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Regulations for Sports Day

Warm Up
Participants may warm up on the track from 8:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m.

Rules of the Events

1. All participants must be vaccinated (1 dose: age 12-17 / 2 doses: age 18 and
above) at least 14 days.
2. All participants who cannot participate in the event on the day, must hand in a
leave letter from their parents (stating clearly the reason for absence) to the
Marshal at the first call. If the parent’s letter is not available on the event day, it
shall be submitted to the Student Affairs Office on the next day.
3. A parent’s consent letter is required for all events.
4. All participants must wear P.E. uniform on the event day. To avoid
disqualification, they shall check their heat and lane number in the events they
5. Each participant is allowed to register up to 3 events (2 track events + 1 field
event) or (1 track event + 2 field events).
6. Athletes are allowed to do stretching exercises in the designated warm up area.
7. Participants of track events should report at marshal area; participants of field
events should report at the site where their field events take place.
8. If participants find out that their report times for track events clash with those for
field events, they have to ask the Field Event Judge for leave in advance and
stand by at the marshal area at the final call for track events. Participants
should go back to their field events immediately after their track events have been
completed; otherwise, they will be disqualified from the field events.
9. On completion of each event, participants should leave and return to the spectator
stand as soon as possible to avoid interrupting other events. Offenders will be
10. Scoring:
a) Individual Race: 9 points for the Champion, 7 points for the First-runner-up,
6 points for the Second-runner-up, 5 points for the Third-runner-up and so
forth to 1 point for the 8th place participant.
b) Individual All-around: Individual events will be counted.
11. The date and time of prize presentation of each event is as follows:
Date of Prize-giving Gathering Time Starting Time Events
10th December,2021 12:15pm 12:30p.m. Individual All-around (Girls A, B, C
& Boys A, B, C);
Inter-class Champion, 1st Runner up
and 2nd Runner-up (A, B & C);
Overall Inter-class Champion.

a) Winners for individual events will collect their medals from the prize award
counter after an announcement.
b) Please check immediately the list of winners from the notice board after an
c) There should be no more than 4 representatives for each class in the prize
presentation ceremony.
d) Record Breakers will take photos with the principal and guest of honor at the
end of prize presentation.
e) All students must always show respect for the prize presentation ceremony.

Rules of Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground

1. No eating and drinking is allowed in the event fields, especially for cigarette and
2. Double-sided tape and adhesives cannot be used.
3. Keep the sports ground clean and clear all decorations after the event is finished.
4. Helpers should be identified by an arm-band and they should wear sports shoes.
5. If participants wear spikes, the spikes should not be over 7 mm long.
6. All participants cannot participate in any events in bare feet.
7. Only field events participants and helpers can enter the respective field events
8. No powder can be spread and no lines can be drawn on the track.
9. All helpers and participants cannot enter the restricted area when the throwing
events are in progress.
10. Avoid causing disturbance to people in the neighbouring area by playing
instruments like drums and gongs, or practicing team skipping outside the sports


1. If the Red or Black Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is

hoisted, or if the EDB announces cancellation of classes on the event day, the
Sports Day will be cancelled. Students do not need to go to the sports ground.
2. If the Red or Black Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is
lowered before 6:00 a.m. on the event day, the event will be held as scheduled. If
there is heavy rain, storm or the Amber Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, students still
need to go to the sports ground. The college will decide what action is to be taken
in due course.

運動員可於上午 8 時 至 8 時 20 分在跑道上進行熱身。

1. 參加者必須已完成接種疫苗後超過十四天,才能參賽。(12 – 17 歲 : 1 針劑量,
18 歲或以上 : 2 針劑量)
2. 比賽前,運動員因某種原因而未能參加已報名的項目,請在該項比賽的第一
次召集時,到召集處遞交家長信 (必須清楚列明缺席賽事之原因) 。若未能於
3. 同學參加各項賽事均須出示家長同意書。
4. 運動員必須穿著學校的體育服裝進行比賽,並清楚知道自己參加該項賽事的
5. 每位運動員最多可報 3 項賽事 (2 徑賽 + 1 田賽) 或 (1 徑賽 + 2 田賽) 。
6. 參賽者允許指定地方進行熱身活動。
7. 參加徑賽的運動員請到召集處報到;而參加田賽的運動員請到該項目之比賽
8. 若運動員所參加之田賽及徑賽項目召集時間相同,必須預先向田賽裁判請假,
9. 運動員於比賽完畢須盡快返回看台,以免影響其他賽事進行,違例者將被取
10. 計分方法:
a) 個人項目:冠軍獲取 9 分,亞軍獲取 7 分,季軍獲取 6 分, 殿軍 5 分,如
此類推,直至第八名獲取 1 分為止。
b) 個人全能: 計算個人參賽之項目。

11. 各項賽事的頒奬日期及時間如下:

頒奬禮 集合時間 頒奬時間 項目

10/11/2021 下午 12 時 15 分 下午 12 時 30 分 個人全能 (男子甲、乙、丙組及女子甲、乙、丙
班際冠軍、亞軍及季軍 (甲、乙、丙組);

*備註:a) 個人項目得奬者,請在宣佈結果後,到領奬處取奬牌。
b) 各項賽事宣佈結果後,各運動員立即到告示板查閱得奬名單。
c) 頒發班際比賽的奬項時,最多只可派 4 位代表領奬。
d) 頒奬完畢,破大會紀錄者會與校長和嘉賓進行大合照。
e) 所有同學必須尊重頒奬禮。


1. 比賽場區內嚴禁飲食,尤其是香煙及香口膠之類食物。
2. 不可使用雙面膠紙。
3. 請保持場地清潔,完場後須自行拆除及清理所有裝飾物。
4. 工作人員應備記號以資識別,及穿著運動鞋。
5. 運動員如穿釘鞋,釘長應不超過 7 毫米。
6. 所有運動員不得赤腳參加任何比賽。
7. 各個田賽區域只准有關的參賽運動員及工作人員進入。e
8. 不可在跑道上落粉或劃任何界線。
9. 在擲項賽事進行期間,所有工作人員及參賽者均不可進入禁區範圍。
10. 避免使用鑼鼓類樂器或在運動場外練習跳大繩,以免影響附近居民。


1. 陸運會當日凡天文台宣佈懸掛紅、黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號或以上風球或教
2. 若在早上六時前已除下紅、黑色暴警告訊號或八號或以上風球,比賽將如常

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