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Various perspective exists about the implementation of treatments aimed at enhancing the

cast removal encounter for children and their families. Some believe that such treatments are
crucial for helping children in managing the anxiety and anxiety related to having their cast
removed, and that they can have an impact on how children and their families feel about medical
care as a whole.
The journal aims to examines several approaches meant to improve pediatric patients' and
their families' experience having their casts removed. This journal review explores the body of
research to offer recommendations for ways to lessen the stress, discomfort, and worry related to
taking off a cast. Anxiety and fear are link to cast removal as they are afraid of being cut by the
cast cutter. As I have experience while assisting the surgeon in the removal of cast, the child is in
fear that it will cut through the skin because of the intense vibration and how noisy it is. The patient
keeps moving while the cast is being remove that it forces us to restrain the patient for her not to
move and so that the cast will be properly remove by the surgeon.
With this article I have learned that we can make interventions to reduce the fear and
anxiety of the patient by putting noise reduction like earphones to make sure that the child will not
hear the rustling sound of the cast cutter. Also, we can make diversion like giving a device to play
or toys to play with to reduce their fear since almost all the patients in the orthopedic unit are
children. Furthermore, it is found that we can reduce the anxiety of patient through music therapy
during the procedure to improve the children’s health care since it demonstrates some effectiveness
to ease the patient. Furthermore, the article emphasizes how important it is to educate the child
and the family about the cast removal procedure. Reducing fear and raising levels of fulfillment
can be accomplished by preparing children for what to expect, addressing any potential concerns,
and offering information in an age-appropriate manner. To add, incorporating the patient into
decision-making procedures also gives them a sense of empowerment and control.
In conclusion, 'Interventions to Improve the Cast Removal Experience for Children and
Their Families: A Scoping Review' highlighted the significance of attending to children's
emotional health in medical settings and resulted in the development of interventions meant to
reduce the anxiety and fear relating to cast removal processes. Although opinions differ on these
measures, it's evident they've truly affected children and families. They heightened awareness
about children's emotional health in me-dical environments. It is important that we keep
developing and improving these interventions as we move forward, keeping in mind the special
needs and preferences of every patient and making sure that the cast removal procedure is as stress-
free and comfortable as possible.

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