Ix Exam Histoy

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Subject-History & civics
Time: 2 hrs Class-IX Full mark-80

(Attempt all questions from this Part)
Question 1 Total=16Q (1*16=16 mark)
Choose the correct option
(i). In which part of the Constitution of India 'Directive Principles of State Policy' is included?
(a) Part III
(b) Part IV
(c) Part II
(d) Part I

(ii) The procedure through which the citizens can choose representatives to govern themselves is known as:
(a) Nomination
(b) Election
(c) Joint electorates
(d) Campaigning

(iii) The authority empowered to conduct elections in India is:

(a) The President
(b) The Prime Minister
(c) The Election Commission
(d) The Chief Justice of India

(iv) The right of citizens of 18 years and above are eligible to vote is called:
(a) Universal Adult Franchise
(b) An Electoral role
(c) Joint electorate
(d) None of these

(v) The Tripitakas' is collective teachings of:

(a) Buddha
(b) Mahavira
(c) Lord Rama
(d) None of these

(vi) Jatakas are an important part of:

(a) Jain literature
(b) Buddhist literature
(c) Hindu literature
(d) Muslim literature

(vii) Vardhamana Mahavira was the:

(a) 1st Tirthankara
(b) 23rd Tirthankara
(c) 24th and last Tirthankara
(d) 22nd Tirthankara
(viii) Which of the following is not the 'Jewel' of Triratnas according to Vardhamana Mahavira?
(a) Right fait
(b) Right knowledge
(c) Right information
(d) Right conduct

(ix) Allahabad Pillar Inscription is in praise of:

(a) Chandragupta I
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Skandgupta

(x) Who is popularly known as 'Vikramaditya' (the sum of power)?

(a) Chandragupta I
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Chandragupta II
(d) Skandgupta

(xi) The Greek ambassador at the court of Chandragupta Maurya who wrote the book 'Indika' was:
(a) Vishnugupta
(b) Megasthenes
(c) Ajatashatru
(d) Vishakhadatta

(xii) Sanchi Stupa:

(a) is a Buddhist Stupa.
(b) built by Ashoka.
(c) has magnificent gateways having sculptures depicting life of Buddha.
(d) All the above

(xiii) Before Mauryan dynasty, the powerful rulers of Magadha were:

(a) Bimbisara, Ajatashatru and Chanakya
(b) Bimbisara, Ajatashatru and Ashoka
(c) Bimbisara, Ajatashatru and Mahapadamnanda
(d) Mahapadamnanda, Chankya and Ashoka

(xiv) Who laid the foundation of Mauryan dynasty?

(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Ashoka
(d) Ajatashatr
(xv) Who is called the "Shakespeare of India"?
(a) Goswami Tulsidas
(b) Kalidas
(c) Banabhatta
(d) Aryabhatta

(xvi) By whom and where was Nalanda University was situated?

(a) By Kumara gupta near Rajgriha in Bihar
(b) By Chandragupta II near Rajgriha in Bihar
(c) By Samudragupta near Rajgriha in New Delhi
(d) By Kumargupta near Rajgriha in New Delh

Question-2 Total=7Q(2*7=14 mark)

(Attempt all questions)
i. What was the power of king during Mauryan Period?
ii. Why did Ashoka leave the policy of digvijaya?
iii. Why was the title of Sakari given to Chandragupta II?
iv. What are Tripitakas?
v. In what way did Gupta period make progress in the field of education?
vi. Mention one difference between mid-term election and by election?
vii. Name the Four Great Sights by which Gautama was greatly influenced?

Question-3 Total= (10 mark)

Elections play a very significant role in our Indian Democracy. In the light of this statement, answer the following
(a) State the composition of the Election Commission. (3)
(b) Under what circumstances can a By-election' be held? (3)

(c) Differentiate between Direct election and indirect election. (4)

(Attempt any four questions from this Section)
Give a detailed account of the important sources of Mauryan rule.
(a) Indika (3)
(b) Arthasastra (4)
(c) Ashokan Edicts (3)
Discuss the following causes responsible for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism.
a)Costly rituals and animal sacrifice. (3)
b) Caste system. (4)
c) Difficult language. (3)

With reference to the life and teachings of Mahavira, explain the following:-
a) when and where was Mahavira born. (2)
b) State the three main teachings of Mahavira. (3)
c) State the five Vows which every Jain has to take. (5)
Question 7
With reference to the life and teachings of Gautam Buddha, explain the following:-
a) The Enlightenment. (3)
b) Four noble truths. (3)
c) Eightfold path. (4)

In the contest of Mauryan dynasty, Answer the following:-
a) Central Administration (3)
b) Provincial Administration (4)
c) principles of Ashoka's Dhamma (3)

With reference to the Gupta culture, Answer the following:-
a) Advancement in the field of literature. (3)
b) Advancement in the field of mathematics and astronomy. (4)
c) Deogarhgod Temple. (3)

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