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Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science with honours in Civil Engineering

School of Civil Engineering, Surveying and Construction

University of KwaZulu-Natal


I the undersigned here by confirm the understanding and compliance of the following
statements for the work that has been conducted:

1. I accept the rules of assessment of the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the

consequences of breaching the rules.

2. The submitted design and report were carried out within the Department of Civil

3. I here by state that the design and report is my work and any work from others that has
been used in the report has been properly referenced.
Table of Contents
Table of figures ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table of tables ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Executive summary................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Acknowledgements ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 4
Project scope ........................................................................................................................ 5
Site and development characteristics .................................................................................... 6
Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 8
Design procedure .............................................................................................................. 8
Area of catchment ............................................................................................................. 8
Runoff coefficient© ............................................................................................................ 9
Time of concentration ........................................................................................................ 9
Rainfall depth ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Pipe design ..................................................................................................................... 10
Storage............................................................................................................................ 11
Surface storage............................................................................................................ 13
Design layout ...................................................................................................................... 14
Construction method .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Maintenance plan................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Cost and benefit assessment ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Discussion ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
References ......................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix B ......................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix C ......................................................................................................................... 26

The design of a stormwater management plan for a proposed development in Durban Point is
explained. The aim of this project is to design a stormwater management plan for a new
development that has been proposed, which consist of a car parking lot, bus terminal, and a
multi-storey building which is located in Durban Point area.

A stormwater management plan will determine the effectiveness of proposed designs in

managing stormwater. That helps Civil engineers to select the most cost effective and efficient
design suitable for that specific area. The stormwater plan is meant to have environmental
benefits such as ground water recharge, reusing the water through harvesting and effective
stormwater management. It is important in reducing the probability of occurrence and the
severity of floods. The traditional methods of stormwater management is through pipe
networks which effectively transports water, but as more and more development occurs Pipes
have to be continually changed and resized to fit new capacities. The use of SUDs helps to
effectively reduce stormwater without having to continuously re-design this is a better
approach for our infrastructure as well as nature.

The primary goal of this project is to effectively manage stormwater incorporating the use of
SUDs making sure that the proposed development does not pose a risk of flooding in the
infrastructure. It aims to avoid flooding by making sure the water is directed appropriately to a
natural water course and ensuring quality by using Suds to clean the water and reuse. To meet
this objective, this project will have to consider various alternatives and determine the most
effective plan for managing stormwater in Durban point area.

The stormwater management plan must be designed with considerations to the regulations and
guidelines adopted by the eThekwini Municipality regarding the amount of stormwater
released into the city’s infrastructure. The eThekwini Municipality requires that the owner of
the property manages the runoff generated after they have developed an area inside the property
before discharging into a municipal system.
The hired Civil Engineers work is to design the project and produce an effective plan that will
meet the minimum standards for stormwater pollution regulation.

Project scope

Analysis and design of a stormwater management plan for new developments in Durban Point

 Assess the catchment and identify sub catchments

 Determine the land use and the runoff coefficients for each of the sub catchments
 Calculate the runoff from the sub catchments pre- and post-development
 Develop various alternative designs of stormwater treatment trains and select the most
effective stormwater management plan for the catchment.
 Design a stormwater system that works by the use of gravity and the use of pumps
where necessary
 Defining operations to control stormwater run-off in the piece of land

Development of a plan to manage stormwater to manage stormwater based on findings

Site and development information

The site is located at 23 45’ latitude and 30 2’ longitude in Durban South Africa. The area is
relatively gentle sloped. There are visible remains of roads that used to exist on the site. At the
time the site was investigated. The site is a mixed-use site which drains naturally in a south
easterly direction with an average gentle slope of 0.7 to -1.6%. it has hotel resorts and light
industrial sites. There is a metered parking area and a bus deport located Northwest of the area.
The site has contour lines decreasing gradually in a south easterly direction. Therefore, drains
naturally in a South Easterly direction with an average gentle slope of 0.7 - (-1.5) %. The site
has a fully developed part with complete stormwater control system and the part where
development is going to occur and affect the stormwater of the area. There are no visible
stormwater control measures seen on the site where development will occur (Highlighted in
red). According to a geotechnical report on tests conducted by Transnet the site is 78-80%
Sand, 6-7% gravel, 9-15% silts. The composition allows for a good infiltration rate for ground
water recharge. Ground water table is assumed to be 2m below Natural ground level. The area
discharges all its excess runoff into the ocean in a south easterly direction. The site was divided
into different sub catchments and these sub-catchments have diverse types of land uses. Sub
catchment 1 is used as a parking lot for cars and buses. Sub catchment 2 is used as a bus
terminal. Sub catchments 3 to 5 are undisturbed natural land with minimal development. It is
located over the Cretaceous rock of the St formation over which several residual soils have
formed due to weathering. The site also includes harbour beds composed of unconsolidated
sands, silts and clays. According to Transnet geotechnical report

Development characteristics covers an assignment of:

The area is proposed to not change the average grade of the total area, but the sub catchments
are to be cut and filled to grade it towards the stormwater management systems. The land used
that has been previously determined like the parking and the bus terminal are to continue being
used for the same purposes. Sub catchment 3 is to be developed into a four-storey building.
The area is to be developed and the development is going to be on sub catchment 1 the paved
area is increased with development; sub catchment 2 half of the terminal was unpaved through
development the entire terminal is paved. The sub catchment 3 which was undisturbed natural
ground. A four-storey building is built on the catchment and 90% of the area is paved.
To design the stormwater management system some values, have to be obtained. Local
stormwater guidelines take priority when designing stormwater infrastructure. The designs
were made using the eThekwini municipality stormwater design manual.

Design procedure

Area of catchment

The area of the total catchment and flow path was selected by the combined use of Contour
lines from the eThekwini municipality website and google earths elevations. This was done so
to increase the accuracy of selecting the correct catchment area and flow direction. The area
was selected and outlined from the furthest edges that contributed to runoff and the longest
flow path from the furthest point to the lowest point was constructed.

The calculations were carried out using the eThekwini design manual together with the
SANRAL drainage manual. The first step when designing stormwater infrastructure for
development is to estimate the runoff resulting from each development. For this reason, the
catchment was divided into 8 sub-catchments. The smaller the sub-catchment the more accurate
the results. The sub catchment were divided by considering all possible areas that will
contribute to a point of discharge those are grouped into one sub catchment. The effective areas
of sub catchments were selected and used in calculation. The Areas that were considered where
only the ones that were affected by development which led to 5 sub-catchments.

Runoff coefficient©
The runoff coefficient of an area depends on the type and composition of land use. each sub
catchment can have distinct types of land uses. The area of each land use was obtained and the
runoff coefficient© for the areas was calculated. For a sub catchment or Total area with a mixed
land use the runoff coefficient was calculated as below:

𝛴𝐶 ⋅ 𝐴

Where C is the weighted runoff coefficient, A is the area of each type of land use and the
corresponding catchment. The run-off coefficients were determined using the eThekwini

Time of concentration
The time of concentration is calculated depending on the length of its flow path.

𝒓𝑳 𝟎.𝟒𝟔𝟕
If the flow path is < 200m than use, 𝑻𝒄 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟎𝟒 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑺

Note if Tc <10 min use Tc = 10min

If the flow path is >200m use,

𝟎.𝟒𝟔𝟕 𝟎,𝟑𝟖𝟓
𝒓𝑳 𝟎.𝟖𝟕𝑳𝟐
𝑻𝒄 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟎𝟒 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑺
(overland flow) + 𝑻𝒄 = 𝟔𝟎 ⋅ 𝟏𝟎𝟗 𝑺𝟎
(stream flow)

Where r= roughness factor

L= hydraulic length of the catchment

S=Slope of the catchment

The hydraulic length for all the catchments was found to be less than 200m therefore the Kerby
equation was used to calculate the time of concentration. Tc for the catchments varied and all
were greater than 10 min for pre-development. Tc for post development in catchments 2 and 4
was less than 10 min and a minimum of 10 minutes was used for such catchments.

The Intensity was calculated using rainfall data for the catchments which was obtained from
the JC Smithers ,2009 rainfall data on the eThekwini municipality website. It is computed using
the formula:


Where, Rd = rainfall depth (eThekwini municipality)

Tc = Time of concentration obtained above

Peak runoff
The peak runoff from each sub catchment was calculated using the rational method


Where: Q= peak flow(m3/s), C=runoff coefficient, I=intensity(mm/hr), A= catchment


The peak runoff was computed for pre- and post-development runoff for a 10- and 50-
year storm.

Pipe and swale design

In order to design and size stormwater pipes or swale some information is required such as
Flowrate from catchment calculated from the rational method. Using the flowrate determined
from the rational method pipe design calculations were carried out using manning’s equations
for pipe flows:



Where Q = flowrate through the pipe, A = cross sectional area perpendicular to flow, R =
hydraulic radius, P = wetted perimeter of the pipe, S = Slope of pipe

All stormwater pipe network was designed for a 10-year storm. Pipe design was carried out
with the assumption that full pipe flow will occur on the pipe.

Refer to Appendix B for the design calculations

The Swale is designed as an open channel system utilising the manning’s equation. For
calculations refer to appendix

The storage required to be attenuated due to post-development was calculated for each sub
catchment and for the Total catchment. The storage is the difference between pre- and post-
development runoff hydrographs. The difference in run-off due to post development should be
managed in source before it is released.
Flow(Q) Flow vs time



Storage volume was calculated for each catchment and is summarised below.

10-year RI
Pre-development flow Post-development flow Volume(m3)
#1 0.406 0.577 132.568
#2 0.149 0.236 63.958
#3 0.034 0.151 80.407
#4 0.029 0.035 6.923
#5 0.055 0.064 15.796

50-year RI
Sub-catchment Pre-development flow Post-development flow Volume
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3)
#1 0.876 1.245 286.358
#2 0.322 0.510 138.062
#3 0.074 0.536 282.740
#4 0.063 0.075 14.927
#5 0.118 0.138 34.095

The storage calculated from pre- and post-development should be stored or attenuated
somewhere and released slowly into the stormwater system. There are many stormwater
storage ways such as ponds, underground tanks, detention tanks and onsite surface storage. The
storage method chosen to attenuate runoff for sub-catchment 1 and 2 in this project is temporary
surface storage. An attenuation facility downstream of the catchment was sized using 50-year
return period.

Surface storage
Surface storage was considered as attenuation storage for the proposed development. This is
due to the ease of construction and low costs. Surface attenuation is temporary storage of water
at shallow depths in open areas preserved for other uses such as car parks, playgrounds, ranks
etc. This is a practical solution for storing water without the need for heavy construction and
excavations. It offers the advantage of managing stormwater runoff at the surface.

Curtesy of (

The following considerations are made when designing for surface storage

 The necessary depth of storage required

 The amount of time it takes to completely drain the area
 Effects of using the parking lot and the bus terminal for surface attenuation
 Potential risk to property and human health

The storage provided on the car park and the bus terminal is designed to store water at shallow
depths and therefore poses minimal risks to health and safety. The water drains relatively quick
after the storm event and therefore there is no significant damage to infrastructure. The water
is attenuated on the surface and is released at pre-development rate.
Flood routing

Routing for the underground attenuation tank and onsite surface attenuation for the orifice
sizes was done for the catchments. For calculations for the design for surface storage and
flood routing refer to appendix C

Design layout

SUD Components

Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is capturing and storing rainwater with the aim of preserving it for other
uses and to reduce the amount of storm water runoff occurring in an area or property. It is to
be installed on the roof top of the building to be constructed at sub-catchment 3.

Design considerations

Rainwater harvesting was implemented with the assumption that the roof top has 90%
efficiency of rainwater collection. Exceedance rainfall will be diverted into the swale running
along the catchment.

Storage tanks are to be provided on site to store water and over flow spills into the near by
swale to downstream attenuation tank

Bio retention systems

Along the newly constructed excess road vegetation is to be planted that intercept stormwater
to their capacity and the excess continues running towards the main collection system which is
the swale.

Green roof
Green roofs are vegetation planted on roof tops. They bring various benefits for the building
they are installed in. Post development a four-storey building is constructed. A green roof
should be installed on the roof top of the building. Green roofs have plants that eat up the water
that falls on to the roof surface and it slows down the flow runoff. The green roof reduces
stormwater up to their capacity and the remaining water overflows into gutters and into the
rainwater harvesting system.

Permeable pavement

Surfaces are to be covered by permeable paving which is useful for both vehicles and
pedestrians. The pavement allows water to infiltrate underground allowing rainwater


For the design of permeable pavement 20% of the hardened areas was assumed to be permeable
pavement. The system is designed for maximum infiltration due to the higher infiltration
capacity of the underlying soil allowing for ground water recharge.


The stormwater on the parking and bus depot is collected by pipes that run from the catchment
into the pipe running along the road towards the catchment and deposited into the swale. The
diameter of the pipes is designed to be able to carry 10-year post development runoff.


Swale is an open channel that will collect and convey water from the majority of the catchment
it is a better preferred method of stormwater management compared to pipes. The water is
conveyed and along the way filters into an underdrain perforated pipe. The water is further
cleaned through the infiltration process. The swale is also selected to keep the natural aesthetic
of the area. The swale runs along the boundary of the catchment and the promenade. And
transports water all the way into the attenuation tank.

Side slope 1V:3H

Bottom width 2m
Height 0.5m
Free board 150mm

Where the swale crosses a road to the promenade a 500mm 4KN/m2 HDPE pipe is provided.

 Armitage, N., Vice, M., Fisher-Jeffes, L., Winter, K., Spiegel, A. and Dunstan, J.,
2013. The South African guidelines for sustainable drainage systems. Report
TT558/13. Pretoria: Water Research Commission.

 SANRAL, 2013. Drainage manual.

 CIRIA, D., 2007. The SUDS manual. CIRIA, London.

 Transnet Capital Projects 2012. Port of Durban, Passenger Terminal and

Administration Building at A&B Berths. Durban Point, KwaZulu-Natal.

 Shafique, M., Kim, R. & Kyung-Ho, K. 2018. Green Roof for Stormwater
Management in a Highly Urbanized Area: The Case of Seoul, Korea. Journal of
Sustainability, 584.

 Smithers, J. C. 2012. The Estimation of Design Rainfall for Durban Unicity.

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

 Stovin, V., 2010. The potential of green roofs to manage urban stormwater. Water
and Environment Journal, 24(3), pp.192-199.


Appendix B

The following calculations were done using the eThekwini design manual and sanral drainage manual

Area of catchment

Through the use of contour lines, google earth and Arch GIS the catchment area was obtained to be:

Area = 2.33 ha

Longest flow path

L=0.693 km

Runoff coefficient

The runoff coefficient was calculated using the eThekwini design manual tables by distributing the
area according to the percentage composition and taking the weighted average:

𝛴𝐶 ⋅ 𝐴

Determination of C: Pre-development Sub-catchment 1

Classification Coefficient
Sandy, flat <2% 0,08 15 0,012
Sandy, steep >7% 0,175 0 0
Heavy soil, flat <2% 0,15 7 0,0105
Heavy soil, steep >7% 0,3 0
Houses 0,4 0
Residential areas
Flats 0,6 0
Light 0,65 0
Heavy 0,7 0
City centre 0,6 0
Suburban 0,85 0
Streets 0,95 78 0,741
Maximum flood 1 0 0
Non-Applicable Water 0 0
100 0,7635

According to the composition of sub catchment 1 weighted runoff coefficient was found to be

C = 0.7635
Time of Concentration

All sub-catchments have flow length <200m therefore:

T = 0.604

Recommended r value
Type of surface r SC1(%)
Paved areas 0,02 78
Clean soil 0,1 2
Sparse grass 0,3 10
Mod grass 0,4 10
Thick bush 0,8 0

The value of r is selected using the weighted average by considering the percentage
composition of the type of surfaces.

( . )( . ) ( . )( . ) ( . )( . ) ( . )( . ) ( . )( )
. . . .


S = Slope = (m/m)

= .

= 0.01

Therefore, T = 0.604 = 15.795 min


Point rainfall depth from JC Smithers rainfall data,

J C Smithers (eThekwini Municipality)

Rainfall Depth (mm)
10 15 30 45 60
29 52 31 2 2 14,4 18,7 25,4 30,3 34,4
29 52 31 2 5 21,7 28,1 38 45,4 51,5
29 52 31 2 10 27,3 35,4 47,9 57,2 64,9
29 52 31 2 20 33,4 43,3 58,7 70,1 79,5
29 52 31 2 50 42,6 55,2 74,8 89,3 101,3
29 52 31 2 100 50,5 65,5 88,8 106 120,2
29 52 31 2 200 59,5 77,1 104,4 124,7 141,4
29 52 31 2 500 73,1 94,7 128,3 153,2 173,7
29 52 31 2 1000 84,9 110 149 178 201,8

By interpolation

( ) ( )
𝑅 ( ) =𝑅 ( ) + (𝑇 − 15) ⋅ ( )
= 27.30mm for 10-year return period

Intensity (10) = 163.80 mm/hr

( ) ( )
𝑅 ( ) =𝑅 ( ) + (𝑇 − 15) ⋅ ( )
= 42.60mm for 50-year return period

Intensity (50) = 255.6mm/hr

10-year 50-year
Rainfall depth(d) Intensity(mm/hr) Rainfall depth(d) Intensity(mm/hr)
27,30 163,80 42,60 255,600


reduction factor
RI Storm year ft
2 year 0.5
5 year 0.55
10 year 0.6
20 year 0.67
50 year 0.83
100 year 1

Q10pre = 0.40616 m3/s

Q50pre = 0.8762 m3/s

Post development consideration

Post development calculations were done with the assumption that sub-catchment 1, sub-
catchment 2 and sub-catchment 3 are fully paved.

The procedure same as above is followed

Q10post= 0.57662m3/s

Q50post= 1.24469m3/s

Storage is calculated by taking the difference between the Pre-and Post-development runoff

Flow Hydrograph
1,4 1,244687049
1 0,876199069 50

0,2 0 0 0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6
Time of concentration(hrs)

Stor𝑎𝑔𝑒(10𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟) = 𝑏ℎ − 𝑏ℎ

= 132.57m3

Stor𝑎𝑔𝑒(50𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟) = 𝑏ℎ − 𝑏ℎ


The process is carried out for all the sub catchments in spreadsheet

Pipes are sized using the manning’s equations

Using flow obtained for each catchment the pipe size for each catchment is obtained

Pipe sizes where designed by substituting flow and slope the pipe diameters needed were
obtained as below
Contributin Roughnes Pipe Flowrat Calculate Pipe Used pipe
g s Slope(S) e (Q) d Pipe Dia(mm Diameter(D
catchments coefficient Diameter ) )
SC#1 0,013 0,0125 1,24 0,446 446 450
SC#2 0,013 0,0090909 0,51 0,339 339 375

The catchment 1 and 2 have release orifices determined from flood routing. The Pipe
diameter of 450 is to be used to collect runoff from both catchments from the orifices to
design for exceedance.
Appendix C

Surface storage
In order to design for surface attenuation.
The Area must have enough volume capacity to cater for the volume of the storm required to
be attenuated.
The Area must have a sufficient orifice that is able to release runoff at a specified flow rate

Considering worst case scenario

Volume to be attenuated = 286.36 m3
Height of attenuation storage = Kerb height
Assuming 100mm kerbs therefore H = 0.1m

Area required = A =

= 2863.6m2


Volume capacity =𝐴. 𝐻
Volume capacity > Volume required therefore the Parking is enough to store the required
Flood routing
Flood routing was done for both the 10- and 50-year return periods

2S/∆t +Q vs Q








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
2S/t +Q

1,4 Flow vs time







0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Dimensions used
Area = 14638 m2
Height = 0.1 m
Orifice opening =0.35m =350mm
Attenuation tank
Flood routing
Area 504.1m2
Orifice opening 0.35m
Area of orifice 0.096211m2

Height Storage Q 2S/∆t +Q

0 0 0 0
0,1 50,41220566 0,080858694 1,761265549
0,2 100,8244113 0,114351462 3,475165172
0,3 151,236617 0,140051366 5,181271932
0,4 201,6488227 0,161717388 6,88334481
0,5 252,0610283 0,180805536 8,582839813
0,6 302,473234 0,198062541 10,28050367
0,7 352,8854396 0,213931995 11,97677998
0,8 403,2976453 0,228702923 13,67195777
0,9 453,709851 0,242576082 15,36623778
1 504,1220566 0,255697641 17,0597662
1,1 554,5342623 0,268177949 18,75265336
1,2 604,946468 0,280102732 20,444985
1,3 655,3586736 0,291540167 22,13682929
1,4 705,7708793 0,302545529 23,82824151
1,5 756,1830849 0,313164375 25,51926721

2S/∆t +Q vs Q




0 50 100 150
2S/t +Q
FLOW(m3/s) VS TIME(min)


Flow Q(m3/s)



0,00 50,00 100,00 150,00 200,00 250,00

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