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Week 11

Middle East in Global Politics and significance of Saudi-Iran

Assess contemporary developments including Arab Spring and the
rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran for Middle East

The Middle East has been a region of significant geopolitical importance due to its
vast energy resources, strategic location, and historical and cultural significance. The
dynamics of the region have been shaped by a multitude of factors, including
conflicts, revolutions, and shifting alliances. Two key players in the Middle East,
Saudi Arabia and Iran, have been central to the regional dynamics and have often
been involved in proxy conflicts.
Arab Spring:
The Arab Spring, which began in 2010, marked a series of uprisings and protests
across several Arab countries, demanding political reform, economic justice, and an
end to authoritarian rule. The impact of the Arab Spring varied across the region,
with some countries experiencing significant political changes, while others faced
increased instability and conflict.
Impact on the Middle East:
Political Changes: The Arab Spring led to the overthrow of long-standing rulers in
countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. These events reshaped the political
landscape and raised hopes for greater democratic governance.
Increased Instability: In some cases, the aftermath of the Arab Spring led to
increased instability and the rise of extremist groups. Conflicts in Syria and Yemen,
in particular, escalated, leading to humanitarian crises and regional power struggles.
Authoritarian Responses: Some countries responded to the protests with
repression, curbing dissent and tightening control to prevent similar uprisings.
Bahrain, for example, witnessed a crackdown on protests.
Saudi-Iran Rapprochement:
The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been characterized by regional
rivalry, sectarian tensions (Sunni-Shia divide), and proxy conflicts in countries like
Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. However, there have been instances of diplomatic efforts
aimed at easing tensions:
Significance of Rapprochement:
Regional Stability: Improved relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran could
contribute to greater stability in the Middle East. Both countries are influential
regional powers, and reduced tensions could positively impact conflicts in Yemen,
Syria, and Iraq.
Economic Cooperation: Saudi Arabia and Iran are major oil producers, and
cooperation between them could have positive implications for regional economic
stability. Joint efforts in addressing common challenges, such as energy security and
economic development, could benefit both nations.
Religious Diplomacy: Given the sectarian nature of the Saudi-Iran rivalry, a
rapprochement could help ease tensions between Sunni and Shia communities
across the region. This could contribute to a more inclusive and stable political

Diplomatic Initiatives: Various diplomatic initiatives have been attempted to

improve relations, including backchannel talks and mediation efforts by other
countries. While progress has been slow, any positive movement is crucial for
regional peace.
Ongoing Challenges:
Despite the potential benefits, several challenges persist:
Deep-seated Rivalry: Historical, religious, and geopolitical factors contribute to a
deep-seated rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Overcoming these deep-rooted
issues requires sustained diplomatic efforts.
Proxy Conflicts: The influence of Saudi Arabia and Iran in various proxy conflicts
continues to be a source of tension. Resolving conflicts in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq
requires not only Saudi-Iran cooperation but also broader international efforts.
US-Iran Relations: The role of external actors, particularly the United States, in
the region affects the dynamics between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Changes in U.S.
policy, including the Iran nuclear deal, can impact regional dynamics.

In conclusion, the Middle East remains a complex and dynamic region with
ongoing challenges and opportunities. The Arab Spring and the potential for Saudi-
Iran rapprochement are crucial factors shaping the regional landscape. Successful
diplomatic efforts could contribute to stability, but overcoming deep-seated issues
and addressing ongoing conflicts require sustained commitment from regional and
international actors.

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