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Managing HotSpot Clients With FreeRadius

Article · June 2008

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Dashamir Hoxha
Universiteti Vlores


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Managing HotSpot Clients With FreeRadius
Dashamir Hoxha <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Dashamir Hoxha. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A
copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License."

Abstract: This paper describes how to set up a HotSpot service, using FreeRadius for AAA. Client accounts
in radius are managed with HotSpot Manager. MikroTik, ChilliSpot, CoovaChilli and CoovaAP can be used
as hotspot servers (access points).

1. HotSpot Manager

1.1. Introduction

HotSpot Manager is a web application that can be used to manage the users of a network of HotSpot access
points. The HotSpot access points are LinkSys WRT54GL wireless routers, with CoovaAP firmware (which
provides HotSpot service via coova-chilli). The authentication of the internet users (clients) is done in a
radius server (freeRadius).

The application supports more than one domain (network). Each domain can have one or more NASes
(access points / wireless routers / HotSpot nodes). The number of access points for each domain is not
limited. Each domain can have one or more managers that are created by the administrator (superuser) of the
application. The manager of a domain can create, modify and delete the internet users of the domain. The
internet user of a domain can get hotspot access to internet through each of the domain access points
(NASes), but cannot login through the access points of the other domains. The domain manager assigns a
certain internet service to the user, which defines the bandwidth of the user, the expiration time of the
service, etc. The services are created and defined by the application administrator, which also makes
available some of the services to each domain.

Grouping and managing access points and internet users into domains can be useful for hierarchical
management of the network. For example an organization (or office, or business) can manage itself the
connection to internet of its own staff. The application also allows to limit the number of access points and
clients of each domain. Also each domain can have its own customized login page.

1.2. Features

Features that are currently implemented:

 Support for multiple domains.

 Each domain can have any number of NASes.

 Each domain can have its own customized login page.

 Support for several services.

 An admin can have one or more domains and one domain can have one or more admins.

 Actions of the users can be audited easily.

 Optional integration with Radius Manager.

Features that may be implemented in the future:

 More flexible types of services (including traffic limits, online time, etc.)

 Automatic check for the limits of the clients and automatic interruption of the service in case that the
limits are reached.

 Automatic notification to the clients and admins when the internet usage approaches the limits.

 Usage statistics about clients, domains etc.

 Clients should be able to see their status and statistics.

 Google map with the locations of the NASes (HotSpot-s).

 Online registration of the clients and the possibility to pay by credit card, paypal etc.

 Authentication of the users/clients by digital certificates (instead of username/password).

 Scratch card generation?

 Payment recording and billing functions?

1.3. Radius Manager

The application is also integrated with Radius Manager, which is an application for managing the database of
freeRadius, services, clients, etc. (it has even some simple billing functionality). Unfortunately, Radius
Manager is not free software (open source). So, the integration with Radius Manager is optional and HotSpot
Manager can also work standalone (it does not depend on it).

The benefits of integrating with Radius Manager are these:

 For each client (internet user) you can see in Radius Manager some usage statistics: is it online or not,
history of connection/disconnection times, the download/upload traffic that it has done each time, etc.

 Radius Manager has some cron jobs that check periodically expiration times of the clients,
approaching download/upload limits etc. It can also send notification emails to the clients, disconnect
them automatically, etc.

 The same radius can be used for other services as well, e.g. PPPoE, using MikroTik as a NAS, etc.

 The scratch card generator, billing functions etc. of Radius Manager can be useful as well.

However, HotSpot Manager may support some of these functions in the future releases...
1.4. Installation

Download it from

0.5.tar.gz/download, and extract it:

bash$ tar xfz hsmanager-0.5.tar.gz

bash$ mv hsmanager-0.5 hsmanager

Alternatively, get the code of the application from subversion at SourceForge:

bash$ cd /var/www/
bash$ svn co\
hotspot-manager/trunk hsmanager
bash$ cd hsmanager/
bash$ svn co \

Then, modify hsmanager.cfg accordingly and run sudo ./ .

The parameters in hsmanager.cfg are these:

 Connecting to the database of the application:

### parameters for connecting

### to the database of the application

The adminuser user should be able to create databases and users and to grant permissions to them.
The user is the database user that is used by the application to access the database. The parameter
allowed_hosts contains the host(s) where the application is installed (relative to the database host; for
example it can be '192.168.100.%'.

 Connecting to the database of radius:

### parameters for connecting

### to the database of radius

The adminuser user should be able to create databases and users and to grant permissions to them.
The user is the database user that is used by the application to access the database. The parameter
allowed_hosts contains the host(s) where the application is installed (relative to the database host; for
example it can be '192.168.100.%'.

Note: The database where the data of the application are stored is different from the
database of radius, this is why there are two different sets of configurations.

Important: If appdb_host is the same as raddb_host (both databases are located in

the same server), then appdb_user and raddb_apiuser should be different. Otherwise
there will problems, because the application uses persistent connections, and the php
persistent connections are the same when both host and user (and password) are the

 Parameters about radius:

### radius configuration


The parameter rad_prefix can be empty, /usr/local , etc. The parameter integrate_with_rm can
be true or false . If you have not already installed Radius Manager , then make if false .

### radius tables


These are not functional yet.

 Parameters about the HotSpot configuration of the NASes:

### hotspot configuration


The parameter hs_config_dir is the directory where the CoovaChilli configuration parameters are
saved (for each domain).

1.5. Administration

 First login as superuser. Superuser has access to all the modules of the application.

 Then go to the module of Services and create some. Right now, only upload and download rates are
saved in the radius database; the other features are not working yet.
 Next, go the module of Domains and create some domains. Here, it is possible to select which
services will be available to the clients of the domain (at least one service should be selected). The
number of NASes and the number of clients of the domain can be limited as well (if they are zero,
then there is no limitation).

 Then, go to the module of Users and create some users of the application. These are the users that are
permitted to access the application, not the internet users (the internet users are called clients). For
each user set proper access rights: which modules and which domains he can access. A typical
domain administrator has access only to one domain (his own domain), and to the modules: NASes,
Clients and Logs. A user can administrate more than one domain (add them in separate lines), and one
domain can have more than one admin. When a user logs into the application, his access rights will be
restricted so that he can see and modify only the data that he is allowed to. For example, he will be
able to see and modify only the NASes, clients and logs of his domains.
 In order to register NASes and clients, now you can logout from the application (by closing all the
windows of the browser) and then login as a normal user (domain administrator). Adding NASes and
clients can also be done by the superuser, since he has access everywhere.

 While adding NASes (HotSpot servers/routers) the important fields are the MAC and IP, which are
used to allow the NAS to connect to radius and to identify to which domain it belongs. The other
fields (Gateway, DNS etc.) are just informational (maybe later they can be used to configure the NAS

 For the clients, the most important fields, besides Username and Password, are the Service and the
Expiration Time. The other limits (Download Limit etc.) are not functional yet.
 Then you can go to the module of Logs and see the activity that is done in the application by you and
the other users. The logs can be filtered by time, event etc, so that you can find easily what you are
looking for. The logs that are displayed are restricted by the domains to which the user has access.

 The module Settings is meant for the users to update their own data and for the domain admins to see
the data of their domains and to update some of them.

 The module Misc right now has just one important submodule, which is used to backup/restore the
data of the database. In the future releases it may contain other things as well.

1.6. Diagrams

2.1. Installing

I installed FreeRADIUS on Fedora. First I installed the packages freeradius and freeradius-mysql :

bash# yum install freeradius freeradius-mysql

Then I enabled the service radiusd and started it:

bash# /sbin/chkconfig --list radiusd

bash# /sbin/chkconfig radiusd on
bash# /sbin/chkconfig --list radiusd

bash# /sbin/service radiusd start

Since freeradius uses the ports 1812 and 1813 (see e.g. the file /etc/services ), I had to open these
ports in the firewall, both for tcp and udp . In order to do this, I edited the file
/etc/sysconfig/iptables and added there these lines:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 1812 -j ACCEPT

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m udp -p udp --dport 1812 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 1813 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m udp -p udp --dport 1813 -j ACCEPT

To apply these modifications in firewall, I restarted the service iptables:

bash# /sbin/service iptables restart

Tip: To check that the ports 1812 and 1813 are open in the firewall, we can use one of these

bash# /sbin/service iptables status | grep 1812

bash# /sbin/iptables-save | grep 1812

2.2. Testing

Just to test that FreeRADIUS is correctly installed and works, we can make a simple configuration using the
standard text files, like this:

 Edit the file /etc/raddb/clients.conf . At the section client modify the value of
secret , for example make it local1 . The entry client { . . . } will allow the localhost to use
the radius service.

 Edit the file /etc/raddb/users . Uncomment there the test user steve (or create another user
with similar details). It should look like this:

steve Cleartext-Password := "testing"

Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =,
Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen,
Framed-Filter-Id = "std.ppp",
Framed-MTU = 1500,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP

 Edit /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf and make sure that authorization using files is enabled. (It
should be enabled by default, so in general you don't need to modify anything.)

Now we can use the command radtest to request access for user steve with password testing :

bash# radtest --help

bash# radtest steve testing 10 local1
bash# radtest steve testing localhost 10 local1
bash# radtest steve testingX 10 local1
bash# radtest steve testing 10 local1X

In the first and second tests you should get the answer 'Access-Accept'. In the last two tests you should get
the answer 'Access-Reject'.

Tip: In order to get more details about what happens in the server, run radiusd in debug
mode. First stop the service: /sbin/service radiusd stop , then run it like this:
/usr/sbin/radiusd -x or /usr/sbin/radiusd -X .

Note: If you have Windows, you may also wish to use NTradPing (downloadable from
MasterSoft ) instead of radtest. If you do this, or test from any other machine, remember to put
your PC (or the other machine) in your NAS list in the file
/etc/raddb/clients.conf .

2.3. Using MySQL

Now that radius is installed and we have tested that it works correctly, we can create a mysql database for it
and configure radius to use this database.

 First let's create a new database and a new database user:

bash$ mysql -p -u root

mysql> CREATE DATABASE radiusdb;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON radiusdb.* TO raduser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "radpass";
mysql> exit;

 Now lets create the tables of the database by running the SQL script file that is in the directory

bash$ mysql -p -u root -D radiusdb < /usr/share/doc/freeradius-


 We should modify now /etc/raddb/sql.conf by setting there the database, the username and
the password that are needed to connect to the mysql server:
# Connect info
server = "localhost"
login = "raduser"
password = "radpass"

# Database table configuration

radius_db = "radiusdb"

Note: For testing/debug purposes, change sqltrace to yes. Then, freeradius will dump
all SQL commands to the debug output.

Note: You may also need to modify the line about sql_user_name in this file.

 Edit the file /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf and make there these modifications:

 Uncomment the line saying 'sql' in the authorize{} section and comment the line saying 'files'.

 Also uncomment the line saying 'sql' to the accounting{} section to tell FreeRADIUS to store
accounting records in SQL as well. This file should then look something like this:

authorise {
# files

accounting {
# We leave "detail" enabled to _additionally_ log accounting to

2.4. Testing MySQL

Enter some data in the database:

bash$ mysql -u raduser -p radpassw

mysql> USE radiusdb;
mysql> INSERT INTO usergroup (UserName, GroupName)
--> VALUES ("radiustest", "testgroup");
mysql> SELECT * FROM usergroup;
mysql> INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, Attribute, Value)
--> VALUES ("radiustest", "Password", "testpassword");
mysql> SELECT * FROM radcheck;
mysql> INSERT INTO radgroupreply (GroupName, Attribute, op, Value)
--> VALUES ("testgroup","Framed-Compression","==","Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP");
mysql> INSERT INTO radgroupreply (GroupName, Attribute, op, Value)
--> VALUES ("testgroup","Framed-Protocol","==","PPP");
mysql> INSERT INTO radgroupreply (GroupName, Attribute, op, Value)
--> VALUES ("testgroup","Framed-MTU","==","1500");
mysqk> INSERT INTO radgroupreply (GroupName, Attribute, op, Value)
--> VALUES ("testgroup","Service-Type","==","Framed-User");
mysql> quit;

Then stop the service /sbin/service radiusd stop and run radiusd in debug mode: /usr/sbin/radiusd -x or
/usr/sbin/radiusd -X .

Now check access for the user radiustest with password testpassword :

bash# radtest radiustest testpassword localhost 10 local1

Sending Access-Request of id 224 to port 1812
User-Name = "radiustest"
User-Password = "testpassword"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 10
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=224, length=44
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Framed-MTU = 1500
Service-Type = Framed-User

This SQL API helps to access the database of the freeRadius (or Radius Manager) from the HotSpot Manager
(which manages the services and users). it is a library of MySQL procedures, which can be used to access
and modify the database. It encapsulates (hides) the complexity of the database from the outside programmer.
The programmer doesn't have to know what tables or fields are there in the database, but just needs to know
the procedures/functions that are available in the API, their parameters, return values, etc. It also makes
simpler the code of the program, because instead of using complicated SQL queries, it just needs to call a
procedure with the appropriate parameters.

3.1. Radius SQL API

 procedure user_save(p_username varchar(64),

p_password varchar(253),
p_service varchar(64),
p_domain varchar(253) )

Takes the parameters: username, password, service. In case that such a user exist, it is deleted first,
and then new records about the user are inserted.

> call radius.user_save('user-1','passw-1','test-1','domain-1');

-- create the user 'user-1' which has access at 'domain-1'
> call radius.user_save('user-1','xyz','test-1','domain-1');
-- change the password of 'user-1'

 function user_check(p_username varchar(64)) returns varchar(64)

Used to check whether a user already exists in radiusdb (in the table radcheck). If there is such a user,
then it returns its username.

> select radius.user_check('user-1') as username;

| username |
| user-1 |
> select radius.user_check('user-2') as username;
| username |
| |

 procedure user_get(p_username varchar(64),

p_service varchar(64) )

Returns the data of a given user. Parameters are username and service patterns. Matching is done with
LIKE. The records that are returned have the fields: username, service

> call user_get('user-1', '%');

-- get the data of 'user-1'
> call user_get('%', 'service-1');
-- get the data of all the users that have the service 'service-1'
> call user_get('%', '%');
-- get the data of all the users

 procedure user_del(p_username varchar(64))

Delete the given user.

> call radius.user_del('user-2');

-- delete user 'user-2'

 procedure service_save(p_service_name varchar(64),

p_download_rate int(11),
p_upload_rate int(11))

Save (add or update) a service. Takes the parameters: service_name, download_rate, upload_rate.
Download and upload rates are integers in Kbps. If a service with such a name already exists, it is
deleted first.

> call radius.service_save('test-1', 256, 128);

-- create the service test-1 with 256Kbps download and 128Kbps upload
> call radius.service_save('test-2', 512, 128);
-- add another service
> call radius.service_save('test-2', 512, 256);
-- change the upload rate of the service test-2
 procedure service_get(p_service_name varchar(64))

Return a list of services that match the given parameter. Matching is done with LIKE. The result that
is returned contains the fields: service, dwmload rate, upload rate, where the rates are integers of

> call radius.service_get('test-1');

-- get the data of the service 'test-1'
> call radius.service_get('%');
-- get the data of all the services
| service | download_rate | upload_rate |
| test-1 | 256 | 128 |
| test-2 | 512 | 256 |

 procedure service_del(p_service varchar(64))

Delete the service with the given name.

> call radius.service_del('test-2');

-- delete the service that is named 'test-2'

 procedure change_service_name(p_old_service varchar(64)

p_new_service varchar(64))

Changes the name of a service, so that all the clients that were using the old service now use the new

> call radius.change_service_name('test-2', 'test2');

-- change the name of the service 'test-2' to 'test2'


 procedure rm_user_save(p_username varchar(32),

p_password varchar(32),
p_service_id int(11),
p_expiration_date date,
p_fullname varchar(30),
p_email varchar(50))

Save a user in the table rm_users of the Radius Manager. Takes these parameters:

username, password, service_id, expiration_date, fullname, email

In case that such a user exist, it is deleted first, and then new records about the user are inserted.

 procedure rm_user_del(p_username varchar(32))

Delete the given user.

 procedure rm_user_get(p_username varchar(32))

Returns the data of a given user. Gets the username of the user as a parameter (type: varchar(32)), and
returns one or more records with the data of the users who match the data of the username. Matching
is done with LIKE. It may return nothing if such a user does not exist. The record that is returned has
these fields:

username, srvname, expiration, enabled

 procedure rm_nas_insert(p_ip varchar(128),

p_name varchar(128),
p_secret varchar(60),
p_description varchar(200))

Add a new record in the table 'nas'.

 procedure rm_nas_update(p_ip varchar(128),

p_name varchar(128),
p_secret varchar(60),
p_description varchar(200))

Update a record in the table 'nas'.

 procedure rm_nas_delete(p_ip varchar(128))

Delete a record in the table 'nas'.

 function rm_nas_check(p_ip varchar(128)) returns varchar(128)

Used to check whether an IP is already registered in the nas table. If it is registered, then it returns the
IP, otherwise returns 'not-found'.

> select radius.rm_nas_check('') as ip;

| ip |
| |
> select radius.rm_nas_check('') as ip;
| ip |
| not-found |
4. HotSpot Servers
There are different ways for implementing a HotSpot server. Here I am going to describe how to configure a
HotSpot service in MikroTik, how to install and configure ChilliSpot and CoovaChilli on a linux server, and
how to install and configure CoovaAP on a wireless router.

4.1. MikroTik

 General network configuration:

### an address on the outside (WAN) interface of the mikrotik

/ ip address add address= interface=ether1

### add a gateway

# / ip route add gateway=

### set the DNS servers

/ ip dns set primary-dns= secondary-dns=

 Radius configuration:

### add another address for connecting to the radius server

/ ip address add address= interface=ether2

### add radius servers for any PPP service on mikrotik

/ radius add service=hotspot address= secret=radiussecret

/ radius incoming set accept=yes

 Setup masquerading:

### setup NAT on the outside interface of the mikrotik

/ ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1 action=masquerade

### disable masquerading for the radius LAN (

/ ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1 \
src-address= action=return
/ ip firewall nat print
/ ip firewall nat move 1 0

 Add a pool:

### add a pool

/ ip pool add name=pool0 ranges=

 Add a hotspot server profile:

/ ip hotspot profile add name="prof1" hotspot-address=

dns-name="" html-directory=hotspot use-radius=yes radius-
 Add a hotspot server:

/ ip hotspot add name="server1" interface=ether2 address-pool=pool1


 Add a user profile:

/ ip hotspot user profile add name="userprofile1" address-pool=pool1


 Add a user:

/ ip hotspot user add server=server1 name="user1" password="passw1"


 Modify the hotspot login pages.

4.1.1. Referencies



4.2. ChilliSpot

4.2.1. Introduction
ChilliSpot is used as an access point controller in a wireless LAN. A typical network architecture is shown in
the figure below. A wireless client can establish a wireless connection to an access point, but in order to
reach the External Network it first has to authenticate with Chilli.

Three different networks are involved in the architecture:

 External Network . The external network is typically the Internet or a corporate intranet. Access to the
external network is guarded by Chilli which only allows traffic from authenticated wireless clients to

 Internal Network . The internal network is connecting the access points with Chilli. It is used for
forwarding Ethernet frames between Chilli and the wireless clients as well as for IP management
traffic to and from the access points.

 Wireless Network : The wireless clients are connected to the wireless network, and the access points
serve as bridges between the internal network and the wireless network. This enables forwarding of
Ethernet frames between Chilli and the wireless clients. In the example above the wireless network is
allocated the address range

In order to function properly Chilli depends on a few external servers:

 DNS Server . When accessing the external network the wireless clients rely on one or several DNS
servers for resolving domain names to IP addresses. The wireless clients are informed of the DNS
server IP addresses by the Chilli. Before you start the installation of ChilliSpot you need to determine
the IP address of at least one DNS server which can be used by the wireless clients. If you don't
specify a DNS server Chilli will use the DNS server which is reported by the underlying operating

 UAM Server . When a user logs on he is redirected to an authentication web server which queries the
user for her username and password. If a separate uam server is not available it is possible to install
one on the Chilli server.

 Radius Server . User credentials are stored in one or several radius servers. Whenever a wireless
client attempts to connect to the network Chilli will contact a radius server in order to validate the
user credentials. If a separate radius server is not available it is possible to install one on the Chilli

Generally the access points should be configured with open authentication and no encryption. Authentication
is handled by Chilli. For better security, the access points should be configured for Wireless Protected

4.2.2. Installing and Configuring

 Download from the latest RPM package and install it with
the command:

rpm -Uhv chillispot-1.1.0.i386.rpm

 During installation of ChilliSpot a configuration file was copied to /etc/chilli.conf . You

need to edit this file. A description of each option is given in the man page ( man chilli ). As a start
you can leave most of the parameters as they are.

 If you use an external radius server you need to modify the parameters: radiusserver1 ,
radiusserver2 , radiussecret . If you are not using an external radius server you can leave these
parameters as they are, as we will install a radius server later during the installation.

 If you use an external UAM server you need to modify the parameter uamserver . If you are
not using an external UAM server you can leave this parameters as it is, as we will install an
UAM server later during the installation.

 In order to automate startup of chilli issue the command:

chkconfig chilli on

ChilliSpot will start next time you reboot the system, or you can start it directly by issuing the

service chilli start

4.2.3. Firewall Setup

It is important to protect ChilliSpot from unauthorized traffic. No single firewall ruleset can satisfy all
network configurations, and generally you should write your own set of rules. As a starting point you can use
the script located in: /usr/share/doc/chillispot-1.1.0/firewall.iptables . You can edit
this file to suit your own configuration or simply use it without modification.

Once you have edited the file install it by issuing the following commands:

service iptables stop

service iptables save

This will first clear the current firewall rules, install the new rules and finally save the rules so that they will
be restored whenever the system is rebooted.

In order for ChilliSpot to forward network packets, IP forwarding must be turned on in the kernel. You need
to change this line in /etc/sysctl.conf :

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

The changes take effect when you reboot the system, or you can activate them directly by issuing the

/sbin/sysctl -p

4.2.4. UAM Authentication Web Server

We will now configure Apache to request username and password from the wireless clients:

 During installation of ChilliSpot a cgi script was placed in /usr/share/doc/chillispot-

1.1.0/hotspotlogin.cgi . Copy this script to /var/www/cgi-
bin/hotspotlogin.cgi on the web server.

 We need to tell Chilli about the location of the authentication server. This is done by uncommenting
and editing the following line in /etc/chilli.conf :

 We need to restart chilli in order for the configuration changes to take effect:

service chilli restart

4.2.5. Configuring FreeRADIUS

We will now configure FreeRADIUS to authenticate the HotSpot users.

 Insert users in the radius database.

 Edit raddb/clients.conf in order to configure the IP address and shared secret of chilli. The
secret must match the radiussecret parameter in /etc/chilli.conf.

 Tell Chilli about the location of the radius server. This is done by uncommenting and editing the
following lines in /etc/chilli.conf :

radiussecret testing123

 Restart chilli in order for the configuration changes to take effect: service chilli restart.

4.2.6. Referencies




4.3. CoovaChilli

4.3.1. Introduction
CoovaChilli is an open-source software access controller, based on the popular ChilliSpot project. It is a
feature rich software access controller that provides a captive portal / walled-garden environment and uses
RADIUS for access provisioning.
4.3.2. Installing

 From a RPM package:

sudo rpm -U coova-chilli-1.0.11-1.i386.rpm

 Building from source:

tar xzf coova-chilli-1.0.11.tar.gz
cd coova-chilli-1.0.11
sudo make install

 Building the last version from SVN:

svn checkout

cd coova-chilli
sh bootstrap
sudo make install

By default it will be installed on /usr/local/ .

4.3.3. Configuration

 Go to /etc/chilli/ (or /usr/local/etc/chilli/ ) and make a copy of defaults to

config :

cd /etc/chilli/
cp defaults config

 Modify /etc/chilli/config like this:

# Local Network Configurations

HS_WANIF=eth0 # WAN Interface toward the Internet

HS_LANIF=eth1 # Subscriber Interface for client devices
HS_NETWORK= # HotSpot Network (must include HS_UAMLISTEN)
HS_NETMASK= # HotSpot Network Netmask
HS_UAMLISTEN= # HotSpot IP Address (on subscriber network)
HS_UAMPORT=3990 # HotSpot Port (on subscriber network)

# HotSpot settings for simple Captive Portal



HS_NASIP= # To explicitly set NAS-IP-Address

# The server to be used in combination with HS_UAMFORMAT to

# create the final chilli 'uamserver' url configuration.

# Use HS_UAMFORMAT to define the actual captive portal url.

# Shell variable replacement takes place when evaluated, so here
# HS_UAMSERVER is escaped and later replaced by the pre-defined
# HS_UAMSERVER to form the actual "--uamserver" option in chilli.

# Same principal goes for HS_UAMHOMEPAGE.


HS_LOC_NAME="HotSpot1" # WISPr Location Name and used in portal

Caution: Be sure to leave empty HS_UAMSECRET, since we are going to use the
JSON interface , otherwise the users will fail to login .

 Start the chilli service:

chkconfig chilli on
chkconfig --list chilli
service chilli start
service chilli status

When the service is started, it will automatically create the configuration files hs.conf,
local.conf and main.conf from config . When the config is modified, the chilli service
must be restarted as well.

 In the config file we have defined the uamserver like this:


This is a webserver different from the server where coova-chilli is installed. In this server we have to
create an index.html file:
mkdir -p /var/www/html/uam/
cd /var/www/html/uam/

Then, we should edit index.html to use chilli.js from local. We can also modify
index.html as we like.

Note: The authentication page can actually be

any page, enough that it contains the line:

<script id='chillijs' src='chilli.js'></script>

For more details see Any page a login page .

4.3.4. Referencies

 CoovaChilli

 CoovaChilli Documentation

 CoovaChilli Development

 CoovaChilli HowTo

 CoovaAAA Captive Portal

 CoovaChilli Forum

 Any page a login page

 CoovaChilli JSON Interface

4.4. CoovaAP

4.4.1. Introduction
CoovaAP Firmware is a linux system that can be installed in a wireless router. In this system are included
several packages/tools that extend and enhance the features of the router. CoovaAP is an OpenWRT-based
firmware designed especially for HotSpots. It comes with the CoovaChilli access controller built-in and
makes it easily configurable. CoovaAP is perfect for just about any HotSpot application - from WPA
Enterprise (with RADIUS accounting) to Free WiFi with Terms of Service acknowledgment to commercial
HotSpot captive portal applications. The configuration of the router is managed through a web-interface, but
it is also possible to login via ssh into the router.

The wireless routers that are supported by CoovaAP are: Linksys WRT54GL, Linksys WRT54G, Linksys
WRT54GS, Linksys WRT54GS v4, etc.
The key features of CoovaAP are:

 Open-source, based on OpenWrt

 Advanced Web-based Configuration

 Easy HotSpot Configuration & Status

 CoovaChilli Access Controller

 Embedded Captive Portal

 Facebook HotSpot Captive Portal

 Integrated CoovaChilli with WPA

 OpenID Authentication

 Centralized CoovaChilli Configuration

 WiFiDog Access Controller

 PPTP VPN Client and Server

 OpenVPN Client

 Traffic Shaping

 WDS HotSpot

For more details look at the CoovaAP homepage.

4.4.2. Installing
The installation is described very well in the page CoovaAP Firmware Installation

4.4.3. Configuration

 At System / Settings :

System Settings
Host Name : LinkSys
boot_wait : Enabled
Language : English

System Administration
WAN SSH Access : Enabled
WAN Web Access : HTTPS Only
HotSpot SSH Access : Enabled
HotSpot LAN Web Access : HTTPS Only

 At Network / DHCP :

DHCP Settings
LAN DHCP Services : Enabled
Starting Address :
Number of Addresses : 150

 At Network / WAN :

WAN Configuration
Connection Type : Static IP

IP Settings
IP Address :
Netmask :
Default Gateway :

DNS Servers

 At Network Wireless :

Wireless Configuration
Wireless Interface : Enabled
ESSID Broadcast : Show
Channel : 11
Mode : Access Point

Encryption Settings
Encryption Type : Disabled

 At Network / Advanced Wireless :

Isolate WLAN clients : Enabled

 At HotSpot / Configuration :

HotSpot Configurations
HotSpot Type : ChilliSpot UAM
HotSpot Mode : LAN & Wireless

ChilliSpot Configurations
Auto Configuration : Web URL
Web Config URL :

 At HotSpot / Location :

Hotspot Location
Location Name : Location
Location Address : Address
Network Name : Network
Country ISO Code : AL

4.4.4. Radius Configuration

In the interface HotSpot / Configuration we have these settings:

HotSpot Configurations
HotSpot Type : ChilliSpot UAM
HotSpot Mode : LAN & Wireless

ChilliSpot Configurations
Auto Configuration : Web URL
Web Config URL :

The configuration of ChilliSpot (coova-chilli) is retrieved from the server by http. The
configuration file index.html in this server has this content:

radiussecret secretpassw
radiusnasid HotSpot

It contains the configuration of the radius server. The parameter uamserver contains the URL of the web
page that will be used by the clients to login to internet.

In case that the configuration is different for different routers, then the setting Web Config URL should be
different, so that they can load different configurations. This can be useful if we want to have a different
radiusnasid for different routers and a different (personalized) login page.

4.4.5. Login Page

The login page that is located at consists of an html and a javascript file, as
described at CoovaChilli JSON Interface .

The content of the file index.htm is this:

A purely HTML based captive portal using the JSON interface of CoovaChilli
<title>coova hotspot</title>
body {
text-align: center;
padding-top: 30px;
margin: auto;
width: 50%;
#MyChilli {
background: url("coova.jpg") right top no-repeat;
margin: auto;
text-align: left;
padding: 10px 0 30px 0;
#locationName {
height: 50px;
font-size: 120%;
font-weight: bold;
#chilliPage {
border: 1px solid orange;
padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
#signUpRow {
display: inline;
<div id="MyChilli">

<div id="noLocation" style="display:none;">

<p style="padding-top: 100px;"><strong>You are not at a hotspot.</strong>
If you want to see a a sample login page using the <a
href="">JSON interface</a>
of <a href="">CoovaChilli</a>,
then <a href="javascript: window.location = 'view-source:' +
window.location.href;">view the source</a>
of this page.</p>

<script id='chillijs' src='chilli.js'></script>


The content of the file chilli.js is this:

if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1)
document.write("<script type='text/javascript' id='chillicontroller'></script>");

if (!window.queryObj) {
window.queryObj = new Object(); RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?","g"),
function($0,$1,$2,$3) { queryObj[$1] = $3; });

if (queryObj['uamip'] != null && queryObj['uamport'] != null) {

var script = document.getElementById('chillicontroller');
if (script == null) {
script = document.createElement('script'); = 'chillicontroller';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'http://'+queryObj['uamip']+':'+queryObj['uamport']

var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

if (head == null) head = document.body;
script.src = 'http://'+queryObj['uamip']+':'+queryObj['uamport']
} else {
var noLocation = document.getElementById("noLocation");
if (noLocation != null && { = 'inline';

4.4.6. Quick Config

After a CoovaAP wireless router has been configured properly, its configuration can be backup-ed in order to
use it for quick reconfiguration of the device. The configuration can be downloaded and uploaded at the
interface System / Config Management .

The configuration backup can also be used to configure quickly a new router. In this case, these configuration
settings should be modified manually:

 IP Address at Network / WAN has to be modified.

 HotSpot / Location can be modified.

 Web Config URL at HotSpot / Configuration can be modified optionally, in case that we want to
provide a customized login page, radius server, etc.

4.4.7. Referencies

 CoovaAP Firmware

 CoovaAP Firmware Installation

 CoovaChilli JSON Interface

 CoovaAP Forum

5. GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.2, November 2002

Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

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A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and
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E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright

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H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.

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Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document
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5.1. ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put
the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

Copyright (C) year your name.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line
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with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with

the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two
alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in
parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their
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