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HSE February 2023

IT Maths Practical Examination

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Score : 32


General Instructions to the Candidates:

* Five questions, each carrying 8 score are given. You can answer four questions fully or

partially to get a maximum of 32 score.

* Read the instructions given with each question carefully.

* GeoGebra applets are required to answer some questions. Your examiners will provide it.

* If the question demands, you can use fresh GeoGebra windows for constructions.

* If you need any help regarding the use of GeoGebra like technical issues commands etc,

you are free to ask to your examiners.

* For each question write necessary steps in your answer sheet.

*If necessary you can draw rough figures to support your answers.

* You are not permitted to use any software other than GeoGebra or any other electronic

devices like calculators in the examination hall

1. Follow the directions given below and construct a GeoGebra applet: (4)
* Draw the graph of the function (Give the input : f(x) = sqrt(x))
* Create a slider a
* Plot the points , and
* Draw the line segments AB and BC
* Create input boxes for f and a
Ans : Constructed the applet
2. Using above applet find the value of only one having √ mark from the following:
Ans : (i) 1.5166 (ii) 1.8439 (iii) 2.1213
3. Change the value of the slider to -2. Observe the points B and C
What is written against these points in the ‘Algebraic View’
What is the reason for this ? (2)
Ans : Points B and C are not seen.
In the Algebraic View “Undefined” is shown
This is the graph of real function.
4. Using above applet answer only one question having √ mark from the following:
(i) Write the method of finding an approximate value of and find its value (3)
(ii) Write the method of finding an approximate value of and find its value
(iii) Write the method of finding an approximate value of and find its value
Ans : (i) In the input box of ‘f’ change the function as 4^x.
In the input box of ‘a’ change the value 1.4.
(ii) In the input box of ‘f’ change the function as 2^x.
In the input box of ‘a’ change the value 2.2.
(iii) In the input box of ‘f’ change the function as 3^x.
In the input box of ‘a’ change the value 1.3
1. Follow the directions given below and construct a GeoGebra applet: (2)
* Draw the graph of the function
* Create two sliders a and b with Min = -5, Max= 5 and increment 0.1
* Draw the graph of the function g(x) using the input command g(x)=f(x+b)+a
* Create an input boxes for f

Ans : Constructed the applet

2. Answer the following questions:

(a) Fix the values of a and b at ‘0’ so that the graph of coincides with (2)
the graph of . Increase the value of a from 0 to 2.
(i) What happens to the graph of ?
(ii) What is the domain and range of ?
Ans : g(x) = √x changes to g(x) = √x + 2
When a = 0, Domain of g(x) : [0, ∞) Range of g(x) : [0, ∞)
When a = 2, Domain of g(x) : [0, ∞) Range of g(x) : [2, ∞)

(b) Fix the values of a and b at ‘0’ so that the graph of coincides with (2)
the graph of . Increase the value of b from 0 to 3.
(i) What happens to the graph of ?
(ii) What is the domain and range of ?

Ans : g(x) = √x changes to g(x) = √x + 3

When a = 0, Domain of g(x) : [0, ∞) Range of g(x) : [0, ∞)
When b = 3, Domain of g(x) : [-3, ∞) Range of g(x) : [0, ∞)

3. Answer only one question having √ mark from the following:

Find and write the values of a and b so that the domain and range of is as
given as follows. Also write the function . (3)

Ans : a = 2 and b = -2
a = 4 and b = 3
a = -4 and b = -3
4. Answer only one question having √ mark from the following: (2)
Using input box change the definition of the function to
Find and write the values of a and b so that the graph of coincides with the
graph of the function.

Ans : a = 2 and b = -3
a = -3 and b = 2
a = -2 and b = -2
(Enter the given graph of the function in the input bar, then we get the
graph of the required function and by trail and error method we can find
the value of a and b)

5. Open a new GeoGebra window and draw the graph of the function given
below: (Select only one having √ mark) (3)

(a) Using suitable input command from the bracket, draw the reflection
of the function on the x axis.
(Input command : g(x)=f(-x), g(x)=-f(x), g(x)=-f(-x))
(b) Write the range of and .

Ans : (i) Range of f(x) = [0, ∞) & Range of g(x) = [0, ∞)

Range of f(x) = [0, ∞) & Range of g(x) = (-∞,-2]
Range of f(x) = [0, ∞) & Range of g(x) = (-∞,-2]

Ans : (ii) Range of f(x) = [1, ∞) & Range of g(x) = [0, ∞)

Range of f(x) = [1, ∞) & Range of g(x) = (-∞,-1]
Range of f(x) = [1, ∞) & Range of g(x) = (-∞,-1]

Ans : (iii) Range of f(x) = [3, ∞) & Range of g(x) = [3, ∞)

Range of f(x) = [3, ∞) & Range of g(x) = (-∞,-3]
Range of f(x) = [3, ∞) & Range of g(x) = (-∞,-3]
1. Using the instructions given below construct a GeoGebra applet.
* Create three sliders a, b and c (2)

* Draw the line ax + by + c = 0

* Change the values of a, b and c

Ans: Constructed the applet

2. What happens to the line if

(Consider only one question having √ mark)

(i) a = 0 (ii) b = 0 (iii) c = 0 (iv) a = b (v) a = -b (1)


(i) If a = 0, the line is parallel to x - axis

(ii) If b = 0, the line is parallel to y - axis

(iii) If c = 0, the line passes through the origin

(iv) If a = b, the line is perpendicular to the line y = x

(v) If a = -b, the line is parallel to the line y = x

3. Using the above applet write the corresponding changes in the line
(Consider only one question having √ mark) (1)
(i). Change a alone

(ii). Change b alone

(iii). Change c alone


1. If change a alone, line rotate about a point on y – axis.

2. If change b alone, line rotate about a point on x – axis.

3. If change c alone, line move parallel to the original line.

4. Follow the directions given below and construct an applet to find the normal form

of a line. (4)
* Take a new GeoGebra window.

* Draw the line x + y = 5 and the perpendicular from the origin to the line

(use Perpendicular Line tool).

* Mark the point of intersection of the perpendicular with the line.

* Hide the perpendicular line and draw a line segment from the origin to the


* Show the length of the perpendicular and the angle made by it with the

positive direction of the x axis.

* Create an input box for the line


Applet constructed.

5. Using this find the normal form of a line Consider only one question having √

mark (3)








6. Use the applet ML 8.4 to answer the following questions

About the applet
• You can click and drag at the origin to shift the axes.
• You can change the curve and the origin using corresponding input


• You can see the transformed equation using check box.

• Shift the origin, parallel to the x axis or y axis and observe the changes
in the new equation of the circle.
• What should be the new origin to get the transformed equation as

(Consider only one question having √ mark) (2)

(i) .


Guess the answer and check it.


(i) (3, 3)

(ii) (1, 3)
About the applet ML 13.1 :
You can see the graph of a function f (x), 3 points A, B, P on the x axis,
corresponding points on the graph and on the y axis
• NAME Check Box: By clicking on it you can show/hide the names of the
• VALUE Check Box: By clicking on it you can show/hide the x coordinates of
the points A, B and P and the y coordinates of the points
• Slider h: Using this we can bring the points A and B towards P
• Input box a: To change the position of P
• Input box f : To change the function

1. Use the applet ML 13.1 given below answer the following questions.
Initial settings

• a=2


• Show the name of the points

(i) What happens to the x coordinates of the points A and B ? What happens to

the y coordinates of and ? (2)

Ans :
x coordinates of A increases, but x coordinates of B decreases.

y coordinates of increases, but y coordinates of decreases.

(ii). What happens to the points A, B, and when h = 0 ? (2)

Ans :
When h = 0, A and B coincides with P

When h = 0, and coincides with

2. In the applet ML 13.1, change the function to

What is the limit of this function at x = 2 (2)

Ans : Limit of at x = 2 is 4.
3. Using the applet ML 13.1, discuss the existence of limit for only one

question having √ mark. (3)

Discuss the existence of limit for the following functions

Ans :
1. As ,
As ,

Limit does not exist at x = 0

2. As ,

As ,
Limit does not exist at x = 0

3. As ,

As ,

Limit does not exist at x = 0

4. As ,

As ,

Limit does not exist at x = 1

1. Consider only one question having √ mark. (4)

Two functions and defined from R to R are given. Draw their graphs and
fill the following table with yes or no
one to one onto bijection

Ans: (i) No No No
Yes Yes Yes
(ii) Yes Yes Yes
No No No
(iii) Yes Yes Yes
No No No

2. Consider only one question having √ mark.

(a) Draw the graph of above function. Observe the graph and find its range (1)
(b) Reduce the domain and codomain of the function to make it a bijection. (1)
(c) Draw the graph of the function in the restricted domain. (1)
(Example for the input command:
If the restricted domain of is [3,∞) give the input command f,x>=3)
Ans: (i) (a) Range = [1, ∞)
(b) f : (-∞, -2] —> [1, ∞), then f is bijection
(c) The graph is drawn
(ii) (a) Range = [1, ∞)
(b) f : (-∞, 3] —> [1, ∞), then f is bijection
(c) The graph is drawn
(iii) (a) Range = [1, ∞)
(b) f : (-∞, 1] —> [1, ∞), then f is bijection
(c) The graph is drawn
3. Consider only one question having √ mark.

Open a GeoGebra window and make an initial setting as follows:

Right click on the Graphics view —> Graphics —> x axis —> Distance —> Enter pi/4
(a) Draw the graph of above function. Observe the graph and find its range (1)
(b) Reduce the domain and codomain of the function to make it a bijection. (1)
(c) Draw the graph of the function in the restricted domain. (1)
(Example for the input command: If the restricted domain of is
give the input command f,-pi/2<=x<=pi)

Ans: (i) (a) The graph is drawn. Range = [-3, 3]

(b) f: —> [-3, 3], then f is bijection

(c) The graph is drawn

(ii) (a) The graph is drawn. Range = [-2, 2]
(b) f: —> [-2, 2], then f is bijection

(c) The graph is drawn

(iii) (a) The graph is drawn. Range = [-3, 3]
(b) f: —> [-3, 3], then f is bijection

(c) The graph is drawn


About the applet ML 24.1 :

You can see the graph of a function f (x), 3 points A, B, P on the x axis,
corresponding points on the graph and on the y axis
• NAME Check Box: By clicking on it you can show/hide the names of the
• VALUE Check Box: By clicking on it you can show/hide the x coordinates of
the points A, B and P and the y coordinates of the points
• POINT Check Box : By clicking on it we get a point Q on the graph. A slider
an input box appears on Graphics 2. Using them we can change the position of
the point Q.
• Slider h: Using this we can bring the points A and B towards P
• Input box a: To change the position of P
• Input box f : To change the function

1. Use the applet ML 24.1, discuss the existence of continuity for only one
question having √ mark. Observe the movement of Q as x crosses 2 (3)



Ans :

Hence, limit does not exist

When x crosses the point Q there is a jump from 4 to 5.


Hence, limit exists

When x crosses the point Q there is a jump from 4 to the value of the
function .
2. Discuss the existence of the limit and continuity of the functions given below
at x = 0. Observe the movement of Q as x approaches 0 in each case. (6)




Ans :
(i) As x approaches 0, the point Q oscillates between -1 and +1. It does not
converge a particular value.
Limit does not exist at x = 0. Function is not continuous at x = 0.
(ii) As x approaches 0, the point Q tends to zero on left side and right side.
Here the point Q converges to zero.

Here, limit exists and the function is continuous at x = 0.

(iii) As x approaches 0, the point Q tends to zero on left side and right side.
Here the point Q converges to zero.

Here, limit exists and the function is continuous at x = 0.

3. Take a new GeoGebra window. • Create a slider k with Min = -5 and Max =

10. with increment .01 . Find the value of the constant k if the function is

continuous. (Consider only one question having √ mark) (2)

Ans :
(i) k = 9/5 (1.8)
(ii) k = 3/4 (0.75)
1. (a) Using the instructions given below construct a GeoGebra applet. (3)
* Draw the graph of the function
* Using the input command integral [f,1,5], find the area bounded by the curve
x axis between x = 1 and x = 5
* Create an input box for a. Using this we can edit the upper limit and
lower limit of the definite integral.
* Create an input box for the function f

Ans: Constructed the applet

(b) Using the above applet find the area of the region bounded by the given
curves. (2)


1.3333 Sq. Unit

(c) Using the above applet or other wise, find the area of the region bounded
by the given curves. Consider only one question having √ mark. (2)


(i) 4.6667 Sq. Unit

(ii) 39.6992 Sq. Unit

(iii) 12.5664 Sq. Unit

(iv) 2 Sq. Unit

(d) Consider only one question having √ mark. Using this applet find the area
of the region bounded by the given curves. (2)
Find the required area and complete the following :
Sl. No. Enclosed region Area (Sq. Unit)

1. ..................

2. ..................

3. ....................

4. ..........................


Sl. No. Enclosed region Area (Sq. Unit)

1. 4

2. 6.8

3. 4

4. 4.3333

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