Archieve Mox

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Archieve-umbrella Capabilities:

1 . Infrastructure Components Work

Networking Storage
1. Subnets 1. SAN
2. Public network 2. Backups
3. Private network 3. NFS
4. CIDR Notations 5. Object storage
5. Static/Dynamic IPs 6. Disk IOPS/ throughput / latency
6. Firewall
7. Proxy
9. Public & Private DNS
10 VPN

High Availability Single Sign-On

1. Clusters 1. Active Directory/LDAP
2. Failover Mechanisms 2. Okta
3. Disaster Recovery
4. Vertical scaling
5. Horizontal scaling

Security Load Balancers

1. SSL certificates
2. PKI Infrastructure 1. L4 Load Balancers
3. Zero trust security 2. L7 Load Balancers
4. Password/secret rotation 3. Load balancing algorithms
5. Security compliance 4. Reverse Proxy
6. Site to site VPN
7. Client to site VPN

2. Certified On Cloud

3. Infrastructure Automation - Containers, Distributed Systems & Service Mesh

For Dev Environment For infrastructure provisioning

1. Vagrant 1. Terraform (preferable)
2. Docker Desktop 2. Cloudformation for AWS
3. Minikube (k8s) 3. CLIs (of respective cloud provider)
4. Minishift (k8s)
5. Kind (k8s)
For Configuration Management VM image management
1. Ansible (preferable)
2. Chef
3. Puppet
1. Hashicorp Packer
4. Logging & Monitoring

 Prometheus
 AWS Cloudwatch
 grafana
 Datadog
 Splunk
 Zabbix
 Nagios
 Icinga
 Cacti
 LibreNMS

5. Coding & Scripting

 Bash/Shell
 Python

6. End To End Application Delivery Lifecycle


 Continuous Integration
 Continuous Delivery
 Continuous Deployment
Tools :

 Jenkins
 CircleCI
 TeamCity
 Bamboo
 GitLab
 Bitbucket
 AWS code pipeline

7. Version Control tools:

 GitHub
 Gitlab
 Bitbucket
 AWS code commit

8. Artifact Management tools

 Sonatype NEXUS

9. Code Quality Tools

 PVS-Studio
 SonarQube

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