Code of Conduct

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At Burge Barossa we require that all employees conduct themselves according to the highest
standards of ethics, integrity, and behaviour when dealing with our clients, colleagues, and other

The code is intended to assist staff to understand their responsibilities and obligations and establish
the standards of behaviour that must be met by all employees. Failure to comply with the terms of
this policy may result in disciplinary action, including potential termination of employment.

In cases where the breach involves serious misconduct, this may result in summary dismissal. In cases
where a breach of the policy involves a breach of the law, then the relevant government authorities or
the police may be notified.


The Code of Conduct applies to all Burge Barossa employees regardless of employment agreement or


Management/supervisors have the responsibility to:

• Role model the required behaviours and standards identified in the code.
• Ensure employees are aware of the conduct and behaviours expected of them.
• Promptly manage behaviour that is inconsistent with the code.
• Take appropriate action to address breaches of the code.

Human Resources business partner must:

• Provide advice, guidance, and support to managers on the implementation of this policy.
• Ensure teams have access to copies of this procedure and any other relevant documents,
policies and procedures.


4.1 General Obligations

The code is designed to guide how we all conduct ourselves at work. It sets the minimum standard of
behaviour that our customers and shareholders expect of us, and we should expect of each other.

All employees have the responsibility to comply with the following:

• Be aware of and comply with the company Code of Conduct

• Comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations as well as Burge
policies and procedures.
• Comply with Work Health Safety procedures and legislation.
• Compliance with all reasonable lawful instructions given by or on behalf of the company.

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• Devotion of the employee’s entire time, attention, and skill during normal working hours and
at other time as reasonably necessary for the employee to perform their duties.
• Be honest and fair in dealings with customers, clients, coworkers, and company management
and treat them with courtesy and respect.
• Take reasonable steps to ensure their own health, safety, and welfare in the workplace, as
well as that of other personnel.
• Act in a manner that creates a fair, respectful, inclusive, and safe environment, where
unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation will not be tolerated.
• Do not discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics including (but not limited to) sex,
race, disability, pregnancy, age, marital status or sexual orientation.
• Do not make any statements about the company’s business, unless expressly authorised to do
so by the company.
• Do not make any statements about the company on social media or any other platform that
may harm the company’s reputation.
• Do not engage in any employment or provide any services to a supplier or competitor without
the company’s prior written consent.
• Ensure and maintain punctuality.
• Use all company systems and equipment appropriately and for proper purposes.
• Report all non-work-related injuries and illnesses that may affect the safe performance of
your job prior to performing any work.
• Do not use or come to work while affected by use of prohibited drugs or alcohol.
• To not use Company internet or email to access, download or send sexually explicit
or suggestive material, or other offensive or harassing material.
• Ensure business expenditure is accurately and honestly accounted-for
• Ensure that all sensitive, confidential, and personal information you may handle stays secure.
• Arrive to work in a presentable, clean manner, wearing clean clothing and clean footwear.
• At all times, behave in a way that upholds the Company’s core values and the integrity and
good reputation of the Company.

4.2 Unacceptable workplace behaviour

Behaviour considered to be forms of misconduct or serious misconduct will not be tolerated.

Behaviours that may be considered misconduct include but are not limited to:

• Failure to conduct yourself in a safe manner in line with company health and safety policies
and obligations.
• Neglecting duties, causing harm to company property, or failing to perform assigned tasks
with due diligence.
• Repeated lateness or absenteeism without valid reasons.
• Failure to comply with reasonable, lawful instructions as directed.
• Failure to report a work-related accident or incident.
• Disrupting the workplace by acts of undesirable behaviour and/or intentional misuse of time,
equipment, facilities, or resources.
• Failure to notify a manager/supervisor of lateness, or absence from work prior to start time.
• Leaving site without notifying the manager /supervisor during work time
• The use of abusive, obscene, offensive, or threatening language and material.
• Acting in a careless manner in the discharge of your duties
• Consistent insufficiency or incompetence in the performance of duties

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• Any act or omission which impacts on the employee’s ability to carry out the functions and
duties of the employee’s position.
• Unsatisfactory attitude or lack of cooperation.

Behaviours that may be serious misconduct include, but are not limited to:

• Engaging in bullying or other forms of discrimination or harassment, including sexual

harassment in or outside of the workplace
• Behaving fraudulently
• The possession, consumption or being under the influence of illegal drugs on work premises
or whilst undertaking work duties.
• Reporting for work or being at work in such a condition (i.e., under the influence of alcohol,
drugs or medication or testing positive for drugs and alcohol whilst at work) that prevents the
proper and/or safe performance of duties.
• Possession or use of work property without authorisation
• Theft, the attempted theft, or wilful damage to, property belonging to Burge Barossa, it’s
employees or customers.
• Breach of confidentiality or security or unauthorised disclosure of or misuse of company,
employee, or customer information
• Physical violence or disorderly conduct against any person during your duties
• Gross failure to meet the inherent requirement of your role.

Any suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct are taken very seriously, and a thorough
investigation will be conducted to determine the facts and extent of the alleged misconduct and to
determine the appropriate actions or disciplinary measures if the breach is substantiated.


• Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure

• Food Safety and Personal Hygiene Policy
• Drug & Alcohol Policy
• Workplace Health and Safety Policy
• Telephone, Mobile & Internet Policy
• Social Media Policy
• Equal Opportunity & Discrimination Policy
• Discipline & Termination Policy


• Misconduct is defined as general unacceptable and improper employee behaviour that’s

inappropriate for the workplace and negatively impacts the employee’s work, environment, or
• Serious misconduct is defined as:
o Conduct that causes serious and imminent risk to the reputation, viability or
profitability of the business, or health and safety of a person, or
o Wilful and deliberate behaviour that is inconsistent with the continuation of the
employment contract.
• Summary dismissal is defined as instant dismissal or dismissal that has immediate effect
without notice.

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• Inherent Requirements is defined as the core activities, tasks or skills that are essential to
your job.


Date Version No. Issued by Variation summary

09/10/2023 1 Melanie Rogers Original

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