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Mumbai,Maharashtra • • +918898642158 •

• • Portfolio :

Jagannath University , Jaipur 2022
B.Tech in Computer Science

Relevant coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms , Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), Database Management
Systems, Operating Systems, Computer Networks , Cloud Computing ,

Technical : JavaScript, ES6+, HTML5, CSS, SDLC, Git, JSX

Libraries and Frameworks: React, Bootstrap, Material UI, API Integration, NPM, Redux-Toolkit
Familiar : Node, NoSQL DBMS , Research, Prototyping, Testing, Wireframing , Debugging, Design Principle

Business web solutions - Delhi(Remote) October'23- Present
Full Stack Developer (Internship)
• Received comprehensive training in Full Stack technology, honing skills in both Front-End and Back-End development to ensure a
Holistic understanding of web development processes.
• Redesigned and developed the search module using JavaScript with YUI that increased performance metrics by 20%, decreased lines
of code by 50%.
• Make multiple projects in Front-End and Back-End, enhancing UI, navigation, and website speed. Specialized in redesigns for optimal
user experience.

Alpha Innovation - Mumbai March'23-September'23

Business Development Executive
• Spearheaded lead generation efforts, resulting in a 30% increase in the client pipeline within the first three months.
• Successfully closed key deals with high-profile clients, exceeding monthly revenue targets by 15%.
• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop targeted marketing strategies, enhancing the company's market presence.

Portfolio Project Sep-2023
• Technologies : Leveraged ThreeJS for 3D graphics, React Three Fiber for 3D integration in React, utilized TailwindCSS for utility-first
styling, and infused dynamic animations using
• Framer Motion .
• 3D Design & Animation : Crafted dynamic 3D models featuring tailored lighting, geometries, and camera perspectives, bringing visual
depth to the project.
• Best Practices & Functionality : Adopted industry-standard
• techniques with Higher Order Components (HOCs) and integrated a responsive contact form with email capabilities
React YouTube Clone: A Case Study Aug-2023
• Objective: Developed a React-based YouTube Clone to enhance skills in React and frontend design, aiming for a faithful replication of
YouTube's look and functionality.
• Challenges & Solutions: Overcame hurdles in backend integration and security with Firebase Realtime Database, applying meticulous
Problem-solving to ensure a robust application.
• Learning’s: Acquired insights into Flex box for responsive layouts, utilized react-router-dom for seamless navigation, and refined CSS
Skills by mimicking YouTube's distinctive design elements.
• Results & Impact: The YouTube Clone is a testament to successful React development, showcasing adaptive layouts, secure backend
Management, and a significant boost in practical frontend design proficiency.

• React Front-End Development | IBM
• JavaScript Algorithms | FreeCodeCamp
• UI/UX Design | Great Learning
• Prepared for Indian Civil Service Exam

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