School Diary 2013-2014 Madurai Narimedu

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IES OF ASTUDENT si saga shoud Cherish yourself, your family, your school and your nation always. Desist from any activity that will damage the image of yourself and your school, Enter the classroom and take your place immediately ater the bell rings. Leave the class room only whenitis necessary witn the teacher's permission. ee! happy by being well-groomed and neally dressed. Greet Principal, teachers, elders and fellow students. Help the od, the weak, the sick and small children. Ines hailot eopngyourbelergngs ike bay Card School Dengan Progress Report Card safe and produce them whenever required, Lay: asdserrersendbe prc FS ioc ae ee ce Ad i, Obey ti@instructions ofthe Principal and teachers ofthe School as wellas your Parents and seniors es Remember to stand up when a teacher, the Principal ora vistor enters orleaves the room ‘Situprightauring the lesson thelpsto concentrate onthe lesson. Tolinardtoday as student if isthe period which shapes your destiny Underscore your goals, set your priorities and channelize all your energy’to: ‘accomplish them. Venerate who deserve it, rich or poor, weak or strong. r Watch your thoughts, words and actions. Xtend yourco-operation toll. Yield your bestfunder any cafeumstance as every experience teachs something A, Tot as, ag, Mgt — 625 002, ‘Ge : 0452 - 2591361 awl | 0452 - 2598255, aeerge : Ae: kvmadurainot KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA PIT, Rajan Road, Narimedu, Madurai - 625 002. Ph. : 0452 - 2531361, Fax : 0452 - 2538255 Website : email: kvmadurainot STUDENT'S DIARY sept Roll No. separ Section diary should be brought to the Vidyalaya daily 3 wars wd Sard ated ware wR eae GE AB) ~ Stee eT /? PERSONAL RECORD (TOBE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN Proto ‘Admission No. S.No. ‘tom Name Class & Section House Date of Birth Blood Group Mother Tongue .. . Religion .. soe Height . Gms, Weight. es: Kgs Whether SCiSTIOBCIGen Details of Brothers or Sisters studying in this Vidyalaya Mother's Name & Qualification Mother's Occupation Office Address Telephone No. Father's Name & Qualification Father's Occupation Office Address Telephone No. Residential Address Telephone No. Home Town Address ‘Telophone No. Email ID MODE OF TRANSPORT Bus Auto / Van Auto / Van No. Parent / Guardian Driver Phone No. Signature of Father Signature of Mother ‘What we learn with pleasure we never forget. Se) PERSONAL RECORD (TOBE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN Proto ‘Admission No. S.No. ‘tom Name Class & Section House Date of Birth Blood Group Mother Tongue .. . Religion .. soe Height . Gms, Weight. es: Kgs Whether SCiSTIOBCIGen Details of Brothers or Sisters studying in this Vidyalaya Mother's Name & Qualification Mother's Occupation Office Address Telephone No. Father's Name & Qualification Father's Occupation Office Address Telephone No. Residential Address Telephone No. Home Town Address ‘Telophone No. Email ID MODE OF TRANSPORT Bus Auto / Van Auto / Van No. Parent / Guardian Driver Phone No. Signature of Father Signature of Mother seen sn ead, Peer site ra & pega arere att 21 ee) SELF APPRAISAL 41. Class Leader : From To 2. Asst, Class Leader: From To 3. Member of Committees / Clubs 4, Portfolio held (CCA, Sports, Students Council, ee.) 5, Moming Assembly Programmes Presented Dates 6. Ralies / Processions / Hikes / Camps Attended 7. PPTs Prepared 8. Projects/Assignments Done 10.intemal / Extemal CCA Competitions ‘1Intemnal / Extemal Sports Events 12881 Exton 13.Scenee Exton 14 Seout/ Guide Cv Bulbul NOC (Rank Lee) 45,Annua Day Annual Spars Day 18. om godt ‘7.My ambition Logic wil take you from A to B, Imagination will ake you everywhere - Albert Einstein Success comes only to those who take pains to plan and execute their actions. Every small detail, if planned properly, will help one to be successful in life. The first step towards such meticulous planning is the maintenance ofthe diary which is in yourhands now. tis designed not only to plan and organise your work but also to give all the important particulars that would prove necessary to your parents. Its @ means to keep the line of communication open between the teachers and parents. So do not forgetto bring yourdiary every day. A child learns the importance of organizing his everyday activities and later his ife, only at school. This ability will stand him in good stead throughout his life. But planning without action would certainly result in failure, So children, plan first and then act accordingly. Set a goal and work towards it consistently, with determination. Do not get disheartened by setbacks. Consider them as lessons in disguise. Develop a positive attitude and face life's vicissitudes resolutely. Try to gain the maximum benefit rom your school and remember your alma mater when you reach great heights in life. Learn to be a good student, a good citizen and above all a good human being, Wishing youall avery successful academic year. . MUTHIAH Principal ‘sat, at site ae ae wat ae a ew sift are a at sera - ear Pardes Sn) THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA PREAMBLE WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India info a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all ils citizens JUSTICE, social, economic and paiitical LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY ofstatus and of opportunity and to promoteamong themall; FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation In OUR CONSTITUENT assembly THIS TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of November 1949, we do hereby ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO. OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION. Chapter IV-A - Fundamental D (Article 514) Fundamental Duties - it shall be the duty of every citizen of India a) To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem: b) To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our National struggle for freedom: ©) To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India; 4) To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so; @) To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood among all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities. to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women; f) To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture; 9) To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures; h) To develop a scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform; |). To safeguard public property and to abjure violence; j) To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavor and achievement. Ecucation make peopl easy to lead, but dificl to drive: easy to ‘govern, but impossible to enslave ~~ THE CREST Its Meaning and Significance We have a moto from Isavasya Upanisad feeds order acreafited er! aq gerry aera ea | ape aa a aw oe om gat 8B ahve! goa sweet ah wer ite ae at we ae Pa Ps wer ent Fr saree a Sear cafe "A golden vessel covers the face of the truth (© Thou nourisher! Remove this cover that the votary and seeker of Truth may see Him" Through 74 Ft TAIT we pray. "Seokers of true knowledge are engaged in ceaseless striving but we know that it's not easy to achieve our object especially in as much ignorance as ns many fascinating forms cover ho face ot Truth, O True Knowledge! Do remove these covers so that we may se0 Thee" fererrera oretar srait ar rere | arat ar satfectery ypitat ary TT | war ae are fren ar eet eer Sar, zor ape gard ome gear SAT art one Hana, 9 | atte ae ast, sit fer F srrex & eq self se Sar gar... wer ot a @t sim, feat Hd at aM, wei rer Prorgprae, wey | eeat Prem Sarl za. gana wt at dar, care af at dar, wa gam at dar, a dan oe ae Sarl aT... aaa & aed sitar, aaa % avd FEAT, aa we i Peat pe, mq | erett fre Sal ea. sity ag arenq, we at rag aed aearas aufteneniioreg ar Petz | site, nay ena 1) ara St ge GH a a at es eee wa a __1_1_——© fererrcrar urefat a> ecirepyl ar feedt srqare seat a agret = Saray | ah over & ae at ait a awe ar siiftnher yeh sires & gerex were ora art sraty sara & geree ate 4 site a er ayeiiat sree ory = yey A weree amreea at oer TE aime areaq = ae Terres (9g) em aT wt araiq aw site ora at git arearait site gt erat & FoR Ue are ae - wafer BATE! wet Ty Fg Ter Tes (9G) BF Sat aT state TS site ora am oreere sam sar | oe Pre at aerat eH Stat & afta ar raion ee we dtd erat — ge Stal stata fare site ara, uw we ae & da dani ea gy dar aa oe sane ai art A sears & ara att we aafem weiter - er dt at sees pert wT var Pare - ea det sag ap sit ora ore Faas atl site antes: ener anfier~ Gear at car at gent sromfare, snftretiee site safeties arat a anf et srg epa weft ay saat aaa ar rt! aettet sry eral! cat pen fe Prapn: wat art wat Sy seer fe Fea ET, 9 al wen! sag 7: om, Ta x ve rety ar sare ATT | waver amt Steel aw gety fara: afin arr ot fret wet Sar war 3: ee erg ar wat a. ee erg dar veer site fe ware Ser, fib: SretseA | sat et ore aa Hot fe Get ae starreum: 3 Rem Fea ai a. Education is simply the soul ofa society a it passes from ‘one generation to another. ne) ora wferet sare goer arb gor area, arg a BL et eT 2a, Tt ot omer B1 wet apf ate Per aap oe, aod BL a ga agi stent a ar, war eer eee | a eee e, Rrgrat afte ae on rar ree EA tte ea er Rr ay arate aE ee sed ar ite Serer & a ora a8 a aba ea El Sa TT fhe af Bt ere gaa ea ora fra! ‘or ferent (cepa) roves rare ae area aes Prenat ae eT ah stem ae sentient af war saat Arar a sre aPeTet geet wea! wh ae Rear areata ered wredtaiee fargareraraat afearcfter rr acetal stents re fee | a FILL STUDENT'S PLEDGE India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. | love my country and | am proud of is rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy oft. | shall give respect to my parents, teachers and all elders and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, | pledge my devotion. In thelr well being and prosperity alone les my happiness. JAIHIND! fea, veer fears - 15 Rearar vised en, tate eres wien & gee, area at we agg sie TE TE aa 2q fread ora at ort at ores ait 2 | Gar at sai & ae ree fatto art & feng ea seater 8 stat acral ar Tera BUT | set rat yd Savana ant deentiral & gq H kerafer ae arephice ed Are yea } aft sen wre sera eet at aay ota 81 ort Seta Peer niga & eareat Paw oe eH Sar site Seranfial & Prana stk gers é¢ got Per ee oor sre ard anes a ay ae aT KVS FOUNDATION DAY - 15TH DECEMBER PLEDGE We, the members of Kendrya Vidyalaya Sangathan, solemnly pledge to work, selflessly towards making India a strong and prosperous nation, We shall discharge our duties conscientiously to take our country to greater heights of ‘sparkling achievements. We pledge to inculcate patriotism as well as cultural and ahical values among aur countrymen through our services and actions on KVS foundation day. Today, we commit ourselves with dedication and devotion towards the betterment and development of our country and countrymen. ava @ wad adt srang @ ait sana @ watt agt qué 21 - rash —_———® Sear sitar ora, ete Pea | sor, Res, aaa, Aer, we, sera, S| fava, feet, wep, tr, seo aR TET ae ape ait a a apa ere aT | sary a sea ae xan ser grap ea, wer er Pe | 5a8, 0%, TTR, I, 14, TTS austin qc aft pea pahha spicata gaat waitin, Ser erste | Rar saaa at per, aepht after a4 aE aor Sh oat oe, ge ait aT a= AIT aot arsine, we mea fee eT) CAT caret eatin tee, aot Peer aa | Ta ote wr AMY, Zax ore TH | OE TP, TE ATT aT ATTA || aaa aa srry, ares cuits eA] (ATE) aerate, gore em, go ore te PTT Bat ae Prato ae, gar ae, oT a TTI Fra sera an Se, va afer ae TAT | festa ame cea, ere a et (ATT) sa af fart, sea it ae | fait a ae ee, ee aT a a Wia-snie er Bx Wee rear SEAT | (TTA... ) ‘What sculpture isto a block of marble, education i to the human soul Te aise cirenat dat dat waif ora ar ant ergs, aorarat Sarat ardt a ameter wart gent & | aerraeg at ae wen uadt adar (tepa afta) oa oa 8 ama a arch, 7a Te TATA: | arg wernt oa anteradt, emeot & eT: | anf ereoar finger ae, ar afr dia ToT sre ca mgr far ere, fess fee aT | aftr ater rnd ae seat pe aie Rrera, fa geo ay Pe ou afore serafy ara Rearafa, dren gee erfeot | career it rr oe ach afr ear fhe ato wa a goer Same ea arta get ort oe frat Peer rer omer wag ot ad ét ont sen after acer ara fae Prser ae Pere Se qu weart ara aa ata or et ARTI adi at ect? ater aansit ont diet sit ang fier ot ae ari] Sar ant ae aft afer oro, ve are ae Pore ait ant Na Set FANT! afta we gat 8, aI Te eral et eer ara at ated 2, ifr sraferan ct ger #81 - samen fer — festa} Prat, itor wee Srey agar, ae se EI aaryara get er at cto ya fia aren ae EI aaa gerard, rhe ah ae ore ar eh ARTA ATI HT HTL TS BL aia ST TEA FIT TAT | are fra ng aoe gg wa TE fea... a aaa wt siraret (fect afta) Saar at orem? free at 2 fact ar arg 8 Pra oat cara Peer a fast Pret ait, soar 3 bore fir ar 3 BH san & tte Ret & rt Pr fra ata Se atte rer ag are 3 Saar ace farm dot Per arated Peer grt eeare ax att area we Pea IL Upon the education ofthe people ofthis country, the fate of this country depends J ahaa art ste Shit aif ag site ve far Batre treme qe Pears fh ait ara site we Pe exact asa sre are Hara eat rare oe Pat seta Ae Peerage Pree aaa area gs Pe ard se foal er sirst sdt ge Reet ar sara fsa ar art Pet aetna AB Preare ger 8 Peer wet ee fd arora oa P| ore otal Wie, oy St Aree sta Ha safer sreeroy da Prove sro iat Perera ater mre eee Soar, ee a th get caf Revarey, firey reer, fare AAT aa 9 IT, at da ant ae Pagic, ses situ aie aor ai ea, aie arg, senha oe ox wer | 3 3 AT, . sere ear ar, Te OT TAT ea ay reer Pea, wer aefe Ta wa é, 93%, 99 2, anf aire! aa or TT. sxe mor iy Pera, sea ror at Pea, sft Gar are aah Pe aReare, ye site sean aT Ga ar i? ant oat a stent fete sare! wages feat a yee earl aid a tort &, free sore afeait, apara B fara aH a, ca at BAT serra et ET, sors aig art yeaa are, "ETT TAT | Wee, we ess, sree PTT, omnes, oF wT Seng seer gia et et ee ar ge fee BH cast ored god star, omar eg saree arere argh i ey, aisha ake ate saat at Ped cht areca Pea TT, ai tear ate ae rare te, sas sre sta. | dah gotptam, tarsi tata, sahara dat ae aga tata ara HA i Reh aR ere, ober ate ETS | ahaa tet fits eat sara ait | waste ate dg ad ore arate Sa pig via ane gga rt oral, ada at aad Sar, er are seit ar, at aera gar, at raat ea | aoe at Prenat ara ae cert, fete en, za 8, fete err | tats Sardi. tai earth... Practice is the best of all instructors sy at arta, srt ate at ede tara id aA, ibe atre a fe ase aif savas og Baht ast St Sere a tira. Us eer, US ATfe (afar afta) eda, want SAT AT, BHT LATTA aareit ar... a fare mera, are a fare aap ore rat BOE STE TH STE aT HAT, BT LTT a8 afcafet eora rg eer, hae er srs aA he wa aie aft safer aera eee ARE dea citg arta ry er siteTs I ard gfrar ar dither Prove ot we dew a seat dart aét die wea! safer... wrat Tl ee) sara sea a mar eg TT aieepeaon eran are as TMT ATT feara arg sate wear orem tT dea wan dsm tence 8 ca | ore fea 8 ae oe ear a arr ARTETA TAT HT ATT Berth raced ger far aa 33%, CRireff offer) A aft, acer aft ar afar a, Frefiren Pratt arcterat Prof, fear gftan ona v2 ard amma, Arafat. Save rae aera aa are Pesta aren fai ai wat stare Pear ai eda site a ante garrett arama, a afesit... ararft afte as rife t aR ard-2, afr & rat we aifed frais atte, anf anf aire 4. ae smrerare hata Reet atait ‘arte ater afer Pata arta sit ait i 2, alae ai gai ara sah Lear from yesterday, lve for today, hope for tomorrow - Albert Einstein ved ent rear All Faith Prayer aa: se ae segeraged are Ferg enearnel Ga, Fe ac get eae 3 a ya aia: | eee, aa faa PAP aero aaa fa aa ae ire a 8a a woe TEETH | | aera: Tear, pi ware Fe GeereTeT_| ae TETAS PAA, rool asin oferafecd | | es Tu He ay TIT Al eat TATA | aang ise & aac at eg Rees weet re STAT | | a \ ree rare eet Tet Act TH) (tae) am sare waa Arar) (i arr) oat Ta TAIT See Tet Ata TH) (Zt ae) (Seat aHeee eM Aaa Aa Z TTAMT) (a ae) gaia wea TaN wa Tat Aa TH) (ata) gas wat aaw (wa areata a at ra ate a aT a Sa ae ram Bt Aa ae Fa TT HH) (Zt ar) 4) Gm) & weit at) (@ are) ra et we atett aa aT va fire pe gre | ) are) ‘aay tet ent |) (21-4) wre Stet aa SAT aaa at 6 INDIVIDUAL PRAYER (Alphabetical order) 7 AMINUTE SILENT (PERSONAL PRAYER) avdt aét 2 ot adera at de wer wag wh sik ofeftafa & argent STAT El - BAT 7) 8 We shall overcome, we shall overcome, We shall overcome some day Oh! Deep in my heart, | do believe that ‘We shall overcome some day. (2 Times) ‘Welll walk hand in hand, we'll walk hand in hand, ‘Welll walk hand in hand some day. Oh! Deep in my heart, | do believe That We shall overcome some day. ‘We shall live in peace, | shall live in peace, ‘We shall live in peace some day Oh! Deep in my heart, | do believe That We shall overcome some day, The truth will make us free, The truth wil make us free The truth will make us free some day ‘Oh! Deep in my heart, | do believe That we shall overcome someday We are not afraid, we are not afraid, ‘We are not afraid TODAY, Oh! Deep in my heart Ido believe That We shall overcome some day We shall overcome, we shall overcome ‘We shall overcome some day Oh! Deep in my heart I do believe ‘That We shall overcome some day oeaaagearag Gta g@ Ash Ga dinghasterar — GadataaA TATE) aw) (SRR a sor Tree WS Tae A GTI STF |) (tam), (tee mare war afta ett a fra ware gre He |) (@ar) saaaqeaaag =| @amsteqe@ A} Glan) HSS weapearaastrsma et ieem aR) (mat ger Prove wr erat ae Zs AE |) (tar) wand ge arag (atare sete gre 2) rare) (ore Prog Frere Porat ae @ eda at get eat) (tar) (reassieaaigteen aatsieqare As) Gar) weaaqeindg | @tareeqet?) Gan) a trait ag Perea wae tye wauataaaqagqzl 10 wash afie at aitag gga na mq Prove & sais aie sifae ad we sig, If you shut the door to al errors, truth will be shut out. , OUR VIDYALAYA OUR MISSION To create an appropriate academic ambience to help the students become physically strong, intellectually competent, morally sound and spiritually enlightened individuals. OURVISION To build a strong nation by imparting quality education of global standards with special emphasis on overall development of personality and better citizenship OUR STRENGTHS ‘A dynamic and dedicated Principal, wel-qualified, eminent, motivated and devoted staff, a sprawling campus with well-maintained piay ground, ‘children's park and garden, spacious and well-ventilated class rooms with ‘smart-boards and well-equipped laboratories, VIDYALAYA PROFILE Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous organisation which functions under the umbrella of the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India is one among the pioneer institutes through which Central Government ensures implementation of quality ‘education nation-wide. Kendriya Vidyalaya, Narimedu, Madurai was ‘established in 1966, This Vidyalaya comes under the civ sector. The present strength ofthe schoolis 2300 having classes from | Std. to XII Sid, The school has got Scout Guide Cubs /Bulbuland NCC units, MEDIUM ‘The medium of instruction is bilingual, Le. Hindi and English, Mathematics and Science subjects are taughtin English language and Social Studies through English language as well as Hindi language, i sufficient umber of students are opting fort AFFILIATION ‘The Vidyalaya is affilated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Preet Vihar, New Delhi and prepares students for the All India Secondary School (Class X) Examination. and All India Senior School Certificate (Class Xil) Examination of the Board, ACADEMIC YEAR ‘The academic yearis rom 1*Aprilto 31" March, ADMISSIONS PRIORITIES IN ADMISSION 1. Children of transferable and non-transferable central government ‘employees and children of ex-servicemen. This will also include children of foreign national oficials, who come on deputation or transfer to India ‘oninvitation by Government of India. 2. Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / Institute of Higher Learning of the ‘Government f India. tn ora st yea gon 2, ae dis Prac & fore qed cect 21 aes oT ‘yom afi, ae ett we age A amar 81 St aera re) 3. Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government ‘employees. 4. Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / Institute of Higher Learning of the ‘State Governments. 5. Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in ‘case there are no Indian Nationals’ waitlisted for admission ELIGIBLE AGE FORADMISSION 1. Achild must be 5 years old as on 31st March in the academic year in which admission is sought for Class I, (Child born on 1st April will also be considered). 2. There is no age restriction for admission to Class XI provided the student is seeking admission in the year of passing Class X examination. Similarly, there will be no upper and lower age limit for admisson to class Xil provided there has been no break in the continuous study of the student after passing class X/XI SCHEDULE CASTE AND SCHEDULE TRIBE CATETORY 15% seats for Scheduled Caste and 7.5% seats for Scheduled Tribes ‘shall be reserved inal resh admissions in all Kendriya Vidyalayas. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CATETORY 3% seats of total avallable seats for fresh admission will be horizontally reserved for Differently abled children, visually challenged, orthopaedially ‘and hearing impaired, et. METHOD OF ADMISSION ForClass1 Outof the avaliable seats of fresh admission 15% willbe reserved for SC ‘and 7.5% will be reserved for ST. The shortfall in the number of seats reserved for SC and ST, will be worked out after considering number of SC/ST children admitted under RTE quota, In first phase, 10 seats (out of 40 seats) in Class I per section willbe filled ‘as por RTE Provisions (25% of seats) and these 10 seats willbe filed by draw ‘of lots from all applications of SCIST/EWS/BPLIOBC (Non Creamy Layer) / Disabled taken together. In second phase, remaining seats will be filed as per existing Priority ‘category system. The shortfall in the seats reserved for SC/ST will be made ‘good by filing ofthe seats as per order of Prionity categories for admission, ForClassito Vill No admission test wil be conducted for admission to class Ito Vill and the ‘admission willbe granted based on Priovity category system. ForClass ix For admission to class IX, an admission test will be conducted and a meritlist Trees are Earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven. re.) will be prepared for each category of priority separately. Admission will be granted in order of merit going by the sequence of the Priority categories. The general quidelines are (i) Admission test willl conducted inthe subjects viz. Hindi, English, Maths, Social Science and Science, (i) Candidates must secure atleast 33% marks in all subjects to pass. Meri ist wll be prepared as, per the Priority category. Concession up to 5 marks may be given for deficiency in language (Hindi and English), ii) Students belonging to SC/ST willbe eligible for admission on securing 25% in aggregate. For lass X1(KV Students) Admissions in different streams viz. science, commerce, humanities of class XI inKVs for KV students who have passed class X willbe regulated as follows, a. The merit list will be drawniprepared as per CGPA obtained by applicant in CBSE /class X esuls in every schoo} b. The seat wil be allotted as per the rank in the merit ist prepared as at (a) above vis-a-vis number of vacancies available in a particular stream in the Vidyalaya (class strength 40) and as per the option of stream exercised by the student. ©. Concessions whereever applicable will be incorporated while preparing the Mert List. d. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal CGPA, the inter-se rmerit of such candidates will be determined as follows, ()) candidates obtaining higher grade points in Maths will get precedence in admission, (i) IFtwo or more candidates have got the same grade points in Maths, then the candidates securing higher grades in Maths and Science taken together wil get precedence over the athers, (i) In case ofa tie between two or more candidates obtaining same grade points in maths and science taken together, the student older in age as per the 0.0.8. willbe given precedence over the other Note : Informatics practices as an elective subject is offered to all streams. ‘Admission to this would be granted as perthe combined meri ist. ForClass XI (Non-KV Students) a. After accommadating all the eligible students of the KV concemed and other KVs in the entiled stream, fresh admissions to non-KV students would be allowed, if vacancy exists. Fresh admission for remaining vacancies would be made in the sequence of categories of priority on the basis of following criteria (i) Science stream and commerce stream - A ‘minimum of 8.0 CGPA, (i Humanities stream -Aminimum of 6.4 CGPA, b. Concessions wherever applicable will be incorporated while preparing the Merit List. ‘SPECIAL PROVISION FOR ADMISSION FOR SINGLE GIRL CHILD ‘Admission for single git! children in class I and from class VI onwards subject to a maximum of two per section in class | and two per class in VI and ‘onwards is given. Itincludes twin gil children also. Note : Admission Is given to the children over and above the class strength on specialprovision as per the admission guidelines 2013-14. ares ae ar ae aa E, TAT STR age agar 1 - et aera Se.) CONTINUOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PRIMARY CLASSES - A, FOR CLASSES 1& II 1. There is no formal examination for Classes | & Il The teacher will evaluate the students through continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE), The testing can be done simultaneously while teaching or separately. Most ofthe time the student will notbe aware that they are being tested, 2, Therewill be minimum 8 cycles of CCE, 3. One cycle of CCE means that all the students of the class are tested in all the competencies, 4, They should obtain at least 'C’ grade. If a child gets 'D’ grade in some competencies, he child willbe given a chance to repeat the cycle, B. THE FOLLOWING SCHEME IS FOLLOWED FOR CLASSESIII, IV&V ‘The CCE in classes Ill, IV & V shall spread over two terms during one ‘academic session, 1. First Term includes Formative Assessment | (Pen Paper Test), Formative Assessment 2 and Summative Assessment 1 (Pen Paper Test). The duration ofthe First Term is from 1" April to 30” September in an academic 2. Second Term includes Formative Assessment 3 (Pen Paper Test), Formative Assessment 4 and Summative Assessment 2 (Pen Paper Test), The duration of the Second Term is from I" October to 31” March in an academic Session. ‘THE WEIGHTAGE OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA) SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: (FOR CLASSES Il TO x) aged Type of , Term wise Term Assessment | Witt | weightage | Tot! Aten Ss ‘Term | Formative 40 | Formative | Formative (april- |_Assessment + ‘Assossment| Assessment Sept) Formative qo pee | tzeseeeao Assessment 2 Assessmen Sarat | Sma Assessment | 90 | ASssmen Asean Fea 1 Formative atom | favosument 3 rama | Gras” | Earmatve 3 heseeament 4 rxat-100 Summative co [an feseuoment 2 Ase Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. |? NOTE: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Pen Paper Test subject wise will be part ofthe Formative Assessment 1 in the first term and Formative Assessment 3 in the second term, Formative Assessment 1 & 3inthe form of Pen Paper Test will beheld by thelast week of July and the second week of January in each academic session. The marks ‘secured by children out of 40 in the FA1 & FA3 willbe finally reduced to 10, respectively. The duration of Formative Assessment 2 will be from the first week of Apri tothe last week of August & Formative Assessment 4 from the firstweek of October to the last week of February. ‘SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ‘Summative Assessment 1 will be held in the 2° week of September & ‘Summative Assessment 2 in the 2” week of March in each academic session. The marks secured by children out of 60in SA 1 & SA2 willbe finally reduced to 30 respectively, ‘The suggested scheme of Formative Assessment 2 & 4 subject wise from classes Illto V maybe followed as given below: LANGUAGES (HINDI& ENGLISH) APRIL - MAY Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Listening Comprehension, Conversations / Dialogues or Prepared Speeches on given topics, Oral Quizzes etc, JULY-AUGUST Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Reading Comprehension, Story Development, Story Telling, Creative Writing, Group Projectete. NOVEMBER -DECEMBER Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Listening Comprehension. Presentations Involving Conversation with peers & the teacher, Oral Quizzes ete. JANUARY - FEBRUARY Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Creative Writing, Role Play & Dramatization, Group Project et. NOTE: Three activities ie. Written assignments, Listening comprehension & Conversations / Dialogues or prepared speeches willbe common under the scheme of FA 2 & FA-4. In addition, a teacher will carry out minimum one meaningful activity out of the suggested list of areas. Finally the marks secured by children out of four or more activities under FA 2 & FA 4 will be reduced to 10 respectively, MATHEMATICS APRIL-MAY Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Data Handling & Analysis, Oral Quizzes ete. Jao adie A ae, at wee wh ae site far ore Rrra ar ange ghar #1 J JULY-AUGUST Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Group Project (Problem Solving), Puzzles, Maths Lab Activities etc. NOVEMBER -DECEMBER Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Problem Solving, Estimation, Mapping Your Way, Field Activities & Reporting et, JANUARY-FEBRUARY Written assignments (Classwork & Homework). Group Project (Problem Solving), Estimation, Oral Quizzes, Maths Lab Activities ec. NOTE: Three activities ie. Written assignments, Group Project & Maths Lab ‘Activities will be common under the scheme of FA2 & FA. In addition, a teacher will carry out minimum one meaningful activity out of the suggested list of areas. Finally the marks secured by children out of four or more activities under FA2 & FA4 willbe reduced to 10 respectively EVs APRIL-MAY Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Reading with @ purpose (making notes), Role Play & Dramatization, Oral Quizzes etc. JULY-AUGUST Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Presentations on Current Topics, Group Projects (Investigatory/ Experimental), Survey, MCO's ete. NOVEMBER -DECEMBER Written assignments - Short / Leng question answers (Classwork & Homework), Charts, Models, Map Reading, Group Discussion, Class Response ec. JANUARY - FEBRUARY Written assignments - Short / Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Source - Based Analysis, MCQ, Field Trips & Reports, Group Projects (investigatory / Experimental) ete. NOTE: Three activities ie. Written assignments, Group Projects & MCQ will 'be common under the scheme af FA2 & FA. In addition, a teacher will carry ‘out minimum one meaningful activity out ofthe suggested lst of areas. Finally the marks secured by children out of four or more actviies under FA2 & FAS willbe reduced to 10 respectively. GRADING SYSTEM (AFIVE-POINT SCALE) MARKS RANGE GRADE, GRADE POINT 90-100 | Ar OUTSTANDING 5 75-89 ‘A EXCELLENT 4 58-74 B__ VERY GOOD 3 35-55 coop 2 (00-34 D__ SCOPE FOR INPROVEMENT 4 Life i tong if you know how to use it. i? UPPER PRIMARY CLASSES (VITO VIll) & SECONDARY CLASSES (IK & X) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT ‘Within the class & school time only each subject must have only one Pen - Paper Test under formative assessment. The other mode of assessment must be a part of classroom interactive activities, Pen - Paper Test & Formative Assessment 3in the second terms, Formative Assessment 1 & 3in the form of Pen - Paper Testis likely to be held in the last week of July & the second week of January in each academic session. The marks secured by children out of0 inthe FA1 & FA3willbe finally reduced to 10 respectivaly. ‘SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ‘Summative Assessment lis likely to be held in the 2” week of September & ‘Summative Assessment 2 in the 2" week of March in each academic session. The marks secured by children out of 60in SA 1 & SA2 willbe finaly reduced to 30, LANGUAGES (HINDI, ENGLISH & SANSKRIT) ‘APRIL-MAY. Listening Comprehension, Conversations/Dialogues or Prepared Speeches fon given topics related to lessons. Written assignments (Short/ong Question-Answer. Creative Writing etc),..Oral Quizzes, Pair Work/Group Workete. JULY-AUGUST Reading Comprehension, Written assignments (Short/Long question answers. Reports, Newspaper Articles, Diary Entries, Poetry etc). Research Projects in groups (information gathering, deductive reasoning, analysis, synthesis & inference) & Presentations, Group Discussion etc. NOVEMBER- DECEMBER Listening Comprehension, Presentations using a variety of forms including the use of Information Technology (I) involving conversation with peers & the teachers, Oral Quiz. Written assignments (ShortLong question answers, Creative writing). Group Discussion ec, JANUARY - FEBRUARY Reading Comprehension, Written assignments (Short/Long question answers, Reports, Newspaper Articles, Diary Entries, Poetry etc), Investigative Projecis in groups (information gathering, deductive reasoning, analysis, synthesis & inference) & Presentations, Peer Assessment tc. NOTE: Three activities ie. Written assignments, Listening comprehension & Conversations/Dialogues or prepared speeches will be common under the scheme of FA 2 & FA 4. In addition, a teacher wil carry out minimum one ‘meaningful activity out of the suggested list of areas. Finally, the marks secured by children out of four of more activities under FA 2 & FA 4 will be reduced to 10 respectively, MATHEMATICS APRIL-MAY Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), Maths Lab Activities, Written assignments we fiat Fara A aah otk war reer &, er? (Classwork Sc. Homework), PeerAssessment ote JULY-AUGUST Data Handling & Analysis, Investigative Projects in groups & Presentations, Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Maths Lab Activities, Problem Solving et. NOVEMBER -DECEMBER Models including Origami, Research Projects & Presentations, Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Maths Lab Activities et. JANUARY - FEBRUARY Field Activities & Reporting. Written assignments (Classwork & Homework) Presentations using a variety of forms including the use of Information Technology (IT), MCQetc. NOTE: Three activities ie. Written assignments, Group Project & Maths Lab ‘Activities will be common under the scheme of FA2 & FA'4. In addition, a teacher will carry aut minimum one meaningful activity out of the suggested list of areas. Finally the marks secured by children out of four or more activities under FA2.& FA willto be reducedto 10 respectively. ‘SCIENCE APRIL-MAY Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), MCQ, Planning or Designing Experiments to collect Data or to Investigate Properties, Law, Phenomenon ete, JULY-AUGUST Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Science Quiz Seminar, Peer ‘Assessment, Class Response etc, Field tour & Reporting, Model making, ate, NOVEMBER -DECEMBER Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Presentation including the se of Information Technology (IT), Experimental work involving one or more of setting experiments, making observations, handling data, making deduction, working safely etc., Science Quiz, Peer Assessment ete. JANUARY - FEBRUARY Written assignments (Classwork & Homework), Research work which could be investigative or information gathering & deducing. Symposium, Class Response, MCQ etc. NOTE: Three activities i.e, Written assignments, Group Projects (based on ‘experiment, investigative, research etc) & MCQ will be common under the scheme of FA 2 & FA4, In addition, a teacher will carry out minimum one ‘meaningful activity out of the suggested list of areas. Finally the marks ‘secured by children out of four or more activities under FA 2 & FA 4 will be reducedto 10respectively, SOCIAL SCIENCE APRIL - MAY. Written assignments - ShortiLong question answers (Classwork & Strive not to be a success, but rather tobe of value - Albert Einstein Se) Homework), Compare & Contrast, Open book tests, Group Discussion, Secondary Sources etc. JULY-AUGUST Written assignments - Short/Long question answers (Classwork & Homework), Projects in Group (investigative, informative, deductive & analytical), Source based Analysis, Survey & Reporting, Presentation including the use of Information Technology (IT) ee. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER Written assignments - ShortiLong question answers (Classwork & Homework), Models & Charts, Secondary Sources etc., Research, Field tip & Reporting, Commentaries (colection of series of continuous comments on anevent) etc. JANUARY-FEBRUARY Written assignments - Short/Long question answers (Classwork & Homework). Projects (investigative, informative, deductive & analytical). Group Discussion, Open book tests, Presentation including the use of Information Technology (IT) et. NOTE: Three activities ie. Writen assignments, Group Projects (based on experiment, investigative, research etc) & Presentations will be common under the scheme of FA2 & FA4. In addition, ateacherwillcarry out minimum fone meaningful activity out of the suggested lst of areas. Finally the marks secured by children out of four or more activites under FA2 & FA4 will be reduced to 10 respectively GRADING SCALE Assessment of scholastic attainments Part 1 willbe reported twice in ayearin one academic session The nine - point grading scale for measuring scholastic achievements is given below: GRADES | MARKS RANGE | GRADE POINT Al ‘91 - 100 10.0 AZ, 81-90 9.0 Bt 71-80 8.0 B2 61-70 7.0 oi 51-60 60 cz 44-50) 5.0 D 33-40 40 Ef 21-32 3.0 E2 00-20 2.0 “Minimum qualifying grade in ll the subjects under Scholastic Domainis D. NOTE: All assessment with regard to the academic status of the students shall be done in marks & the assessment will be given in grades, Co - ‘Scholastic attainments willbe done on a 5-point Scale (Classes VItoX) &a3 does Ot rq a ae | Se) Point Scale (Classes IX & X) as shown inthe table below. Itwillbe done once inanacademic session. CLASS VITO VIII CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS ACTIVITIES GRADE [GRADE POINTS: A 41-50 5 31-40 c 21-30 D 11-20 E 00-10 CLASSES (IX & X) SCHOLASTIC AREA PART - 1 (B) CO - SCHOLASTIC AREA PART - 2 (A) GRADE INDICATORS GRADE POINTS ‘A Most Indicators 5 A Many Indicators 4 Be ‘Some Indioators 3 B ‘AFew Indicators 2 c Few Indicators 1 CLASSES (IX & X) PART -2 (B) CO - SCHOLASTIC AREA PART- 2 (B) ACTIVITIES PART - 3 (A) GRADE INDIGATORS. GRADE PONTS AS Most Indicators 3 A Many Indicators 2 5 ‘Some Indieators 1 MINIMUM QUALIFYING GRADE IN CO- SCHOLASTIC DOMAINISD. NOTE 1, Assessment is an evaluation tool to record the progress of a student, Itis compulsory for student of Classes III to XII to appear in the formative & summative assessment for promotion to next higher class whereas for students of classes Ito Il the exemption may be given (for ilness) fisher performanca (both diagnostic & evaluative) throughout the year has been recorded satisfactory. 2. The dates of formative & summative assessment are almost final & every students supposed to appearin them, 3. A student not appearing in the tests will be marked absent & would be discredited for the same. 4, If en medical grounds, students are not able to appear in formative & summative assessment, the application for the same supported - with a Medical Certificate issued by a doctor of Government/Municipal Cantonment Hospital only & countersigned by the parents must be got Procrastination isthe thief of time, ee / sanctioned in time, in such a case leave would be marked in place of absence & students will not suffer. Such certificate & application must be submitted within a week of the formative & summative assessment at the latest 5. Ifa student s absent in Summative Assessment on medical basis, he/she has to appear in the examination afterwards as & when arranged by the principal 6. Class work & Home work, which have due weightage in annual promotions, need to be regularly watched & taken care by the parents. PROMOTION RULES FOR CLASSES ITO Vill ‘As per the direction of RTE no child will be detained til Class VII CLASS IK & X 1 Every student is required to get a qualifying grade D or above in all the subjects excluding 6” additional subject as per scheme of study for the purpose of promotion tonext class. b. A student getting Etor E 2 grade In scholastic areas in one or more subjects will have fo improve his/her performance to obtain qualifying Grade Dinthese subjects, . Ifa student of class 1X fails to obtain qualifying grade D in one or more subjects, even after adding grade points from co - scholastic areas & after availing one improvement chance, heishe will be required to repeat the same class during next academic year. 4. It is mandatory te appear in both Summative Assessment during the academicyeer. ASSIGNING WEIGHTAGE TO CO - SCHOLASTIC AREAS FOR PROMOTION PURPOSE ‘The process of calculation of overall performance of the student based on the achievementin the Scholastic area as well as Co Scholastic areas & Co = Scholastic activities are as under: 41, Under scholastic area grades willbe upgraded tothe next higher grade in ‘one or two subjects as per the total grade points achieved under Co - Scholasticareas & Co-Scholasticactivities. 2, 341042- Grade in two subjects of scholastic area are upgraded 3. 191033- Grade in one subject ofscholastic areais upgraded. 4, Below 19- Noup gradation of grades in the subjects of scholastic area, 5. 6 " Upgradation is done from lower grade tohigher grade. ‘The upgraded scale willbe shown with a star mark, IMPROVEMENT CHANCEFORCLASSIX After summative assessment Il in class 1X, a student will get only one more option for improvement within a time of one month from the time of declaration of final result to obtain a qualifying grade D. Thisis also applicable to those students who are not able to appear in summative assessment due tosickness. am & wat & A seeps oer aie BI .) IMPROVEMENT CHANCE FOR CLASS X ‘After summative assessment Il in class X, a student will have chance for improvement of their performance through subsequent five attempts. CLASS XI 1. The final assessment ofthe student for promotion will be based on his/her total achievement out of maximum of 100 marks in each subject as given under PROJECTWORK SMARKS: ASSIGNMENT MARKS, UNITTEST (5°) 35MARKS, HALF YEARLY EXAM 25 MARKS SESSIONENDINGEXAM — SOMARKS 2.InclassXI.a studenthasto pass separately intheory & practical 3 (a) Non Practical Subjoct Astudent will have to secure overall 33% tobe promoted tothe next higher class, Thus, each student shall need to obtain atleast 33 marks out of 100 in Continuous & Comprehensive. Evaluation Session Examination taken together (b) Practical Subject ‘These have two components - Theory & Practical. Theory includes Unit Test (40* }20). Half Yearly Examination & Session Ending Examination (70 marks each), Practical includes Assignment (30 + 30 + 40 = 100), Project (04'30 + 40 = 100), Practical in Half Yearly Examination & Session Ending Examination (20 marks each). WEIGHTAGEIN THEORY UNITTEST, 18 HALF YEARLY EXAM 20 SESSIONENDING EXAM 35 TOTAL 70 WEIGHTAGEIN PRACTICAL ‘ASSIGNMENT 5 PROJECT 5 PRACTICAL IN HALF YEARLY EXAM 5 PRACTICALINSESSIONENDINGEXAM = 15 TOTAL 30 ‘SUPPLEMENTARY FOR CLASS XI 1.If a student secured less than 33% in one or two subject, hefshe will be eligible to take the Supplementary Examination in those subjects. 2.1f a student falls in theory only, he/she will take Supplementary Examination in theory alone & needs to secure 33% marks tobe eligible for promotion to the next class in Supplementary Examination, Similarly, if a Student falls in Practical alone, he/she will take Supplementary Examination in practical alone & needs to secure 33 % to be eligible for promotion to next class in Supplementary Examination. NOTE: 1. A student who falls twice in the same class shall not be admitted Tnteligence without ambition isa bird without wings. i? under any circumstance 2. There will be no awarding of comparative positionirank in section/class based on aggregate marks. Concession of 25 marks in all subjects will be given to children who have participated in KVS National Meets or SGF! Meets in the same academic session. Maximum 10 marks will be given in @particular subject. ATTENDANCE For the successfulimplementation ofthe academic programme regular ‘and punetual attendance is imperative. Therefore 1a) Student should obtain prior permission of the class teacher for not attending the classes. I prior permission is not obtained due to Uunavoidable circumstances, an application for leave should be sent to the class teacher the same day or latest by next day. b) All applications for leave are to be signed by the parents, ©) Application for leave on medical ground is to be supported by an authentic Medical Cerificate 4d) Student suffering from infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the classes of to appear in the examination. 2) _ Ifthe attendance is less than the prescribed percentage Le 75% of the total working days (including attendance put ina previous school ifthe student has been admitted on transfer) the student will not be allowed to appear for the annual examination, f) Aprolonged absence (without application for leave) for ton consecutive days will result in the removal of the name from the rolls. CONDONATION ‘A minimum of 75% of the total attendance of the academic session would be necessary to appear atthe Annual Examination. In case of genuine iiss. f supported with Medical Cerificate from a Gavernment Hospital or ‘on account of - participation of Vidyalaya / Inter - Vidyalaya activities or any other reason beyond the control ofthe student, the authority concemed shall bbe competent to condone shortage of attendance, ‘TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR PRE - BOARD EXAMINATION FirstPre-Board - ‘First Weekof December SecondPre-Board - First Week of January ‘SCHEME OF STUDIES Classes ItoV English, Hindi, Maths, Enviromental Studies, Drawing, Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW), Music, Art, Computer, Health & Physical Education Classes Vito Vill: English, Hindi, General Science, Social Studies, Computer Awareness, Maths, Sanskrit, .U.PW., Life Skil, Art, Health & Physical Education, Glasses KtoX : Sanskrit/ Hindi - Course A, English - Course A, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, S.U.PW. Life Skill, Art, Computer Awareness, Yoga, Health and wea tact ta aét sae 21 i / Physical Education, Classes XIto Xi Science Seam — - English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths / LP. Biology / Computer Science / Hindi, S.U.PW., Physical Education, General Studies. Commerce Stream - English, Accountancy, Business Studies, Computer Avrareness, Economics, Maths! LP., S.U.P.W., Physical Education, General Studies. Humanities Stream - English, History, Geography, Economics, Hindi / LP, $.U.PW., Physical Education, General Studies, Computer Awareness. FEE STRUCTURE 1. Admission fee 25.00 2. Tuition fee for boys a) Class | - VII Nil b) Class IX &X 200.00 ©) Class XI & XIl (Science Students) 400.00 d) Class XI & XIl (Non Science Students) 300.00 Tuition fee for gris: (Class | - XI!) Nil 4, Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi a) Class | - X, XI- Xil (Non-Science Students) 240.00 / Month b) Science students of class XI - Xi 300.00 / Month 5. Computer Fund (From classes Ill onwards) 0.00 / Month 6. Computer Fund (Forthase who opted Informative Practoes, Computer Science at +2 stage) 100.00 / Month ADMISSION / RE - ADMISSION FEE + An Admission Fee of Rs. 25): shall be paid at the time of fresh ‘admission to the school. %* An Admission Fee of Rs. 25/- is also charged on for transfer from other Kendriya Vidyalaya. * — Re-Admission Fee Rs. 100/-fornames struck off due to any reason. MODE OF PAYMENT Quarterly in advance by 10” of Apri, July, October and January, Fees paid up fora quarter shall not be refunded. FINE ‘Afine of Rs.51- per day for VWN and Rs.5/- per day for tuition fee will be charged upto ten working days and after which the name shall be struck off the roll due to non-payment of dues and Re-admission will be done on payment ofRs. 100/- along ith late payment of 10 days. For classes IX to XIl in respect of the students who are required to deposit tuition fees, in addition to Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi, in case of late deposit of tution fee and VN. fee fine / higher contribution is to be charged soparately @ Rs. 5/- per day. In case both tuition fees and VV. are depositedlate, the fees fine and higher contribution willbe Rs. 10-perday. Initiation is doing the right thing without being told ee? ‘The name ofthe childis to be restored only after charging late fees fine both on tultion fee and VVN. plus re-admission fee, FEE CONCESSIONS & EXEMPTIONS Exemptions from paying the tuition fees will be granted only to the following categories of students. a) Girlstudents ofall classes. b) Allstudents of classes to VI ©) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students. On production of valid Scheduled Caste Tribe certificate, d) Children of Kendriya Vidyalaya employees. 2) more than one son of the same parents are studying in classes IX to Xil, the child in highest class will pay full ulion fee and the others only halt ) Poverty cur-merit fee concession may also be granted by the Principal to the deserving students on submission of a written application from the parents, duly supported with documentry evidence. This is subject tothe available quota. 9) No exemption is granted in Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi in any class for any reason and for any category they belong to except single gil child from class VI onwards, FEE CONCESSIONS & EXEMPTIONS FOR RTE STUDENTS. a) No fee will be charged from the children admitted under the 25% quota prescribed under RTE Act, 2008. b) One set of NCERT text books for his/her class to each child will be provided by the school and other expenses on account of notebooks, stationary, uniform and transport will be reimbursed on production of proper bills in respect of 25% of the children admitted under the Act subject the celling prescribed, ©) Once the children are admitted in Class | under RTE Act, they will Continue to enjoy exemptions and concessionsttl class Villeltherin the same KV or any other KV moving on transfer as per RTE Act. d) The employees who have the facility of fee reimbursement in their departments cannot claim RTE concessions. ‘THE CLUBS AND HOUSES The students are divided into 4 houses and 8 clubs, They are encouraged to be the active participants in both. The houses and their colours are 1. Cauvery - Green, 2. Ganga - Blue, 3. Krishna - Red, 4. Vaigai- Yellow. The clubs are 1. Nature Club 2. Maths Club 3. UNESCO Club 4, Integrity Club 5. Health Club 6, Readers Club 7. Literary Club and CS area a itr & arraat 21 / UNIFORM FOR STUDENTS - 2013-2014 GIRLS BOYS tol TtoV Fabric: Chacs Fabre wi Red, ue and | Fabric: Shirt - Check Fabric with Red, le Grey Polyester $3% Coton: 7% ‘and Grey, Polyester. 93% Colon: 7%, Description: Tunic One pce Pincess | Red Fabric: Pesto 68% Viscose: 32% tin unc yi red colour > wide Peter Pan | = Shor - rey Poles: 7% Viscose: 30% Cola "Red clour edging on steve band| Description: Shirt <1" wide Neb Tito vil Mandar clare clo Fabre: Shit - Check Fabri wt Red ue and | el sleves wih 1" wie edging on Seay. Pabestr: 8s Coton: 7%. 27" wide placktin red colour, = Red Fabre: Poser 68% Vseose:50% | Soon eee ot and 1 Skit - Grey Polyester: 70% Viscose: 30% Set Tar pate poke ont hip pocket and 2" wide waist band, Description: Shirt- 1" wide Netrul ‘Mandarin collar in red colour. Vi to Xi Manca etc | an: sich rain Rd, Sats wh was cinmon [Fabre Chek an A, See cb: EeasPatre Pyaar 608 Vor 8 2 wide waistband. . Description : Shirt - © Shit collar in re color. 3 Mhareaesrescsnn rom | 2S fitn Sache hap a Fae: ein poa_ | tou: Pete ine soe: sut-crscrabiown nes | IRIS Cees win” NES Blue end Grey, Pohester: 3% Coton: 7, |= A2Pockes ene awettpocketatbeek _ | 1 Red Fabric: Polyester: 68% Viscose: 32%| SPORTS WEAR - UNISEX ‘8 Wistcoat/ Trousers - Grey Fabrie: = T-Shit- 220 GSM Pe mix 555 Polester 70% Viscose: 30% pique fab Description : Kurta 1" wide Nehru = Track pants - 260 GSM cotton Pe mix Nandarin colin re colour 56145 inlerlock fabric 111" edgin in red colour an sleeve band | Description : TShirt-=4 house colors with "Leng options fr Kurta 36 or 40" Blue and White stipe inthe collar an sloeve 1 lactet Centre Fron Opening, band with navy ble placket. 1 SloveHat sleeve wih "wide ed | Track pants -= Elasicatod Navy blue tdging at ham of sleeve tracks with white piping in the side seam 1 Side st wih red facing 1 Waist coatsched at si soam wih Kuta SOCKS — UNISEX Trousers -Staight cul wth 2" waist, Fabric 8 Coton ora band and 2 side packets, Description = Sunme- Mita length 1 "wide edging of ad colour, 2above | navy be socks wih 3 sties. hemline Winter -Md-calf gh grey socks with 3 stipes BELT FOR UNISEX SHOES FOR UNISEX Synthetics woven webbing with powder coated buckle logo of KV on buckle ‘Wi PU sola and Veer attachment HOUSE — T-SHIRTCOLOUR | HOUSE T-SHIRT COLOUR Ganga Deep alue isha Dark Red Cawery Parrot Green algal Lemon Yalow Faith isthe bid that feels the ight when the dawn fs stl dark. er / CALENDER OF ACTIVITIES - 2012-2013 FA-1 uly , | FA-2 Activities April-June, August FA-3 January FA. Activities October - December, February jy [a2 37/4" week of September SA-2 3 week of March Unit Test for Class XI (uti) Half Yearly Exam (Class XI) Session Ending Exam (Class x) 3°/Last week of July, September, January November March Iv | Pre Board Exam (Class XII) |,11| 2” week of December, January V_ | Junior Science Olympiad 1" Sunday of August vt | Junior Maths Olympiad 1" Sunday of September vii | Youth Parliament Regional Level -July Zonal Level - October vii Social Science Exhibition KV / Cluster Level- May Regional Level - October KVS Level - October IX | Science Exhibition KV Level - August -| Week Regional Level - August - Last Week KVS Level - October -Last Week x | School Annual Day x1 | Sports Day To be decided xit [Sports & Games Vidyalaya Level - April Cluster Level / Regional Level 1" week / Last week of August National Level - October Pati Scouting & Guiding Regional Level- August, KVS Level - September NHQ Level - December xi xv xv ‘Students Health Checkup School Excursion KVS Foundation Day ‘August / January October - February 15” December amet are at aval at ested 24 a waa act ait at a 21 a a wa Te We was st aT atl ee / CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - 2013-2014 Primary Section Af |Month| classes ia | Type] Classes, V&V | Type 1. | April | Crayon Rubbing u English Poem Recitation 1 2 Aon Song (Ena) 1 | Drawing " 3 Drawing | Momo Test M 4, | sune | Soo Song 1 | Bssay Wing \ 8. | Juy | Set intoducion 1] Atom Waste " 6 EngishAcionSong | G | Collage " 1 Word Ladder ng) M | Sol Song \ 8 lay Modeling wm | sit 6 a. | August} English Clirphy M__ | Hindi Poem Restaion \ 10 English lege w | Space \ " Momory Test | Mine Show 6 i Acton Song (ind) 1 | Pessage Reacing \ 12,| sept | organi Mw | Organi " English Poem Rectaton | 1 | Word Bulking " Hindi Fortnight Celebration 14.] oct | Engin soryteting — | 1 | Enaishcatirany w 15,|.Now. | Hi Herding M_ | English toy Ting \ 6 Fancy Dress we | Fancy Oess w 1 Hei Action Song & | Grup sorg 6 1) | Individual 2)M-Mass 3) G - Group. * A student can take part in any three individual (|) competitions only. ‘Never bend your head, Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye - Helen Keller. eee) April -2013 June, July -2013 ‘August - 2013 September - 2013 October - 2013 Nov-December - 2013 January - 2016 February -2014 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - 2013-2014 Secondary Section ‘April Vegetable Carving, Bouquet Preparation July Poem Composing, Group Song Competition, English Poem Recitation ‘August Solo Song, Turn Coat, Spell Bee Sept. Art from Waste, Memory Game, Dumb Charades Oct. English Elocution, Rangoli,Englsh Debate Nov. Fancy Dress Competition, Group Dance, Mono Acting Dec. Drawing and Painting Scouts & Guides : Plan of Activi 1s for 2013-2014 Flying off Ceremony & Enrolment of New Students Investiture Ceremony and Preparation for TSPL Camp & Rajya Puraskar Independence Day Celebration and Cycle Expedition Troop Meeting / Campus Cleaning / Cycle Rally Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration / All Faith Prayer / Temple Visit Village Visit / Literacy Programme ‘Annual Camp / Flag Day Celebration Republic Day Celebration / Vidyalaya Level Activities / Martyrs Day Celebration Thinking Day Celebration / All Faith Prayer Completion of Annual Activities. coder at a ar 8 Se) DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES - 2013-2014 Co-Ordinator: M. PANEER SELVAM TGT (PHE) s DATE NAME OF THE ACTIVITIES No, 1 | May AND JUNE 2013, SUMMER COACHING CAMP & ADVENTURE PROGRAMME 2. | 29.06.2013 SPORTS COMMITTEE MEETING 3. | suty 2013 INTER-HOUSE TOURNAMENT SENIOR DIVISION }4 | suwy & aucust 2013, ANNUAL SPORTS DAY ATHLETIC EVENTS - HEATS & FINALS PRACTICE - MARCH PAST & DISPLAY 5. | AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2013 | TEAM SELECTION FOR DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES AND PRACTICE FOR CLUSTER LEVEL & REGIONAL LEVEL ATHLETIC MEET 6 | SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013] KVS PRE-NATIONAL COACHING CAMP] {& NATIONAL MEET 2013 7 | ocroser 2013 & MEDICAL CHECK-UP FEBRUARY 2014 SCHOOL EXCURSION 8. | octoaer 2013, CCLUSTER LEVEL SPORT UNDER CMP (CLASSES 10 v) 9. | sanuaRy 2014 JUNIOR DIVISON INTER-HOUSE (MATCHES FOR CLASSES VIVII| ‘Attitude isa litle thing that makes a big diference - Winston Churchill ee) DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTRAMURAL MATCHES FOR SENIOR & JUNIOR DIVISION - 2013-2014 SCHEDULE 5 DATE ‘GAMES No ft foxo72018 ®HO-KHO- GIRLS (& 5) (SEMIFINALS) MONDAY KABADDI - BOYS (J & S) (SEMI FINALS) 2 | 02.07.2013 KHO-KHO - GIRLS (J & S) (FINALS) TUESDAY KABADDI - BOYS (J & S) (FINALS) 3 | 03.07.2013 KHO-KHO - BOYS (J & S) (SEMI FINALS) WEDNESDAY KABADDI - GIRLS (J & S) (SEMI FINALS) [4 | 04.07.2013 KHO-KHO - BOYS (J & S) (FINALS) THURSDAY KABADDI - GIRLS (J & S) (FINALS) 5 | 05.07.2013 FOOTBALL - BOYS (J & S) (SEMI FINALS) FRIDAY THROW BALL - GIRLS (J & S) (SEMI FINALS) 6 | 06.07.2013 FOOTBALL - BOYS (J & S) (FINALS) SATURDAY THROW BALL - GIRLS U & S) (FINALS) 7 | 08.07.2013 VOLLEYBALL - BOYS (! & S) (SEMI FINALS) MONDAY VOLLEYBALL - GIRLS (J & S) (SEMI FINALS) ig | 09.07.2013 VOLLEYBALL - BOYS (J & S) (FINALS) sTuespay VOLLEYBALL GIRLS (1 & 5) (FINALS) jp 1007.2015 BASKETBALL - BOWS UB 3) WEDNESDAY (SEMI FINALS) 10 | 11.07.2013 BASKETBALL - BOYS (J & S) THURSDAY (FINALS) ra 22.07.2013 ‘CHESS - BOYS & GIRIS FRIDAY (SELECTION TRIALS) fiz [12.07.2013 SATURDAY] CRICKET - BOWS 14.07.2013 SUNDAY__| (SEMIFINALS & FINALS) ra | 15.07.2013 BASKET BALL - GIRLS & 5) MONDAY (SEMIFINALS ta 16.07.2013 BASKET BALL -GIRIS 0&5) TuEspav (FINALS) as [17.07.2013 BADMINTON - BOYS WEDNESDAY (SELECTION TRIALS) ie [18.07.2013 BADMINTON - GIRLS THURSDAY (SELECTION TRIALS) ard sam & fire att @, sateat & adh) Se) DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTER HOUSE ATHLETIC - 2013-2014 [S.No DATE GAMES a 35.07.2033 CLASS VI BOYS AND GIRLS MONDAY HEATS AND FINALS 2 [16.07.2013 CLASSES VII & Vill (U~14) TUESDAY BOYS AND GIRLS HEATS AND FINALS. 3 [17.07.2013 WEDNESDAY | CLASSES Ix & x (U- 17) 18.07.2013 THURSDAY _| BOYS AND GIRLS HEATS AND FINALS 4 [19.07.2013 FRIDAY 20.07.2013 SATURDAY _| BOYS AND GIRLS HEATS AND FINALS ‘CLASSES X! & XII (U - 19) 5 [22.07.2013 MONDAY 7O.02.08,2013 FRIDAY _| DISPLAY PRACTICE MARCH PAST PRACTICE AND. [é_[03.08.2013 sarurpay | ANNUAL SPORTS DAY NCC ACTIVITIES - 2013-2014 ATC Camp for | Year Cadets Enrolment 1. May 2013 July 2013 3. August 2013 4. September 2013 5. October 2013 6. November 2013 7. December 2013 8. January 2014 0 w i) @ ( i) (iv) @ ( ii) (wv) @ wo (ii) (v) @ ( Gi) @ 1" year of training begins for new cadets. 2" year of training for previous year cadets. General NCC song Independence day celebration NCC organisation Attention, stand-at-ease Characteristics ofa rifle Social service activity Discipline and duty Weapon training Leadership traits Social service activity ‘Aiming range, loading and bolt manipulation National integration Duties of a good citizen Social service activity Trigger control and firing Getting on parade, dismissing and falling out Religions and customs of India "A" certificate examination for Il year cadets ‘Success comes to those who dare and act. See) LIST OF COMPULSORY HOLIDAYS FOR THE YEAR 2013 S.No,| Holidays and Connected Festivals | Date [Days of Week 1 [Pongal /14.01.2013] Monday 2 |Mitad-Un-Nabi (or) d-E-Milad | (25.01.2003) Friday 3 [RepublicDay +i 04 2000) Saturday 4 [Good Friday [29.03.2013) Friday 5__ [Mahavir Jayanthi [24.04 2013] Wednesday 6 [Buddha Purnima [25.05.2013] Saturday 7_[idw'tFitr (Ramzan) 09.08.2013] Friday [independence Day 11.08.2013] Thursday 9 |Vinayaka Chaturthi 02.09.2013] Monday 10_|Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday lo2.10.2013| Wednesday 11_|Mana Sapthami (Adcitonal day of Dussehra) [11.10.2013] Friday 12_|Dussehra (Vijaya Dashami) 13.10.2013] Sunday 13_|1du’t Zuha (Bakrid) 16.10.2013 Wednesday 14_| Diwali loz.11.2013| Saturday 15_| Muharram 14.11.2013] Thursday 16_|Guru Nanak’s Birthda 17.11.2013] Sunday 17_| Christmas 25.12.2013] Wednesday LIST OF RESTRICTED HOLIDAYS FOR THE YEAR 2013 SINo. | Holidays and Connected Festivals | Date Days of Week 1 RamNavami 19042013 | Friday 2 [samat-utvida 02.08.2013 | Friday 3__| Janmashtami 26.08.2013 | Wednesday 4 [nam 16.09.2013 | Monday S| Bhai Diu) 05.11.2013 | Tuesday 6 _| Sports Day 2013 Reserved 7 [Annual Day 2013 Reserved ‘Summer Vacation ; 05.05.2013 (Sunday) to 23.06.2013 (Sunday) (50 Days) + 11.10.2013 (Friday) to 20.10.2013 (Sunday) (10 Days) 22.42.2018 (Sunday) to 01.01.2014 (Wednesday) (11 Days) ‘Autumn Break Winter Break A smile goes farther than amie Bw LIBRARY RULES 4. Allstudents of the school are members ofthe library. 2. Strict discipline and silence are to be observed in the library and reading room 3, Astudent from class VI to XII ean borrow only two books at atime. 4, Library books can be issued and returned during library period of the class only and notin any teaching period 5. Library books should be properly looked after and deposited on due date. 6. Marking, underlining, cutting and erasing or dog-earing pages of books are strictly prohibited, Borrower is liable to be punished, if any such damage to the library books is detected by the Librarian, 7. Text books, reference books, journals and periodicals, are to be read inthe library and reading room only, as those are not meant for home: 8. The Librarian may recall a book at any time in case of urgency. 8. Library books are to be deposited atleast one week before leaving the station or any break and one month before any vacation. 10, A ‘No Due Certificate for each student isto be obtained from Librarian while withdrawing any student from the school RULES OF THE SCHOOL 4, Onworking days and at the school functions, children are excepted to ‘wear the uniform prescribed for the session. They must come to school neatly dressed; or else they will be sent back and will be liable to disciplinary action, 2, Children are strictly forbidden from going out ofthe school during school hours without permission from the Principal 3. Books, Notebooks, Bags, Tiffin Box etc. should bear the name and class of the owner. The school is not responsible for any such thing that getslost, 4. Those who bring bicycles should keep them properly locked at the place fixed forthem. Cycling in the school premises isnotallowed. 5. Oncea student attends the school, he/she will not be allowed any sort of leave; In case of emergency, the child would be escorted home by the parentwith the written permission ofthe Principal 6. Class monitors shall maintain the class discipline in the absence of the teacher. All students should co-operate with the monitor in maintaining the discipline ofthe class. 7. Nostudent hall go out ofthe class without class out-pass. 8. Nostudent shall oterin the Vidyalaya and disturb the teaching of other necarrien at dst 3 fred asarar ar Peeve ghar 2 - sear ards | classes. Free times is to be properly utlized in the reading room and library 9, Students coming to school on their own must use only bicycle. APPEAL TO THE PARENTS. 1, Please be cooperative with the school in ensuring an effective ‘education for your children. This can be done by (providing facilities to studies at home. (i) providing textbooks, notebooks and other requirements for your ward (ii) assisting and guiding in doing histher homework. (iv) assisting your ward in removing histher deficiency in a particular subject. (V)_ depositing foes as per Rules and, (vi) providing proper schoo! uniform. 2) Please look into your ward's schoo! diary frequently and see to it that the assigned home-work is done regularly 3) Please see and countersign the remarks made in the school diary regularly, 4) Ifyouee! that your ward snot making the desired progress, kindly meet ‘the Principal. You are always welcome to the school to assure the progress of your ward, 5) You may contact the subject teachers and class teachers personally in the staffroom, Please don't disturb the class by visiting the classroom. 6) Please always send a leave application of your ward addressed to the Principal through class teacher prior to the absence of your ward duly altested by you. Please don't request for part-ime leave of your ward. 7) Please ensure that your ward comes regulary in neat, clean and tidy school uniform, Don'force the authority for exemption, 8) Please dont send your ward to school when they suffer from any infectious disease. 9) Please don'tgive costly things to yourward 10) Please ensure that your ward is escorted safely to school and back home. 411) Please altend the Parent-Teacher meetings held in the Vidyalaya regularly, 12) Please give your complete residential and official address with phone / ‘mobile numbers tothe Vidyalaya for communication. 18) Please see that your ward participates actively in Games/Sports, S.U.PI. activities and other co-curricular activities held in school. If you don' like something, changeit I’ you cantt change it, change your attitude / 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR OUR STUDENTS. A)AT SCHOOL B) DURING LUNCH BREAK ¢) AT CLASS ROOM D) OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL, ‘TRUST YOURSELF, BE CONFIDENT, YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR Develop your belongingness to the school and utlize the facilites, provided by the school properly. You should come in line along with your classmates for the assembly. You should take part in the assembly programme and CCA atleast ‘once ina year. You should behave politely with your juniors as well as with your seniors, ‘You should bring your lunch to the school. You are not allowed to go home for the lunch. To inculcate the habit of living together, you should have your lunch along with your classmates. ‘You should maintain the cleanliness of the classroom by dropping the waste in the dustbins. You should move in line whenever you go out along with the student to attend the classes for Music, SUPW, PET ete. ‘You should be proud of your school. ‘Your behaviour should bring name and fame to your school You should maintain discipline not only outside the school campus but also in the public transport. TARGET THROUGH REGULAR HARDWORK Plan up daily ime table, Give equal weightage to each subject, Start your day with difficult subject. Try to understand subject matter and memorize the portion you have studied Include break time in between each task for shor relaxation, Strike off the completed task. ‘Always stick to your time table. Go through the portion of lesson before a subject starts in the class, At the end of the note, write main points as heading / summary. BEEBE worms geste & sitar Ht a ara frectina 81 - wate Breet er / ENDORSEMENT | have read all the rules and regulations of the school, laid down in this diary and | am happy to co-operate with the Vidyalaya to see that the rules framed in the interest of my ward studying in Class and Section are followed in letter and spirit. | shall make regular check of my ward's diary and will take necessary remedial steps. Parent's / Guardian's Signature SPECIMEN SIGNATURES Father Fotners Mother werner: Local Local Guardian Guradian’s (ifany) Photo Papi's Pui Puri Fall seven times, stand up eight - Japanese Proverb. J ‘STAFF LIST ‘SINo. Name Designation 1_[_ Shri G. Muthiah Principal 2_ | Shri C. Vasahan Vice Principal 3 _| Ms. Selvarnathy PGT (PHY) 4_[ Smt VP Sridevi PGT (MATHS) 3_| Smt S. Vanmathi Devi PGT (HIST) 6 _| Smt KS. Shyamala PGT (COM) 7_[ Smt AR. Kohila PGT (GEO) 3 | On Selvaraj PGT (ECO) 9 | Smt TS Ashadew PGT (ENG) 40_[_ Smit. T Merey Suguna PGT (ENG) 1t_| Sn P Seonivasan PGT (Phy) 12_| Smt. k Florence PGT (B10) | 43_[_ Smt V. Gowri PGT (CHE) 14_[_ShviT.Velu PGT (CHE) 15_| Smit P. Viayara) PGT (MATHS) 16 [Shi Aman Gupta PGT (CS) 17_[_Smt T Revathi TGT (MATHS) 18_ | Shi AR. Kumar TET (ENG) 19_[_ Shi P. Sudalal TST (MATHS) 20__| Mr Shyama Ram TGT(SKT) 21_[ Smt R. Kothaimani TGT (MATHS) 22_ | Simi 7. Rengalakshmn TST (Sc 23_[ Smt. D. Bharathi TGT(ENG) 24 | Shri. K. Ganapathy Sankara Subramanian TGT (SST) 25__| Smt M. Devaki TGT (MATHS) 26_[ Smit Jansi Ruth Margret TGT (Sci) 27_|_ Shi. TS, Srinivasan TET (ENG) 28_[ Smt. S. Shanthi TT (ENG) 28__| Smt S. Hemalatha TST SCH 30_[ Dr Asi Kumar Tewari TGT (SST) 31_| Shri S. Jayachandran TGT (An Edu) 32_| Shri M Panneer Selvam TT (PHE) 33 | Shri. R. Narayanan TCT (WET) fret iPr 9 anit aerdt aa sed ahh pe aa wed at aif afi A BL - stead omgectat © STAFELST aie ‘ame Besignaion a [Se Ren le 35 ‘Shri, P. Madhusudhanan PRT (Music) 96 |S Una Ganesan Par a7 [Sa Raa mar Se [ Soe SF Sita Fer 39 [Si Chandan Par fo [ Sms Rajsvar rar [See Hated Fa #2 [ Si ST Chand Pa 15 [SiS Gopalsratnan Par Z| Sat haiti ag Pa 45, ‘Smt. Manjula Selvi Princess PRT | 76 [SH Venkatesan Par a7 Sat 6 Sant Pa a_[ Sat RA Sicha er 75 [ S65 Mngen PRT so_[ Sat Ama J rar S| See Vani Fe 52 [Smt VS Prbhaden PT 55 [ir eae Par Sie Raina De 35 [Sat EK Shar ine 56 [SHA Sankar cab Sr Si-5 Peratanpan sub Sa Sa [ SW kore Sa Sat 65 [SK Mangan Sub Sat Love oF i wey Teh Tehcner, The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our ie in harmony with all existence | ‘GLASS TEACHERS Glass [Section] Class Teacher Name | Go-Glass Teacher Name 1 ‘A_ | Mrs. Manjula Selvi Princess | Mrs. indira Ramraju 8 | Mrs. Indira Ramraju Mrs. Manjula Selvi Princess | wrs.Amirtha Anbalagan | Mrs. S.P.Subbulakshmi D_[Mrs. S.PSubbulakshmi | Mrs. Amirtha Anbalagan ul A__| Mrs. VS Prabhadevi Cont 8 | Cont Mrs. V.S Prabhadevi | Mrs. c. Shanthi Mrs. Amutha. J D | Mrs. Amutha. J Mis. C. Shanthi ut ‘A | Mr. Jesthendra Mr. 8.7, Chandran B | Mr. S.7. Chandran Me Jeethenara | Mrs. MMahadovi Mrs. K.ASushama | Mrs. KASushama Mrs. MMahadevi v_ | A | hr-s.Gopatakrishnan _| Mrs. S. Rajeswari 8 | Mrs. S. Rajeswari Mr. §.Gopatakrishnan | Mrs. KChandraleela Cont | Cont Mrs. K.Chandraleeta v A | Mrs. . Laithambika Mr. N. Venkatesan B | MeN. Venkatesan Mis. V. Lalithambika | Cont Mr. 6.8. Murugan | Mr.G.s. Murugan Cont vl A | Mrs.trRevathy Mc KRamasamy 8 | Mrs. MDevaki Mr. KRamasamy | Mis. RKothaimani Mr S.Jeyachandran D_[ Mrs. SHomatatha Mr. SJeyachandran fara cafes 3 ait serdt vat Pe set ait ge sar eet at aif afi A BL - stead omgectat | ‘CLASS TEACHERS Gass [Section] Class Teacher Name | Co-Class Teacher Name vi | A | Me dR Margrato WR Narayanan B_| Mr PSudata Wr RNarayanan | mr-S.eyachandran | Mr PSeenivasan © | Mr Narayanan Wr PSeenivasan vin [A _ [Mn KRamasamy Wn PSeerivasan 8 [wriPancersevam | hc PSeonivasan | wr Ram Wir M Paneer Selvam D_| wrsSNanmathy Devi __| Mr M.Paneer Selvam «| A | tre. OBharainy rs. KForence 8 | Ws TRengalakshmi __| Mrs. K Florence ©_| wis. AR Kora Wis. KFlorence © | tre. Shanthi Wis. KFlorence x_|_A_ [Mi tSSrnivasan Pores) 8 | wrastiKumartowan | PGTICS) Pfc | a kumar PGT (6S) D [Mr kGanapany ss. | PGTICS) x [at [Me vPSreedevi Wis. Vow m2 | tr Vaya) Wis, Gow 8 [oc osevaraj Ws. Vows | mrAman Gupta Mis. iGows xt | _at_ | MstSetvamatny ws. T Morey Suguna ne | wetvews Ws. TMerey Suguna 8 _| Mok Shyamala Wis. Merey Suguna © | mrstS.Ashadev ws T Morey Suguna Education is the transmission of chilization See) MY TEACHERS SUBJECT TEACHER'S NAME English Hindi Maths evs Social Studies Sanskrit Chemistry Physics Biology History Geography Accountancy Business Studies Economics Informative Practices Computer Science sUPW PI. / Yous Music fara ore ahh 3 ag ot are at ot aear 81 - tantra Safer Dat Subject Home Work Signature : Teacher Parent Dat Subject Home Work Signature: Teacher Parent er? urge wert Rearsit at aaffre Prats / ANNUAL RECORD OF C.C.A. Ss. | pate Name of the Competition Position Grade Sign. of Teacher Sign of Parent By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin, ee) SUPPLEMENTARY READING RECORD Date Tile ofthe Book Author Source | Remarks Se) BOOKS | HAVE READ Tite Author Date of Issue Date of Return Remarks ‘Once you start a working on something, donit be afraid of failure and don't abandon it People who work sincerely are the happiest - Chanakya, ee BOOKS | HAVE READ Date of | Date of No, me Author [issue _| Return Remarks ae at agora afte at gfrar af ara dart ated 31 - ero viet 2 PARENTS' REMARKS Date Remarks Signatare of Parents | Guardian ‘Sigratore oF Teacher ‘Man is But the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he Becomes - Mahatma Gandhi —SSSSSSSSS—COFSss/? LEAVE PARTICULARS OF STUDENT ‘Students Leave We.of | Signature of Particu Leave Days| Parents Guardian Date ren wart arerat efare 3 fred gPrat at aa HT Waa 1 - Acar Hse ‘UeIpIEND /J21pOH ig upee1 8810) sys0w0y polgng yes joubis | yo aumeubig | 40 eameusig ovea (219 eo1aiag [eioog ‘Buywiog oye7 nolneyag BulpueBey) sHYYWSY S.YSHOVAL SSVT9 / S, TvdlONId Facer fea ated tar site saat éf errant abit! - ahr will make a note in this Proforma. The guardian is requested to ini Wo Thou Date | nomenon [Guardian | Date | nomewerk | Sublect In subect InSubjct | Teacher Guardian arg atte ret Pett at acter at aed 2 DATE SHEET FOR FORMATIVE / SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT / EXAMINATIONS Date Subject Portions. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT! ‘SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IV SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT I fear ga area wih areas at oar ~ Aa er TIME TABLE g 2 | = = z Zl e| ze] EF) e] .] 2 | 2) 3] | 2] Be] § 2,/2/2/2/]é)] 2 Instruction ends in the schockroom, but education ends only with ie

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