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Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

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Ocean Engineering
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Reducing wave impacts on high-speed catamarans through deployment of

ride control: Analysis of full-scale measurements
Ali Alsalah ∗, Damien Holloway, Jason Ali-Lavroff
University of Tasmania, School of Engineering, Australia


Keywords: Full-scale trials on a 98 m wave piercer catamaran were conducted in the North Sea and North Atlantic
High-speed catamarans region. In order to examine, amongst other things, the effectiveness of the ride control system, the ship was
Slamming deliberately operated in sea conditions likely to induce a large number of wave impact events. Primary ship
Full-scale measurements
motion and structural response parameters, such as angles, rates and accelerations, and strains at various
Ship motions
locations were recorded. Slam and minor wave impact events were identified in the data records and analysed
Ride control deployment
to determine the influence of wave headings, vessel speeds, sea states and ride control system activation on
their occurrence rates and severity. The Empirical Mode Decomposition technique was used to remove both
noise and the rigid body response from the acceleration signals. This was based on prior work by the authors
and found to provide more reliable slam identification than traditional methods. A prediction of extreme slam
occurrences was modelled using logistic regression. A key outcome of the study was the finding that the
activation of ride control significantly reduces the probability of extreme slams occurring.

1. Introduction It is a challenging endeavour to calculate slam loads on large high-

speed catamarans with a centre bow since there is no established
Ferries operating in conditions that expose them to repeated slam- theoretical method for accomplishing this task. Furthermore, there
ming are required to change course or reduce speed to avoid passenger is a lack of knowledge regarding the kinematics of slamming events
discomfort and/or structural damage (Fig. 1). It is possible for slam- on large high-speed catamarans. Only full scale measurement and/or
ming forces to exceed the vessel’s weight (Thomas et al., 2003b), model testing in irregular waves can provide a reliable assessment
resulting in significant hull damage, such as buckling of the hull near of the classification of slamming events and the factors influencing
the bridge (Shabani et al., 2018). Minor slamming is unlikely to signif- the occurrences of slamming (Amin et al., 2013). Compared to the
icantly impact the structural reliability, but this can still be a fatigue extensive studies that have been conducted on slamming on monohulls,
issue for vessels that are exposed to frequent minor slamming. such as those by Aertssen (1979), Iaccarino et al. (2000), very little
Ferry operations are subject to a class service regulation that re- work has been published on full scale measurements of loads and
quires a reduction in speed based on the significant wave height (Par- kinematics of large catamarans (Amin et al., 2013).
nell and Kofoed-Hansen, 2001). Moderate or severe slamming loads Conventional monohulls have had their design principles estab-
should ideally be avoided, which can reduce the ship transport effi- lished by classification societies using empirical methods based on
ciency, but minor wave impacts typically pose no threat to the structure operational experience. Jacobi et al. (2014) states that ‘‘with the rapid
or to passenger comfort, and in the interests of transport efficiency development of high-speed craft classification societies, there has been
these need not be avoided. As such, it is important to adopt an ap- a lack of operational data on which to base the structural rules, so
proach that is based on a speed reduction criterion determined by the in addition to the empirically-based rules, classification societies have
occurrence rate and severity of slamming loads (Shabani et al., 2018). introduced direct calculation methods’’.
This approach ensures maintaining high speed in low-risk environments Accurately evaluating wave loads under various conditions neces-
as well as avoiding encountering severe slamming events. Therefore, sitates full-scale measurements (Jacobi et al., 2012). However, the
better knowledge about slamming in different conditions will improve availability of results for high-speed multihulls in the published lit-
that guidance. erature is limited due to the expensive and confidential nature of

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ali.alsalah@utas.edu.au (A. Alsalah).
URL: https://www.utas.edu.au (A. Alsalah).

Received 18 August 2023; Received in revised form 27 November 2023; Accepted 13 December 2023
Available online 19 December 2023
0029-8018/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 1. Damage of bow structure as a consequence of severe slamming loads, for a 127 m vessel (Rothe et al., 2001).

these trials (Kapsenberg, 2011). Instances of such measurements in- that the assumption of statistical independence was proven to be invalid
clude those conducted on Incat vessels ranging from 81 to 98 metres since slams tend to cluster into sequences of two or more events. Slam
by Roberts et al. (1997), Thomas et al. (2002, 2003a), Amin et al. clustering was found to be significantly influenced by both high speed
(2013), Jacobi et al. (2014), and the study by Steinmann et al. (1999) and high wave amplitude. However, there was not always a direct
on an Austal Ships catamaran measuring 86 metres in length. connection between the height of the waves that were experienced
Roberts et al. (1997) used Weibull and Gumbel extreme value plots and the severity of the slamming events that occurred. A new criterion
to extrapolate the stresses experienced during sea trials of two Incat was devised that relied on wavelet analysis of the amidships vertical
catamarans (81 and 86 m) to a probability of 10−8 . The study makes bending moment (VBM) to make this determination. Dessi (2014)
the assumption that the stresses in the extrapolated full scale can be proposed a different version of their method for analysing transients
directly compared to the stresses in the FE model at the same locations that makes use of filtering and Hilbert transforms. More recently, a
in a quasi-static analysis. new approach using Machine Learning to identify slamming events in
Using the Ochi (1964) extrapolation procedure, which assumes a a scaled model of a fast monohull under various sea states and speeds
linear relationship between stresses and wave height, Steinmann et al. was proposed by Dessi et al. (2023).
(1999) also extrapolated the sea trials extreme value stresses with a Recently, studies have been published focusing on investigating
probability of 10−8 . This assumption, however, does not hold true for the influence of ride control on a 112 m high-speed wave-piercing
large high-speed catamarans in moderate to rough seas, when highly catamaran using 2.5 m hydroelastic segmented model fitted with a ride
non-linear slamming stresses occur in addition to regular wave loads. control system (AlaviMehr et al., 2015, 2019; Javanmard et al., 2023).
During data post-processing, individual slamming events were detected, The model was developed with a T-Foil mounted at the central bow
and the peak slam reactions were compared to the quasi-static global and two stern tabs placed at the transom. Javanmard et al. (2023)
response levels set by classification societies. In both instances, extreme conducted towing tank tests using a scaled model in head seas with
value analysis was utilised to account for the dynamics of slamming. irregular waves at a forward speed of 2.89 m/s. Two significant wave
The dynamics of slams have also been widely studied without the heights of 60 mm and 90 mm, and a modal period of 1.5 s were
use of extrapolation methods. Thomas et al. (2002) investigated the selected. This represents significant wave heights of 2.7 and 4 m, a
peak load values experienced by a 96-m Incat catamaran during a period of 10 s and a forward speed of 37 knots at full-scale. In one
severe slamming event that led to the buckling of the superstructure condition, the control mode mitigated the peak pitch RAO by 41% and
shell plates as she made her regular crossing of Cook Strait in New vertical accelerations by 46%. It was concluded that reducing the ship
Zealand. The analysis resulted in a greater understanding of slamming motions and accelerations can be achieved by employing RCS with an
dynamics, which revealed that the slamming load during this particular appropriate control algorithm. As a result, passenger comfort can be
asymmetric event exceeded 1000t. improved for high-speed catamarans operating in random seas.
Due to the difficulties and expense of acquiring useful full-scale At full-scale measurements, Jacobi et al. (2014) examined the num-
data, many studies have also been done at model scale. ber of slams per hour with a given intensity, and the influence of
Bouscasse et al. (2013) investigated the seakeeping behaviour of heading, speed, wave height and ride control activation. The slamming
a high-speed catamaran model in head seas using various types of criterion was based on the original concept of a stress rate threshold
waves, including transient, regular, and irregular. To understand how described by Thomas et al. (2003c). The role of the Ride Control System
the catamaran behaves in real operative conditions, they conducted (RCS) in reducing slamming stresses was shown to be particularly
experiments in mild sea states. These tests were conducted in Sea significant at high speeds. An overall trend of a weak relationship
States 2 and 3, generated using a Pierson Moskowitz wave spectrum. between relative vertical velocities and stresses occurring following
The Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) appeared to exhibit weak slam impacts was observed.
dependence on sea states, likely attributable to the gentle conditions While the above studies have demonstrated that the ride control
during the irregular wave tests. has an effect on motions and passenger comfort, they have not com-
The slamming occurrence for a fast-moving ferry was studied by prehensively considered the effect of ride control on the probability of
Dessi and Ciappi (2013), who used an elastic segmentation model tested slamming occurring, taking into account other variables such as sea
in irregular long-crested waves to make their observations. They found conditions, nor on the statistical significance of results. Similarly, most

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 2. HSV-2 SWIFT (http://www.incat.com.au/).

prior research on slamming focuses on the identification of slams, but 2. HSV-2 Swift Incat catamaran hull 061
studies on the conditions that differentiate the likelihood of slamming
from minor impacts, are much more limited. One technique for prop- 2.1. Trial overview
erly evaluating the statistical significance of the mitigating effects of
ride control on slamming is logistic regression (see Section 5). The subject of this full-scale study, HSV-2 SWIFT, is a 98-m wave
Various logistic regression models have been developed in the lit- piercing catamaran designed, built and operated in accordance with
erature, highlighting valuable insight in diverse disciplines such as the HSC Code and DNV HSLC Rules. The main parameters of HSV-2
medicine, engineering, and the natural sciences. Modelling the O-ring SWIFT are presented in Table 1. It is the second of a series of high
success as a function of ambient temperature following the catastrophic speed aluminium wave-piercing catamarans constructed by Incat for
1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster is a notable case of logistic evaluation by the U.S. Navy. Propulsion is provided by four Cater-
regression in engineering (Dalal et al., 1989). The Presidential Com- pillar 3618 diesel engines. The vessel is outfitted with a ride control
mission on the Challenger accident revealed that the correlation of system incorporating active transom mounted trim tabs and a forward
the O-ring damage in low temperature would have been revealed by centre-mounted retractable T-foil. HSV-2 SWIFT was modified for the
a careful analysis of the flight history (Rogers et al., 1986). The launch operational evaluation period to provide multiple mission capability.
occurred despite a lack of consensus over the interpretation of the The more significant modifications were the addition of a flight deck,
available data, as none of the prior 23 launches occurred at such low helicopter hanger and control station.
temperatures. Maranzano and Krzysztofowicz (2008) outline this issue The Naval Mine Warfare Command (NMWC) leased the HSV-2
and discusses the difficulty the NASA engineers had as a result of the SWIFT with the primary goal of assessing the vessel for mine/anti-mine
extrapolation required to make conclusions using the logistic regression warfare. Seakeeping, structural, and performance trials were performed
by The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) for the Naval Surface
Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD) (Bachman et al., 2004).
Logistic regression is ideally suited to the task of considering the
These trials were intended to quantify the operational performance of
effect of ride control on slamming, and there is a vast resource of
the HSV-2 SWIFT in support of the Navy’s assessment of the vessel’s
full-scale sea trials data conducted by the US navy on the Incat Swift
suitability for future operations. As a result of the trials, an operating
HSV-2 catamaran (Fig. 2) available to the authors that could achieve
profile would be developed based on the outcomes of seakeeping and
this purpose.
structural performance. Furthermore, long-term design and testing of
The current paper aims to address how slamming on large high-
subsequent vessels will benefit from this data.
speed catamarans is influenced by the vessel’s speed, heading, ride
The foundation for evaluating the ship’s seakeeping performance
control, and wave conditions by investigating sea trials data for the was monitoring ship motions, ship control operations, and the wave
Incat Swift HSV-2 catamaran (Fig. 2). environment. The sensors were a combination of transducers from
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first application of logistic NSWCCD and tie-ins to shipboard equipment. Quantification of the
regression for this purpose, providing a stronger statistical basis for ship’s motions as a function of sea condition, heading with regard
the conclusions. The sea trials were deliberately operated in condi- to the waves, and ship speed are examples of seakeeping objectives.
tions likely to induce slamming. This additional aspect enhances the By comparing ship motions with and without the ride control system
paper’s relevance for readers interested in slamming as these trials were engaged, the effectiveness of the system was evaluated.
conducted over a broad spectrum of speed, heading and sea conditions. Data gathering opportunities for a variety of sea states were pre-
This investigation contributes important knowledge about the influ- sented by the seakeeping and structural loads trials. In order to meet
ence that operational decisions can have on the probability of encoun- the study’s objectives, these needed to take place in a location where
tering severe and detrimental slamming events in different conditions, sea conditions were likely to be relatively consistent over several hours
through a better understanding of when it is crucial to reduce speed or and tens of kilometres, so that runs of significant length could be made
change course to avoid both structural damage and passenger discom- in a variety of headings, typically in the form of octagons. In the North
fort, while maintaining optimal efficiency of service via a higher speed Sea off the coast of Norway and in the North Atlantic Ocean to the
in low-risk environments. west and north-west of the United Kingdom, twenty one octagons were

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Table 1
Main parameters of HSV-2 Swift catamaran.
Incat hull number 061
Length overall 97.22 m
Waterline length 92 m
Beam overall 26.60 m
Hull beam 4.50 m
Deadweight 670 tonnes
Speed 38 knots (operational)
42 knots (lightship)
Ride control system incorporating active transom mounted trim tabs
and a forward centre-mounted retractable T-foil
Propulsion 4x Caterpillar 3618 diesel engines

Table 2
Vertical peak acceleration criteria suggested
Fig. 3. Heading angles of HSV2 98 m Incat catamaran sea trials outlined in this
by Revolution Design, the ship’s designer.
study (Almallah et al., 2020).
This was suggested to ensure the safety of
the crew, passengers, and the overall vessel
(Bachman et al., 2004).
Caution 1.55 𝑔 Details of the run time are provided in Tables 3 and 4.
Bow immersion 2.50 𝑔
Five legs of an octagonal pattern were used in a typical test se-
Threat to structure 3.50 𝑔
quence, with the vessel operating at a specified speed for a specified
time in each of the five principal wave headings (head, bow, beam,
stern, and following seas). A full octagon, as illustrated in Fig. 3, was
conducted. For the purpose of assessing the operational profile of HSV- performed when the seas were observed to be confused. These headings
2, a test plan was created. Significant amounts of data were collected, are head, port bow, port beam, port stern, following, starboard stern,
even though not all of the planned parameters were found to fully starboard beam, and starboard bow seas. A wave run was performed at
characterise the operational profile. the beginning and end of every set of seakeeping and structural runs
for approximately 20 to 30 min by coming into the seas and slowing to
steerage speed. These wave runs were used to characterise the seaway
2.2. Data acquisition system
for a series of octagon runs. Additionally, this could verified that test
conditions did not change dramatically throughout the course of the
Two data collection computers, one archiving computer, and a data octagon run period and area.
processing computer were networked together in the data collection A TSK ultrasonic wave height sensor positioned at the bow was
van on the vehicle deck to form the Structural and Seakeeping data utilised to gather wave data. It measured the instantaneous relative
acquisition system. A ‘‘low-frequency’’ system was used to measure distance between the bow and water surface, and subtracted a double-
the motion of the ship’s rigid body and the primary structural re- integrated acceleration signal to obtain the absolute instantaneous
sponse. All channels dealing with seakeeping, including low-frequency wave height. Subsequent processing involved calculating the power
measurements, had a sample rate of 100 Hz. spectral density of the wave time series. The significant wave height
The ship’s bow, bridge, LCG, and flight deck all housed sets of three- was then determined as four times the square root of the spectral
axis accelerometers. The LCG accelerometer recorded the roll and pitch variance, or four times RMS (Root-Mean-Square) (Holthuijsen, 2007).
angles and rates, as well as the yaw rate. Aside from tracking the ship’s Additionally, the modal period was established as the inverse of the
motions, data was also collected on the wave environment. At the bow frequency of the spectral peak.
of the ship, a TSK wave height system was installed.
Through the use of an optical isolator, a connection was also formed 2.4. Significant wave height and period
to the GPS system that was installed on the ship. The GPS was used to
record the track, course, and speed channels of the ship. In addition, It is known that the wave conditions can significantly impact the
the position of the T-foil and the trim tabs, as well as the angle of the occurrence of slamming (Thomas et al., 2009).
waterjet nozzle and the speed of the waterjet shaft, were all monitored As mentioned, averages of the significant wave height and modal
by the shipboard control systems. period were measured from the stationary ship prior to and following
the octagon. The values measured prior are the ‘nominal’ values shown
in Tables 3 and 4. However, as wave conditions will always vary
2.3. Test conditions both temporally and spatially, and octagons were spread over tens of
nautical miles and took hours to complete, the significant wave height
The duration of each data run differed depending on ship heading and modal period were also calculated (where possible) from the wave
relative to the predominant wave direction. This is vital to record a measured from the moving ship, shown in Tables 3 and 4 as ‘actual’
sufficient number of wave encounters. More waves are encountered by values, providing more relevant values.
the ship in head seas at high speed compared to in following seas at The significant wave height is easily and reliably calculated from
the same ship speed. As a result, it takes longer to acquire the same the measurements taken during the actual run, being just four times the
statistical accuracy in following seas than in head seas. To achieve RMS value regardless of whether measured in a (constantly) moving or
reasonable statistical accuracy for full-scale trials on vessels of this size, stationary reference frame. The value obtained from the run is therefore
the data collection time were as follows: not only more reliable than the ones taken before and after the octagon,
but it may also provide a qualitative indication of the variability of the
• head and bow sea run times were approximately 20 min each of wave conditions over the octagon.
data collection time; However, calculation of the peak wave period is problematic as it
• beam sea conditions required approximately 30 min; and involved reversing the Doppler shift in the encountered wave frequency
• stern and following sea conditions required closer to 40 min each. caused by the ship’s forward speed. This was not fully reliable, first

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Table 3
The number of wave impacts and slams in head, bow and beam runs. (Note: Runs 56, 62, 72, 124 and 153 are excluded from the table as the source files were not available).
Run Octagon Heading Speed Nominal Nominal Actual Actual Ride SeaState Duration Wave impacts Slams
𝐻𝑤 (m) 𝑇0 (s) 𝐻𝑤 (m) 𝑇0 (s) control (min) per hour per hour
57 1 P Bow 15 2.56 8.3 2.17 8.9 OFF Low SS 5 30.35 152 6
58 1 S Beam 15 2.56 8.3 2.9 10.5 OFF Low SS 5 30.37 4 0
63 2 S Bow 20 2.53 8.6 3.68 9.6 OFF Low SS 5 20.28 340 30
64 2 S Beam 20 2.53 8.6 2.64 8.9 OFF Low SS 5 30.77 31 0
70 3 Head 20 2.45 8.2 3.18 9.6 ON High SS 4 21.12 367 40
71 3 S Bow 20 2.45 8.2 2.53 8.8 ON High SS 4 19.55 356 37
77 4 Head 10 2.41 8.2 2.63 9.1 ON High SS 4 20.22 33 0
78 4 S Bow 10 2.41 8.2 2.6 9.3 ON High SS 4 20.93 17 0
79 4 S Beam 10 2.41 8.2 2.63 9.2 ON High SS 4 20.18 3 0
92 5 Head 35 2.98 11 3.34 12.5 ON Low SS 5 22.17 352 27
94 5 S Bow 35 2.98 11 2.81 12.9 ON Low SS 5 21.02 186 11
95 5 S Beam 35 2.98 11 2.88 12.8 ON Low SS 5 31.8 21 0
99 6 Head 35 3.00 11.7 2.72 12.1 OFF Low SS 5 19.4 359 28
100 6 P Bow 35 3.00 11.7 2.74 11.7 OFF Low SS 5 23 201 8
101 6 P Beam 35 3.00 11.7 2.65 9.9 OFF Low SS 5 32.65 11 0
106 7 Head 10 2.92 11.7 3.08 11.6 ON Low SS 5 20.03 0 0
107 7 P Bow 10 2.92 11.7 2.92 11.5 ON Low SS 5 21.77 6 0
108 7 P Beam 10 2.92 11.7 3.1 11.8 ON Low SS 5 32.55 0 0
113 8 Head 20 1.98 9.1 1.79 10.8 ON Mld SS 4 26.55 5 0
114 8 S Bow 20 1.98 9.1 1.78 9.8 ON Mld SS 4 20.37 3 0
115 8 S Beam 20 1.98 9.1 1.81 16.8 ON Mld SS 4 38.48 0 0
118 9 Head 20 1.96 8 1.8 10.1 OFF Mld SS 4 22.7 63 0
119 9 P Bow 20 1.96 8 1.8 10.4 OFF Mld SS 4 21.45 8 0
120 9 P Beam 20 1.96 8 1.88 16.9 OFF Mld SS 4 29.92 4 0
126 10 Head 35 1.89 6.8 1.6 7.5 OFF Mld SS 4 19.6 147 3
127 10 S Bow 35 1.89 6.8 1.27 6.3 OFF Mld SS 4 20.28 89 3
128 10 S Beam 35 1.89 6.8 1.05 5.1 OFF Mld SS 4 31.63 2 0
135 11 Head 35 2.04 10.2 1.72 13.1 ON Mld SS 4 20.95 95 0
136 11 S Bow 35 2.04 10.2 1.74 14.7 ON Mld SS 4 20.82 55 0
137 11 S Beam 35 2.04 10.2 1.8 12.8 ON Mld SS 4 29.42 0 0
145 12 Head 35 2.44 10.2 2.28 12.1 ON High SS 4 19.55 279 6
146 12 P Bow 35 2.44 10.2 2.23 14.8 ON High SS 4 20.75 95 0
147 12 P Beam 35 2.44 10.2 1.96 14.5 ON High SS 4 30.13 6 0
152 13 Head 30 2.30 10.2 1.73 12.4 OFF High SS 4 21.97 71 0
154 13 P Beam 30 2.30 10.2 1.99 8.2 OFF High SS 4 19.82 0 0
159 14 Head 30 2.43 10.2 2.28 11.3 OFF High SS 4 20.23 252 6
160 14 S Bow 30 2.43 10.2 2.23 10.2 OFF High SS 4 19.97 132 3
161 14 S Beam 30 2.43 10.2 2.45 11.1 OFF High SS 4 30.28 0 0
163 15 Head 20 2.59 8.5 2.35 11.3 ON Low SS 5 23.33 118 0
164 15 P Bow 20 2.59 8.5 2.75 8.7 ON Low SS 5 20.57 123 6
165 15 P Beam 20 2.59 8.5 2.71 8.8 ON Low SS 5 29.83 2 0
169 15 S Beam 20 2.59 8.5 2.73 17.1 ON Low SS 5 30.95 0 0
170 15 S Bow 20 2.59 8.5 2.59 13.1 ON Low SS 5 19.9 30 0
174 16 Head 35 2.91 10.2 2.39 12.7 ON Low SS 5 20.4 241 0
175 16 S Bow 35 2.91 10.2 2.47 13.6 ON Low SS 5 20.53 20 0
176 16 S Beam 35 2.91 10.2 1.95 20.9 ON Low SS 5 30.33 0 0
180 17 Head 35 2.81 9.7 2.23 12.2 OFF Low SS 5 20.27 266 15
181 17 P Bow 35 2.81 9.7 2.16 9.8 OFF Low SS 5 20.52 246 23
182 17 P Beam 35 2.81 9.7 3.04 7.3 OFF Low SS 5 32.47 102 9
185 18 Head 15 2.67 9.7 2.81 11.4 OFF Low SS 5 19.27 50 0
186 18 S Bow 15 2.67 9.7 2.54 11.6 OFF Low SS 5 19.72 12 0
187 18 S Beam 15 2.67 9.7 2.88 11.5 OFF Low SS 5 30.13 0 0
192 19 Head 30 2.71 8 2.7 11.3 ON Low SS 5 19.72 243 15
193 19 S Bow 30 2.71 8 2.27 10.9 ON Low SS 5 20.12 119 0
194 19 S Beam 30 2.71 8 2.42 8.9 ON Low SS 5 31.3 13 0
199 20 Head 15 2.76 9.1 2.56 10.4 ON Low SS 5 19.65 31 0
200 20 S Bow 15 2.76 9.1 2.59 9.8 ON Low SS 5 20.4 6 0
201 20 S Beam 15 2.76 9.1 3.01 14.6 ON Low SS 5 31.62 0 0
206 21 Head 15 1.80 9.7 1.7 10.2 OFF Low SS 5 21.08 3 0
207 21 S Bow 15 1.80 9.7 1.75 10.1 OFF Low SS 5 19.6 0 0
208 21 S Beam 15 1.80 9.7 1.92 10.6 OFF Low SS 5 30.6 0 0

because the wave must be unidirectional (unlikely in reality) and its work, the spectral peak coincided with the region of ambiguity, so no
direction known (an estimate was available, reliable to perhaps the simplifying assumptions could validly be made about the distribution
nearest 45◦ ), but secondly and more particularly, because it is not of the energy among the three possible solutions.
generally possible to calculate the period for following and stern seas. The paper therefore uses the actual values of significant wave height
This is because the reverse Doppler shift is not unique at low wave en- for all conditions, and actual modal period for head, bow and beam
counter frequencies, with three solutions being possible.1 In the present seas, but nominal period for following and stern seas, unless otherwise
As an indication of the variability, Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) respectively
Due to the dispersive nature of gravity waves, it required solution of a compare the actual and nominal 𝐻𝑤 and 𝑇0 values for head, bow and
quadratic, with the additional complication of a possible sign reversal of one beam seas, with a line to show the case of nominal and actual values
of the terms. being identical. The vast majority of 𝐻𝑤 values were within 0.5 m of

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 4. Comparisons of nominal and actual significant wave heights and periods.

nominal values, with a greater tendency for the actual value to be lower value is less critical, as it was found to have less influence on slamming,
(indicated by data points above the ‘nominal = actual’ line) when the at least over the range of values reported in this paper.
nominal value was less than 2.5 m. This suggests that over the course
of performing an octagon, the smaller seas tended to subside, perhaps 3. Methods
due to being caused by more localised weather events, while the larger
3.1. Slam identification
seas tended to be maintained over the whole octagon. Generally though
there was good consistency, so the 𝐻𝑤 values may be regarded as
Several approaches have been proposed in the literature to identify
wave impacts on ships since the seminal work of Ochi and Motter
On the other hand, 𝑇0 showed a consistent trend towards the (1973). For example, the research by Thomas et al. (2011) determined
nominal value under-predicting the actual (data points below the ‘nom- the occurrence of an impact wave event in model tests based on the
inal = actual’ line) by up to around 3 s, suggesting that waves generally simultaneous satisfaction of two criteria: a peak load (at model scale)
developed in length during the octagons. It is noted though that the 𝑇0 greater than 10 N, and a rate of change of load surpassing a threshold

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

of 5000 N/s. These thresholds were defined for a 2.5 m scale model of of each IMF. An IMF was classified as flexural when at least 20% of its
a 112 m ship with a sophisticated range of instrumentation. Obviously energy was above 0.2 Hz.
specific thresholds will depend very much on the particulars of the ship. Wave impact detection methods were then applied to this separated
However, the question of thresholds aside, forces cannot be measured component. Alsalah et al. (2021) proposed a set of criteria to automate
directly in real ships, so motions derived from bow accelerations are the wave impacts detection and enable analysis of large datasets, as vi-
often used as proxies. Acceleration based thresholds have the further sual inspection is time consuming and subjective. Three methods were
advantage that they are not affected by scaling, since any scaling must proposed to represent the energy content of the hydroelastic response
preserve 𝑔, the acceleration due to gravity. shown in Fig. 5(c): one based on a moving window RMS shown, and
Another common approach to slam identification is to use wavelet two using the Hilbert transform. The third of these methods, used in
transforms. Amin et al. (2013) applied wavelet analysis to the time- the present work, is shown in Fig. 5(e), and described here.
domain strain gauge data measured on a ship in service, and identified Due to its robust and reliable classification and superior perfor-
a more applicable and beneficial method to analyse the impact load mance compared to other methods, the EMD separation of Alsalah
of wave events by utilising the centre-bow surface pressure transducer et al. (2021) was used in the present work to separate the hydroelastic
data. They found that when waves collided with the underside of the response, followed by a Hilbert transform based slam identification.
hull in the archway of a wave-piercing catamaran, the pressure data This method first used the findpeaks function in Matlab. Two criteria
would clearly show a sharp peak in value. were defined, as illustrated in Fig. 5(e), either of which needed to be
Kim et al. (2013) identified wave impacts by cross-correlation of satisfied. First, a detection threshold of 0.01 was set,3 with a minimum
a continuous Morlet wavelet transform. The method was applied on peak separation of 3 s (slightly less than the rigid-body pitch motion
a signal that was simulated by a 3D hydroelastic programme, WISH- resonance period), then the added second criterion required a minimum
Flex. The method was validated through wavelet coherence and the separation of 0.5 s and a minimum prominence of 0.1 𝑔 — note that
cospectrum between the identified whipping signal and the system’s the detection threshold of 0.01 in the first criterion is automatically
impulse response function. satisfied with a prominence of 0.1 𝑔 in a strictly positive signal. This
In related work, Dessi (2014) investigated a new criterion for the ensures significant impacts are captured even though these impacts
identification of wave impacts based on the analysis of the high- occur within less than 3 s of the previous peak. Examples of additional
frequency response. The premise is that significant impacts cause global impacts identified under the second criterion occur at 13.5, 57.5 and
structural flexural vibrations. The high frequency response occurs im- 97 s in Fig. 5(e).
mediately after the wave impact. This investigation applied two differ- This definition is deliberately inclusive, and identifies many minor
ent methods: (1) wavelet; and (2) band-pass filter and Hilbert trans- wave impacts, as discussed below.
form. The whipping response was calculated using wavelets to show
the peaks, while the high frequency envelope was computed by filtering 3.2. Slam classification
and applying the Hilbert transform2 to allow setting of the slamming
threshold. In this paper, wave impacts and slams are considered very broadly,
More recently, Alsalah et al. (2021) proposed employing Empirical and two types are studied:
Mode Decomposition (EMD) to detect, identify and characterise slam-
1. wave impacts, defined here as any wave impact, however small,
ming, which was shown to be significantly better at classifying events
that produces a detectable impulse-like hydroelastic response
than traditional methods of slam detection, as it separated the flexural
when separated using the EMD as described above, whether or
structural response from other vibrations more clearly and rationally.
not it is significant in terms of stress or acceleration, and
EMD is a time-adaptive decomposition of the signal, that recursively
2. slams, a subset of wave impacts, defined here as more signifi-
subtracts splines interpolated between the signal peaks and troughs,
cant events producing a total vertical acceleration greater than
decomposing nonlinear and non-stationary signals into approximately
1.55 g measured at the bow-mounted accelerometer. 1.55 g is
stationary (i.e. narrow-band) time series that represent the time scale of
the ‘caution’ level criterion suggested by Revolution Design (the
the signal, called the intrinsic mode functions (IMF). The IMF is a form
ship’s designer) (Bachman et al., 2004), the lowest of three levels
of complete, adaptive, and orthogonal expression that is determined by
outlined in Table 2, chosen inclusively to identify the maximum
the original signal rather than by predefined initial basis functions.
number of events for better statistical analysis.
With the application of EMD, the vibration signal was decom-
posed into many components that may be grouped unambiguously into Generally, wave impacts, as defined above, may either have no
three quite distinct categories: (1) the rigid-body response comprising effect on the structure or passenger comfort, or if larger, be of im-
two parts: the quasi-static response to the underlying wave spectrum portance primarily only from a fatigue perspective, while significant
(hydrostatic) and rigid-body resonance (hydrodynamic); (2) the elas- slams may potentially be of interest for fatigue, vessel performance,
tic structural response (hydroelastic); and (3) local high frequency passenger comfort, and ultimate strength design. Across all runs, a total
vibrations and/or noise. It was the second category that responds of 5383 wave impacts were identified, mostly minor events, some of
significantly to wave impact loads. These signals are shown in Fig. 5 for which might contribute to fatigue, but including 276 events (around
a typical cluster of slams identified in the present study. By identifying 5.13%) classified as slams under the above definition.
the gap between the rigid body and structural resonant frequencies,
a threshold was established to automate the physically rational separa- 3.3. Logistic regression
tion of this hydroelastic response. This was achieved by determining the
frequency content (power spectral density) of the intrinsic mode func- In order to draw a meaningful conclusion regarding identifying
tions (IMF) using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Cumulative and classifying slamming in different operating conditions, logistic
Spectral Distribution (CSD) by integrating the power spectral density regression is applied to wave impacts and slams identified according
to the definitions in Section 3.2.

The Hilbert transform enables a time-varying ‘instantaneous amplitude’ or
‘envelope’ of an oscillating signal to be calculated. It does this by calculating 3
Units are 𝑔 2 or ×(9.81 m∕s2 )2 , so a threshold of 0.01 equates to an
a hypothetical imaginary part to a real signal, which in the frequency domain acceleration of 0.1 𝑔. Visual inspection of Fig. 5 shows that these do all have
would effectively be the Fourier transform of the original signal with a 𝜋∕2 an identifiable global response, in spite of having peaks as low as 0.1 𝑔,
phase shift. illustrating just how sensitive the methods is.

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 5. The reconstructed components of the first 100 s of bow acceleration data using the EMD technique: (a) Original signal; (b) high frequency local vibration and noise; (c)
global flexural response to slam impulses; (d) rigid body response; and (e) detected wave impacts based on instantaneous energy using the flexural response to slam impulses of
the reconstructed signal.

Logistic regression is a statistical technique to evaluate the relation- In the present work, logistic regression is used to predict the proba-
ship between various predictor variables and a binary outcome. Logistic bility of having any slams, as a function of speed, wave height and ride
regression estimates the probability of an event occurring. The logistic control system deployment.
regression model is expressed as
[ ] 4. Results
ln = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑥1 + 𝛽2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘 𝑥𝑘 (1)
The EMD approach was used to identify slamming, and events were
Eq. (1) may also be written as
classified according to the definitions in Section 3.2. In the following
𝑒𝛽0 +𝛽1 𝑥1 +𝛽2 𝑥2 +⋯+𝛽𝑘 𝑥𝑘 sections, two analyses are undertaken: first on slams at the ‘caution’
𝑝= (2)
1 + 𝑒𝛽0 +𝛽1 𝑥1 +𝛽2 𝑥2 +⋯+𝛽𝑘 𝑥𝑘 level (greater than 1.55 g at the bow), then on all detected wave impacts
where 𝑝 indicates the probability of an event, 𝛽𝑖 are the regression as defined above, mostly very minor (with hydroelastic responses as
coefficients of the predictor or explanatory variables, and 𝑥𝑖 are the low as around 0.1 g at the bow). Tables 3 and 4 show all wave impacts
explanatory variables. and slams that were identified in all runs.

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 6. Scatter plot of slamming rate as a function of vessel speed for all 106 runs grouped by vessel heading.

It should be noted that as the original purpose of the sea trials was statistics on the overall effect of speed and heading in Fig. 7 without
to assess the seakeeping performance of the vessel, conditions were considering wave height and ride control deployment.
deliberately sought that had the potential to induce significant motions The influence of speed and heading on slam occurrence rates is
and slamming, i.e. up to sea state 5. easily seen in Fig. 7. This figure shows the same data as Figs. 6, but
Note also that in the figures and tables associated with the following represented as the median and inter-quartile range, rather than indi-
sections, ‘P’ and ‘S’ in the context ‘P Bow’, ‘S Bow’, ‘P Beam’, ‘S Beam’, vidual runs.4 For three main headings of head, and port and starboard
‘P Stern’ and ‘S Stern’ refer respectively to port and starboard seas.
bow seas higher slamming rates are seen only at the higher speeds,
This section describes the results qualitatively, while Section 5
while for many conditions the slam rate was zero. This shows that a
presents quantitative conclusions from a more rigorous statistical anal-
reduction of speed minimises the possibility of severe slam occurrence.

4.1. Slamming 4.2. Wave impacts

It was found that the main factors determining whether the vessel
experienced slamming were heading, speed, wave height and deploy- Figs. 8 and 9 show almost identical trends to Figs. 6 and 7. However,
ment of ride control, with a weaker dependence on the wave peak since the inclusion of minor events has greatly increased the total
period. Figs. 6–9, 11 and 12 are laid out with sub-plots arranged in counts to range between 0 and 367 impacts per hour, some wave
the eight heading directions. They also show speed on the horizontal impacts are seen in most categories regardless of the speed. We still
axis, and where relevant, significant wave height and ride control see zero impacts in following and stern seas, and in some runs in beam
deployment via marker colour and shape. seas.
First, consider individual runs with all variables shown together. The peak number of impacts appeared again during run 70. Similar
Fig. 6 shows that head, port bow and starboard bow are the only number of wave impacts were encountered during runs 63, 71, 92 and
headings where any slamming was experienced by the vessel, apart 99 under mostly quite similar conditions. As before, the effect of speed
from one exception in port beam seas at high speed in very large waves. and heading in Fig. 8 is much clearer than that of wave height and ride
This highlights the significance of the vessel headings on the occurence control deployment, but the statistical analysis in Section 5 will bring
of the slamming. The number of slams per hour was in the range of 0
the latter into focus.
to 40. The peak number of impacts occurred during run 70 in head seas
These results suggests that the threshold or criteria used to define
at 20 kn, significant wave height 3.18 m, period 9.6 s, sea state High
the magnitude of slam or wave impact used for analysis essentially
SS 4, with the ride control on.
While Figs. 6 also indicates which runs had the ride control system only changes the total number of events, but has minimal effect on
deployed, the significant ameliorating effect is not at all obvious due the conclusions that can be drawn regarding the influence of different
to the large number of variables of importance. Similarly, the effect of variables.
wave height is not clear. As mentioned at the start of Section 4, a proper
statistical analysis is required to differentiate the influences of each
of the numerous variables. Section 5 presents such an analysis, where 4
In these ‘box plots’, the coloured rectangle shows the inter-quartile range,
the effect of ride control and wave height are shown to be very clear, with a central bar indicating the median, extended lines indicate the data
and quantitative conclusions can be made. First however, we present extremities excluding outliers, and circles indicate outliers.

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 7. Comparison between vessel speed and slamming encountered grouped by vessel heading.

Fig. 8. Scatter plot of encountering wave impacts versus vessel speed for all 106 runs grouped by vessel heading.

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 9. Comparison between vessel speed and detected wave impacts grouped by vessel heading.

4.3. Vessel heading and speed experienced, but the 20 kn condition seems to be an exception to this.
However, it is also noted that there is very little variation in 𝑇0 in
In summary, Figs. 7 and 9 suggest headings can be sorted into three the 20 kn runs, and the slamming rate here is more likely to be a
groups: (1) head and bow, in which wave slams are probable above response to the wave height. Fig. 10 also shows, as expected, that when
10 kn; (2) beam, in which wave impacts are much less frequent and the significant wave height is large, the rate of slamming increases.
occasional slams are possible at higher speed but unlikely at lower However, due to the large number of variables, Section 5.2 explores the
speeds; and (3) stern and following, in which wave impacts and slams influence of significant wave height on slam occurrence using statistical
are unlikely at any speed. methods.
It can clearly be seen that as the speed increases in the headings
where slamming and wave impacts occur, the rates increase. Hardly 4.5. Ride control system
any wave impacts were encountered at any heading when the speed
was 10 kn, as illustrated best by Fig. 9. Although Figs. 6 and 8 identify which runs had the ride control sys-
On the other hand, slamming was already significantly more fre- tem deployed, the effectiveness of the ride control is not immediately
quent at 20 kn in some headings, and in one case was more frequent clear from these figures. However, it was observed that the number of
than when operating at greater speed. This not an intuitive result, but is slams and wave impacts did decrease when the ride control system was
aligned with finding of Thomas et al. (2003a) that a reduction of speed deployed. To quantify the benefit, a more rigorous statistical analysis
in more severe sea states does not necessarily prevent severe slams from of the effectiveness of the ride control is required. This is explored in
occurring. Section 5, which very clearly shows the benefits of the ride control
4.4. Significant wave height and wave period
5. Statistical models
It is known that sea state, namely, significant wave height and wave
period, are critical in determining the occurrence of slamming. Hence, 5.1. Models based on Poisson regression
a further analysis was undertaken to calculate the significant wave
height and wave period for every head, bow and beam run to quantify A prediction model based on Poisson regression (Fig. 11) is used to
the influence of sea state on the occurrences of slamming. As speed is model the rate of slamming that could be experienced by the vessel.
important in the occurrence rate of slamming, speed is also included in In this figure, hollow circles indicate mean observed rates derived
this analysis. directly from the data, and solid circles represent the statistical model
Fig. 10 shows the effect of significant wave height and period on predictions.
the number of slams at different speeds. As noted already, it suggests The model, as expected from the earlier qualitative observations,
that speed is a critical factor influencing the rate of slamming, but the predicts that there would be no slamming for stern and following
figure seeks to separate its effect from that of wave height and period. headings. In bow seas the slamming rates are very similar regardless
While the influence of the period is inconclusive, the figure shows of whether it is port bow or starboard bow, as would be expected by
overall that the longer the period, the more slamming the vessel symmetry. The model also predicts that the ride control is very effective

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 10. The influence of speed, significant wave height and period on the number of slams per hour.

Fig. 11. Prediction of the number of slams that could be encountered using Poisson regression.

in reducing slamming (the next section shows that this reduction could Poisson regression is also applied to the wave impact data, with
be as great as 35% when the vessel is operating in head or bow seas). findings corresponding closely to those regarding slamming.
The model confirms quantitatively that in some instance there could Fig. 12 shows the Poisson regression prediction of the expected
be more frequent slamming experienced at 20 kn than 30 kn and number of minor wave impacts encountered by the vessel in different
35 kn (also noted in Section 4.3 based on qualitative observation). It conditions. In spite of much higher overall numbers compared to
is predicted that there would be almost no slamming when the vessel slamming, the model indicates that there would be no wave impacts
operates at 10 kn and 15 kn. When the speed of the vessel is 20 kn or experienced if the vessel were to operate in stern or following seas,
greater, the vessel could experience between 8 to 11 slams per hours and very few at low speed in head and bow seas. The expected number
when the ride control is in operation. Greater number of slams would of wave impacts per hour is just 5 when the speed is 10 kn, but rises
be experienced if the ride control is not in operation, which could be to 250 when the vessel is operating under high speed with ride control
as high as 15 slams per hour. not in operation.

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Fig. 12. Prediction of the number of wave impacts that could be encountered using Poisson regression.

Note, these tests were intentionally conducted in exceptionally is around a 45% chance of encountering at least one minor slam when
rough seas ranging up to sea state 5, and this model predicts all wave the vessel is operating at 20 kn, which rises to 85% when the vessel is
impacts regardless of how significant the impact is. These impacts may operating at 35 kn. Similar rises are seen with the ride control system
not be of significance in terms of the overall effect on the passenger on.
comfort or the reliability of the vessel. The figure also clearly shows that the ride control system greatly
helps reducing the probability of encountering a slam. Approximately
5.2. Models based on logistic regression 30% reduction in the probability of encountering a slam when the
ride control system is deployed is obtained consistently at all speeds.
As severe slams play a critical part in the operation of vessels, This shows the importance of the ride control system in reducing the
a further prediction model was used to estimate the probability of occurrence of slamming.
encountering at least one slam at the ‘caution’ level when the vessel
Model 2, predicting the probability of encountering at least one slam
is operated in head or bow seas of sea state 4 to 5. Three models
based on the significant wave height, shown in the centre panel of
are presented showing the logistic regression model prediction for this
Fig. 13, exhibits a similar trend to Model 1 based on the vessel speed. As
scenario in head seas, and starboard and port bow seas:
the significant wave height increases, the probability of encountering
• Model 1 in Fig. 13, Table 5, and Eq. (3) based on vessel speed (𝑥1 at least one slam increases. The activation of the ride control decreases
in kn) and ride control deployment (𝑥2 = 0 for ‘off’ or 1 for ‘on’) the probability of encountering at least one slam by at least 25%.
Model 3 in Fig. 13 yields results consistent with those of models 1
𝑒−2.577+0.118𝑥1 −1.315𝑥2
̂ = ; (3) and 2. It demonstrates that the likelihood of encountering at least one
1 + 𝑒−2.577+0.118𝑥1 −1.315𝑥2
slam increases with both higher speed and significant wave height, but
• Model 2 in Fig. 13, Table 5, and Eq. (4) based on the significant the activation of ride control reduces this probability. This reaffirms
wave height (𝑥1 in m) and ride control deployment (𝑥2 ) the earlier findings highlighting the effectiveness of ride control in
𝑒−3.571+1.850𝑥1 −1.982𝑥2 mitigating the risk of slams. The model suggests that, at a speed of
̂ = ; (4)
1 + 𝑒−3.571+1.850𝑥1 −1.982𝑥2 25 kn and a significant wave height of 3 m, activating the ride control
can decrease the probability of encountering slams from 97% to 66%.
• and Model 3 in Fig. 13, Table 5 and Eq. (5) based on the Notably, significant wave height plays a pivotal role; encountering
vessel speed (𝑥1 ), significant wave height (𝑥2 ) and ride control
smaller waves reduces the slam probability to 6% with active ride
deployment (𝑥3 )
control. Furthermore, reducing the speed to 10 knots with a 2 m
𝑒−11.291+0.187𝑥1 +3.342𝑥2 −2.760𝑥3 significant wave height and active ride control almost eliminates the
̂ = . (5)
1 + 𝑒−11.291+0.187𝑥1 +3.342𝑥2 −2.760𝑥3 probability of encountering slams, reducing it to nearly 0%.
Model 1, which is based on the vessel speed, clearly shows in Fig. 13 Model 3 highlights how ride control achieves a comparable effect
that the probability of encountering slams increases as the speed of the to reducing the wave height by 0.83 m (derived by dividing the
vessel increases. For example, with the ride control switched off, there coefficients of 𝑥3 and 𝑥2 ). This translates to a roughly 60% decrease

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Table 4
The number of wave impacts and slams in stern and following runs. (Note: Runs 59, 96 and 111 are excluded from the table as the source files were not available).
Run Octagon Heading Speed Nominal Nominal Actual Ride SeaState Duration Wave impacts Slams
𝐻𝑤 (m) 𝑇0 (s) 𝐻𝑤 (m) control (min) per hour per hour
60 1 Following 15 2.56 8.3 3.37 OFF Low SS 5 40.08 0 0
65 2 S Stern 20 2.53 8.6 2.72 OFF Low SS 5 39.98 0 0
66 2 Following 20 2.53 8.6 2.10 OFF Low SS 5 40.95 0 0
73 3 S Stern 20 2.45 8.2 3.09 ON High SS 4 39.2 0 0
74 3 Following 20 2.45 8.2 2.26 ON High SS 4 42.12 0 0
80 4 S Stern 10 2.41 8.2 3.27 ON High SS 4 40.3 0 0
81 4 Following 10 2.41 8.2 2.89 ON High SS 4 21.04 0 0
97 5 Following 35 2.98 11 1.32 ON Low SS 5 40.3 1 0
102 6 P Stern 35 3.00 11.7 1.98 OFF Low SS 5 42.15 0 0
103 6 Following 35 3.00 11.7 1.67 OFF Low SS 5 23.96 0 0
110 7 P Stern 10 2.15 9.1 2.59 ON Low SS 5 40.2 0 0
116 8 S Stern 20 1.98 9.1 1.74 ON Mld SS 4 43.15 0 0
121 9 P Stern 20 1.96 8 1.67 OFF Mld SS 4 42.88 0 0
122 9 Following 20 1.96 8 1.74 OFF Mld SS 4 49.83 1 0
123 9 S Stern 20 1.96 8 1.86 OFF Mld SS 4 39.2 0 0
129 10 S Stern 35 1.89 6.8 1.30 OFF Mld SS 4 36.11 0 0
130 10 Following 35 1.89 6.8 1.23 OFF Mld SS 4 39.92 0 0
138 11 S Stern 35 2.04 10.2 1.54 ON Mld SS 4 39.85 2 0
139 11 Following 35 2.04 10.2 1.50 ON Mld SS 4 41.5 1 0
148 12 P Stern 35 2.44 10.2 1.51 ON High SS 4 40.82 0 0
149 12 Following 35 2.44 10.2 1.25 ON High SS 4 54.32 0 0
155 13 P Stern 30 2.30 10.2 2.40 OFF High SS 4 39.5 0 0
156 13 Following 30 2.30 10.2 1.56 OFF High SS 4 38.48 0 0
166 15 P Stern 20 2.59 8.5 2.88 ON Low SS 5 39.98 0 0
167 15 Following 20 2.59 8.5 2.84 ON Low SS 5 12.45 0 0
168 15 S Stern 20 2.59 8.5 3.18 ON Low SS 5 43.63 6 0
177 16 S Stern 35 2.91 10.2 1.67 ON Low SS 5 39.93 0 0
178 16 Following 35 2.91 10.2 2.02 ON Low SS 5 40.55 0 0
183 17 P Stern 35 2.81 9.7 2.56 OFF Low SS 5 28.25 0 0
188 18 S Stern 15 2.67 9.7 3.19 OFF Low SS 5 39.57 0 0
189 18 Following 15 2.67 9.7 3.25 OFF Low SS 5 39.83 0 0
195 19 S Stern 30 2.71 8 2.13 ON Low SS 5 39.8 2 0
196 19 Following 30 2.71 8 1.59 ON Low SS 5 43.82 0 0
202 20 S Stern 15 2.76 9.1 3.05 ON Low SS 5 40.15 0 0
203 20 Following 15 2.76 9.1 3.15 ON Low SS 5 39.8 0 0
209 21 S Stern 15 1.80 9.7 2.08 OFF Low SS 5 39.38 0 0
210 21 Following 15 1.80 9.7 1.92 OFF Low SS 5 41.05 0 0

Fig. 13. Probability of encountering at least one slam per run versus speed, significant wave height, and speed and significant wave height on logistic regression models.

in the probability of encountering a single slam in 2 m waves at speeds 6. Discussion

ranging from 30 to 35 kn, or in 3 m waves at 15 kn. When navigating
in 2 m waves, the use of ride control maintains the probability of This study has provided an insight into the influence of the key
slamming below 5% up to speeds of about 24 kn. parameters on the occurrences of wave impacts and slamming on

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

Table 5 Conversely, encounters with slams and wave impacts are more likely in
Results from multivariate logistic regression models.
bow and head seas. Notably, in beam seas, wave impacts occur at high
Model Term 𝛽 estimate 𝑃 -value speeds, while slams are observed in port beam but not starboard beam.
Intercept −2.577 0.034 These results may be attributed to changes in vessel heading and/or
1 Speed 0.118 0.009
wave conditions, particularly given the isolated occurrence at 35 kn.
Ride control: on −1.315 0.087
It is noteworthy that at 20 kn, the vessel experienced a significantly
Intercept −3.571 0.061
higher number of slams than at 30 kn, hence the Poisson model predicts
2 Significant wave height 1.850 0.037
Ride control: on −1.982 0.022 a correspondingly greater incidence, but logistic regression models
Intercept −11.292 0.003
suggest this may actually be a wave height effect.
3 Speed 0.187 0.003 The logistic regression analysis effectively illustrates the signifi-
Significant wave height 3.342 0.010 cance of speed, significant wave height, and ride control activation
Ride control: on −2.760 0.018 in influencing the likelihood of encountering slamming. Notably, ride
control activation consistently reduces the probability of experiencing
slamming, a pattern that holds true as vessel speed and significant wave
catamarans when navigating rough seas. Given the complex and unpre- height increase. These findings are particularly evident in all three
dictable nature of this field, the study provides an initial understanding models, with the third model exhibiting statistical significance.
of these parameters rather than a definitive conclusion on their com- In all models, the 𝑝-values associated with heading, significant
plete influence on wave impacts. It is important to note that to authors’ wave height, and ride control activation were statistically significant
knowledge, this is one of the first papers to include this broad spec- (𝑝-value < 0.05), except for the ride control variable in Model 1 in
trum of vessel’s speed, heading, ride control, and wave conditions Fig. 13 and the intercept in Model 2 in Fig. 13, where the 𝑝-values
for full-scale ship operated in rough seas, encompassing the following were 0.087 and 0.061, respectively. While these specific 𝑝-values fall
ranges: between 5% and 10% and do not reach the 5% significance level,
they still indicate an observable effect. This is a reasonable outcome,
• Speed: 10–35 kn considering the inherent variability in sea conditions and the time gaps
• Heading: head, bow, beam, stern and following seas between different runs during which the vessel may encounter varying
• Nominal 𝐻𝑤 : 1.8–3.5 m wave and environmental conditions. It is important to highlight that
• Nominal 𝑇0 : 6.8–11.7 s in Model 3 the effect of all predictor variables is significant at the 2%
• Sea State: mid SS 4 to low SS 5 level.
• Activation of ride control.
7. Conclusion
While the qualitative findings are likely to apply to any ship, a limi-
tation is that the quantitative findings should not be generalised beyond
the particular vessel employed in the trial. To arrive at a definitive This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the rate of slam occur-
conclusion regarding the impact of speed, heading, wave conditions, rences on high-speed catamarans through full-scale measurements. This
and ride control activation, additional trials involving different vessels analysis is based on the influence of wave headings, vessel speeds, sea
may be necessary. states and ride control system activation on the slam occurrence rates
Exploring other geographical areas that yield distinct sea states and severity. The results of this analysis have demonstrated the success
could be a potential avenue for further research, although it may not in identifying impact loads using an accelerometer using the EMD tech-
always be feasible due to ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) opera- niques (Alsalah et al., 2021) regardless of the heading. Additionally, the
tional guidelines, which were followed during this trial. The nominal importance of wave environments and operating conditions on the slam
and actual wave heights can undergo significant variations between the occurrence rates and severity has been demonstrated.
initial measurement of wave conditions and the actual runs during the The study conducted two separate analyses: the first focused on
octagon, though, with the exception of the period in following seas, ‘caution’ level slams and higher (those exceeding 1.55 𝑔 at the bow),
these can be calculated from run data. However, this highlights the and the second analysed all detected wave impacts, including minor
dynamic nature of sea conditions during an octagon test, making it ones with hydroelastic responses as low as around 0.1 𝑔 at the bow.
challenging to control the precise conditions for a trial. Consequently, The results are first presented qualitatively, with very consistent find-
a considerable number of runs must be performed to encompass a ings between the two data sets. Then quantitative conclusions were
broad range of parameters, even though this may not be cost-effective. provided by two types of statistical regression analyses.
A proper statistical analysis also helps to validly compare runs with The results highlighted that the vessel’s heading, speed, and the use
slightly different sea conditions. of ride control all significantly affected slamming. The wave conditions
The study reveals that increasing speed generally leads to a higher also played a role, though to a lesser extent. Minor wave impacts, while
occurrence of slams and wave impacts, with an exception noted at significantly more numerous due to the inclusion of minor wave events,
20 kn. This exception could be attributed to wave conditions, as the followed a similar trend to slamming in terms of heading, speed, and
observed unexpected increase in slams coincided with high significant the effect of ride control.
wave heights and short wave periods. When operating in beam, stern, The study emphasised the importance of heading in the slamming
and following seas, speed seems to have a relatively lesser impact. phenomenon, with head, port bow, and starboard bow headings expe-
Consequently, the primary factors influencing the incidence of slams riencing slamming, while no slamming occurred in stern or following
in a given sea are the vessel’s heading, followed by speed. However, it seas. The data similarly indicated that stern and following seas were
is worth noting that some slams were observed in beam seas, though less prone to minor wave impacts, while head and bow seas were more
rare, and these instances coincided with the presence of large signif- susceptible, especially at higher speeds.
icant wave heights. Another potential explanation is a change in sea The speed of the vessel had a significant impact on slamming rates,
conditions, where the vessel’s heading may not have remained precisely and the study found as expected that reducing speed could minimise the
at beam sea (90◦ ). risk of severe slamming, although there were instances where slamming
The findings align with our expectations based on the results of slam was more frequent at lower speeds, though probably due to a higher
and wave impact analyses. Poisson regression indicates that encoun- wave height. Linear regression Model 1 predicted that the probability
tering slams and wave impacts in stern and beam seas is improbable. of encountering at least one slam can drop around 50% with a 15–20 kn

A. Alsalah et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116581

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