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Because no one is above the law!

The Judicial Watch

A News Publication from Judicial Watch


July 2011

Volume 17

Issue 7

JW Seeks Justice for Widow of Victim Killed In Mexican Border Attack

Judicial Watch

he Judicial Watch Verdict has repeatedly documented the violent and chaotic situation on our nations southern border. And on September 30, 2010, the violence claimed the life of American citizen, David Hartley. The Obama administration wants no part of the pursuit of justice in this case, so once again, Judicial Watch is stepping up to fill the void. On May 12, 2011, Judicial Watch announced that it represents Tiffany Hartley, the widow of David Hartley, who was murdered on Falcon Lake in Texas. Falcon Lake spans a large section of the border between Texas and Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley had been jet-skiing on the lake, which is a major tourist destination, when members of the Mexican Zeta drug cartel allegedly initiated an attack. Tiffany Hartley barely survived the attack by fleeing on her jet ski after trying desperately to pull her husband out of the water. Now, nearly eight months after the murder, Mr. Hartleys body has yet to be recovered, and the federal government seems to have ended its active participation in this case. Judicial Watch is now calling on the Mexican government and the Obama administration to thoroughly inves-

Judicial Watch press conference on Capitol Hill. From left to right: Tiffany Hartley; Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA); Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX); and JW President Tom Fitton.

tigate the murder of David Hartley. JW has also launched an investigation of David Hartleys murder and is moving to identify and obtain all government records pertaining to the September shooting, including Obama administration communications with their Mexican counterparts, as well as law enforcement officials, Mexican military authorities, and others. Mrs. Hartley is owed a full and thorough investigation into the murder of her husband, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. She deserves accountability from both the Mexican authorities and the Obama administration. So far, the pursuit of justice apparently has been suppressed for political reasons on both sides of

the border. Its shameful and wrong. JWs work with Mrs. Hartley began in May when Ms. Hartley and JW met with a number of congressmen in Washington. JW also participated in a press conference on Capitol Hill with Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-CA)and Congressman Ted Poe (RTX). Rep. Poe who hosted the event issued the following statement: It has been nearly eight months since David Hartley was gunned down on Falcon Lake. His wife Tiffany is still left with no answers about the death of her husband. Mrs. Hartley is not alone. Last year 111 U.S. citizens were killed in Mexico, to this day none of those cases have been solved. In

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2 July 2011

Volume 17

Issue 7 l Immigration Supplemental

TIffany Hartley

many of these cases the Federal Government has abandoned the investigations leaving it up to the Mexican government to solve, no questions asked. It is past time that the American government stays on top of the Mexican government for solving the murders of our own citizens. At the time JW announced its actions on behalf of Mrs. Hartley, President Obama suggested that the border is secure in a campaign speech boosting amnesty for illegal alien lawbreakers, even as a major naval battle took place on Falcon Lake between the Mexican navy and drug pirates that resulted in 13 deaths. Im convinced that one reason the Obama administration has dropped the ball on the Hartley murder is that

Judicial Watch Board of Directors Chris Farrell Tom Fitton Paul Orfanedes Editorial Consultant Brandon Millett Circulation Director John Albertella Design Consultant Jeanne Minnix Graphic Design, Inc. Public Affairs Director Jill Farrell Production Manager Federico Lines Telephone (202) 646-5172 or 1 (888) 593-8442 Fax (202) 646-5199 Email Internet Site Send your comments and questions to Editor, The Judicial Watch Verdict c/o Annual suggested donation is $35. Requests should be sent to: The Judicial Watch Verdict Judicial Watch, Inc. 425 Third St., SW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20024 The Judicial Watch Verdict is published monthly and distributed to its members, supporters and interested parties by Judicial Watch, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization incorporated in 1994 in the District of Columbia. Copyright 2011 Judicial Watch, Inc. All rights reserved. Editorial content may be duplicated with attribution and without permission. July 2011 l Vol. 17 l Issue 7 Immigration Supplemental

Tiffany Hartley with her late husband David Hartley who was murdered by assailants believed to be part of a Mexican drug cartel.

the crime is at odds with the Obama administration myth that the border is secure and safe, continued Fitton. Once again we see the Obama administration has put politics above justice and the rule of law. JW

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