Mens Strength 1

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Strength Workout (Push Day) I Ql KLI FT 47 min - Arms, Chest, Shoulders Welcome to your first GikLift workout! When starting our plan start lower on weight and work your way up. This being your first day anticipate being sore tomorrow from lifting. Make sure you stretch and warm up, with the (Stretching and warm up guide) that was sent to you! Incline Barbell Bench Chest Press Machine Seated Shoulder Press Dumbbell Flat Bench Press Bsets WO reps 1 min rest 3 sets TO reps 45 sec rest Bsets 10 reps 45 sec rest Start with ower weight, working your way Start with lower welght and work your way Start with lower weight and work your way vp re up Seated Machine Flyes ‘Two Arm Dumbbell Front Shoulder _Lateral Shoulder Dumbbell Raises Raises Bsets Wreps 45 sec res! 3sets 1S reps 30 ‘ Start with lower weight and work your way 2: Start with a lower weight and up way up Seated Tricep Press Diamond Push Ups 3 WSreps 45 secr Bsets WS reps 45 se Bs Start with lower weight and work your way Start with lower weight and work your way Incline Barbell Bench Chest Press Primary muscle group Chest Secondary ‘Abs, Shoulders, Triceps ee ‘Set up an incline bench in front of a weight rack, making sure you adjust the incline to a comfortable position. The back of the bench should be facing the weight stack. Sit on the bench placing your back firmly against the backrest. Using an overhand grip, grasp the bar with your hands spaced about twice your shoulder width apart. Lift the bar from the rack by pushing up with your chest muscles and hold it straight ‘over your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the start position. ‘As you inhale, lower the barbell slowly until it touches your upper chest. Hold for a count of one while squeezing your chest muscles. Retum to the start position as you exhale, pushing the bar using your chest muscles. Hold for a count of one. Repeat. Qiry e new at thi spot for you, be conservative with the amour Do not let the ba too far forward, The bar to should touch down on your chest only. When performing this exercise, you should use a 2:1:1 count. That is a count of two on the downward movement, A count of one to hold and saueeze.a count of one for the upw Machine Seated Shoulder Press Primary muscle grour Shoulders Secondary Biceps, Forearms, Triceps Lon Keep a tight core and flat back as you remain seated in the shoulder press machine. Look straight ahead as you hold on to the handles. Slowly, press the handles up above your head. Do not lock out your elbow. Slowly, bring the handles back down but do not let the weight stack touch, Repeat the movement. TOIKLIFT Dumbbell Flat Bench Press Primary muscle group Chest Secondary ‘Abs, Shoulders, Triceps ee Lie ona flat bench holding @ dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip. Start by holding the dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder width apart above your shoulders. Your palms should be facing forward. Slowly bend your elbows until they are at a 90 degree angle and your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Push the weights up by straightening your arms. ‘As you push the weights up, move your arms in an arc to bring the dumbbells together, until they meet over the center of your chest, Hold for a count of one. Lower the dumbbells by slowly bending your elbows back to 90 degrees. ‘Continue lowering your arms until they are a little lower than parallel to the floor. (Your, elbows should be pointing slightly towards the floor and you should feel a stretch in your chest muscles and shoulders.) Repeat on a balan vement when lifting arms equally spaced and mov he same spe TOIKLIFT Butterflies / Pec Deck / Seated Mac! Primary muscle group Chest Secondary Shoulders, Triceps ee Sit on a pec deck machine with your back flat against the back rest. Grip the handles and make sure your arms are parallel to the floor. if not parallel.aciust the seat or handles accordingly. This is the start position. Exhale and slowly push the handles together squeezing your chest to the micidle as, you do so. Hold for a count of one. Inhale as you return to the starting position in a controlled movement. Repeat. @ This exercise can be performed using an exercise band or pulleys, There Jifferent machines with different placement of your forearms, With these ur forearms jour elbow bent to 90 degrees. Perform the exercise by Dual / Two Arm Dumbbell Front Shoulder Raises Primary muscle group Neck & Upper Traps, Shoulders Secondary ith. ak. ‘Abs FOGS Fearn Holding a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip, stand tall with your chest up and core braced, Begin by lifting the dumbbells in front of you. Keep the abdominals contracted as you raise the dumbbells. Feel the contraction in the shoulder muscles. ‘Once the dumbbells reach shoulder height, pause and slowly lower the dumbbells to, tthe starting position. Lateral / Side Shoulder Dumbbell Raises / Power Partials Primary muscle group Shoulders ‘Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder width apart, while holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip. Hold your arms fully extended by your side, with your palms facing in to your body. Keep your elbows close to your sides. This is the start position. Keeping your arms fully extended and your torso stationary, lit the dumbbells out to your sides and up until they are at shoulder level. Exhale as you do so. Hold for a count of one while squeezing your shoulder muscles. Return to the start position in a smooth controlled movement inhaling as you do so. Repeat. ry Seated Tricep Press / Overhead Extensions Primary muscle group Triceps Secondary Abs Sit on a bench with back support. Grip a dumbbell at one end using both hands. Your palms should be facing inward, Hold the dumbbell overhead with your arms fully extended. This is the the start position. Keep your upper arms close to your head cbiceps roughly level with your temples) and near to S0degrees to the floor. Moving only your forearms, lower the dumbbell in a smooth arc behind your head until your forearms and biceps touch. Hold for a count of one. Retum to the start position by using the triceps to extend your arm and raise the dumbbell. Exhale as you do this. Repeat. @ This exercise c er, it places an extra strain on your back so is not recommended for people with lower back problems. You can also m Straight bar with a close grip behine -an be performed standing. How palms facing forward. TOIKLIFT Tricep Cable Rope Push /Pull Downs Primary muscle group Triceps Secondary ‘Abs, Forearms ‘Set up a cable station with a straight bar on attached to the top pulley. Grip the bar with an overhand gripwith your hands slightly less than shoulder width apart. Position your feet shoulder width apartwith knees slightly bent for stability. Pull the bar down until your forearms are parallel to the floor with your elbows close to your body and your wrists locked in a straight position. This is your staring point. Moving only your forearms, push the bar down towards the floor until your arms are fully extended and you feel a stretch in your triceps. Hold for a count of one and squeeze your triceps. Retum to the start position moving your forearms only. Hold for a count of one then repeat. not move your elbows or swi i hips for momentum during this movernent TOIKLIFT Diamond / Pyramid / Triceps Push-ups / Pushups Primar Triceps group Secondary ‘Abs, Chest, Shoulders Position yourself on all fours on a mat. Place your hands in front of you and shoulder-wicth apart Now bring your hands in towards the center until the tips of your index fingers and tips of your thumbs are touching. This creates a diamond shape between your hands. Your elbows and wrists should be in line with your chest. With your fingers facing forwards, lift off your knees so that your body forms a straight line and just your hands and toes touch the floor. Keep you pelvis straight and abs engaged and aim to keep a straight back throughout the movement. Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the floor, aiming to touch your chest to the top of your hands. Pause briefly. Retum to the star floor again. 9 position by extending your elbows and lifting your body off the

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