.

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