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ROLL NO: BS-CH-21-194

SESSION: 2021-25
DEPARTMENT: ICS(Institute of Chemical Sciences)


Herbal soap is a type of soap made using natural ingredients
derived from various herbs and plants. Herbs such as lavender,
peppermint,rosemary, and calendula are commonly used in
making herbal soap. These herbs are rich in essential oils,
vitamins, and minerals that have various the rapeutic benefits for
the skin. Herbal soap known for its soothing, rejuvenating, and
healing properties, making a popular choice for people with
sensitive or dry skin.Currently, a significant number of cosmetic
products are adulterated, and numerous other beauty
preparations available in themarket are of inferior quality, posing
potential risks of side effectssuch as skin rashes, allergic reactions,
and even the development of skin diseases. BASIC
Olive oil
Distilled water
Sodium hydroxide(lye)
Essential oil(optional)
Dried herbs or any flower
HOT PROCESS:In hot process soap-making, external heat
accelerates saponification. Most soaps can be used the next day,
though it’s ideal to wait 1 week if you want.
COLD PROCESS: Cold process uses the internal heat that’s
naturally produced during saponification. The bars will completely
harden in 4 to 6 weeks.
1.Measure your ingredients and put on your safety gear.
2.Set the slow cooker to low.
3.Add the coconut oil to the slow cooker. As it melts, prepare the
lye solution. Slowly add the lye to the water. (Do not add water to
lye — this is unsafe.)
4.With a spatula, carefully stir the solution as you add the lye. It’ll
become hot and release fumes.
5.Set aside the lye solution. Let cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
6.Check the oils. If the coconut oil has completely melted, add the
olive oil. Stir well.
7.Check the temperature of the oils using the thermometer. Once
the oils have reached 120 to 130°F (49 to 54°C), place the
immersion blender on the side of the slow cooker.
8.Gently pour in the lye to avoid splashing. Stir slowly.
9.Set the blender to low. Stir the mixture, moving in circles. Keep
the blender immersed to avoid air bubbles.
10.Continue blending and stirring for 10 to 15 minutes, or until
the soap has reached trace. This is when the oils and lye solution
have thickened and look like pudding.
11.Cover the slow cooker. Cook on low for 50 minutes. If the
mixture bubbles, stir it gently.
12.Turn off the slow cooker. Let cool until the mixture drops below
180°F (82°C). Add essential oils and colorants, if using. Mix well.
13.Pour the mixture into the soap mold. Smooth the top with a
spatula. Tap the mold onto your work surface to eliminate air
bubbles. Top with dried herbs, if using.
Reminder: Never mix water into lye, since this can cause a
dangerous chemical.


65g Sodium hyrdoxide

115 g distilled water
137g coconut oil
143g olive oil
1/8 dried peppermint leaves

Gentle and mild: Herbal soaps are typically gentle and mild on the skin,
making them suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. Herbal soaps
present a healthier alternative to conventional soaps, as they are
devoid of harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, and synthetic additives
that may lead to skin irritation.
.Natural ingredients: Formulated using natural ingredients like herbs,
botanical extracts, essential oils, and plant-based oils, herbal soaps offer
a wholesome approach to skincare.These ingredients are often chosen
for their nourishing, soothing, and healing properties. They provide the
skin with beneficial nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants.
• Moisturizing: Many herbal soaps contain natural oils, such as olive oil,
coconut oil, shea butter, or cocoa butter, which help moisturize and
hydrate the skin. These oils helps in forming a protective barrier
preventing dryness. It makes the skin soft,supple, and smooth.
• Soothing and calming: Herbal soaps frequently include herbsand
botanical extracts renowned for their soothing and calming attributes.
Ingredients like chamomile, lavender, calendula and aloe vera can help
alleviate skin irritation, redness, and inflammation, providing relief for
conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or sunburn.
• Anti-aging effects: Numerous herbal soaps incorporate antioxidant-
rich ingredients like green tea, rosemary, or turmeric,which effectively
combat free radicals and diminish the signs.
About Rs.2000 costs for ingredients of 10 bars of peppermint soap and
we can sale one bar of soup in Rs.350.In this way 10 bars sell at
3500.Total profit from 10 bars of soap will be 3500-2000=1500.
Storage: Just
find a cardboard box that's the size and shape you want your soaps to
be. Then, line the inside of the box with plastic wrap or parchment
paper. Make sure the plastic wrap or parchment paper is big enough to
completely line the inside of the box. Once you've lined the box inside,
pour the melted soap into the box.

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