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AI in Marathi

According to the 2011 Census, India has 121 languages which have over
10,000 active speakers. This figure approaches 2,000 if relatively
obsolete regional languages are considered. Though the high number,
most languages are confined to specific geographical locations. Hence,
only English (used worldwide; imposed by the British) and Hindi (India’s
National Language) are spoken considerably throughout India.
Due to the above discussed problem of a language barrier, I feel that
education is not able to reach people in remote places and even if it
does, the efficiency of the transfer of knowledge is significantly
Furthermore, the top educators in India often only teach in Hindi and
English. Internationally acclaimed educators, too, often only teach in
English. This means that students facing the language barrier do not
benefit from effective educators, severely impacting their lives further.

Current Approaches
Currently, students have to resort to being tutored by educators in their
own language who are, themselves, affected by the language barrier
and thus, are unable to transmit novel knowledge to students. This
means that over the course of many decades, entire communities may
get disconnected from recent developments. This suggests the need for
a new approach of education in such towns and communities.

Solution Thesis
To solve the above mentioned problem of a language barrier in
education, I propose systems which would be able to detect tutors’
speech, seamlessly convert it to another language, mimic their speech
patterns, body language, and lip movement and finally make 3-D
renders of the tutor. These systems would combine various Deep
Learning AI software including Neural Speech Detection, Neural Text-to-
Speech, Neural Speech Pattern Recognition, 3-D Scanning, and Neural
Volume Rigging.
In effect, a tutor would be able to give a lecture in their language and
the software would then be able to make a 3-D model of the tutor and
have them talk in thousands of languages across the world. Such
technology was demonstrated by Microsoft during the Microsoft
Inspire Conference in 2019.
I feel that this system must first be introduced in Marathi due to
various reasons listed below.
1. Structure of sentences and intonation is similar in Hindi and
2. Marathi is widely spoken in Maharashtra, the 2nd most populated
State in India.

The effect produced if the systems proposed in the thesis work could
be revolutionary. Students thereafter would be able to learn effectively,
regardless of their mother tongue or ethnicity. The issue of a language
barrier in Indian Education could be solved and students could even
receive lectures from top educators across the world. Another
Interesting application of this technology could be to have acclaimed
professors or scientists from the past deliver lectures in a wide variety
of languages and have these lectures accessible to students.

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