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1) Define a computer and state its main parts.

5 marks
2) A computer system is composed by input devices, CPU and output devices.
i. What is the difference between input and output devices?
ii. Give any two(2) examples of input devices
3) Enumerate any five (5) factors for choosing an operating system. 5 marks
4) Operating system is large and powerful software that controls and manages
computer hardware and application software. Give at least five (5) electronic
devices that use operating system. 5 marks
5) Discuss any five (5) functions of operating system in a computer 5 marks
6) Explain the following terms: 6 marks
i. OS iv. ROM
ii. RAM v. GB
iii. CPU vi. IOS

7) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is application software that is used by architects,

engineers, drafters, artists, and others to create precision drawings or
technical illustrations. Give any five (5) examples of other application
softwares available.
8) what are functions obtained in Microsoft office word when you type the
following shortcuts:
5 marks

i. ctrl+A iv. ctrl+P

ii. ctrl+S v. ctrl+C
iii. ctrl+U

9) Give any five advantages and disadvantages of a computer. 10 marks

10)With a neat sketch, show the flow of instructions between OS, hardware, user
and application software. 10 marks

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