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Liceo de Cagayan University

Senior High School Department

RNP Blvd., Kauswagan,Cagayan de Oro City


(Individual Task)


Topic: University’s VMGO
Name: Gwen Stefani T. Daugdaug Date Given: November 22, 2021
Due Date: November 23, 2021 @ 11:59pm

Learning Competency:

1. Internalize the significant purpose of the University’s Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives.

Instructions: Make your own personal Vision and Mission statements based and patterned from the
University’s Vision and Mission. After formulating your vison, ask yourself further on what would
really matter to you, a mission that that you want to embrace in the future. Spend some moment of
SILENCE and ask yourself questions down below.

Guide Questions:

1. What do I want to do with my life 5 or 10 years from now?

I don't typically imagine how I envision myself ten years from now. To be honest,
knowing that I will be twenty-six years old in less than a decade and that my youth is coming to
an end terrifies me a little. The thing I'm positive of is that if God allows me to live to that age, I'll
make it through and give it everything I've got to become a successful, happy woman. I've
always seen myself as a prosperous businesswoman or an accountant, years in the future. I'm
confident that with hard work and the support of the people I care about, as well as God's, I'll be
able to travel throughout the world and visit many lovely places. In ten years, I envision myself
as a tough, independent, healthy, and, most importantly, happy woman, and I am aware that the
only person who can take me there is myself, by putting all of my enthusiasm, time, and drive
into everything I do. I know I'll be strong enough to overcome my fears and weaknesses,
therefore I’m preparing myself to be strong enough to face every challenge and consequence in
life as I will be taking the path. Regardless of how many accomplishments I have, I honestly feel
that life is defined by the moments that steal your breath away. In somewhat of a sense, my
purpose and the path God has allowed me to begin on will be more than just materialistic.
Happiness will be the reason for my existence, and I feel that nothing will be able to stop it from
being a part of me if I keep an open heart and a strong mind.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Blvd., Kauswagan,Cagayan de Oro City

2. What am I inspired to do for myself, my family, friends and people around me?

I am an inspiration to myself because I feel that living the life of one's aspirations is the
precious thing one can give to oneself. I feel that something better than myself is driving me all
the journey to my destination and will continue to do so. It is entirely up to me to make this
decision. If I perceive myself to be an inspiration to myself, then I am. You can build the life of
your dreams, a life that only a few individuals get to experience. My family has always been and
continues to be an inspiration to me. I am grateful to my parents for bringing me into this world.
They’ve always taught me how things work in life as I grew up. I was always encouraged to be
grateful for what I have and not to be so self-centered. Without my family, I'm not sure what I'd
do. Through their experiences, they showed me all aspects of how I should spend my life. My
family's past experiences have also taught me how to live my life to the fullest. Whatever the
hardships, my parents worked wherever they could for as long as it took to provide us with the
life we deserved.

I need to be surrounded by people who are joyful and passionate. A friend who is
growing into their full potential. We should think of our closest friends as extended family
members since they help define who we are. My closest friends, family, and strangers all
represent me in some way. My values and energy are reflected in them. And I believe I made the
finest decision in selecting a friend who is like-minded, not only eager to make a difference in the
world, but also never satisfied or static. My closest friends and family motivate me, and I promise
to constantly support them in their ambitions.

We must be capable of learning and growing from everyone around us. We can only
develop if we step out of our comfort zones. I feel that if I have enough desire, I can accomplish
anything, no matter how difficult or difficult it may be. And, perhaps, as I reach my goals, I will
begin to gain greater self-confidence, self-esteem, and passion.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Blvd., Kauswagan,Cagayan de Oro City


Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:

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