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The Impacts of Immersive Online Communication on Community Management


One of the most recent media innovations is the immersive environment, which
enables viewers to get so engaged in a computer-simulated scene that they feel a part of it
(Pahrisa, 2010). Digital technology's continuing influence on marketing tactics may be seen
as a benefit. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that goes beyond social
media and digital advertising to increase your reach and maintain your brand at the top of
customer expectations. The use of digital techniques to improve communication is just the
beginning of what technology is capable of.

VR (Virtual Reality) is a computer-based technology that simulates a real-world

environment, giving the user the sensation of really being there. New technologies may also
assist companies in improving their relationships with customers. These AR applications
show consumers what a product will look like in their environment or how it will appear on
them to help customize the buying experience. Virtual reality (VR) is a powerful marketing
tool because it gives customers a more profound knowledge and experience with a product
than they would otherwise get. Customers may participate in a "try before you purchase" kind
of experience instead of simply reading about it in a catalog or viewing an ad. Video will
probably be another way to add a little more individuality to your digital life. Advertising on
television has become commonplace for many people, and although this is still highly
targeted, the Internet and analytics have made it much more so. As a result, businesses will be
able to create more personalized video content and tailor it to the specific needs of their
consumers. Because digital technologies have such a significant and growing role in
company strategies, they will continue to affect marketing plans and initiatives across all
sectors, making it easier to interact with consumers by sending them customized messages
that are even more helpful.

Modern marketing is heavily influenced by technological advancements such as the

Internet, mobile phones, social media, and customer relationship management systems
(Chrisos, 2018). Firms benefit from technology because it fosters connections, improves
organizational performance, and enables employees to learn more about one another. Even

how companies engage with prospective customers is affected by technological

advancements. Every marketer now sees technology as a critical element in business
development and expansion. As a business, staying ahead of the competition means using
technology as a strategic tool to improve overall efficiency. When it comes to buyer-seller
interactions, technology hasn't altered marketing, but how companies see their marketing
functions and methods has. That is, until the fast development of technology, that is. Through
the Internet, consumers now have access to a plethora of time-tested, essential, and verified
data. Consumers may learn a lot about businesses and goods with only a few clicks of a
button. They may shop, compare prices, read reviews, and converse with other customers in
forums about the quality of the goods and their overall happiness with the purchase.
Marketers who look back over the last few years will see that technology has progressed from
a supporting role player to becoming the center of attention.

The study aimed to see whether the kind of marketing material used impacted how the
target audience caught a particular offer and if that affected community management. They
also wanted to know whether promotional materials moved how people received the new
technology and their message.

Theoretical Framework
Many employees are dissatisfied with the organization for which they work.
Employees become disinterested in carrying out their responsibilities. Poor management and
a lack of leadership are two major contributors to this situation. Working in a constantly
changing environment necessitates the development of solid business strategies that
employees understand, accept, and implement. It is important to remember that personnel
want to feel like they are a part of the process, understand their role, and benefit from it.
People who understand the organization ’s objectives and how they accommodate into it are
more motivated to do their role, which influences the implementation of business strategies.
Employers should always put the strategic plan so that employees understand their

Generally speaking, many enterprises' leaders communicate in ways that are

diametrically opposed to the needs of their employees; they begin by sharing the broader
context rather than explaining what will change for employees who want to know if they will
keep their job. Personnel should be provided with the information they require to carry out

their responsibilities effectively. Senior executives should view communicators as enablers of

business strategy, as they accommodate information sharing so that people can act on it
(Baron, 2006, p. 94).

The use of communication channels varies according to the type of information.

Official announcements, major policies, processes, reporting, and high-level communication
from senior executives are all examples of formal communication. It helps to raise awareness
and, if effective, it can help to build understanding. Communication is critical in fostering
commitment and assisting employees in translating the strategy into their responsibilities.
Face-to-face communication between a manager and an employee is common. If adequate
efforts and resources are allocated to ensuring that personnel can translate the strategy to their
roles, the organization will have a committed workforce that understands how to carry out the
plan (Baron, 2006, p. 100). It is also worth noting that employees' communication is
influenced by how the company operates, such as what is accepted, what is noticed, who was
hired, and who was stretched off. Communicating a business strategy to the workforce cannot
be massive, contrary, it should be targeted and segmented. Appropriate communication plan
always considers the way personnel prefer to be informed. Moreover, specific channels and
instruments should be used, while the information given ought to be comprehensible,
consistent, and relevant to an employee’s situation (Baron, 2006, p. 102).

Managers' behavior, employees' feelings about the organization, and the

organization's performance all have a strong relationship. Employees who believe the
organization treats them well are more likely to provide a better service to the client – as a
result, the client is more likely to spend more and return to the company's offer (Scarlett,
2006, p. 216). Communication also plays a role in this area of the company's interest, with
two of its primary goals being to create work environments that promote the growth of
employees' effectiveness and to increase personnel commitment and productivity.

Organizations within and beyond the value chain form a virtual network in which they
collaborate to create value with the help of collaborative technologies. This virtual network
contains interactions between suppliers, buyers, direct competitors (rivals and substitutes),
and indirect competitors (complementors, research institutes, etc.). The value is created by
the collaboration established within this virtual network through knowledge exchange,

creation, and transfer. Petition strategy that has been enhanced by the value creation process
(Katsanakis et al, 2011; Kossyva et al, 2011).

In addition, the purpose of this research is to explain the role of organizational

members' support as a moderating variable in these relationships. Characteristics of auditors
are adopted as qualities for both organizations and individuals. Furthermore, most previous
studies, such as Brown (1983), Schneider (1984), Margheim (1986), Messier and Schneider
(1988), and Maletta (1993), investigated the objectivity, competence, and performance of
internal audit departments, as mentioned by AICPA (SAS No. 9) and (SAS No. 65), at the
branch level.

In other words, traces the development can be achieved only when both audit and its
auditors are supported by members of the organization. This includes allocating adequate
human and material resources to audit, as well as setting an overall tone in the organization
that accepts and appreciates audit and its auditors and implementing recommendations to

Managers must be able to establish and maintain positive, solid, and productive
professional relationships. They must be able to involve employees in the company's
activities and strategies. Managers should consult with employees and try to reach a mutual
agreement to which employees will feel completely committed. What distinguishes an
excellent supervisor from a mediocre one is that the former recognizes that both parties in the
interaction must feel they benefit. As a result, a good manager facilitates collaboration toward
a common goal (Scarlett, 2006, pp. 217-218). Furthermore, he or she understands the basic
rules of good communication and follows them in all his or her deeds.

Schematic Diagram
Based upon the above, the findings of the study are that job satisfaction was
moderately correlated with the job satisfaction of non-managerial employees in selected
private bank.


Auditor’s Characteristics

Audit Effectiveness Internal Audit Department



The relationship between internal

auditor’s characteristics and internal audit

The relationship between audit

department performance and internal
audit effectiveness.

Statement of the Problem

To bring further insights on how the type of structure can influence the functioning of
internal communication on employee engagement, it is also interesting to study the possible
alteration of the family structure in each company on this interconnection.
This is why we propose the following problematic to guide this research work:
1. How does internal communication impact employee engagement in small Online
2. How do effective leaders communicate persuasively?
3. What are some nonfinancial measures that a company might use to motivate
achieving the objective of anticipating future customer needs?
4. As a sales manager, how would you write business message to leading store's
management for sales and promotion purposes?
5. Do the expected benefits of integrated reporting outweigh its shortcomings?

Statement of the Hypotheses

The following statements are the hypotheses that will be tested throughout the duration of
the study.

1. There is no significant impact to the employees in an Online Business. The internal

communication Boosts employee engagement and productivity and it also Promotes
the supply of information. Effective internal communication also ensures employees
don’t suffer from information overload. It avoids the need to spend hours sending and
reading emails, messages, and comments.
2. Leaders do not have significant persuasively effective. Leaders works done from the
employees or team members. For effective work, the leader needs to make the
effective communication. It helps in achieving the desired goal.
3. There are no significant measures for achieving the objective of anticipating customer
needs. customers are regarded as the people who purchase the products or services
that are manufactured by the business. The customers buy a product after considering
the specifications and the cost of the product.
4. In leading store’s management do not have significant in writing business message for
sale and promotion. It is easiest to understand the importance of being convincing
when you can attend to the facial expressions and body language of the people you
are trying to convince. Understanding audience becomes more complicated and
abstract when one is working at a distance.
5. Benefits of integrated outweigh do not have significant to its shortcomings. Integrated
Reporting brings together material information about an organization’s strategy,
governance, performance, and prospects in a way that reflects the commercial, social,
and environmental context within which it operates.

Research Methodology
This section will present the methodology that was used to conduct this research. The
data collection method will be discussed first, followed by the type of research approach
used. Following that, the research strategy and data collection method are addressed, as well
as sample selection and data analysis. Finally, principles and implementation will be
discussed. Secondary and primary data were gathered for this thesis. This thesis is statistical
because the goal is to determine whether national cultural differences influence
communication and data transfer channels in cross-border organizational knowledge transfer.
The descriptive research purpose is appropriate for our study because the problem is well
structured, and we intend to enhance an insight into a particular area using an inductive
formulation. Furthermore, we will analyze which aspects of the problem area are relevant and

will describe these in greater detail. Our study's conclusions will then be derived from the
description of the assessed aspects and variables.

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