21ug0904 Soil Mechanics & Geology I Ass.2

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SLTC Research University

Bachelor of Science in Honors in Civil Engineering

ECE 204 – Soil Mechanics and Geology I

Assignment 2

Lecturer: - Mr. Madhava Premasiri

Student Number : 21UG0904

Name : De Silva K H S R
Semester : 4th Semester
Date of Submission : 20.09.2023
Soil Classification
Determine the soil classification in the three soil samples following Unified Soil
Classification System using the data provided in the table below.
Soil A

According to the USCS soil classification.

Since 78.1% of the soil is retained on sieve number 200 and more than 50% is
retained, the soil is categorized as COARSE GRAINED SOIL.
Additionally, more than 50% of the soil passes the No. 4 sieve, allowing for
further classification as SAND.
More than 12% of the soil sample we have contains particles.
✓ As a result, the plasticity index (PI) = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit
= 34.1 - 16.5
= 17.6. > 7
Hence this soil is classified as SC.
Soil B

Less than 50% of soil is retained on sieve number 200 because 45.7% of the
soil is retained. This soil is categorized as FINE-GRAINED SOIL as a result.
Liquid limit > 50%. As a result, the soil is categorized as SLITS AND CLAY (highly
Plasticity index (PI) = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit
= 53.5 -31.6
= 21.9
PI (A line) = 0.73 (53.5 -20) = 24.4 > 21.9
This shows that this point lies below the A line, therefore, the soil is classified
as MH
Soil C

95.5% of soil is retained on no 200 sieve, hence more than 50% of particles are
retained. Therefore, this soil can be classified as COARSE GRAIN SOIL.
30.7% of soil particles are retained on the no 4 sieve. Hence this soil is further more
classified under SAND as less than 50% of soil particles are retained on no 4 sieve.
Fines = % of particles passing through no 200 sieve = 4.5%< 5
Therefore, this is either SW or SP. To continue further a particle size distribution
curve must be drawn
After plotting the curve I obtained
▪ D60 = 2.00 mm
▪ D30 = 0.29 mm
▪ D10 = 0.086 mm
To compute
▪ CU = D60/D10 = 2/ 0.086 = 23.3 >6
▪ CC = D302 / (D60 X D10) = 0.292 / 2 X 0.086 = 0.5
Since this is poorly graded we get P as the suffix for the class name. therefore this
soil is of class SP
Diameter Vs Passing PCt







0.01 0.1 1 10

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