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Peete am writing to request a leave of absence from Blue Ridge Public School for the period of January 16th to January 26th. The reason for my leave is that | have to attend a wedding of Dean ama student of class Gyan in 8th grade and | assure you that | will make up for any missed work and complete ary accignments before or after my leave | will ato make sure to keep in touch with my teachers and dlassmates to stay updated on any classwork or upcoming understand the importance of attending school and assure you that Iwill take all necessary Se ee ee en a Pee geet es sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by my ‘would be grateful f you could grant my request for leave and Lassure you that | will do my best to catch up on any missed work upon my return, ‘Thank you for your time and consideration. Een ercas Student of class Gyan, sth grade Ere eee es eres an example os Python code that determines whether a umber is pm oF b eee eee ee ene ed ee eee eee Gather iene ers eranocnehrs Hoes into the depths of knowledge, to solve and solve Puna, COST en ne ae nee ROLLS Rea EU ee ae or Pe ae a oes 19 speed and accuracy, it doth think Bie ee Ener eee reagan) ea eee! ea Ce) brace its power, and use it well acum e ce ‘Oaymandias" is a poem written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, published in 1818. The poer tion on the fragility of human power and the fleeting nature of fame and glory. The oem is written in the form of @ sonnet. traditional poetic form which is often used to ee eee ee eee eee ee De Oe eee cad See ee ee ed remains. The inscription reads “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye Pe eee eee eee ae ae ee eg eee ‘empire and his works have crumbled and decayed. leaving only a broken statue in the desert. The poem also implies that the only thing that lasts i the poetry and art that Shelley Can Te ee ae ae Fe a eee eee a eae eee ee ee ee impo iL 2 iz iz 2 ia 5 ig 5 ‘Aiud; vera veloc; vere agceeraton ‘Simulation 1 ‘Vetical motions. time Tne) [E stsco 6m) —Vvortcarvatocty Gann) — Vorteat aeaioaton (ve) let et gon ene reo nb mom tro nti om xem ice ep pin ago al shai eat RRR a r= SS = a oe oe ee ee See: — — at — ah So : — [ao ee SEE ee wove |)

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