14.4.2 C. Net Reproduction Rate (NRR)

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14.4.2 C.

Net Reproduction Rate (NRR)

NRR is one of the outputs of population projection that is often interpreted as the number of
daughters born to each woman during her reproductive years. It is often asked when Indonesia
will reach NRR-1, the replacement level, when one mother is replaced by one baby girl.
Assuming a decline in fertility and mortality and the acquisition of an age structure as described
above. Based on the 2015-2045 Population Projection data, Indonesia will reach NRR = 1 around
2020. At that time, it does not mean that the population growth rate is equal to zero or population
without growth, but the population will continue to increase at a relatively stable growth rate.
Some provinces have already reached this level before 2015, for example DKI Jakarta, Central
Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, and South Sulawesi.
14.4.2 D. Life Expectancy
Life expectancy at birth (abbreviated as "life expectancy") is an output of projection calculations
that is often used as one of the Indicators of People's Welfare. Based on the 2015-2045
population projection data. There are population projections presented using scenario 5 and
scenario 8. These two scenarios are part of 8 scenarios that have been calculated from various

Projections of Indonesia's population from 2015 to 2025 show little difference between scenarios
A and B, stabilizing at around 255.6 million. By 2025, scenario A projects the number to be
282.4 million, while scenario B is around 282.0 million. Growth between 2015-2025 is 1.00
percent for scenario A and 0.99 percent for scenario B. Further projections show that in 2030,
scenario A reaches 294.1 million and 2045 to 319.0 million, while scenario B reaches 292.5
million in 2030 and 311.6 million in 2045. Population growth in scenario A is higher, 0.54
percent compared to 0.42 percent in scenario B, with total growth from 2015 to 2045 of 0.74
percent for scenario A and 0.66 percent for scenario B.

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