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Work Values Identification Workbook

Client: Kzarkar

Coach: Flo

Date: 29/08/2023

Email: AROUCA Career Coaching

Phone: 1-647-963-6506
This workbook helps you identify your career values – what’s important to you in your work life.

Having clarity on what you value helps you understand what motivates you and assists you in choosing the
right career and the right workplace for you. Whatever the nature of your career transition, understanding
your values sharpens and focuses your decision making process. You will be able to pursue roles, careers or
activities that support and enhance your values and avoid those that contradict them, unless, you
deliberately choose to expose yourself to a career opportunity that conflicts with your values in order to get
experience or skills that you feel are necessary to your career path.

Some values might change or evolve over time in a person’s career. Maturity, life’s experiences, changing life
circumstances or needs and greater self-awareness might affect what we value over time. Doing this exercise
every few years is a good practice and helps you to perform a recurring self-assessment on the evolution of
your values. As values change, work circumstances might need to change to keep pace with value
adjustments, and to keep you feeling a sense of engagement and motivation in the work you do.

This is a living document, a work-in-progress snapshot of your evolving value set, capturing what drives you at
a moment in time. Consider doing it every few years as a way of tracking your development.

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Phone: 1-647-963-6506
Work Values Step 1 – Experience Review
This first exercise is simply to review your work experience so far and use this to drive out some initial ideas for your career
 Below, write a list of the things you Love, Like, Put up with and Hate about your Current and Previous roles.
 It doesn’t matter how big, small, personal or insignificant each item may seem – this is about how you feel and what made
a difference to your experience of work.

Love Like Put up with Hate

Current Full autonomy in my Forever changing Disorderly behavior Disorganisation.
Work Ops. environment. Resistance to change. Restriction of innovation
Providing a Service. Problem Solving. Workplace violence as it (management archaic in
Mount Influencing a culture. ‘Life Coaching’. is part of the job thinking)
Love shared between Positive Ambience.
Social encounters.
Previous Skills set opened. Company was always Constant supervision Restriction physically
Work Expose myself to new honest even though we through people, CCTV and creatively. Zero
environments. had different values. plants and pollutions.
Paddington Negative Ambience
Previous Learning the importance Left to own device, only Constant changing of Big Organisation so little
Work of planning and inference was goals (which means influence.
structure. paperwork. change of ethos) Results driven over
NCC Possibility of sparking people relations and
change excellent standards.
Success stories Disorganisation

Previous Ability to teach as an Systems evolved making No career progression. Difference within
Work expression process easier. Office politics. integrity.
Social exchanges Lack of standards,
Dynamis Flexible with how I changing of the goalpost.
deliver, as long as I do

Previous Creative space where Care to those who are Public sector politics. Disorganised.
Work movement is vulnerable to society Working boundaries Payment system.
encouraged. were not set causing People in these jobs for
Bruce Family oriented team. complacency. the wrong reason
Positive engagement (especially in
Grove CC
with younger generation management).

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Phone: 1-647-963-6506
Work Values Step 2 – Brainstorm
Having reflected on your experience with work so far, spend some time on identifying career values that resonate
with you, using the content in the following pages to prompt your thinking.
1) Aim for a list of 30 - 50 things that answer the question: “What is most important to me in my career life?”
2) Revisit the list after a minimum of 24 hours and write down anything else that comes to mind
NOTE: Use whatever words or phrases really resonate with you. Don’t judge your answers or ‘cherry-pick’ values
you think you ought to have. This exercise is intended to capture as much as possible – to give you insights into
Suggested points to reflect on:
 Remember times when you have experienced happiness and a sense of fulfilment in your work (often because core
values were being met)
 Consider times in your work when you have become disillusioned, demoralized or disengaged (usually a clue that
core career values were not being met)
 Think about words or themes that you use in describing your work environment in conversation with other

1 Love 12 People-centred 23 Resourceful 34 Boundaries 45 Legacy

2 Integrity 13 Achievement 24 Innovation 35 Leadership 46 Principles
3 Clarity 14 Change-Agent 25 Intuitive 36 Safe Spaces 47 Manifestation
4 Compassion 15 Appreciation 26 Preservation 37 Emotional Intelligence 48 Character
5 Patience 16 Community 27 Expansion 38 Balance 49 Art of Surrendering
6 Understanding 17 Unity 28 Life relations 39 Business Relation 50 Vitality
7 Tolerance 18 Self-Love 29 Charitable 40 Rhythm 51 Loyalty
8 Hard Work 19 Self-Development 30 Flexible 41 Incorruptible 52 Faithfulness
9 Structure 20 Healing 31 Mobility 42 Inner child 53 Integration
10 Processes 21 Wellbeing 32 Teach 43 Colourful 54 Inclusion
11 Systems 22 Generosity 33 Learn 44 Decorated 55 Peace

Career Values Step 3 – Group key Values together

Review and filter your list down to the key groups of factors or values that are meaningful to you.

 Review your list from Step 2, adding any new items that have emerged since you completed your brainstorm
 Next, look for and group similar items together (you may want to use the blank piece of paper at the back of
this workbook).
 Now pick the most meaningful word from each group, placing it at the head of each grouped list of values.
Capture that list as a value theme group because it is important to you.
o If Integrity was your most meaningful word, then honesty, trust and truth might all fit under
‘Integrity’. Your list, for that thematic group would look like Integrity / honesty / trust / truth
My Grouped Values are
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Phone: 1-647-963-6506
1 Love 1
2 Healing 3
3 Structure 5
4 Rhythm 8
5 Interigity 2
6 Leadership 9
7 Legacy 10
8 Charitable 6
9 Integration 4
10 Balance 7

Work Values Step 4 – Prioritisation

This section – the prioritization – takes some deeper reflection. But the effort is worthwhile because it helps you
clarify what is truly important to you. You may be surprised by your final value priorities – and if so, you will now
have valuable new information to work with.
1) Using just the first word from each of your grouped values above, make a first pass at prioritizing your list. For this
exercise, perfection is not as important as speed is. Do it rapidly then put it away.
2) After a day or two, review and refine your prioritization, making changes where necessary. In this case, deliberation
and deep reflection are important. Take your time.

My Prioritised Top 10 Values


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Phone: 1-647-963-6506
Work Values Step 5 – Review and Wrap-up

Now that you have identified your Top 10 Work Values, consider the following questions. They are intended to help you
improve your experience of your career.

What did you learn about yourself during this Work Values exercise?

What surprises were there?

What could you do differently at work to align (even) more with your values?

1. What could you stop doing? ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. What could you do less of? ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. What could you do more of? ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. What could you continue doing? ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. What could you start doing? ……………………………………………………………………………………

What is ESSENTIAL to have in my work?

What must I AVOID in my work?

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Phone: 1-647-963-6506
Additional Notes and Observations

Use the space below to make any additional notes

Remember that your values change over time.

So, feel free to return to this workbook at any time to redo or simply review your work values.
Especially if you’re looking for ideas, a new career/role or are feeling fed up and frustrated in your work-life.

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Phone: 1-647-963-6506
Sample Values List
 Your Values are what is important to you in life. Knowing your Values helps you understand what drives and empowers
you – what you enjoy, what inspires you and what you would like more of. By building a life and lifestyle around our
values we create a life that is more satisfying and meaningful to us.
 NB. Some values can change over time, getting clearer as you understand yourself better. Your Values can also be
situational - so what is true for you at work may not be true for you at home.
 Finally, the Values list below is only to get you thinking. It is not complete or comprehensive. If terms that are meaningful
for you are missing, just add them.
1. Accomplishment 34. Focus 67. Peace
2. Accuracy 35. Forgiveness 68. Presence
3. Acknowledgement 36. Freedom 69. Productivity
4. Adventure 37. Friendship 70. Recognition
5. Authenticity 38. Fun 71. Respect
6. Balance 39. Generosity 72. Resourcefulness
7. Beauty 40. Gentleness 73. Romance
8. Boldness 41. Groundedness 74. Safety
9. Calm 42. Growth 75. Self-Esteem
10. Challenge 43. Happiness 76. Service
11. Collaboration 44. Harmony 77. Simplicity
12. Community 45. Health 78. Spirituality
13. Compassion 46. Helpfulness 79. Spontaneity
14. Comradeship 47. Honesty 80. Strength
15. Confidence 48. Honour 81. Tact
16. Connectedness 49. Humour 82. Thankfulness
17. Contentment 50. Idealism 83. Tolerance
18. Contribution 51. Independence 84. Tradition
19. Cooperation 52. Innovation 85. Trust
20. Courage 53. Integrity 86. Understanding
21. Creativity 54. Intuition 87. Unity
22. Curiosity 55. Joy 88. Vitality
23. Determination 56. Kindness 89. Wisdom
24. Directness 57. Learning 90. _________________
25. Discovery 58. Listening 91. _________________
26. Ease 59. Love 92. _________________
27. Effortlessness 60. Loyalty 93. _________________
28. Empowerment 61. Optimism 94. _________________
29. Enthusiasm 62. Orderliness 95. _________________
30. Environment 63. Participation 96. _________________
31. Excellence 64. Partnership 97. _________________
32. Fairness 65. Passion 98. _________________
33. Flexibility 66. Patience 99. _________________
100. _________________

Remember: When it comes to Values, there is no judgment, right or wrong – we’re just exploring who we are

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Phone: 1-647-963-6506

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