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CH # 3
Periodic Table and
Periodicity of
Descriptive Answers:
Q:1. Discuss in detail the long form of periodic table.
Q: 2. How many groups and period in periodic table explain in
Q:3. Determine the demarcation of periodic table in to s,p,d
and f blocks.

Q:4.Discuss that Mendeleev periodic law provide a base for

modern periodic table.
Q:5. Define following.

Q:6. Explain how shielding effect influence the periodic trends?

Ans: Shielding effect „
Effective nuclear charge experienced by an electron is less than the actual nuclear
charge. Electrons in the outermost shell are repelled (shielded) by electrons in the
inner shells. This repulsion counteracts the attraction caused by the positive
nuclear charge Shielding effect in an atom is a measure of the reduction in the
effective nuclear attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons.
Shielding effect is caused by the shells(and the electrons in them) that are between
the nucleus and the valence shells.
A Period on the periodic table groups together all elements that a particular number
of shells, thereby, indicating the shielding effect!

Q:7.What are the properties of periodic table?

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